The Quran, and Reverend Terry Jones, what say you? (click here for the story.)

We all have heard the story of the proposed burning of the Quran on September 11, 2010 by a Small (50 member) church in Gainesville Fl. What I am wondering is what Crestwood residents think of it?
As a Christian I have to say, I understand, but I do not approve. What this has come to seems to be way past the symbolism the Rev. Jones says it is, and seems to have taken on a life of it's own.
On one hand we have the first amendment which guarantees him the right to do it (unless it causes harm,) and on the other we have the need for freedom of religion for ALL religions from Apostolic to Wicken, and anything in between. In America today some put a great deal of emphasis on political correctness, but is that really where we should be going?
No other nation in the World will change their structure to follow ours, nor should they, so is it really necessary for us to bow to their wishes? I say no, it is not. Now enter the P.C. crowd that tells us that were not allowed to feel superior, we are not to hurt their feelings, we are not allowed to tell the truth about them, and we must never, ever respond to any threat real or imagined.
What we are building is a recipe for the annihilation of each and every one of us if these ideas are left un-checked. We live in a far different world today than we did on September 10, 2001. America is a war with Islamic extremists and there is no denying that to survive we must win it. We have tried the "be nice" routine and it hasn't worked, as a matter of fact it was announced today that the Military had to burn Bibles written in Arabic so as not to offend them.
It was said by Sir Winston Churchill, "An appeaser is one who feeds the alligator hoping he will eat him last."
What say you?
Tom Ford
NO. 802
America needs to address its own extremeists. This man is exactly what he claims to hate: a biggoted, intolerant religious extremist. Just because he's white, American and supposedly "Christian" doesn't make him any different than they are. White American "Christians: have long displayed ugly intolerance and biggotry: The Irish, African Americans, Native Americans, now Islam. It's the same pattern, same routine. Always with the same claim you just wrote: "we are facing annihilation of each and every one of us". The fact of the matter is, he's a religious nutcase in a tiny little fringe church who doesn't care who he hurts. Even one of our soldiers that comes home in a coffin because of his actions is too many, and the leader of our troops has said so publically. He simply doesn't care. He loves the attention and the media coverage and getting a national forum to rant his hate message. Again, the very things he claims to hate in "them".
Latest news is that the Rev. is now not going to do it. Reason and judgment got the better of him I guess.
Well what ever, I am glad!
Tom Ford
“You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence.”
by C.A. Beard
Tom Ford
White American "Christians: have long displayed ugly intolerance and biggotry: The Irish, African Americans, Native Americans, now Islam
Would this poster who says of the Islamic extremists, they are just a very small minority also allow the same to be said of the few white American Christian extremists, they are just a very small minority?
yes, I think that's true, it is a small number. It just seems to take a very small number to have a national wave of hatred. It is just a small number of fringe Christians perpetuating it. But look at the national discussion that has ensued. The flap over an Islamic community center 2 blocks from Ground Zero in the old Burlington Coat Factory, as if that building is hallowed ground. They are also ignoring that fact that there are 2 Mosques very near Ground Zero and have been for decades. That is quietly ignored while we rage and scream about a community center 2 blocks away. It's a growing prejudice that, sadly, seems to be very much in keeping with the "American way".
11:42 AM Blogger: Would you agree that in both cases it's legal to do what they wanted to do? If so, would you agree that while legal it is at best irresponsible in both cases?
If you agree to both you are totally correct in that what is legal is not always right in the end. In my estimation the Mosque should not be there as a "Victory" Mosque (See Medina) anymore than the Quoran should be defiled.
Simple, no? Now watch while the people on both sides of this spin, obfuscate, and generally blow a real chance for meaningful dialog.
Tom Ford
I cannot understand the objection to the new community center, with a culinary school, a gym, and worship spaces for every religion, with no objection to the 2 mosques right there at Ground Zero. I guess the difference is that the 2 mosques were already there and no one had the fortitude to demand they be torn down?
4:09 PM Blogger: Sorry but "worship spaces for every religion" will NOT be allowed at ANY Mosque! The Quoran is the only holy book allowed in a Mosque, and as such the only religion allowed is the Muslim faith.
I could agree with you if it were a "community center," but alas it is not. The name of the Mosque is to be "Medina" the site of their victory in Spain during the Crusades. Hard core Muslim's have a habit of commemorating a "Victory" for their side by placing a "Victory Mosque" at or near the site of their triumph.
This is an attempt to do exactly that, and to me it is a slap in the face to every relative of the dead on 9/11/01! They may build it wherever they wish, but not there for reasons that are all too obvious.
I am old enough to remember WW2 and Pearl harbor. Would America have allowed the Japanese to build Shinto Shrines 9 years later at Ford Island, or Keneoie Bay? The short answer is no, we are dealing with a group who would view us as weak, and un-worthy every day were this be allowed to be built.
How many Christian missionaries or civilian workers have been murdered since 1978? I don't know but I do know it's substantial. What we do know is that over 3,000 of our Countrymen and Women lost their lives (read they were murdered) to these radicals on 9/11/01, and it must never be allowed to happen again.
Sorry about the rant but I feel very strongly that celebrating their death by an avowed enemy is not, and will never be the right thing to do!
Tom Ford
I have read it will be called "Cordoba House", and it will, in fact, include spaces for all religions.
IF the media did not make you aware of this incident would you even care?
7:59 PM Blogger: I have also heard "Cordoba house" however that was also a site of a Muslim victory in Spain during the Crusades!
Medina, Cordoba, it's all the same, and they will NEVER allow ant religion but the Muslim faith in there, trust me.
I have no problem with not allowing any other religion as most others (I.E. Lutheran, Catholic, ETC.) will not allow others as well.
The name and proximity to the Twin Towers is what really bothers me.
Tom Ford
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