A comprehensive list of tax increases in the Obama care bill. (click here for the listing.)

To those among us who feel that the Obama health care law is wonderful I ask, did you know these increases were in there ? (remember Pelosi said "we have to pass the law to see whats in there!") Folks we are taxed to the hilt as it is now, and this mess will serve to push us all into indentured servitude to Uncle Sam.
The Congress will take up the Obama care bill repeal this week, I urge you to contact your elected Representatives and tell them to repeal this mass grab of our hard earned money while we can.
Do I expect Obama to sign it, or Reed to back it, no I don't. That said however the next election looms large in the minds of those due, so they will be tempering their actions to be reelected less they fall as those before them last November. So the Congress must pass it every week if needed, keep it in the limelight, and force the issue for all our sake's.
If a new "reform" is truly needed (and I doubt that) it Can be taken up, and this time fully researched before passage as it should have been done in the first place.
We are now officially $14 TRILLION dollars in debt, the Obama care bill added $165 BILLION to the debt (so far) and is a real and needed first step in cutting spending. If spending is not curtailed, and soon I suggest you contact the Rosetta Stone folks and learn a dialect of Chinese as they are the major holders of the National Debt !
Before my progressive / socialist friends scream "Bush did it" let me remind them that this massive debt was engineered by a democrat House and Senate as they had control since 2007, and they were (and are) the ones with the purse strings, not the President.
Tom Ford
NO. 845
If O'bama does not sign it then we could be doomed to the next stage of slavery and less freedom. When do I hear the first shot to start the next revolution to retrieve our freedom?
5:32 PM Blogger: You won't hear it, his party will demand he sign it sooner or later else they are removed in the next elections !
By the way, oil is almost $100.00 per barrel, and rising. That's when the feces hits the Emerson friend !
Tom Ford
OIL getting close to $100 a barrel!!!
When it gets there it will be the fault of GWB and his rich fat cat oil friends!!
Or the Tea Party, or GOP, or NRA, or talk radio,or Conservatives, or FOX news.
It will not be the fault of this current administration and its left wing economically growth stunting policy's. The solution offered will be more $ billions spent on alternative fuel sources in order to ween us foreign oil, while denying us the access to our own domestic oil.
It's called trickle up poverty. Or spreading the wealth our nation world wide.
I do not like it!
Obama slammed the oil market when he stopped the drilling in the ocean's for oil. Oil production dropped 13%. Only the Obama adminstration can take the blame.
Alderman Schlink has filed for the office of Mayor of Crestwood as the sole opponent of current Mayor Robinson. Election this April.
Go Jeff, go!!!
7:27 AM Blogger: Great news it is my friends ! Another three years of King Roy would be the doom of Crestwood !
Tom Ford
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