Great article in the Call about our commercial tax rates (click here for the article.)
The business community is getting restless my friends, and rightfully so I fear. At the last meeting it was opined that the reason businesses do not come here is due to the heavy tax burden on them.
Now in the wake of the Fletcher's restaurant shuttering their restaurant at Crestwood Courts, maybe "His Honor" will have an answer to this dilemma (so far, so bad.) But wait, we have the always vociferous Ms. Beasley who surly will have the answer, right? (Note to Ms. Duncan, bring hand lotion so you don't chap your hands clapping.)
Were in trouble folks, and the sooner City Hall realizes it, the better.
Tom Ford
NO. 815
Now in the wake of the Fletcher's restaurant shuttering their restaurant at Crestwood Courts, maybe "His Honor" will have an answer to this dilemma (so far, so bad.) But wait, we have the always vociferous Ms. Beasley who surly will have the answer, right? (Note to Ms. Duncan, bring hand lotion so you don't chap your hands clapping.)
Were in trouble folks, and the sooner City Hall realizes it, the better.
Tom Ford
NO. 815
What happened to the Finance Officer? He's leaving?
11:32 AM Blogger: Can anyone blame him? I think this started with the attempted Exodus of Mr. Eckrich.
Stand by and watch ALL of the "best and brightest" jump ship before it's over.
Tom Ford
When did that news break, where's he going to?
Mr. Eckrich attempted to move his limited city administrator skills (thanks to Crestwood for the training and excessively high compensation) to another city but he could not compete.
How about that for loyalty?
8:50 AM Blogger: How about that indeed! We pay, he gets to play in another sand box (after the O.J.T we paid for.)
Loyalty is apparently an outdated word at City hall.
Tom Ford
Define irony. Tom and his crew complaining about loyalty. When you talk about discarding employees like yesterdays garbage with ten plus years of service. I say ironic.
What service? I am relatively sure the person of question was compensated as generously as could be afforded.
Oh!!! By the way. Please remember that because you are a civil service employee does not guarantee anything other that you will be compensated for the service rendered. Nothing more, nothing less.
What do you think about that?
Well let's start with Mr. Eckrich who has been with the city for about ten years I think. But, your right he's not loyal. And as far as your second paragraph, thank you for proving my point about loyalty. Is there any position in any company you don't get on the job training.
1 The occupation of a servant
2 Employment, esp. for government
3 A government branch or department and its personnel
4 One of the Military forces of a nation
5 Work or duties performed for others
6 A facility offering repair or maintenance
7 A facility providing the public with a utility, as water or transportation
8 A religious ceremony or rite
9 Assistance; benefit
10 A set of utensils or dishes
11 The act, manner, or right of serving, as in tennis.
You never go full retard.
2 (public service)
3 (civil service)
10 (china service)
fulayI did not make a statement about loyalty or on the job training.
You created something that was never stated.
8:13 PM Blogger: Oh come now my friend, when have you ever read that I wanted wholesale lay off of Crestwood Employees? You never have and you know it!
The Animal control position, YES because that is held as a "feel good" position that is a complete duplicate! It is now 8:50 AM on Sunday, and who do you think will be your dog catcher if you call, Susie Sutton? NO, it will be St. Louis County (same thing tomorrow which is a Government Holiday.)
We spend at least $50,000.00 on this position which can better be used elsewhere in the budget.
According to the Times Mr. Roby feels it's a shame the volunteers have to solicit funds for the up-keep of the organization, I will go a step further, it's a shame the position exists in these times of economic up-heaval!
Now we are actively looking for a replacement for Mr. Brewer who is moving on. What will we shell out for his replacement, and where will that come from? Ill advised projects (bridge to nowhere, retention of Animal Control, TDD/CDD for?) have been a serious drain on our funds folks, and if it does not stop, Crestwood will!
Tom Ford
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OK, enough of the RETARDED comments people!
We have enough to talk about without insulting the less fortunate among us.
Any more and I will delete them!!!
Tom Ford
Please do delete the retard comments. The comments contribute no value to the conversation.
Please delete the last one.
Thanks Tom.
Ironic. I say yes. I'm not sure which posts you are referring to and 8:00pm wants Tom to delete his own post. lol
To 10:12 poster. My error. I failed to include the specifics of what I suggested for deletion.
I was referring to the 9:44 posting.
Thanks for helping to call that error to my attention.
9:44 PM Blogger: Your "retarded" comment has been removed by popular demand.
In the future please refrain from ANY remarks reference ANY disability not the fault of the disabled person or persons.
P.C.? Nope just protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
Tom Ford
Clearly you missed the point. That was a quote from a 2008 movie called Tropic Thunder. It was a conversation between Kirk Lazarus and Tugg Speedman. Aka Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller. It has a Veit Nam based theme. You should check it out. I find it even more ironic that you post quotes that some may find offensive yet my movie quote that has no profanity in it gets deleted.
Side note "Frank said" you are a beast.
Back to your inconsistent censorship. Don't you feel that diminishes any bite of integrity your thread may have.
Here's a few more
"I don't read the script, the script reads me."
"You grew hands?"
and one of my favorites that has no profanity
"I don't know what it's called; I only know the sound it makes when it LIES!!"
12:11 PM Blogger: Well you missed the part where a jury of your piers wanted it deleted didn't you.
" Don't you feel that diminishes any bite of integrity your thread may have. "
Uh, no I don't feel it diminishes any of my "bite" at all, thank you.
Tom Ford
Yet again. Not a miss spelling but a jab a you. Animal control. Bite. I didn't know I had to connect the dots. I saw one post that asked for a post to be deleted that appeared to be yours. Then asked for a 9:44 post to be deleted but did specify am or pm. Jury of my vertical supporting structure? yeah ok
Please help me connect the dots from Tropic Thunder(worthless movie) to the observation about the City Administrator and accountant obviously ready to chase other opportunities after time served.
Thanks in advance.
I was the one who requested the deletion of the 9:44 am comments.
Tropic Thunder was awesome! I especially loved the part where Downeys character talks about being a cook or something back in "San Antone" before the war broke out...priceless! Keep it up! Breathing some life into this lame blog site....oops sorry
11:03 PM Blogger: " Tropic Thunder was awesome!"
That tells us all we need to know about your skill's as a critic!
Thank you for the insight.
Tom Ford
I think the top of this page talks about commercial tax rates. You and Mr. Ford jumped ship from the beginning. Therefore I feel that Tropic Thunder is just as relevant as your post to this subject.
Good news folks, the recession is over ! (not!)
Tom Ford
Did you learn that from Borat?
12:11 PM Blogger: No, your banker!
Tom Ford
I would suggest reading a book titled 13 Bankers.
Interesting Reading.
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