Happy New Year Crestwood !

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence.”
by C.A. Beard
What will become of us in 2011 ? Well that will depend on the BOA, and the courage of their convictions when it comes to doing the right thing budget wise.
I have been told that a complete reorganization of the Park Department has happened with promotions and raises to fit the new title. We had the chance to use that salary of the past parks director to help balance the budget, but NO, we can't do that can we. (FOIA form will be in for the exact promotions and raises on this Monday
may i suggest Mr. Eckrich take a very close look at the real need for these promotions and raises, as were not bringing in the revenue we once were.
Tom Ford
NO. 841
Major Price shifts in 2010 would tend to lead a person to think inflation is not far away.
OIL UP 25%
If these commodities as well as others continue increasing will Crestwood have enough money in the bank (not the bank of tax payers) for the basic requirements?
Inflation will be a factor in the upcoming years - how much so, I don't know. The biggest talk I hear (radio, tv, internet, and print) is concern over gas prices going up.
If gas prices go up, will Bush be blamed for allowing all his rich oil friends to raise prices, or will common sense prevail and people will recall the closing of OUR oil wells in the Gulf by Mr. Obama?
You pick.
Obama has worked his hope and change again. How about that OBAMA supporters. First Health Care. Then education. Then energy. The list goes on.
Not an Obama fan, but gas was up to $4.00 a gallon under Bush.
Hang on to your wallet not Obama fan, it's heading that way again... Question is who will the media blame this time?
I did not hold Bush responsible for elevated gas prices.
I do question what the impact is, after the Obama moratorium of offshore drilling, on the futures price for oil.
4:05 PM Blogger: Well for one thing you can bet gas prices will be above $4.65 a gallon by summer.
No oil drilling here plays right into the hands of socialists who want ALL of us to suffer equally.
You see the gas goes up, the delivery cost goes up, the cost of goods go up, and before you know it Communism looks good to Joe six-pack!
That's the way the socialists work to get you one small loss of freedom at a time. Anything more aggressive would result in riots and their removal.
Tom Ford
I guess that is one view point. The view may also have a certain amount of validity.
We did give up a huge portion of our access to mobility when the population cried for increaded protection after 9-11. We are now pesumed guilty as terrorists before boarding airplanes.
5:30 PM Blogger: Correct we have given up quite a few freedoms under the guise of "safety."
At this point we will allow the TSA to grope Grandma before we "profile" anyone who even looks middle Eastern so as to not "offend" any one.
The problem started with political correctness in our speech, and has moved to small incremental bans of such items as tobacco products, light bulbs other than CFL types, and mandatory seat belt wearing.
Now as you know this is the type of "nose of the camel in the tent" that socialist's use to remove control from the great un-washed and centralize it.
We have a brand new year and 63 new reasons to take back our Republic from the socialist's, and suggest we start doing it this week !
As for me, I will NEVER use any of the PC speak in any conversation with anyone, nor will I conform to the idiocy of our so called leaders who would push us to a "one world order !"
Tom Ford
you will never use PC speak? Good to know so I may avoid conversations with you. Heaven knows what you might start calling those around you because it was acceptable 60 years ago. There are many ugly names and terms you will certainly be using, since you refuse to be "PC". I can't wait to be transported back to the age of racial, sexual and gender slurs.
1;43 PM Blogger: Your right about one thing and that is PLEASE don't bother to ever speak to me as your sensitivities couldn't stand it !
Tom Ford
I cant wait to be transported to the age of thick skinned, self confident people, be it forward or backward, who don't blow a head gasket because of something someone said.
The deregulation of the government has resulted in America becoming a Plutocracy. I suggest you worry less about getting our country back from the "evil socialists" and join me, and others, in getting our country back from the Corporations which corrupt our policies.
-Franky (a supporter of some socialist policies aka The Bogeyman)
Please explain the concept of deregulation of the government?
