News from the "front," or the BOA meeting and a "FOIA" request.

Once again we see the "forceful" hand (in this case mouth) of Alderwoman Duncan chastise the Alderman who dared to question a "special counsel" for the CID at Pulaski Bank's building venture! Ms. Duncan appears to be the new puppet of our leading ventriloquist, "His Honor," as she has been speaking up for a couple of meetings now.
Ms. Duncan, we elected the BOA members to actually debate the issues, ask questions, and get to the bottom of things, not to be a rubber stamp for the Mayor! I know this will disturb you in as much as you seem to be able to do nothing else but that, however, try thinking for yourself for a change. If that cannot be accomplished, well do what Ms. Beasley does and just sit there!
Pulaski Bank bought their ticket when they for-closed on the developer, they are big kids, let them take the consequences as I and a lot of others in Crestwood are sick of giving our support to a failed developer, or their bank!
Now to the F.O.I.A. form I submitted for the cell phone records of Mr. Eckrich's department. It seems that we provide a tax payer funded cell phone to "Nicky," who is an assistant of Mr. Eckrich's. Now when I asked for the cell phone records to see what our time was being used for I was told (after it was ran by Mr. Rob Golterman) that the City does not keep cell phone records! Gee, I wonder why not as the funding for said phone is paid for by US.
Petty? Small change? Perhaps but it does go to the lack of real accountability as to where our tax dollars are going.
MEMO to Alderman Foote: The next time you tell us we need a tax increase remember this! Also Alderman Foote, it would appear that your statements saying that we have cut everywhere are a bit of the Blarney, no?
PS: A tip of the hat to the committee in charge of "make a difference day" for having the good sense to not use the City as "collateral" this year for the newspaper layout billing (last year the City got the bill.) That's what we want to see it done from now on.
Tom Ford
NO. 822
When we have a $6.5 million dollar payroll (The largest employer in the city is the city) every dollar should be justified.
Most companies are now asking their employees to pay for their own cell phones due to amount of personal use and to cut expenses.
Who is paying all of the cell phone bills in the City of Crestwood?
Is there a budget for purchasing cell phones for each department?
How can a developer borrow against the CID with sales tax collateral?
Will the developer ask for the City of Crestwood to back up their CID loan?
Is it true that the CID special allocation bond been reduced from a A to a C due to lack of collateral?
Does the IRS need to rule of the request of a new CID reimbursement agreement with the new developer?
Is it true that the CID is for 20 years?
Has the St. Louis Circuit Court Judge been notified of the new request of the CID agreement?
1:04 PM Blogger: There is about $850.00 in the budget for the two phones in Mr. Eckrich's department (His and Nicky's.)
Others I do not know about.
1:07 PM Blogger: It's a case of "ram it through very fast." Typical of the "Roy boy's" on his side! Thank God we have four Aldermen who can and do study these things, and use their heads!
Tom Ford
The CID loans stand on their own as far as marketability. TO date the developers have been unable to got ot market because the economic activity level at the location is to low to support selling bonds.
Pulasky bank assessed the risk poorly and is asking for all funds possible to make the investment work.
Pulasky has asked for the undeveloped piece of parcel to be seperated from the rest of the square development so that it could be sold seperately. Pulasky provided a perception that 4th 5th bank would build on the property but they have up to three years to decide and no limits on when building would begin.
This project has never lived up to the perception the original developers portrayed to the BOA etc. I have yet to witness the high end shopping venues promised.
If the U.S. Federal government is not paying for cell phones, then why is the City of Crestwood spending $850,000 for cell phones?
How many cell phones are on this account?
Who is the provider? AT&T? Verizon? Sprint?
Has anyone renegotiated the cell phone rates?
Does this include the Internet access fees out of their homes?
Is everyone using their work cell phone during the day versus calling from their desk?
Has anyone checked the government rate plans? What is the number of minutes available during the working hours?
Has anyone requested a detailed bill of each cell phone to confirm the phone numbers whether they are work related versus personal use?
Has all of the employees signed a cellular phone accountability contract with the City of Crestwood to make them aware of the minute usage and how they are personally responsible for non-business usage time since these are government issued cell phones?
