The Republican "pledge" to America by Mr. Kevin Jackson (click here please.)
As a Reagan Conservative I am 100% on the side of Mr. Jackson on this one. For far to long we have been subjected to "tax and spend" on both sides of the isle (the democrats have raised it to an art form,) but both sides are guilty.
As Mr. Jackson so aptly puts it we do not want "watered down lite tea!" What I am looking for in November is a REAL PERSON who will tell the truth for a change, and not say one thing and do another.
Tip O'Neil once said that "All politics is local" and he was right. Look at Crestwood where we have four Board members who THINK THROUGH THE ISSUES, and four who are but rubber stamps for "His Honor!" Sad but true, were it not so.
One of the posters on another thread said that their IQ was to high to be a "Tea Party member," and that in itself shows me the real reason were in the mess were in now. What's that you say? Well that person and others like them have become "sheeple" who are willing to follow the leader over a cliff if need be. To high an IQ? well I think it's more of a narcissistic arrogance attitude that make them think they are above the rest of us.
The real problems this Nation faces must and will be rectified in November by a bunch of simple "Tea Party people" with perhaps lesser IQ's, but with a love of this great nation that propells them to act, and act they have! I am proud to say that I am a card carrying member of that and other groups who are not "sheeple," nor are they followers, they are patriots all, and that in the end is what will bring back America!
Tom Ford
NO. 809
As Mr. Jackson so aptly puts it we do not want "watered down lite tea!" What I am looking for in November is a REAL PERSON who will tell the truth for a change, and not say one thing and do another.
Tip O'Neil once said that "All politics is local" and he was right. Look at Crestwood where we have four Board members who THINK THROUGH THE ISSUES, and four who are but rubber stamps for "His Honor!" Sad but true, were it not so.
One of the posters on another thread said that their IQ was to high to be a "Tea Party member," and that in itself shows me the real reason were in the mess were in now. What's that you say? Well that person and others like them have become "sheeple" who are willing to follow the leader over a cliff if need be. To high an IQ? well I think it's more of a narcissistic arrogance attitude that make them think they are above the rest of us.
The real problems this Nation faces must and will be rectified in November by a bunch of simple "Tea Party people" with perhaps lesser IQ's, but with a love of this great nation that propells them to act, and act they have! I am proud to say that I am a card carrying member of that and other groups who are not "sheeple," nor are they followers, they are patriots all, and that in the end is what will bring back America!
Tom Ford
NO. 809
in my opinion the Republican party is the definition of "narcisstic arrogance", as you put it. And I don't belive you'll find one single person from that party to run in
2012 that will be anything different. Look at the national players for the party and tell me one single person you would put in office with a straight face. Palin? She's just a joke. Who, then?
8:53 M Blogger: I agree with you all the way down to Sarah Palin. Sarah seems to be able to draw a crowd no matter where she goes, is she right all the time, I doubt it, but she is refreshing.
Now as to whom to put up against the democrats? Well I am still waiting for someone to "show me" the leadership I am looking for.
One thing for sure is that virtually anyone will beat BHO as long as he stays on his current path (and he will.)
I am sick and tired of the Republican establishment in Washington who will not listen to US, and the RINOS who lie, cheat and steal their way through our tax money, they have to go, period!
Now, where do we find such a person as Ronald Wilson Reagan? I really don't know but God willing we will.
Tom Ford
remeber that Reagan wasn't perfect either. Not at all.
12:55 PM Blogger: No one is going to be "perfect," but Reagan, Trueman, and Kennedy came as close as you can in my lifetime.
Now on the other side of "perfection" we have;
Each had their quirks and flaws, and some were flat out "progressives" that threatened this Nation.
I am sure some will say "you don't understand," un-fortunately I do understand which is why I rail against Progressive / Liberals every chance I get.
Tom Ford
Gosh..he was just a man who made mistakes. Some of the very same things being yelled about right now. Hmmm...especially the last paragraph.
"In short, Ronald Reagan has been beatified into some sort of saint, as if he were above the petty lapses and contradictions of today's candidates. The result is that conservatives are losing sight of Reagan the man while placing unrealistic requirements of perfection on his would-be successors.
They have forgotten that Reagan - facing spiraling deficits, sinking poll ratings and a hostile Congress - reluctantly signed legislation raising payroll, income and gasoline taxes, some of them among the largest in our history. He promised to limit government and eliminate the Departments of Education and Energy. Instead, when faced with congressional and popular opposition, he relented and even grew government by adding a secretary of veteran affairs to the Cabinet.
