Alderman Jeff Schlink to oppose "His Honor" this April for mayor of Crestwood !

Now we have a breath of fresh air on the horizon as Alderman (Ward 2) Jeff Schlink has filed for the position of Mayor of Crestwood in the April elections !
Jeff is a responsible family man with excellent credentials both as a leader and a person of knowledge in the financial industry. As the campaign unfolds you will learn much more about Jeff, and I know you will like what you see and hear. In Jeff Schlink we see the very thing we have been looking for in a mayor, and as a younger person he is sure to bring fresh new ideas to Crestwood.
I welcome the news and ask that all of you join with your fellow Crestwoodians to meet Jeff, listen to his ideas for Crestwood, and yes, vote for Jeff Schlink for mayor in April!
Tom Ford
NO. 846
Does anyone know how to reach Jeff other than through his Alderman email address..I'd like to have posted an email address and maybe a phone number where we could offer him help, funds, sign locations, etc that would be our of reach of the Mayor reading via the City's servers.
Stay tuned at this site. Information will be released at presecheduled times during the campaign.
Crestwoodians...I like that.
Jeff, Good news! Glad to hear it.
Alderman Schlink has demonstrated at various times and over multiple contentious issues that he has the ability to think objectively, act professionally, and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. He has also demonstrated well-mannered restraint in dealing with those whose approach to debate is disrespectful.
Congratulations on your candidacy, Jeff!
Martha Duchild
This is off the subject but did you read in the paper where the lawn service got a 3 percent increase. Are we giving the employee's this as well?
Stay tuned on that topic. You would be amazed at the crazy priorities of this administration led by King Roy and his second, Jim Echrich.
Question...why do we have to hire a lawn service when we have public works?
And congratulation Alderman Schlink. Best of luck on your candidacy.
We started using a lawn service when the personnel in public works was decreased and budgets where cut.
If you return to Crestwood of 7 to 8 years ago the city administrator in place at that time determined it was less expensive to contract the service than pay part time people and maintain the equipment required to cut grass.
You ask if the situation still justifies contracting the work? Ask the city adminsitrator if he has performed due diligence and discovery. I do not know.
8:55 and 9:24 PM Blogger's: yes I did (gas cost you know,) and I am sure we have sold all of the lawn equipment we had, so.....
However, on the subject of raises, call your Alderman and ask them why certain employees got a "raise," or other perks via "promotion" (and why they were needed) while others did not ?
More on this as it becomes available.
Tom Ford
The only equipment we had and I believe we still have is a couple of riding mowers and string trimmers.
The question that needs to be asked is: Jim Eckrich, did you perform due diligence on this topic and where is the work?
Gee, giving some raises to some employees and none to others.
This raises (no pun intended) several questions.
1. Didn't this happen before in Crestwood under another Mayor and City Admin?
2. What was the current Mayors position on those raises at that time?
3. Isn't it the job of management to reward employees who have excelled in their performance?
4. Isn't the issuing of these "rewards" always subject to personal interpretation by those not in management?
I think the subject of raises for individuals is best left off the pages of blogs. However, I do beleive that the total pay roll of a City is open for public discussion in light of what the tax payers are getting in return for their dollar.
Thanks for your answers 5:16 and all. If the equipment is gone, I guess we would have to hire a lawn service. But you ask the right questions - did the public service administrator examine all the options and provide the one that is best for the city? I don't know, but it is an excellent question.
11:39 AM Blogger: I agree that we do not need to single out individuals, but didn't Mr. Eckrich say that there were no NO RAISES FOR 2011 in quotation marks in the Sun Crest Call (story by Mr. Evan Young three weeks ago ?)
Yes he did, so what's up ? And please don't give me the NEED FOR THIS bravo sierra as all company's I know of just fill in for the missing personnel minus the increase in these troubled times.
Tom Ford
It's wrong that outside company's can get an increase every year for the service they provide, and certain people in city hall but the everyday employee who hasn't had anything since 2004 is gearing up for another 15%-20% health insurance increase can't get anything.
If those certain people who have not gotten raises since 2004 think they merit an increase and are being unfairly passed over for a raise, I STRONGLY urge them to take their information to a lawyer and file a suit against the city on grounds of discrimination.
Please change the 2004 time line. The last across the board pay increase was 2009. Last year the city also increased the subsidy for the co payments of the employees and increased the contribution to their pension fund.
2011 also showed an incease in the cities contribution to the pension fund.
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