Coyote found in south county ! (click here for the KTVI report..)
Well folks we must respond to this menace sooner rather than later! I am calling for Ms. Sutton and her band of volunteers to be on a "lend lease" program to St. Louis County animal control before it's to late!
Oh wait, it's Saturday, and Monday is a holiday. Er, can you please wait County animal control?
Tom Ford
NO. 816
“The government is mainly an expensive organization to regulate evil doers, and tax those who behave. Government does little for fairly respectable people, except annoy them.”
by E.V. Howe
Nuff said!
Tom Ford
is there such a thing as your own thoughts? Constantly quoting other people...
4:11 PM Blogger: When useful, yes I do quote others. My thoughts, well you can read them any time you want.
Tom Ford
I find the 8:31am post offensive and would like it deleted. Jury of your peers.
5:32 PM Blogger: I will have the Chaplin punch your ticket.
Sorry you do not get your wish, so don't loose a tooth cause the tooth fairy is on vacation!
Tom Ford
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