Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crestwood 2011 budget to use "reserves" to balance it "AGAIN?" (click here for the Call story please.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the draft copy of the Crestwood 2011 budget is ready for review. Mr. Young of the Call has done an excellent job of breaking it down to where the layman (and perhaps "His Honor") can understand it.

One thing that strikes me is the fact that once again we will "dip into the reserves," and do some fancy transfers to balance the budget.

Is it me, or do I remember Mr. Eckrich telling us that the last transfer had been made, and we wouldn't be doing that again? Ah yes, the old Wimpy trick, " I will gladly pay you for a hamburger Tuesday that I can have today."

I hope Mr. Eckrich is right about is projection, I really do, because one hiccup, and were back into the same old pattern we saw under Mr. Grier.

(PS:) Would Mr. Roby please tell us why we should be funding a duplicate service` such as animal control under the circumstances?)

Tom Ford

NO. 818


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to wonder how much of our reserve would NOT be used if we did NOT fund the Animal Control Officer including all costs budgeted for that duplicate, redundant service? How many purchases in Crestwood have to be made to offset that cost? How many of our home's property tax dollars are used to fund this service?
I can not support any requested tax increase by Crestwood until the removal of this duplicate service.
I will not support any candidate who supports the status quo on this issue.
I urge those who run and those who vote in our election of April 2011 to remember this. Until then, any talk of Crestwood having a shortage of tax revenues is pure hog wash.


8:03 AM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes because any thinking person knows that the animal control position and that shelter in Whitecliff has caused this whole darned mess. The city would have plenty of money if it weren't for that one position.

12:07 PM, October 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:07 PM Blogger: What you fail to see is that one position is indicative of ALL the wasted spending in Crestwood, and thus a lightning rod for same!

Tom Ford

12:26 PM, October 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:08 PM Blogger: Not to sure what that means, but welcome anyway!

Tom Ford

12:51 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No anonymous I am not claiming the budget for our redundant Animal Control is the reason for Crestwood having to use more of it's reserve funds.
What I am asking, since it seems to have completely gone over you head, is how many sales in Crestwood have to be made in order to fund that budget?
I think it is safe to say it is more that one sale, and pretty darn sure it is more that two sales.
With an admitted decline in sales tax revenues projected in the 2011 budget year and beyond, why would our leadership NOT cut costs where there is duplicate and redundant services?
Only one reason that comes to my mind and that is for political reasons. The elected officials who are supporters of this costly redundant service care more about the votes and campaign help they will get by supporting it than the financial condition of our city. It is that simple.
Which is why I stated that I will not support any candidate who supports the status quo on this issue. It is the reason why I will not support any tax increase for the City of Crestwood.
It should be clear to any thinking human that either Crestwood is rolling in cash and we are being lied to about its true financial condition or those politicians who support it want votes more than a healthy city.


4:02 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirk Lazarus should run for aldermen next year. His voice should be heard!

5:00 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am incorrest but the election next year will be for the mayor. No aldermen candidates for election.

If the statement is accurate I will support Kirk for mayor.

5:16 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as the Joker said, Mr. Trueblood, "Why so serious?"

Your point wasn't over my head, as you so pompously stated. I simply disagree. I said on here again and again, There are more than 1 "duplicate services" in Crestwood. Why must we always go back to that one? You think the reasons are political about why it's kept, and I think the reasons it's attacked on here is personal. Someone on here has an ax to grind with someone. I wonder who.

5:25 PM, October 14, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:25 PM Blogger: Please list the "more than one duplicate service's" in Crestwood, (minus police, fire and public works.)

Code enforcement? YEP!

Animal Control ? YEP!

Now there is a start for you, and by the way, "pompous?" no my friend, Mr. Trueblood has "paid his dues," have you?

Tom Ford

5:52 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No axes to grind. Just facts and policy debate.

Why do we continue to have a custodian aka the code enforcement officer for the Sappington House? We pay her room and board, a stipend for staying at the house and a salary to enforced the code. I am postive the mayor was not supportive of double duty city employees, What's up with that?

And now another story.

The Sappington Tea Barn will open three hours a day, closed on Sunday and Monday. I expect little or no new revenue generation from this business adventure. Good luck to the new occupants when they actually open.

6:20 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:13 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the movie critics corner. Enough with quotes already!!!!!!!!!

