The ship is sinking and our leaders are "re-arranging the deck chairs !"

Yes indeed, the more I look at Washington the more I see Crestwood albeit a microcosm. In Washington we have a group on ALL sides of the aisle only worried about their re-election. In Crestwood we have a Mayor also worried about his re-election.
In Washington we have people fighting over taxes (there are NO tax cuts, only taxes remaining at the same level,) and in Crestwood we have voices demanding a tax increase.
Now to connect the dot's, on BOTH accounts the answer is very simple, STOP THE SPENDING! Can we get these "children of a lesser God" to understand that? No we cannot, and why can't we, because they are only interested in special interest groups that will help in their re-election, that's why !(CLICK ON THE HEADER FOR ONE GUY'S IDEAS.)
We have a budget vote coming up very soon in the Board of Alderman chambers that will decide our services for 2011. Some say we must have more money, I say get rid of the excess expenditures (Sappington House, animal control, restaurant subsidy, excess office personnel,) and then talk to me about a tax increase! Oh by the way, the charter requires a balanced budget kid's, it doesn't say rob from Peter to pay Paul to do it!
"Your Honor" if you really want to be re-elected do the right thing, take the roll of leader and make the changes needed to keep us afloat until (and if) better times come to Crestwood, A tax increase will accomplish one thing for your run at a third term, and that is to guarantee you will be saying "you want fries with that" the day after the election's.
Tom Ford
NO. 835
Why do you think Roy is concerned about relection. No candidates have appeared yet. Perhaps we should save money and not hold an election.
9:21 PM Blogger: Come now, do you really think "King Roy" is going to step down on his own ?
Hold that thought and I will tell you about the "tooth fairy."
Tom Ford
After the mess Roy has created, who in their right mind would want the job?
8:04 AM Blogger: Here's my short list.
1. Robinson
2, Roby
3. Pickel
Tom Ford
What mess are you referring too?
According to the quotes from Roy in the papers all is well and will soon return to the prosperity and excessive spending of the past.
What mess are you referring too?
According to the quotes from Roy in the papers all is well and will soon return to the prosperity and excessive spending of the past.
Either the papers misquoted Roy, or he didn't tell them the truth. My bet would be the papers quoted Roy correctly.
Which makes for an interesting debate next April. As some have claimed the City is in poor shape and needs to raise taxes as it can not be cut any further, will Roy do as he did 4 weeks after his first election to Mayor? Run on no tax increases then promoted a tax increase in May? If my memory is correct, then Alderman Trueblood prevented the bill from getting passed in time to be on the next general election ballet.
Where are our leaders now?
1:35 PM Blogger: Yes indeed Roy never met a tax increase he didn't like !
Our new breed of leaders consist of the following:
1. Duchild
2. Miguel
3. Wallach
4. Schlink
If you want leadership please turn to them because the rest are firmly planted with Roy and there is no chance of that changing !
Duplicate and ridiculous services kept on the dole and "King Roy" has the unmitigated gall to say we have cut everywhere we can.
Good grief !
Tom Ford
On a side note, remember when Ms. Karen Rainey said we should stop plowing the streets to make a tax statement ? Well, I have a response for her.
"Karen ! I guess they didn't listen to you as the snow plows came down my street this morning, and a very good job they did !
I didn't see the dog catcher or the Sappington House custodian doing anything to help though!"
Tom Ford
What happened to the extra money that will not have to paid since we are not hiring a PARK and RECREATION director and no new accountant. I bet those two salaries would contribute a large amount to the reduction of the $250K deficit in the 2011 budget
duchild and miguel?? you must be kidding.
7:22 AM Blogger: Yes indeed, DUCHILD AND MIGUEL ! These are two of the brightest minds on that Board, and in formation with SCHLINK AND WALLACH they are our only salvation.
The remaining are but window dressing to acquiesce to King Roy at the drop of a hat.
Doubt me ? Try going up against any of the four of them and find out for yourself.
Tom Ford
9;16 PM Blogger: I really don't know this for certain, but I would bet that Mr. Eckrich has a place for that other than what it should be used for (debt reduction.)
Tom Ford
brightest minds....are you sure we're talking about the same people? Those are not the words that spring to mind when I think of those two aldermen.
5:10 PM Blogger: Yes I am talking about "those two Alderman."
Would you have us believe that Beasley, or Duncan could come close ? No, you wouldn't, If your talking about Pickel, Nah, you couldn't be that silly. That leaves Foote. A great mind but firmly on the side of "King Roy," period.
So yes, I am talking about two (of the only four) that will oppose "King Roy," and his minions !
Tom Ford
If she runs and wins, I will move.
5:49 AM Blogger: I know it must be early for you, but good Lord what ever possessed you to say that ?
Fortunately she is tied up applauding for Ms. Beasley when she makes one of her inane remarks, and as such "too busy" to serve !
Tom Ford
5:10 PM Blogger: Perhaps you would share with us the words that come to your mind then.
Please don't be shy my friend, you have an opinion, please state it.
Tom Ford
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