US Government is hiding the true amount of debt (click here for the story.)

In case you were wondering just what a mess we are in, I post this for your reading pleasure! I guess you know that my (and your) Grand Kids each owe at least $45,000.00 and mine are only four and nine years old!
Now, the next time you hear one of our Board members request a "Grant" from the Federal Government, point this out to the "Representative," and tell them to forget about it, we don't have the money!
A big thank you to Congress, the president, the Senate, and our local boys and girls who are spending us all into oblivion!
Tom Ford
NO. 808
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it".
Thomas Sowell
7:24 AM Blogger: That is gospel!
Tom Ford
Why did you vote democrat?
Pick Your Reason
When your friends can't explain why they voted for Democrats, give them this list. They can then pick a reason .
10. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
9. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
8. I voted Democrat because Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is
offended by it.
7. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
6. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start
driving a Prius.
5. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies through abortion so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
4. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.
3. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the democrats see fit.
2. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
1. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my behind that it is unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.
I'll keep my Freedom, my God and my Guns... You keep the Change...
Get out and vote November 2nd, 2010!
so, in light of the ghost town this blog has become, you're trying to lure the liberals back, huh? I don't blame you. They provided the only interesting dicussion that's ever on here.
here's one:
To be Republican....
1) You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all
on their own.
2) You have to be against government programs, but expect your Social
Security checks on time.
3) You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives, yet
you want government to regulate only opposite-gender marriages, what a woman
does with her uterus, and what your official language should be.
4) You have to believe that pollution is OK so long as it makes a profit.
5) You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to
Allah or Buddha or the Goddess.
6) You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.
7) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about
her own body, but that large multi-national corporations should have no
regulation or interference whatsoever.
8) You have to believe that society is color-blind and growing up black in
America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you wouldn't/didn’t vote for a
black candidate for president.
9) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of schools, because we
all know if teenagers don't have condoms they won't have sex.
10) You have to believe that the ACLU is bad because they defend the
Constitution, while the NRA is good because they defend the Constitution.
Let the blustering begin!
10:31 AM Blogger: "That is gospel!" :p
Don't forget if Tom doesn't like what you say he will threaten to contact your internet provider and reveal your identity.
11:47 AM Blogger: I scared the Heck out of you didn't I?
Sorry but there is a rule (self imposed) that no matter what you say, I will not request your name. Of course if you threaten someone, that's another story.
I have all I need here to "remove" anyone from the conversation (on this Blog,) and as you may know I have used it in the past, and will again if necessary.
Now if your off the soap operas long enough to say something in rebuttal, please do.
By the way, what did you think of the meeting at City Hall last night that had for a theme warning's about ("the third Jihad" movie) the Arab's ?
Personally I don't think there is room for that in a City building (and I called and said so,) much less the Board of Alderman Chambers, do you?
Tom Ford
Not scared at all. Did you attend the meeting Tom? From what I understand it was a republican rally/meeting.
Unfortunately I make to much money to benefit from the Democratic party and not enough to benefit from the Republican party. My IQ is to high to be a Tea party member so I'm just here to vote on who I think the best candidate will be. Not if they are Republican or Democrat. After reading both list and having a chuckle at both, I think I'll have to give round one to the Democrats.
And (5) why can't we kill all the babies and those on death row? Can't we do both.
5:10 PM Blogger: I was not in attendance as I taught a class on HVAC for continuing personal education units required for St. Louis County contractors last night.
You right though, the meeting was put on by the Gravois Township Republican club which makes it all the worse in my mind.
In my opinion our City should not allow either side to use our buildings as a forum for their political aims. Now what do we do when a group wants to hold a Socialist of America meeting ? Do we let them, or do we get sued again ?
And under number (5,) we do both now, don't we? Yes we do, and I am again not happy about the Abortion part as we may be killing the next Jonis Saulk (I grew up in the Polio era.)
Tom Ford
Or they could be the next Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Karla Homolka, Ed Gein, or Jeffery Dahmer.
When are you going to give the city a free hvac audit?
personally I want reports for all the people who so radically oppose abortions so we can see clearly all the money and time they donate to causes that help support unwanted children. I would like to see how many, percentage wise, who take in these unwanted babies and raise them. I want to see how many foster them, pay for their educations, clothes, braces, glasses, shoes, and all the other expenses that go with raising kids. How much money are these so called pro-lifers donating to help the children that are here that weren't able to remain with the mother? I bet not very much, that's what I bet. Yet they will jump up on a soap box and tell everyone else what rights a woman should and shouldn't have and that they have to have the child, wanted or not, product of rape or not. It doesn't matter.
9:39 PM Blogger: Funny you should ask my friend. I have offered that (free audit,) and free training to our City maintenance workers (free of charge) with no takers!
Any time the City or for that matter, anyone in Crestwood wants a free energy audit, you just need to call me.
I will further offer you, the City or anyone living in Crestwood new energy star equipment at 10% over my cost (and show you my bill to prove it.)
7:57 AM Blogger: Well I don't know about ALL the opposer's but my wife and I have had a foster child in the 80's, and I do believe there are several families on the waiting lists for adoptions!
You see people going overseas to adopt because of the ridiculous Government restrictions here in America. I keep hearing the old saw from women who say it's my body, but I have known a few who use abortion for a birth control method, so I don't buy it!
Abortion is murder, plain and simple! Just think we would have never had the chance of jousting with you had your mother felt the way you do. Think about it.
Tom Ford
This is Beethoven's "pastoral symphony" for your enjoyment. Please, while your listening to this reflect on how GOD could endow this man with the talent to write this, and also approve of abortion?
Somehow I really doubt that GOD is pro abortion in any form.
Tom Ford
quite honestly, my mother felt exactly the way I do. She knew a young girl sometime during the early 50's who was rendered sterile by a botched back alley abortion. The girl was 16. She felt abortions were between a woman and her doctor and that no one should dare to presume to know what it's like. I agree with her.
“The government is mainly an expensive organization to regulate evil doers, and tax those who behave. Government does little for fairly respectable people, except annoy them.”
by E.V. Howe
Foode for thought, no?
Tom Ford
Not hungry.
7:20 AM Blogger: Not hungry for breakfast, or knowledge?
Tom Ford
If you call that knowledge. Not everyone is out to get us.
8:01 AM Blogger: Well a very wise man once said, "Just because your paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you."
Enemies are a fact of life, some very real, some imagined, but in the lingo of fighter pilots, "always check your six."
Tom Ford
Stand down solider. Do not engage. I repeat do not engage.
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