9:40 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, There is nothing personal in my position that Crestwood should not fund the position of Animal Control Officer, I can not recall ever speaking to her or meeting her in person. I am sure she is a fine and wonderful woman.
I still stand by my statement, I will not vote for any requested tax increase in Crestwood as long as we are using our tax dollars for the redundant service of an Animal Control Officer. I will not vote for any candidate who supports the continuing funding of the duplicate service of an Animal Control officer.
I urge all voters to, between now and next election, consider this waste of their sparse tax dollars when voting.
Is that simple and clear enough for you?

9:45 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The previous post was made by

I regret the error in leaving my name off the post.


9:47 PM, October 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

then you need to ge the city to close all the parks, since our taxes support county parks too, and you need to get the pool closed, since our taxes support county pools, and you need to get rid of our police force, since our taxes support county police. it's all the same; by your line of reasoning, you can't single out animal control...our taxes support that right aong side the other things.

6:22 AM, October 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:13 PM Blogger: Kirk while we appreciate your posting efforts, please confine them to the subject at hand.

I hate to waste valuable band width on quotes from a really lame movie (and I will delete any further ones.) Now that said if you have an intelligent quote from Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, ETC, post it.


Tom Ford

7:22 AM, October 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:22 AM Blogger: Actually you can "single out" animal control. Crestwood was founded to provide Police, Fire, and Public works, not to fill a position, or provide an animal adoption club.

Animal control is an ancillary item which in good times may be fine, but in todays monetary climate is a duplicated waste of valuable funds.

Before you go off half cocked, please tell me just who it is that performs that service during the time that Ms. Sutton is off the clock (128 hours per week?) ST. LOUIS COUNTY, that's who. Now please explain to us just why she is so needed (other than votes for "His Honor?)

Mr. Trueblood is entirely correct in his assessment of the situation, were in deep trouble, we must cut, and that is the logical first step!

Tom Ford

7:37 AM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another area that should be cut is the excess personnel at city hall. Crestwood is not big enough to support the amount of support staff we emoploy. Directors need to start DOING the work.

9:40 AM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to take a step back and ask this question: Why has the city administrator presented to the members of the Ways and Means Committee an unbalanced budget for the past two years, and why have the members of the Ways and Means Committee accepted an unbalanced budget for the past two years?

I don't think the taxpayers want the city to balance its budget on a technicality.

I agree with Mr. Trueblood insofar as the city needs to show some fiscal restraint before it can contemplate going to the taxpayers for a tax increase.

Martha Duchild

1:34 PM, October 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:40 AM Blogger: EXACTLY! Great point, and one that should be herolded throughout City Hall.

Tom Ford

2:55 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would add to Ms Duchilds very insightful questions two of my own.

1. Who is on the current Way's and Means Committee?
2. Who appoints the committee's members?


6:36 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:01 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, as a former aldermen, you know the answers to your questions.

Think about this for a moment.

Why does Jim refuse to present a balanced budget?
If he balanced the budget staff reductions would have to be part of the proposal. Jim does not want to accept the responsibiity for eliminating postions etc. It is convenient(politically savy) for him to place that burden on the shoulders of the BOA.

Do not kid yourself. Jim and the mayor have calulated this strategy and understand that no staff reductions will be proposed by the BOA because the vote would end in a tie, he would be the tie break vote, the BOA members suggesting the reductions would be villans and those voting against the reductions would be heros.

This strategy was used to retain the animal control position last year.

7:10 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Lazarus,
You seem like you have something meaningful to say but don't want to. Please speak your mind. I plan to run for aldermen in the spring and want to here the opinions of the people in this city!!!
Thank you!
Jeff Portnoy

8:54 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would make a great campaign slogan next April,

If elected I will present a balanced budget for the BOA to vote on.

Since the Mayor selects the members of the Ways and Means committee and it is their vote in committee to place the budget before the BOA, that would unblock this current log jam running our city.


9:51 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:13 PM, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff Portnoy cannot spell. The word is H E A R not H E R E.

10:13 PM, October 15, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr. Lazarus! What did I tell you would happen? Well it did, and it will continue to until you can post something besides ridiculous movie lines!

Tom Ford

6:50 AM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who in Crestwood employees the largest number of people?


12:41 PM, October 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:41 PM Blogger: Mr. Tim, the short answer would be "US," the tax payers!

Tom Ford

12:53 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Mr. Trueblood to you

2:35 PM, October 16, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:35 PM Blogger: Well considering that besides Messrs. Duchild, Miguel, Schlink, and Wallach he has been one of the very few to actually put Crestwood (and not his re-election) first , you may be right!

Thank you MR. TRUEBLOOD for the courage of your convictions, and the foresight to know what was right.