Two of his Supreme Court appointments, Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy, were far more liberal than George W. Bush's selections, the diehard constructionists, John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
Reagan's 1986 comprehensive immigration bill turned out to be the most liberal amnesty for illegal aliens in our nation's history, and set the stage for the present problem of 12 million aliens here unlawfully."
3:18 PM Blogger: No they aren't mistakes when it comes to BHO, they are on purpose! BHO is an avowed socialist who sat at the feet of Saul Alinsky, Bernadette Dorn, Bill Ares, Rev. Wright, and any other Communist he could find.
BHO is into "one world order" no matter what the consequences to America may be. He is also on a track to bankrupt every one of us (in the name of redistribution,) one way or the other.
Reagan made mistakes, I agree, BHO does it willfully with malice of forethought my friend, pure and simple, ERGO no comparison.
Tom Ford
Try this one on for size and then see if you can still tell me BHO and his minions are that great. This is insanity and you know it, it failed under FDR (extended the depression by 7 years,) and it failed again under Obama!
Pray tell, when do we learn from the past, or are you going to tell me that, "it's just because THEY haven't tried it yet?"
Tom Ford
wellll, I don't don't think the arms deal with Iran was an accident.....just a little mistake...whoops! Did we do that??
5:44 Pm Blogger: No it wasn't an accident, but neither was the "world apology tour," the Bowing to a Foreign National, the snubbing of Israel, or the challenge to the Arizona law!
Given a chance I would have given arms to the foes of Democracy in a heart beat. It does seem to me that only one thing is important here, and that is "We win, they loose." (RWR)
Tom Ford
A message from President Ronald Reagan in the 80's. Please note that it is even more relevant today!
Tom Ford
let go of the 80's.
9:06 AM Blogger: Obviously some of us did, and just look what happened!
Should we also "let go" of the things that happened in 1776? I guess they are no longer relevant, right?
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford you said,"Pray tell, when do we learn from the past, or are you going to tell me that."
When will you learn from the past mistakes of conservative unregulated fiscal policies. These policies got us where we are currently, the Dem's , though sometimes misguided, are trying something different.
5:50 PM Blogger: "Franky," welcome to the Blog My friend. Yes they have tried something different, and now we are on the very brink of bankruptcy!
What they are trying has been tried in Europe, Russia, and just about every other socialist Country to no avail. Now they tell us that the only reason it failed is because they weren't in charge of it.
Sorry my friend but these ideas are not for America, never have been, and never will be.
Tom Ford
um, Europe isn't a country....
let go of the 30's and the 1917 Revolution
9:43 PM Blogger: UM no it isn't, who said it was? I was saying it has been tried in Europe,Russia, ETC. I did not say Europe was a country.
Re-read please.
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford,
Saying "these ideas are not for America" is just plain un-American. American was founded upon the principles that all, ideas are "for America" if it will improve the lives of her citizens.
You act as if present day Germany is a horrible place to live. They live in a Democratic state with a socialist leaning government. Are they evil no, are they a functioning nation yes. They are the one country in Europe with money still, because their Government exercised control of the finances. Yes, unemployment in Germany is always high, but those people are still taken care of (healthcare unemployment), because Germans believe that they are only as strong as their weakest link.
Republicans in this country trust those in charge of banks and want to deregulate them. I for one do not, because I didn't choose them. I did choose my Senators whom I know, (to some degree) to control banks, because at least I know them. I also trust my representatives to make a better health care plan, rather than the Healthcare Executives.
I think you and those people who think like you may be close minded about too many things. The world has changed since the glory years of Reaganomics. His financial and social policies would have no chance of working. We are at an unprecedented moment in history when the culture and structure of this world are no longer what they were. Embrace new ideas or you, and those you think like you, will never catch back up.
My suggestion to you is to reconsider why you write this blog. The blog is called the Crestwood Independent; if I were you I would just keep being the local watch dog. You do a great service when you stick to monitoring our cities government, but you do everyone a great disservice when you try to wade into National and International policies. You clearly are not educated in these matters and frankly you spread misinformation. Please continue your work looking after the local government, it is the most American thing you are doing.
Franky, I write this Blog to promote Freedon and Liberty as well as to watch local Government for all of us.
I will take your suggestions under advisement, but I do wonder just how "educated" you have to be to see your Liberty evaporating into socialism?
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford,
You clearly can't help yourself in casting an ominous shadow over the concept of socialism (or anything different). You did this with the implied threat that "liberty" may be taken from the people.