Excuse me I meant deregulation of big- business by the government. I suppose I deserve a brutal typo for writing blog comments from a phone!!! Thanks
6:33 PM Blogger: "Franky," "evil corporations ?" The last time you looked for a Job did you approach a poor person, or did you look to a corporation ?
I guess you haven't been able to discern the difference between a corporation that exists to make money for it's share holders, and socialists that exist to live off of others.
Franky, much to your chagrin socialists are wonderful with other peoples money, but not so good at paying their own way.
So I suggest you look on the bright side, your socialist policies have us in debt over 14 trillion dollars, ans were NOT going to spend any more !
May I suggest you look into the possibility of living in any of the socialist Nations on the planet today as were going to stop this idiocy right now !
Tom Ford
Considering I am a teacher (I am sure you love that), I did not look to a corporation for a job, I looked to the government. Let me tell you first hand, as government “shrinks” our students suffer by losing some great teachers and endless materials.
In my eyes, a government’s roll in the business world is to create a mutually beneficial environment for business to thrive, some might call this regulation. This process should be done in the most efficient manner possible (it is currently not). The government should have the ability to tax at higher rate for creating such favorable scenarios (taxes should not currently be raised). Capitalism would not be stymied, like a rose bush it would be catered to and closely manicured. Tax money would then go back to fund all things that government supply for the people (defense, education, health-care, etc.). I could go into more detail, but I think you get the point. Some call it socialism, I call it smart. We are only as strong as our weakest link.
Did you know that the Senate Armed Service Committee members are allowed to and do own massive Mutual funds containing publicly traded defense contractors companies? These same people are in charge of what is and is not bought on behalf of the government. You are smart enough to connect the dots, this is basically insider trading (unethical on Wall Street). Corporate corruption of the Government 101.
Also, Social Security is a socialist policy, as is medi-care. I hope as you near retirement you plan on, as a form of protest, not collecting on either.
Franky, well said. But don't bother. He honestly believes that Obama ran up the deficit all by his lonesome. It was at zero when he took office, right??
and, to the 5:47 poster. It appears you aren't terribly experienced in having slurs hurled at you because of who or what you are. People who have not been on the receiving end can afford to be thick skinned. People tagged with racial epithets again and again do tend to have their skin wear a bit thin.
9;39 PM Blogger: "Franky," You said d it yourself "I looked to Government!" Government is not the answer, it's the problem as RW Reagan said.
Do you really believe that if Government shrinks, kids will be tossed to the wolves with no education ?
Franky you espouse the usual mantra of the NEA and all others who look for a hand out from Uncle Sugar, and my friend that's sad.
I grew up in an era when schools functioned extremely well and kids learned without the special programs that the NEA feels must be in place now.
We survived, produced the space program, modern medicine, your cell phone, and yes your I pad minus the Government on our backs.
I have know many teachers over my lifetime and I will say that some are far better than others. I subscribe to George Bernard Shaw who as you may know said "Those that can do, those that can't teach.
Which one are you Franky ?
Tom Ford
9:59 PM Blogger: NOPE, IT WAS OBAMA, REID, PELOSI, SCHUMER, and he rest of the democrats who want to take this Republic "one world order."
Obama and his minions have run the debt up to 14 Trillion dollars, and they would raise the debt ceiling for yet more !
When does it stop, when you socialists get your way, were broke, and Communist ?
Think for a change, you just might see the truth out here !
Tom Ford
Pelosi final debt tab, 5.34 Trillion added in two years !
Tom Ford
Well I suppose it only takes you to expose to your own ignorance. If "those that can't do" are allowed to teach we are in big trouble. In Finland only the best of the best are allowed to teach and are only allowed to do so once they attain a Masters. They have been number one in basically everything for years. We could take a page from their system, but as you boasted about the accomplishments of your precious baby-boomer's, it is clear your belief in blind American exceptionalism would not allow you to ever consider that someone does anything better than America.