Tom Ford

3:03 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the largest employer in Crestwood is the city of Crestwood.

Kind of puts things into a different prospective when you look at it that way doesn't it?

Our Government of our City now employees more people that any business with in our city limits. How far we have declined in the last 6 years as a City to now make that statement.

3:23 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the largest employer in Crestwood is the city of Crestwood."

Where did you gather the statistics? I find it hard to believe, not impossible, that the city has more local employees than Schnucks, Shop and Save, or Kohls.

4:54 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but doesn't the City have well over 100 full time employees? 125 or so?

I'd be surprised if the business you listed employee more in the city of Crestwood.


7:27 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam's & Best Buy?

7:28 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you could be wrong. Along with Tom you usually are.


7:34 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the last count I had on the payroll data sheet was 85 FTE for the City of Crestwood. We lost two or three since the last payroll document I received.

8:27 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The payroll for the Crestwood city employees is $6,500,000.00.

8:47 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:11 PM, October 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see, that right there is the kind of forward thinking this city needs. Bring lead farming to the city of Crestwood. Thank you Kirk. We need more citizens like you!

6:40 AM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:11 PM Blogger: Kirk? Either post something worth while or find another place for your grade school drivel!

Tom Ford

7:30 AM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:47 PM Blogger: Well I can tell you that no other business in Crestwood has a payroll like that, or they wouldn't be here!

Thanks for posting this.

Tom Ford

7:33 AM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6;40 AM Blogger: Unfortunately his is the type of thinking exhibited by "His Honor" and the "four horsemen of the ridiculous" which is why were in the mess were in now.

Tom Ford

7:36 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to offer some perspective.
The total revenue expected by the city is $12,000,000.

The payroll expense consumes over half 54% of the revenue.

The members on the payroll produce no significant revenue.

What happens to the other 46% of the tax payers contribution?

8:40 AM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:440 AM Blogger: Well, expenses such as heat, light, marinating equipment, office supplies, parts, new purchases, ETC.

And then we have the items such as the bridge to no-where, payments on the aquatic center, street, sewer, park maintenance, and the list goes on.

Tom Ford

9:02 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 8:40 AM, October 17, 2010 and Tom. Now you see where I am going with my questions.
Using $6,500,000 as the total cost to the tax payers of the city, divided by 86 employees gives an average cost per employee of $76,470. Last I checked the average income (I guess excluding insurance and pension) in Crestwood was around $47,000.(these are 2000 numbers).
I am never against anyone making as much money as the can while also paying as little in taxes as they legally have to. But if these figures are correct, the public sector is doing much better than the private sector that pays their salary.
All of this is what makes the position of the duplicate and redundant of Animal Control Officer and Code Enforcement Officer seem just a little bit luxurious for Crestwood at this time.

But I keep forgetting the election in April is coming up and the current Mayor, while not having announced his intentions to run or not, needs the votes of the Animal Control office more that he needs a balanced budget in 2011.

10:04 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04 AM, October 17, 2010

posted by

10:04 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not include the Aquatic center debt payment of 1,200,000 per year. This debt payment will be completed in 2012. The last payment is escrow.

The Aquatic Center debt payment is the third largest expenditure in the budget.

We have accounted for $7,700,000
(64%) of the revenue.

I did not include the many part time employees we hire. You have to look into departmental budgets because the part time people, including the BOARD of ALDERMEN,MAYORAL, and Legal Advice compensation, are included in their budget but not part of the payroll ledger.

Perhaps we should align the BOA compensation with other cities and pay $35.00 per meeting instead of a monthly stipend.

Is anyone interested in the rest of the personnel costs?

10:32 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course. Remove my post because it doesn't conform to your twisted thinking. Let's talk facts. 92 positions of over 30 hours a week. Top salary 93,000 and low salary of 27,000. With a total of 4.65 million in annual salaries. With an average of 50,550 per employee.

11:29 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:30 AM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets talk facts.

You forget the complete cost for the employees. Benefits have to be paid. The total compensation you quoted is incorrect.

2:43 PM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the $6,500,000 is correct the cost per employee is more than $70k per person.

2:47 PM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote to ban Kirk from this blog.

2:49 PM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:49 PM Blogger: I agree, this lad ? is suffering from "R.A.S." (raging A** H**** syndrome,) and will be deleted whenever "he" trys to continue "his" sophomoric remarks!

If it continues, He / she, will be the first to be "outed" on this blog!

Tom Ford

3:51 PM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth has no place on the Crestwood Independent.

