A bit of an up-date on the Sappington Square debacle (Please click here.)

Please note the fact that Pulaski Bank is near the head of the list in borrowing funds from the Fed. What that means I have no idea, but I will say that it would appear that they have a better chance of borrowing than we do.
That said, NO TIF, TDD, CID, or any other kind of "D" needs to go to them (or anyone else) to develop that very nice looking (blighted you know) field. Enough of the free lunch to developers, and banks please !
I am reminded of what Willy Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks, "Because that's where the money is." True then, true today. If the bank wants funding, open the vault and get it, because were sick and tired of holding the bag for a 20 year tax grab that we can ill afford (Crestwood has one of the highest retail tax rate's of any in the area.)
PS; I wonder what the meeting between Mr. Eckrich, "His Honor" and Mr. Gruery produced Wednesday night? Do we have a new player on the field?
Tom Ford
NO. 833
I think the evidence indicates Pulasky bank has invested in other poor risks and was assisted with risk reduction tax money from the federal taxes (taxpayers again).
I believe it is time for Pulsaky bank to face responsibility for poor judgment and take the loss. I certainly will not visit the businesses at the square while I have to pay 1% surcharge to enrich Pulasky Bank and future owners of the development.
AS it stands now I will only shop at Schnucks or ALdi's for groceries because I do not want to pay the 1% surcharge at Shop And Save.
Let the square stand or fail on its own merits. No subsidy will I pay.
I don't think the city (taxpayers) should spend anything to help the bank.
I have not, nor do I plan to shop at the square.
I have found that Aldi's has a poor selection, and Schnucks prices are well over 1% more than Shop and Save. In addition SNS has "no coupon Thursday" when you get $10 off if you buy $50 worth of stuff. That seems like a good deal to me.
Please remember the Shop and Save $10 coupon on Thursday is not a constant. The coupon is only offered occasionally.
First impression of Schucks is that it is more expensive but if you learn how they present the savings you will find them to be at the same cost as Shop and Save. Plus you save 1% on taxes. It all adds up. The average grocery bill for a family of four being $400-$500 a month you could $50-$60 a year in your pocket not the owner of the property you shopped at.
"the Shop and Save $10 coupon on Thursday is not a constant"
Right you are...and I constantly go when they offer it. Saves me more than 1%. Plus, it is closer.
Not at the table Carlos.
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