Censorship by the politically correct crowd, or what next ?

Honestly this was inspired by "Dales Blog" which I enjoy reading daily (I borrowed the cartoons from his blog for illustrations.) It seems to me that the P/C crowd has gone way overboard as usual on this type of thing. First we saw "revisionist history" with such things as the "Enola Gay" exhibit being closed at the Smithsonian so as not to offend the Japanese (they attacked us remember ?) Now were into no "profiling" lest it upset the Middle Easterners, and the Government has taken control of the Internet via regulation.
I am old enough to remember the "Brown Shirts" that burned books and drove intellectuals out of Nazi Germany (no I wasn't there, I was told about it in the early 40's) under the same mantel of "correctness," and I fear that sort of thing may well happen here if this is left unchecked.
May we have your thoughts please ?
Tom Ford
no. 842
I figured I would post about something we seem to agree upon. As far as screenings go, what I want is for everyone to be pre-screened and screened by the TSA, myself included. I want everything to be done to insure I am safe on a plane and if means people get a little uncomfortable so be it. Just get the job done. Whoever needs to be screened should be whether they are from Saudi Arabia or a guy named "Ted" from Montana.
As far as the censorship of literature, it is preposterous. I take special offensive to the censorship of Mark Twain’s works having it be one of the first novels I read as a kid. That is how people spoke and lived; it shouldn't offend anyone it is fact, deal with it and move on. I don't think we will ever get to the point of burning books again; extremism, on a wide scale, in politics in America can never exist. We saw what happened when Obama went a step to far to the left…he got kicked in the mouth; the same would go for the right.
10:32 AM Blogger: Franky, right you are we do very much agree on this. Thanks for your input.
Tom Ford
Obama plans "Net ID" for ALL Americans !
Franky, it may be starting my friend !
Tom Ford
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have just heard of the shooting of a US Congresswoman in Arizona. She was at her rally and was shot with several of her aids.
As of this writing she is in surgery, as are her aids, and I pray that she remains with us. Please look to the news for further.
I ask that you join me in a moment of prayer for her and the wounded.
Mat God pull her through this and may we use this tragedy as a reason to seek common ground minus any violence.
Tom Ford
I pray she recovers and for the families of those who did not survive. Such a despicable act. a 9 year old child was killed. Ms. Palin's "crosshairs" website was taken down within a few hours of the shooting. Thank God.
9:41 PM Blogger: I have never seen he site but at this point I agree that anything remotely connected with violence needs to take a rest.
My fear is that some will use this as a means to further more Government controls on lawful citizens, I hope thats not in the offering.
Tom Ford
Arizona shooter called "unstable" by local law enforcement officials, see the attached from ABC news.
Tom Ford
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