4:58 PM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:58 PM Blogger: Not your version of the "truth" that's for sure!

Tom Ford

5:04 PM, October 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as everyone is clear that your version is the only one you acknowledge. Regardless if the information is correct or not as long as it coincides with your opinions. I would hope you hold yourself to the same standard and delete your post at 3:51pm. I thought name calling was a no no. If you wish to fly the banner of Crestwood Independent I would suggest getting use to people not agreeing with you.

6:14 PM, October 17, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:14 PM Blogger; I guess you missed the part where I wrote that if you wish to "label someone," use your real name?

I did , and it stands!

Oh by the way, people disagree with me a lot here, and so can you, that's what this blog is for. What they can't do is act childish, use excess band width for no good reason, or call names UNLESS they use their REAL Name (I will verify that part.)


5:34 PM, October 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom's right the Greer\Robertson Era was horrible and we must not go back. How much more $$ would have been in our reserve fund had the previous administration under Don Greer/Jim Robertson not squandered nearly $500,000 on bogus lawsuits? The Greer\Roberston era was the death of Crestwood.

4:47 PM, October 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the City of Crestwood have the same business culture as GM?

When will we follow the Ford business culture of spending less and staying within our budgets?

Has anyone told everyone that the city is not a boom town but becoming a real ghost town with empty houses and rental properties?

What happened to "Pay as you go" budgets?

How long can you continue to tax the Commercial sector and the Residential consumers? Will we continue to have vacant houses and rental properties due to all of these tax increases? Who will benefit by lowering our property values? Developer? Investor? Foreign Investor? A Merger Non for Profit Committee working on how to merge the City of Crestwood with another nearby city or cities?

If the true unemployment figures come out after November of 2010, you will see mergers of cities like in California?

1:17 PM, October 31, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a $6.5 MILLION DOLLAR payroll consuming in excess of 60% of the budget some action better take place soon.

I have not even counted the part time and seasonal payroll.

The CITY of Crestwood is the largest employer in the city of Crestwood. Same pattern as State and Federal which now account for over 52% of the employment in this country.

6:58 PM, October 31, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the City of Crestwood the larger employer in St. Louis County?

Do the part-time employees receive any benefits? Are they getting a cell phone and internet service in their home?

9:49 PM, November 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is related to whom?

How do you join the clan?

8:01 PM, November 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the Robertson/Fagan/Greer team was the beginning of our most serious problems and for multiple reasons. The main one being loss of revenue which was noticeable and letting the CA run the city. I do recall one of your posters, Mr Trueblood, was part of this era and thus involved in the renting of space at the mall so that construction could begin on the ready to roll 14.5 Million dollar city hall rehab. along with lots of legal costs and changeout construction costs and architects and as payoff to 2 city administrators, and a dubious financial officer and an expensive software program we never used along with the placement of a private pool in his ward into way too much proximity to the neighbors back yards. When you are operating on a line of credit from the bank to run city hall, how are any of these background facts descriptive of a person bent on expressing the need for cost cutting. Leaning on animal control as our downfall loses its context when one remembers the above. So lets get on the same page. I even remember an office chair that cost1,800 dollars but I do not remember any objections that come anywhere near the objections about animal control.

4:45 PM, November 04, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:55 PM Blogger: I believe if you check the record you will See that Tim Trueblood voted against both the rental and the private pool!

The culprits for the private pool are legend with on on the BOA Now, (Chris Pickel, voted yes while on the P&Z board.)

The animal control issue is but a symptom of WHY we have to borrow from a bank to stay solvent! If they were really serious, the animal control group would be gone. Problem is they represent a voting block for "His Honor" and thus cannot be touched!

Tom Ford

7:01 PM, November 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Animal control is a private desire on the part of few people sponsored by my tax dollars. I do not want it. Let the animal control people raise their own funds and leave my tax money alone.

Fire protection, safety and infrastructure maintenance do not include animal control, sappington house museum, cell phones for the priviledged or length of service based pay plans and increases based on the cost of living.

Since when do we bow to a sudo union of city employees, organzied by the city adminstrator, who install their wishes on the tax payers. They work for the tax payers and as such are not a recognized union.

I propose we scrap the aldermen pay, eliminate the mayors pay and reduce the managers compensation.

8:34 PM, November 04, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:34 PM Blogger: In a word AMEN!

For the mayor, Alderman, City Administrator, and department heads we should have "performance based renumeration."

The City prospers, they prosper, the City looses, they loose, SIMPLE!

Tom Ford

9:24 PM, November 04, 2010  

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