Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Board of Alderman meeting, and Mr. Kevin King, ESQ.

Ah yes the Board of Alderman meeting was in full bloom last night kids. It seems that Attorney Kevin King (of Pulaski bank,Sappington Square, blighted field fame) became upset with Alderman Duchild.

Alderman Duchild was silly enough to ask Mr. King for a proposal reference the "development," when Mr. King told him he was not prepared to give it to the board, he then said that he was "offended" by Mr. Duchilds remarks !

At this point I should point out that the Attorneys for the original CID have resigned for whatever reason, and Mr. King is left to tilt at this windmill all by himself !

Well Mr. King, be offended all you want because I am disgusted that you would have the nerve to appear before our Board un-prepared, and with a cavalier attitude that tells me this was supposed to be "all over." Guess what, it's not, not with my money it isn't, so come back when you have a real proposal to show us as were all stocked up with lame TIF's, TDD'S, CID's and the like.

Mr. King, face it, the agreement was with the original developer. Pulaski Bank foreclosed on then, so Pulaski Bank is holding the bag and no matter how much you bloviate it's still their problem. .


Tom Ford

NO. 836


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that was interesting. Aldermen Miguel summed it up best when he stated "why do we reward failure?"

I would answer the question by stating the example was set when we the tax payers bailed out GM, Wall Street, Housing etc.

Of course we did not have the choice. Our talentless leadership performed the task.

9:58 PM, December 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the executives at Pulaski Bank were serious about negotiating with the city, they would have hired different legal representation. Mr. King's combative nature with the board (and public) has been a detriment from the start.

Martha Duchild

11:26 PM, December 22, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Read the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony in the Call this week.He nailed Mr. Kevin King 100%, and I applaud him for it.

"Reward failure?" Nope and when you send a threatening personality to attempt intimidation it just re-enforces my belief that they deserve NOTHING !

Tom Ford

2:40 PM, December 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it odd that we consistently have a 6-2 vote when it comes to our board? I know occasionally we have a 5-3 or even split right down the middle, but it makes one think that there are two who don't want to ever agree. I sure hope that the individuals in Mr. Anthony's editorial haven't made a poor impression for other potential commercial business's. A.K.A. Crestwood Court!!!

3:33 PM, December 23, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:33 PM Blogger: If anything I believe they have created a VERY POSITIVE BUSINESS IMPRESSION to potential businesses.

A Business owner doesn't want to see a BOA that hasn't the spine to stop foolish ideas, rather they want to see one that will fight for them.

"Do I find it odd?" Well except for the usual suspects that always vote with the Mayor no matter what, yes, I do. I would have hoped to see two more Alderman on their side, but alas, no deal.

Tom Ford

5:02 PM, December 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find Crestwood interesting, sad, and somewhat comical.

If a business owner wants a sign variance, he/she has to jump through hoops.

If a developer wants a tax break, the city practically breaks its neck to give him one.

11:58 AM, December 28, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:58 AM Blogger: Worse than that each business must have a few dozen "Bartlett pear trees in front !

Tom Ford

5:02 PM, December 29, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only does he hate animals, but now he hates trees.

7:29 PM, December 29, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on you silly person. I have not noticed any hatred from Tom about animals or trees.

Please enlighten me about the demonstration of hatred displayed by Tom.

8:03 PM, December 29, 2010  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:29 PM Blogger: Please remember what W C Fields said, "Anyone who hates kids and dogs can't be all bad !"

Hate animals, never, in fact I belong to PETA (people eating tasty animals,) and I love trees, just not Bartlet Pear trees that block the sign of a business !

Does anyone know who the person was with the Pear tree fettish that started this idiot idea ? I thing we should plant A "TREE" their name and let the "animals" use it.

Tom Ford

6:10 PM, December 30, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bartlett pear? Or Bradford pear. The Bradford pear is an inexpensive tree with a fast growing nature a typically a very uniform growth habit. However, due to is fast growth they tend to be very weak in high winds causing them to break. They tend to be a top choice in commercial landscaping as well as new subdivisions. Low cost, fast growth, and minimal clean-up. Unlike others that produce acorns, walnuts, pine cones, gum balls, or foul smelling fruit.

8:13 PM, January 01, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:13 PM Blogger: Your right it's a Bradford Pear tree, It still does a fine job of blocking a sign from the street though.

Tom Ford

8:31 AM, January 02, 2011  

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