Crestwood "must" dip into RESERVES to balance the budget! (click here for the story from the South County times.)

Well I know the holiday season is fast approaching, but I was hoping to see Thanksgiving pass before we got into the "ghost of City Administrators past" presentation on why we MUST borrow from the cash reserves!
Mr. Eckrich, Boys and Girls of the Board, and last but not least, "Your Honor," where in the heck are you going to get the funds to replace this "loan?" You said it yourselves, the well is running dry, the sales tax money is dwindling, were out of ammo and the enemy is at the gates!
I agree that Police, Fire, Public Works are "Bare Bones" but I really do not think City Hall is. Look into the assistants to the assistants in accounting, or the duplicate animal control department, or the people responsible for changing our web site to one that doesn't work with no hope of fixing it. A few cuts there will help at least reduce the amount we need to "Borrow, right?
Ya say you couldn't possibly get along without your 'entourage?" Well what say we cut funding to the infamous "bridge to no-where?" So far we have been under a fire watch for the last 24 days, and yet the rock quarry has yet to catch fire producing the dreaded "canopy fire!" Could it be that Alderman Foote was mistaken and rocks really do not "catch Fire?" Simple cut since the only thing to date that has been done is a "Bore sample" (boy is that right,) it will be a simple matter to put the project on hold, the funds (Federal) in escrow, and the silly idea out to pasture till were well enough to fund it.
The Charter requires a balanced budget, and ALL of you should be smart enough to do it without playing the shell game our old C/A did! Remember, you ALL said it would never ever happen again? Well it seems that it is, and it's your idea, MARVELOUS!
I have a challenge to the Mayor, the BOA and Mr. Eckrich, How about you ALL cut your salary's until this mess is resolved one way or the other?
I await you answers please.
Tom Ford
NO. 825
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8:52 AM Blogger: Could you modify your post with a different ADJ,. (nasty word) for us so I can delete the word please?
Tom Ford
Want to see the real reason our leadership both National and local will continue to work toward bankruptcy?
"Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." (the definition of insanity.)
Sigmund Freud
Read this and weep!
"User will have to pick the zip code, city or state they are interested in but it is easy to do."
(with thanks to former Ward two Alderman Tim Trueblood for the leg work!)
All this spent so far in zip code 63126 and we have nothing to show for it but a trail of new debt!
Tom Ford
Stay tuned for the audio of Mr. Kevin King, lawyer for Pulaski Bank, (and Crestwood resident) spouting off on what he sees as a law suit against US reference the so called CID he says MUST be passed by the Board!
Kevin, that's the way to do it brother, open with an insult, and close with a threat to file a law suit against your own home town, hoping it will lead to submission!
I trust your being handsomely paid to go against your own neighbors, because when this is over all you will have left in the way of friends and neighbors is the 30 pieces of silver the Bank will award you.
Tom Ford
Be careful, that is King Roy's buddy. I do remember Roy wanting to make Kevin the city's prosecuting attorney and or judge. Another great idea from the mental midget.
10:41 AM Blogger: Well, well, that's even better than I thought, thanks for the information!
I couldn't care less who is is buddies with, but now that you mention "His Honor" I wonder who would be in line for the foundation contract should this go through ? (I hope not!)
The audio is in the works as we speak, as soon as the needed cut's (we must remove Ms. Beasley's bloviating along with others) it will be up here on a full blown thread and then Mr. King can tell us WHY we "must" do this, or else!
Memo to John Foote: You abstained, you bought your ticket, stop trying to explain why for God's sake! Enough already!
Tom Ford
Why is calling someone a "mental midget" okay? But saying you never go full retard not. I thought you said if someone was going to verbally insult someone that had to post their name?
5:30 because the truth is an affirmative defense to slander, that's why.
all rules are suspended if Mr. Ford agrees with the insult.
5:30 PM and 11:48 PM Blogger's: Come now "mental midget ?" Good grief kids I do believe that's as "PC" as it get's here!
Besides that's the opinion of the writer or they wouldn't have said it.
"And the truth shall set you free!"
Tom Ford
I believe an "intellectual little person" might be more PC. Yet when a previous post suggested not going full retard it was removed. I'm thinking that was the opinion of that poster. As for me, those that live in glass house (10:41am and Mr.
Ford) should not throw stones and always wear pants. Oh, sorry, I just threw up on my keyboard.
10:23 PM Blogger: Sorry to hear you sick, but if your not able to play with the "big dogs" you well may wish to stay off this Blog!
You see, if your a "Politician, or a Blog master" you must learn to live with "slings and arrows" every day of your life, or get out of the business!
Now, if your little feelings are hurt, well, so what?
Tom Ford
yet, oddly, when your "little feelings" are hurt, people get called all sorts of names(socialists, progressives, liberals, which are meant to hurt but are compliments to many) and get told no one can call names without signing their posts. Yet the poster who asked about that very thing was made fun of. Hmmm. With your leaning toward double standards, I wonder why you aren't in politics. Seems you'd fit right in.
Didn't really puke. Just felt a little sick of the idea of Tom Ford in a glass house with no pants. Or should I say "Blog Master":p
Gee whiz kids, you didn't like my pink speedo's ?
Well. none the less I know I am getting to you now, so I will keep up the Lord's work here.
Oh, and by the way, thanks for allowing me to "live in your heads rent free!"
Tom Ford
In my opinion when the dip into cash serves the debt I can reluctantly accept the action.
When the dip into cash serves unneccessary spending I will not support that.
So far the debt is being served.
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