An open letter to the Board of Aldermen reference the vote on the CID for Sappington Square. (click here for the audio.)
Ladies and gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen, Crestwood, Missouri.
I have spoken to quite a few of my friends and neighbors in Crestwood reference the "Sappington Square" development recently foreclosed on by Pulaski Bank, and the resulting flurry of activity by lawyers for the CID and Pulaski Bank.
This entire fiasco has been brought about by forces that were and are beyond the control of the average Crestwood Citizen, and as such were not at all happy about it!
Now we see that the Board is going to vote on a new development agreement that favors the Bank, and does nothing for Crestwood! In the opinion of myself and the people I have talked to, were all sick and tired of having to bail out Banks, Developers, and owners who have not done their due diligence prior to starting a project! Is it to be our fault that the Developer and the Bank failed to correctly estimate the business climate, and thus failed in the project ?
I am asking via this letter that you all do the right thing and vote down this ill advised agreement, escrow the money, and force the Bank to face the fact that THEY made the mistake, not us!
I will be happy to debate this topic anywhere, anytime with any and all of you (set aside time at a BOA meeting) should you feel the need.
Thomas C. Ford
Ward 2 Crestwood, Missouri
( The audio of Mr. King and Mr. Schlink is now available for your hearing pleasure, just click on the header for same. )
Tom Ford
NO. 826
I have spoken to quite a few of my friends and neighbors in Crestwood reference the "Sappington Square" development recently foreclosed on by Pulaski Bank, and the resulting flurry of activity by lawyers for the CID and Pulaski Bank.
This entire fiasco has been brought about by forces that were and are beyond the control of the average Crestwood Citizen, and as such were not at all happy about it!
Now we see that the Board is going to vote on a new development agreement that favors the Bank, and does nothing for Crestwood! In the opinion of myself and the people I have talked to, were all sick and tired of having to bail out Banks, Developers, and owners who have not done their due diligence prior to starting a project! Is it to be our fault that the Developer and the Bank failed to correctly estimate the business climate, and thus failed in the project ?
I am asking via this letter that you all do the right thing and vote down this ill advised agreement, escrow the money, and force the Bank to face the fact that THEY made the mistake, not us!
I will be happy to debate this topic anywhere, anytime with any and all of you (set aside time at a BOA meeting) should you feel the need.
Thomas C. Ford
Ward 2 Crestwood, Missouri
( The audio of Mr. King and Mr. Schlink is now available for your hearing pleasure, just click on the header for same. )
Tom Ford
NO. 826
Is there a plan to bankrupt the cities with TIF's, TDD's, and CID's in order to merger the St. Louis City with St. Louis County?
If you blight all of the prime property in the St. Louis County with the TIF's, TDD's, and CID's, then you have no revenue coming in to pay for your local Police, Fire, Library, and School District?
What a beautiful plan?
Are the CID bonds not junk bonds?
What does this do our City's Bond Rating?
5:56 PM Blogger: Bond rating? When this is over we won't be able to sell pistols to prisoners, much less Bonds!
Tom Ford
We can't sell bonds now. The citizens demonstrated to the financial market they did not trust the fiscal responsibility of the city government when the last tax increase was turned down.
The inability to raise money by increasing taxes stopped the excess deficit spending cold since money cannot be borrowed. The action was a great demonstration of how much influence the local citizens have on their government.
If only we had that influence at the state and federal level.
Once again I say the problem is not the lack of revenue it is spending.
Amazing! I do believe this Republic was formed because of "taxation without representation," no?
Well it's been some time now and except for Alderman Duchild and Schlink I have had no responses to my open letter!
My illustrious Ward two Alderman Mr. Chris Pickel has (as usual) failed to respond, and the "four horse people of the ridiculous" remain very quiet!
I guess they know their allegiance to "His Honor" is doing nothing for Crestwood, and they are too darned embarrassed to admit it!
Tom Ford
When you consider debt as another form of taxation then your statement is 100% accurate.
9:34 PM Blogger: Debt is a very large part of taxation, just look on the National scene.
Crestwood has but a small portion of the taxes compared to school district's and other County uses.
Our leaders know that and yet they continue to spend like drunken sailors on liberty in Olangapo. (At least when we ran out of money we went back to the ship!)
Now if we could make the leaders understand that the well is dry maybe we can place our spending on the frugal side for a change!
Tom Ford
I found this quote on "Dale's Blog," and a good one it is.
“Americans, both politicians and voters, may have become corrupted by big government beyond redemption. A virtuous government requires a virtuous people. A frugal government requires a self-reliant people. A free country requires people who value liberty more than money.”
by Charley Reese
Tom Ford
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