Some socialist ideas might help reining in corporations within our country. I don't advocate for 1938 style fascism.
I don't suggest we become something other than America, but history, to this point, suggests that America has evolved ahead of everyone else thus remaining THE world power.
You are stuck in your rhetoric and you are entitled to it. America must evolve, and evolve fast. I'm on board for new ideas or at least considering them. Your body of work indicates to me that you want more of the same.
The first two years of unprecedented policies have laid a foundation for something new. You can wait to see the results then shoot it down or you can abort any chance at something better.
3:46 PM Blogger: Franky, I would guess that by your posts you are a young "Progressive / Liberal" right? I say that because I live in the greatest land in the world, made so by our AMERICAN fore fathers who were capitalists, not socialists.
Socialism has failed to meet expectations no matter where or who tried it including the Obama crowd. Since when can the Government tell a American what they can and cannot make, or how to run their business?
These are the things you would have me embrace as well as socialized medicine, and tax increases to pay for a bum who will not work.
Fortunately for all us November 2 is coming very soon and these communistic ideas will be out of fashion and their purveyors out of office!
Now if you think I am steeped in our American ideals, your 100% right my friend, and that will never ever change!
Now you said something has to change, well let those with the socialist / communist ideals change, and very soon.
Tom Ford
Your inability to tell the difference between communism and socialism is comical. However, your ability to bring another "scary" word, communism, into the discussion is typical of a person of your political leanings.
Your fifth paragraph indicates to me that you believe you are more American than I, thus your point of view is more valid. You are wrong on that point.
Remember, at many of the turning points in our history sat a progressive president.
I said previously that we are in a world that will leave us behind if we don't adapt. Moving forward into any of two ideologies we have used to this point will only move us back in the long run.
You have a blog, great, I am sure you are tech savvy. But once again, your body of work indicates to me you might not know our, new world, as well as you think you do. Just like I don't know things about the seventies that you might know.
Please continue to enjoy and exercise your first amendment rights, as will I. Believe this if those rights are ever infringed upon I would be the first to stand up.
5:35 PM Blogger: Franky, thanks for confirming my suspicion's. I do know of the "New World" you speak of as well as the "One World order" which your socialist buddies are trying to foist off on America, and I reject both ideas!
As far as not knowing the difference between a socialist and a communist, well I believe a communist is but a socialist in a hurry!
Both communists and socialists believe in class envy, and re-distribution of wealth, and "everything for everybody" whether they work or not, I do not.
Your right about some of our past (and present) presidents being "progressive," and what has it got us? Depression (Roosevelt,) high inflation (Carter,) and jobless morass (Obama.) If that's your idea of prosperity you must believe in the words of Karl Marx, "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs."
If you really believe that trash your not going to be happy after November 2, 2010, trust me.
Tom Ford
Franky: Read this and tell me "socialism" is the answer!
Tom Ford
Franky, give up. This is a republican blog and he's not happy unless Dubya's starting another war or Sarah's winking at us. You betcha. Leave it be.... it's a right wing has NOTHING to do with Crestwood unless he runs out of all the political stuff first.
Mr. Ford
Well you have certainly revealed yourself to me as a person pumped full talking points and propaganda. Turning my words of New World and twisting it into One World Order was clever...I suppose.
This country is a country of progress built upon hard work. Our progression rests and has always rested upon our willingness change and adapt to new challenges. Look at the progression of civil right rights in this country (I am sure you oppose it, but Gays will have their day in the sun soon) You have an innate ability to find the bad in a situation.
Anyway you look at it we are a progressive country and always have been. What you propose and stand for is regression.
As for the WSJ article, decent piece by one of the most conservative and corporate backed publications in the nation. Nonetheless, the FED is clearly an institution in need of some change as well. Deregulation is not one of those changes.
I find it interesting that, on this blog, anyone who doesn't agree with Mr. Ford is automatically a socialist/communist. The only "real" Americans are right wingers like him. Wow. To be that narrow in your thoughts must be awful.
5:48 PM Blogger: Well that's really not true, but just to make you happy, think what you will.
Oh by the way are you ever going to summon the courage to use your name like "Franky?"
Tom Ford
10:33 PM Blogger: Franky, good to hear from you again my friend. Yes I am a staunch believer in America, and not American socialism!
Now this idea of a "progressive" change so far has proved to be made up of of lies (MC Donald's, and 38 other companies get a "Waver" on health care laws,)and you will NOT be able to keep your own insurance.
