Thursday, September 30, 2010

This just in! Our City Administrator applies for the same job in Glendale! (audio of Ms. Beasley is up, click here please.)

At the Tuesday night BOA meeting Ms. Debbie Beasley stood to the mike to make what some (well at least one) thought was a rousing speech berating the Board for not coming to the meetings prepared! Wow, here we have a Board member who has nothing Worth while to say at the meetings telling the others they must come prepared, and thus not hold up the meetings.

Needless to say the vociferous member of the "four horse persons of the ridiculous" took to task the members who do not vote her or "His Honors" way. Now according to Ms. Beasley every member should have ALL the answers to ALL questions before they come to the meeting! Wonderful, why have the meetings in the first place? Ms. Beasley is it your contention that the BOA should ALL be a rubber stamp for the Mayor, or is anyone allowed to disagree?

Folks we will have the audio of this trite diatribe up soon, so check back for further eloquence in the recorded word from our great orator. By the way her "fan club" of one was none other than the always brilliant Ms. Duncan who applauded Ms. Beasley and further disrupted the meeting. Ms. Duncan that sort of thing isn't done at a formal meeting, read the Roberts Rules of Order.

Now back to our headline. I am told that Mr. Jim Eckrich has turned in an application to the City of Glendale for the position of City Administrator! Interesting as Ms. Beasley just finished praising him to the hilt in her ten minute speech to the great un-washed. Do we have trouble in paradise, but we just don't know it? Please tell us your not tired of your position in Crestwood Jim. Gee whiz we need someone to tell "His Honor" he can't do that, Golterman wont.

Tom Ford

NO. 813


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nothing worth while to say"? I wonder why you only get upset at other people being disrespectful and nasty, but it's okay for you?

4:33 PM, September 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:33 PM Blogger: I repeat, nothing worthwhile to say, just look up the minutes and tell us what great things she has done while on the Board.

I call them like I see them, and I always will.

What nothing about Mr. Eckrich?

Tom Ford

4:47 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:33 would this be better?

In a wonderful speech, Ms.Beasley told spoke the bottom of her bottomless heart how she hoped the BOA in the future would show up to their ALDERMAN MEETING ready to vote for what ever the Mayor wanted. After all isn't that what they were elected for, to make the Mayor happy and to look good? And isn't the ALDERMAN MEETING all about the mayor's views and profound thoughts, the mayor who blesses the city every day by watching over we little people so carefully and his mere presence?

4:49 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Meyers is gone?

4:56 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Eckrich is a smart guy. I knew as soon as he accepted the position of CA, he would add this to his resume and be on his way.....Good for you Mr. Eckrich!

4:57 PM, September 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:56 pm Blogger: Frank has been gone for some time now!

Tom Ford

5:23 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did the wizard from Ohio go an when?

5:44 PM, September 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:44 PM Blogger: Not sure where he went but it was over two Months ago.

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully he will take his assistant with him. Talk about duplicate service. I thought that is what we have an executive secretary for. Do we really need an administrative intern? Oh, I mean assistant TO the city administrator. What's the story there Tom?

6:08 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in...

Mayor Magee and the Board of Aldermen would like to welcome Jeremy Hayes, AICP, as the new City Administrator for the City of Glendale. Jeremy will begin his duties as City Administrator on Monday, September 27th. 

6:25 PM, September 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:25 PM Blogger: Well I wasn't going to mention the fact that he was passed over, but now that you have, well, he was.

Tom Ford

6:36 PM, September 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought MS. BEEZLEY'S speech would have come from the president of the board who I believe is Mr. Wallach. Where is the leadership?

7:01 PM, September 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:01 PM Blogger: Well I really doubt it would come from anyone but Ms. Beasley. She seems to be one of the two that has no idea how these meetings should be conducted.

She ran, she won, and now if it takes to three AM she needs to "serve," or resign, it's that simple.

Tom Ford

12:47 PM, October 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe she and all the aldermen don't necessarily serve based on your opinion alone. Given what I have seen on here, I would move out of Crestwood asap if they all served according strictly to what you dictate.

12:38 PM, October 03, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:38 PM Blogger: Well there is no anchor on you that we can see, so would you like us to call the moving van?

Tom Ford

3:11 PM, October 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because you are not, in fact, in charge as yet.

4:32 PM, October 03, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:32 PM Blogger: "Come the revoulution, we will all be the Generals!"

Tom Ford

4:44 PM, October 03, 2010  

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