Mayor Roy Robinson files for another term !

Well so far in the race for Mayor, "His Honor" has filed and is the only one to do so at this time. We have word that Alderwoman Duncan has taken out the papers to do so but as of today has not yet filed.
All I can say is the boys in Vegas would say "Now that's a pair to draw to !"
Stay tuned for further filings and the inevitable election wars Crestwood is so famous for.
Tom Ford
NO. 837
I'm sorry but Robinson and possibly Duncan? That's not much of a choice...
Although I might be persuaded to agree with you I am not certain additional choices are forthcoming.
Would you share with us who you might nominate?
the contributors here appear to want mr. Miguel to be our next mayor. That will cause me personally to consider leaving Crestwood.
Do you have any suggestions as to who you would recruit?
8:14 PM Blogger: For decades now I have heard "if so and so gets elected to ( ? ) I will consider leaving !"
If you haven't left with "His Honor" at the helm here I doubt you could be moved with an atom bomb.
Tom Ford
well, there you go again assuming everyone on earth agrees with you and your opinion.
"Would you share with us who you might nominate?"
Yes, I would be happy to - (and this is not in any order of importance or preference - I may agree with these folks or not, but I think they would be capable)
1. Miguel
2. Duchild
3. Robe
4. Schlink
5. Trueblood
These folks may be on different sides of the fence or see things differently, but I think they have the capability and temperament to be mayor. However, I have not heard anything either way to indicate that these folks are interested in running for mayor.
10:46 PM Blogger: Yep, and why not ?
Tom Ford
news flash: they don't.
Just to make sure we are all clear. Are you referring to your bathrobe, and if so do you think the other four would be able to compete with your robe? Or, did you mean ex-aldermen Roby?
What does ROBE or ROBY offer to improve our image?
Who is this guy?
Any update...any one else besides Roy?
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