The jobless rate is up over 10% as of today, and I fear were on the brink of "Hyper Inflation" followed by a depression if this "Progressive" spending is not curbed at once (It may well be too late now.)
Franky, you seem to be an intelligent sort who down deep in side knows that a debt ratio of over 90% of GDP is not sustainable, and yet you want to continue the present course, why is that pray tell?
You speak of advances in Civil Rights and I have never thought that anything else should have been done. In fact it was the democrats who were in favor of keeping segregation all along. Had it not been for the Republicans Blacks still would be where they were in the 60's.
Gay and lesbian groups are quite another thing, this is not a struggle for human rights but rather a "life style!" I have no problem with what a persons sexual preferences are, but I draw the line when that same person flaunts it in my face, and then asks for special consideration. Either they are proud of their "life style" or their not, which is it?
The fact is they do not need "special consideration" any more that you or I do! If they wish to continue in their "life style" so be it but keep a low profile and do not advertise on TV or in children's books!
Now if you think that's bad, well where do I sign up for the "one eyed OLD fat man" special dispensation, and work place program that surly will follow?
Franky, everyone is not nor can they be a victim of God knows what. We must all get out and pull our weight, and not accept the Government hand outs that socialism offers if America is to succeed.
I don't know if you have ever served in the Military, but if you have you know that we counted on each other to stay alive in nasty situations, not the Government, but the individual next to you and yourself. I served eight years in the NAVY (1960-68) and I am sorry to say I learned that first hand.
Now, when do we stop the "everything for every body" routine and start re-building America from the destruction of the last 20 months?
Tom Ford
The only thing that you addressed that is worthy of a response is...
"Franky, you seem to be an intelligent sort who down deep inside knows that a debt ratio of over 90% of GDP is not sustainable, and yet you want to continue the present course, why is that pray tell?"
The course you want to take is the one we have already taken for much of the last decade. We are currently climbing out from under "your policies" and the debt it incurred. It takes more than 2 years to get out from under 4 trillion in debt incurred by "W".
Yes we have spent a lot of money in the last 2 years, but it is being spent in different ways than previous administrations. What our administration has done is invest in America.
You sound like someone who is willing to cash in a bond at a loss, because you believe a bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush. A challenge is at hand and patience is required.
You seem like someone who has no patience and does not believe in the new prospects America has to offer. I know you and your, Gray Haired Eagle's, believe yourself to be the greatest Americans, but your lack of trust in future Americans is in fact NOT American.
Frankly, your views on homosexuality are wrong. Did you choose to be born white. NO. Did Michael Jordan choose to be born black. NO. Gays don't choose the lifestyle it is preordained at birth. You write well about some topics and are knowledgeable about your beliefs, but please take the time to understand some topics with more empathy.
Thank you for your Military service.
today is the 9 year mark of the war in Afghanistan. NINE YEARS.We have spent more than $330 billion, and had 1200 of our American soldiers killed there alone. How are the policies that started this okay with you??
7:14 PM Blogger: Franky, I have taken time to learn more, and the more I learn the less I like the way this Nation is headed.
Contrary to popular belief I am not a Republican (all though they are better than the Democrats,) but rather a Conservative who believes in the America I know and love. In that America there is no room for "socialism," or communism.
Reference the Homosexual movement (Gay is ridiculous) perhaps you missed the part where I said what they do in their own homes, privately is none of my business? I did say that I draw the line on "flaunting" this in the face of everyone they can find however.
How I was born was not my call, but to attempt to force others to accept my way (or else, as they do) is dead wrong. Unfortunately the Homosexual community has never understood this. As we speak there is more funding going to a "life style" disease than Cancer and Heart research combined, why is that? The blood supply has been remedied for some time now, and your best shot at getting AIDS is the "life style" so if you do get it from the "life style," you bought your own ticket, you knew what you were getting into (minus rape of course,) so deal with it.
Yes I write a Blog because I enjoy it. As you have seen your opinions are welcome here, and I will never remove what you say unless it's profane or a direct threat to someone.
Now I really must commend you on your ability to state your position minus the personal attacks that we normally see from Liberal / progressives when they run out of facts (as they see them.)
Franky, my views have not been forged at Harvard, Yale, or for that matter any other progressive school, but rather after 69 years of hard work, hard times and listening to people who have gone through the Great Depression. I have learned to win and I have learned to loose, I have owned, managed, and run companies, and this I will tell you the course we are now on is a sure path to destruction!
