Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ms. Karen Rainey opines at the recent BOA meeting. (click here for the audio.)

Now this is very interesting to me as Ms. Rainey seems to be saying we should cut out the senior citizen trash pick up subsidy and snow removal (until we come to our senses and grant a tax increase,) but in her quest for cuts she misses the two most glaring items that can be cut.

What's that you say, well how about the Sappington House going back to the Sappington Foundation (or St. Louis County $26,000.00 plus,) or Animal control duplicate service ($50,000.00 plus ?)

UM, Ms. Rainey, I agree that we need to cut where we can, but the stones your turning over aren't going to do it. If were as serious as we should be, we must cut expenditures.

Mr. John Foote does a yeoman's job of explaining his version of why we need more taxes (I disagree, we NEED TO CUT SPENDING, and we have one of the highest retail taxes in the Nation.) He presents it well as always (the preparation for his remarks dove tailed into Ms. Rainey's remarks perfectly, HUMMMMMM!) but again I am not willing to give one more cent until the "fluff" is gone.

What say you ?

Tom Ford

NO. 831


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure you do not want to forget about the subsidy for Carol Wagner's make a difference day campaign in 2009 and previous years or the $150k for the bridge to no where, the cell phone subsidy for the assistant city administrator, the utility subsidy for the TEA Room resaurant at the Sappington House compound.

What about the broken promise of ending the PropS tax when the debt was retired? Foote, the mayor and other elected officials certainly tricked us again.

1:11 PM, November 27, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:11 PM Blogger: Who could possibly forget the many and ingenious ways the Administration has used to separate our tax monies from us?

The mind boggles, but while were at it please don't forget the "one person holding two job's" issue that "His Honor" swore on a stack of Bibles would never happen after he removed Mr. Grier from his dual job's.

Who might that be you say ? Well none other than the code enforcement officer who was also appointed guardian of the Sappington House and lives there rent, heat, light FREE with a $100.00 per month extra salary.

Karen, do you think we could add this toy your list ?

Tom Ford

3:01 PM, November 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much was the subsidy to make a difference day?

I can only imagine the answer, but when was the last time the economic development board met?

6:54 PM, November 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The economic development commission was scheduled to meet on 11-16-2010.

The previous meeting was 8-17-2010.

The amount of time between meetings could be an indicator of little interest in developing a vision for the city as discussed at the 8-17-2010 meeting.

The topic of a vision for the city was suggested by a citizen attending the 8-17-2010 meeting.

8:04 PM, November 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that several thousand dollars was going to given to the make a difference day to pay for advertising etc. It was brought to my attention that the subsidy for 2009 was blocked by a concerned citizen of Crestwood inquiry.

It is difficult to know how much had been spent previously because the subsidy was hidden in departmental budgets.

8:10 PM, November 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It was brought to my attention that the subsidy for 2009 was blocked by a concerned citizen of Crestwood inquiry."
The following statement/question is not an indication that I do not believe the above post.

On what grounds can/could the City of Crestwood block a request for information regarding this subsidy?
I believe the law is very clear regarding a request to the City such as this, they have to provide the information, or deny a subsidy was given.
So City of Crestwood, which one is it?


11:34 AM, November 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A apologize for being less than clear about the invoice for advertising make a difference day.

Go to this url

7:02 PM, November 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That invoice is made out to Crestwood City, what's she talking about ? If her group was to pay for it, why was it made out to the City ?

4:05 PM, November 29, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a good question that Carol attempted to explain. Did you understand the reply?

5:46 PM, November 29, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I took from it was "in kind." What is that supposed to mean ?

Also if it was "in kind" did they match whatever "in kind" was ?

7:09 AM, November 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the answer was a circular one leading no where.



5:18 PM, November 30, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:15 PM Blogger: Yep, not much doubt about that is there ? What I still don't understand is why bill it to the City ?

The City doesn't take deductions for advertising, there is no tax credit to be taken, so why ?

The only benefit I could possibly see is the City does not pay tax (tax exempt you know) but is there tax on advertising ? If so that would be a major problem as the City would be denying the State it's due, and unless the group has a 501-C3 tax exempt status, it could get very nasty indeed.

Possibly the committee did not have the funding to pay the bill at the time? But were that the case, MAKE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS OR DON'T PLACE THE AD !

In any case, please do not use the City of Crestwood, and by extension it's coffers to fund an more "feel good" projects were all stocked up on that now what with "animal control!"

Tom Ford

6:27 PM, November 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest the possbility of assembly of a Crestwood debt committee composed of citizens from each ward.

Perhaps the citizen committee could set the path for the BOA to follow.

5:12 PM, December 01, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:12 PM Blogger: I would be all for that IF we have people with common sense on the committee, and not appointees by "His Honor!"

Tom Ford

6:24 PM, December 01, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would you suggest the committee members are selected?

8:39 PM, December 01, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:39 PM Blogger: Great question my friend. Were it my call (I know it isn't) I would suggest prospective members put in a resume with their qualifications for that committee.

The selection of appointees would be made by an impartial third party such as representatives from the Times and the Call, or our local banks.

