Saturday, January 29, 2011

Credit card rates at record highs ! (see link in post.)

Just what is in your wallet these days ? If it's a credit card issued by (you pick the institution) it may well be at or near 15% or more ! Why do I bother to bring this bit of good news to you, well bank credit rates are on the rise and that means Crestwood's budget is now more important than ever.

In looking at the City intake (from taxes, ETC.) I wonder if we can continue to hire new personnel (I understand Parks has a new employee,) and fund projects that are really not needed and keep our collective heads above water ?

Ladies and Gentlemen there is only so much to go around and the School District just got a huge increase, so I believe a Crestwood tax increase request will be laughed off the ballot, so when do we see some of that fiscal responsibility ?

Please remember that the Mayor chairs the ways and means committee and he seems to be able to exert his influence to get what he wants. If ever there was a need for a Mayor with the financial knowledge and courage of his convictions it's NOW.

(Link to the CNN report.)
index.htm?iid=HLMNot perfect credit = 59% APR

Tom Ford

NO. 849


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do think it is possible, with the guidance of Mr. Schlink, to present a balanced budget that includes a contibution to the cash reserve fund instead of extracting from it?

The mayor and his administration have failed to present a balanced budget without using the reserve fund for four years.

4:32 PM, January 29, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:32 PM Blogger: Not only is it possible but I would venture that Mr. Schlink would demand it (and succeed) in the first year !

This isn't rocket science, why even I know that you can't spend money you don't have and expect to "balance" anything !

"His Honor" and Mr. Eckrich seem to think if they just keep robing from Peter to pay Paul, all will be well. Unfortunately the truth is that while Paul may be satisfied for a short time, Peter still wants his share, and on it goes, except Crestwood looses !

"His Honor" and the City Administrator both know the Charter requires a balanced budget, so why the shenanigans ? I will never know !

The time for obfuscation is over, we need a leader who understands that and is willing to make the tough decisions that this City needs to survive !

Tom Ford

4:47 PM, January 29, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

PS: Somehow this quote from one of the founding Father's seems to fit rather well here.

“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a
shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.”

by John Adams

Or in this case a BOA with four members in lock step with "His Honor !"

Tom Ford

4:56 PM, January 29, 2011  

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