This Nation cannot survive minus small business and the progressives are targeting (mandatory health care, cap and trade, vat tax) the very same small businesses that give most of the jobs in America.
When you were looking for a job did you go to a poor person for it? No, you didn't, you went to a successful person who could afford to hire you. Now we see the progressives hanging so many regulations and burdens on the same small businessman that they will go elsewhere.
The mantra of progressives is class envy, not hard work my friend. It's OK to tax the "rich: to death according to them so the progressives can run their scams on America, but what happens when there are no more "Rich" to pick up the tab?
A Dame Margret Thatcher said "The trouble with liberalism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money."
Tom Ford
7:43 PM Blogger: If you were asking me here is my response.
The war was the product of both Republican and Democrats who ALL (except Obama, he abstained) voted for the war.
In my opinion I believe if we are going to put our people in harms way they must have a R.O.E. that allows them to win and leave!
I went through this "limited" bravo sierra before in the 60's, I know what it's like, so I say we either open a "free fire zone" throughout their Country and break enough things, and yes kill enough people to force them to quit, or leave.
Those "people" are not worth one American life, period!
Tom Ford
For moment I thought you had written a book, but your post simply went up twice.
I don't have much time, so really my only response is that "flaunting", as you call it, is a ridiculous idea. When a gay couple embrace in public it should be no different than anyone else. What you propose is denying and stripping a group of their rights. Which are unalienable, among those unalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. More intelligent individuals than you and I drafted those words and they don't go on to exclude gays. Do you see your hypocrisy?
Your first hand experience through 69 years of life are clearly invaluable, but may also work against you in that you may have become jaded. I said it a few times before, but this is new frontier. You should learn how to expand what conservatism is rather than fall back to what it was.
5:28 PM Blogger: Franky, when a homosexual couple embraces in public, it's disgusting! Sorry but that is how I (and a heck of a lot of others) see it.
As a hunter, when I see two buck deer "embracing," I may change my mind, but after 55 seasons, so far no go.
Tom Ford
wow. a homophobe too. Why am I not surprised?
9:26 PM Blogger: a "homophobe?" Cute but no cigar! Just what do you have against saying the word homosexual? (it's what they are you know.)
Gay denotes happy joyous, in this case it's another word co-opted by the P.C. idiots. Remember CHRISTMAS, before the fools made it "winter solstice?"
Well, you believe what you want to, as for me I will believe in the teachings of the Holy Bible, and that "life style" is not in there my friend!
By the way "HERO" sign your name!
Tom Ford
Your tone indicates you are agitated. I will stop challenging your beliefs for now.
I'm not going to engage in a religious conversation. Your comment on the bible opens that door, but I believe government and religion should remain separate.
-Franky the HERO (as appointed by Tom Ford)
8:18 AM Blogger: Franky, your right, you are a hero for standing up for what you believe and having the courage to sign your name (un-like the rest of these so called pillars of the community!)
My "TONE?" Well if you think that's bad you should see me when I am un-happy.
This is from a friend, and it makes sense to me, so without further eloquence:
"I guess I'm A Redneck"
We have enjoyed the redneck jokes for years. It's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values home, family, country and God.
If I had to stand before a dozen terrorists who threaten my life, I'd choose a half dozen or so rednecks to back me up. Tire irons, squirrel guns and grit -- that's what rednecks are made of. I hope I am one of those.
If you feel the same, pass this on to your redneck friends.
Y'all know who ya are!
You might be a redneck if: It never occurred to you to
Be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God..'
You might be a redneck if: You've never protested about seeing
The 10 Commandments posted in public places.
You might be a redneck if: You still say ' Christmas'
Instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You might be a redneck if: You bow your head when
Someone prays.
You might be a redneck if: You stand and place your
Hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem
You might be a redneck if: You treat our armed forces
Veterans with great respect, and always have.
You might be a redneck if: You've never burned an American flag,
Nor intend to.
You might be a redneck if: You know what you believe and
You aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
You might be a redneck if: You respect your elders and
Raised your kids to do the same.
You might be a redneck if: You'd give your last dollar to
A friend.
If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that
You, like me, have just enough Redneck in you to have the
Same beliefs as those talked about in this email.
God Bless the USA !
Keep the fire burning, redneck friend.
IN GOD WE TRUST! (thanks Dave!)
Tom Ford
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left."
Eccleiastes 10:2
Investors Business daily report.
Now what ???????
Tom Ford
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