The Alderman's Representative would also be selected by same for their expertise in finance, and management.

It's unique, inventive, and will show the Crestwood community were ALL serious about making our City a major player in St. Louis County.

Then we can discuss a tax increase (if needed) as we will have restored credibility and accountability to Crestwood.

Tom Ford

7:21 AM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Just saw this quote, and I must say I like it.

"Watching the unfolding political debate, it occurs to me that liberals feel the same way about truth that Dracula feels about sunlight.”

Paul Kirchner

Tom Ford

9:46 AM, December 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and the likes of Palin are so truthful. There's no more truth or honesty on the Republican side.

11:17 AM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:17 AM Blogger: Fall over the cat did we ? Gee it didn't take you long to complain did it ?

How about the news that WE bailed out have the world that came Io light today ? By the way Sarah Palin had nothing to do with that, it was (and is) your progressive / liberal buddies in the democrat party (don't you just love it ?)

Tom Ford

1:01 PM, December 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely predictable response. Since your opinion is that all Republicans are honest and want nothing more than to help their country, explain this:

I guess these hypocrites are actually "liberals", disguised as tea partiers?

2:10 PM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:10 PM Blogger : No, in fact these are died in the wool RINO'S who should have been thrown out in the last election.

In their case (and only their case) I would support abortion if it was retroactive back to their birth !

Tea Party people they are not, lying,graft taking corrupt politicians they are !

Get it ?

Tom Ford

4:00 PM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:10 PM Blogger: This is what socialist / liberals do:

I hope some of the jobless can find a "poor person" to open a business and give them a job.

Tom Ford

4:11 PM, December 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see. So any republican who does anything questionable is "just a rino" and an oddity who doesn't matter or reflect on the party. But ALL liberals are bad and have evil intent. Do you ever listen to yourself? That's a rhetorical question, no answer required.

5:31 PM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:31 PM Blogger: Tell you what, I will gladly rent a meeting room at the Whitecliff Park complex after the Holidays for you and I to discuss this in front of as many Crestwood residents as we can get in it.

I challenge you to a debate on this and any other subject you deem fitting (as long as it is reference Crestwood.)

We will use Mike Anthony as the moderator (if he accepts) for the debate, and you can "come out of the closet" and tell all of Crestwood why liberalism is the only way to save America !

Your turn oh brave one !

Tom Ford

6:11 PM, December 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see, there you go again. I never once said "liberalism is the only way to save America". Not once did I say that. YOU put that slant on things. It's all or nothing, I guess. What's to debate? You are right and anyone who might have even a slightly different opinion is wrong. Heck of a debate that would be. Stating someone is wrong doesn't make it so, however. So, have your debate, and then you'll be right and all will be well with the world. To make yourself feel a wee bit better, you can even make nasty remarks on here about living rent free in people's heads, or whatever floats your boat. The fact is, your opinion isn't the only way to view the world.

6:24 PM, December 02, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:24 PM Blogger: Well it's my way and I plan to firmly stick by it !

So maybe you should save your blood pressure cuff to fight another day, thanks for the "victory," I will take them any way I can.

Tom Ford

7:04 AM, December 03, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6;24 PM Blogger: You failed to answer my challenge, ("OK have your debate") when, where and what time will YOU be there ?

I thought all self righteous progressive / liberals knew the only path to salvation, what happened ?

Tom Ford

3:52 PM, December 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republicans and democrats belong to a PARTY. First is priority is to get elected.

Until agreement that the money give away (social security, welfare, unemployment etc.) that started before the great depression is recogonized as undesirable and responsibilty for self is better we will continue down the path of destruction that ALL OTHER GREAT CIVILIZATIONS have followed.

7:03 AM, December 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he probably assumed you would have the debate with yourself so you could be sure to win.

7:42 AM, December 05, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:03 PM Blogger: Nice summation my friend, You couldn't be more correct.

Until the light goes on at all levels of Government were only one step away from doom as a Republic.

Tom Ford

7:46 AM, December 05, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:42 AM Blogger: Too cute by a half. Debating that individual would be like "hunting over a baited field!"

The real reason of course is the lack of courage to "out" themselves, and the sure knowledge that they have no ammunition to PROVE their points.

That said let's let the poor thing off the hook, and embarrass them no more, it's Christmas time you know.
Tom Ford

7:52 AM, December 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:36 PM, December 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee guys I think it is getting a little childish when responses result in name calling.


6:02 AM, December 06, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:36 PM Blogger: No, as you can see on this blog you may not !

Tom Ford

6:09 AM, December 06, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Karen ! I guess they didn't listen to you as the snow plows came down my street this morning, and a very good job they did !

I didn't see the dog catcher or the Sappington House custodian doing anything to help though!

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, December 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe during this inclement weather, Ms. Rainey would volunteer her neighborhood as the one that should not be plowed.

I'm sure her neighbors would not mind and I'm sure it would convince them to vote for the next tax increase! And I'm sure that Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis, and the Easter Bunny will host the grand opening of the new Crestwood Court!

12:07 PM, December 28, 2010  

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