Politicians often forget what they said, but their printed word doesn't! These are excerpts from "His Honors" 1994 run for mayor!

Wow, what the heck happened in a few short years? We go from "reformer" to grab the land from Schnucks via "eminent domain!" Yes indeed Mr. Mayor, read your own words and tell us where and why you went to the "dark side."
Amazing that a guy who said were taxed to the limit now has enacted (with the help of the "four Horse persons of the ridiculous") more tax increases than BHO!
Well mien Fuhrer (my leader for all you Roy supporters)you can forget about any more tax increases in the future until YOU show some leadership and trim the darned budget to where it should be! How you say? Well for starters no more "double dipping," IE, animal control goes, the bridge to no-where is put on hold, the Sappington House is given to the County, the staff of the City Administrator is reduced, and EVERYONE in City hall pulls their own weight for a change! When and if that ever happens we may reward you, but till then, forget about it!
Tom Ford
NO. 807
One important action you have forgotten. The mayor promised to eliminate the dual position (jobs) held by individuals in the city IE. the chief of police/ city administrator. Although the mayor did eliminate that position he created another referred to as the code enforcement inspector/Sappington house caretaker.
What happened with that promise?
9:31 PM Blogger: True indeed, thank you for reminding me! There are so many things it's hard to keep up with them all.
For instance there is the part of his campaign flier where he states reference the appointment of a new major to the Police Department. "Changing the requirements after the fact is not only un-fair but is illegal under our City ordnance which established our Civil Service regulations."
"If you want morale and fairness restored in our Police Department demand that the mayor and the Board Of Aldermen take action to correct this un-fortunate miscarriage of justice."
Fast forward to now when he changes the Civil Service rules via a "Roy commission" appointed by him, and rubber stamped by his minions on the Board.
Previously he presided over the appointment of new command staff officers (minus oral boards) at the Police Department (passing over more qualified officers) and we find A complete reversal of his promises.
In 94 you asked for a "special prosecutor" to investigate the promotion of the Major, what about now?
Are we "working both sides of the street" here "your Honor," are we better off with or without you? The Citizens will decide this coming year.
Tom Ford
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