Is everyone aware that all cell phone records can be requested by any government entity due to being purchased for government use?
no cell phone is purchased by the city. No rate plan is set up by the city. Those that receive cell phone checks typically have jobs where that may need to be contacted when the are not at their desk. Those employees receive 35 dollars a month to cover a portion of their bill that is used during work hours. If they need to increase their plan to cover minutes. I don't know about anyone else, but 35 dollars doesn't even cover a third of my cell phone bill.
After listening to the tape, it is clear that board members are divided as to how they see their roles as legislators. Some on the board believe that the administration and any professionals who come to speak before the board are to be taken at their word, while others believe that it is their job to ask questions of the various people who appear before the board.
If one ascribes to the former view, it is important that before blindly accepting any information provided by professionals, the level of their objectivity should be assessed, especially in cases where those speaking before the board will experience some type of financial gain based on the outcome of the board's vote.
Legislators at the state and federal levels have staff to help prepare them for debates on issues. Leglislators at the local level don't have staff, so the responsibility of research, preparation, and debate falls on each leglislator. What they do with this responsibility is up to each legislator.
Martha Duchild
Is the $35 a government rate plan for emergency use only?
Is anyone verifying the government rate plan?
Has someone at the city contacted the Cellular Vendor to negotiate their government plan?
Why isn't anyone using two way radios for our city business?
Does everyone in the city have a desk phone with voice message capability?
While attempting to keep the city's head above water, does it not behoove Mr. Eckerich to at least exhaust all efforts to reduce expenses?
In order to have open government, is it not also necessary to be able to provide information about all expenses including cell phones and who actually needs them and how they are used and the cost?
Employees and tax payers will never concede to a tax increase when the abovementioned remains in a grey area.
Charter cities cannot sustain themselves with so many exceptions involving disclosure.
Tom Ford
Again the tax payers are asked to subsidize business. Enough already.
The taxpayers well is dried up.
If the project requires a subsidy to succeed perhaps it should be allowed to fail (pop the inflated value bubble) and let reality settle in. Why would the tax payer want to create a false economy.
Let the business owner suffer the loss on a poorly assessed risk and the real value of the property will surface. Wonderful thing that capitalism.
The business owner certainly won't share with the taxpayers the bounty accumulated if it is successful.
6:00 PM Blogger: Right on the money my friend! The tax payer has had enough of welfare checks going out to the business owner, and banks!
Watch what happens to your "personal property" tax bill this year, you will be shocked!
The Attorney Say's we must pay it, I say, take it to court, I am sick of being threatened by a third rate ward healer just because they have a law license!
Three of our Alderman (Duchild, Miguel, and Schlink) took her to task on tis issue only to be chided by the "tax and spend" liberals (Duncan, Beasley, Foote, and Pickel) who would toss their own family under the bus to spend as much of OUR money as possible!
Amazing that they seem to scare so easily isn't it? Remember this bunch next April and rid this City of the "cowardly lions" they seem to portray!
Tom Ford
Who wants to challenge the mayor I ask?
Will it be Pickle or better yet Greg Roby.
All are made of the same material.
Who is out there that would be willing to make the hard decisions?
Can someone name some candidates for consideration please? I want real choices.
9:36 PM Blogger: Well I hope to "draft" Martha Duchild or Jerry Miguel for the job.
I have known both these individuals for some time now and I assure you that under their leadership things will be sorted out!
Roby, Pickel, sorry to say it but "empty suits" minus the courage or the will to make the needed cut's! What we MUST have is a person who understands that the BOA meeting is just that, not the Mayors meeting!
A mayor in a three square mile town should be a person who attends openings, baby showers, promotional events and meetings, not run rough shod over the people we elected to do the job.
Now in closing, what will you be doing for the next three years?
Tom Ford
Given your well thought-out and reasoned view on the ideal roles for a Mayor of a three square mile town, I could not agree with you more. I cannot think of two better candidates than Ms. Duchild or Mr. Miguel to serve as the chief functionary at baby showers and promotional events.
10:38 PM Blogger: And along with that you get common sense, fiscal responsibility, and genuine knowledge of the City.
What more can you ask for ? Just think no more ridiculous statements in the papers, or Buffoonish behaver on the Dias!
Tom Ford
Looks like fromer CA Frank Meyers will be looking for a new job....
2:09 PM Blogger: Well it is what it is. Frank is a very nice guy who (in my opinion) unfortunately does not possess the skills needed for that job.
I see him as more of an idea man than a leader, and I hope he finds a new place for his talent's
Tom Ford
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