By friend "Dale" of www.mostly I believe this bears repeating, so here you have it.

"If You’re Gonna Steal Something…
This is a double meaning."
( I "borrowed" this from Dale )
"On the first level, I “stole” this graphic from SynthStuff, a daily read ever since I even HAD a blogroll:
And on the SECOND level, this is a truth of monumental import that not only the Egyptians need to hold close to their hearts, but in light of recent rumblings from our own benevolent leaders, we Americans need to recognize it also.
There is ONE reason and ONE reason only that a government would want the power to shut down the free and uncontrollably fast exchange of information that is the Internet, and that is to stifle the exchange of ideas. Those who are in control against the will of the people are the ONLY ones who wish to prevent bloggers and texters and tweeters and other users of the internet from being able to post ideas and facts and instantaneous and uncensored news reports.
Don’t buy into our own administration’s “It’s for the good of the children” whine. They’re not one iota as worried about free access to kiddie porn as they are about Obama’s constant flip-flopping lies or any of his minion’s many revelations about the true directions they have for the country.
That’s the key, folks. Twenty years ago, gaffes like Obama and his bunch are popping out almost daily would have never seen light of day. Today hardly a minute passes between screwup and nationwide dissemination. Make no mistake: The ruling elite HATE this. They LIKED having a compliant mainstream media that would bury stories antithetical to the goals of the regime. A free internet, even little silly things like this blog, they’re thousands of voices that did not have a forum, did NOT get exposure a mere few years ago. And they HATE us.
So regard Egypt. It’s in chaos, and like much in the Mid-East, there are wheels within wheels, triangulations and convenient alliances, inscrutable Eastern “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” alliances where last week’s enemyis this week’s ally is next week’s enemy.
Instead, regard that the government cannot allow what it cannot control, even though EVERYBODY gets access. And so in Egypt, the government shut the Internet down.
Don’t think that our benevolent ruling class doesn’t wish they could do the same thing here, and bunkie, don’t lay this JUST at the feet of the Left. RINO’s? Do you honestly think that the country club republicans are all that into letting you have the freedom to revel every time one of those RINO SOB’s votes for bigger government and higher taxes? How MANY groups wish they could get into the internet and shut down whatever their pet peeve is?
Regard the poster. And think FREEDOM!"
Well said Dale, and God bless you for doing it. (click on the header for Dales Blog.)
Tom Ford
NO. 850
In case you think it can't happen here, read this link !
It seems that Obama and the forty thieves in the Senate are planning it as we speak.
Tom Ford
Try this on for size !
Tom Ford
"WND provides news, editorials, commentaries, letters to the editor, forums and conducts a daily poll. Its editorial content has a diverse range of viewpoints, though predominantly from a right wing or conservative perspective"
That explains alot.
10:56 PM Blogger: Yep, and this says it ALL:
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left."
Eccleiastes 10:2
Tom Ford
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