Generally, I am willing to give you credit on good points you make and I always see your point of view, even though I rarely agree, but Tom you have truly done yourself a disservice by your previous comments. You come off as flat out ignorant.
-The downfall of all great heroes is Hubris.
I subscribe to the theory that all people ask the government for as much as possible. When the bill is presented to pay for all that was requested the tax payers says no.
There is a limit to how much government can and should do.
Tom thinks the government does to much. Franky believes the government should do more.
Tuff balancing act.
6:19 PM Blogger: "Franky,' I didn't say only those who can't do are allowed to teach, you did !
Now I see that the "baby Boomer" generation meets with some resistance from you, why is that ? Is it because your NEA group has lower test score results than at that time and your embarrassed, or do you feel ill used by the current system ?
Franky, never before in the history of this great Republic has so much money been spent per student on education for such lame results.
Look up the numbers for the City Of St. Louis Board of Education and you will see that per capita their students get better than $25,000 per child, yet many of them can't spell the school they went to, why is that ?
My ignorance ? horse feathers, I will tell you that it's the shameful waste of time, funding, and the real lack of teacher skills that have caused that, because it sure isn't the kids, (I have worked with them to improve their job skills and still do.)
What do know about teaching you say ? Well for the past 45 years I have married to a darn fine teacher who made darn sure he students knew the subject, passed the tests, and yes could find a job in the real world.
In closing I wish to thank you for the immediate retreat to insults so dear to th liberal / socialists when they run out of facts, and by the way, you never did answer the question, "which one are you
Tom Ford
I am in receipt of a very nice email from Franky, and I do believe we have agreed to disagree on this subject.
I welcome Franky and all who Post with the fervor and zeal of Franky as I believe it adds to our continuing education.
Thanks Franky, and may you return again.
Tom Ford
Tom ( not sure if you actually took this down or it didn't go through)
You speak of facts but truly know little about them. If you took the time to look at DESE's website you would see that the Per Pupil Expenditure per Average Daily Attendance in the City is roughly 16,000. I guess an extra 9,000 tacked on for hyperbole is appropriate. I know you are against PC comments, but the gross generalization that this kids can't read is again ridiculous.
As for your NEA jab's I am not a part of the Association and I recognize the pro's and con's of teachers unions. In some cases they do protect bad teachers, but they also protect an under appreciated group of workers.
I have no qualm with your generation I do have a qualm with the revelry in which you regard them. They were in charge through Bush, Clinton, Bush, and still hold many positions of power in our current admin. I see them as a guilty party just like everyone else. I would prefer not to blame, but I will not pretend like you guys invented the wheel either.
As far as your disdain for my ideologies, I could care less. I realize the flaws of it and I embrace improvements upon it to adapt to the future. Communism is both an economic system and a political system whereas Socialism is concentrated on a certain level of egalitarianism in economics. I do not subscribe to communism it has proven itself to be inept. The last word is yours if you want it.
10:09 AM Blogger: Franky, first of all let me assure you that I received this in an email, it was never posted. Anyway I would never move to "shut you up" unless you became vulgar or verbally assaulted someone on this blog.
Next, I really don't need the last word as you have made my case for me, (I see you don't refute the atrocious test scores in this area.)
The "facts " are teachers are doing an injustice to kids and you and both know it.
Thanks for your remarks.
Tom Ford
your wife being a teacher doesn't give you much first hand experience in the classroom...I wonder what you base these statements on? ALL teachers are doing an injustice to ALL students?
Including everyone in a statement of responsibility for a specific action or result can only be incorrect.
While I agree the direction of public schools, largely influenced by federal, statae and local government objectives, is not necessarily teaching what I believe alternatives are still available. I observe a large delegation of responsibility for the raising of children to the public schools and their objectives. The parents are then free to pursue the wealth they desire while the kids are taught what the government decides is correct. This begins with infants as young as 1 year old. My question is:
Why would you decide to have kids and then delegate the responsibility to raise them to the government?
What can you offer as an explanation Franky?
6:46 PM Blogger: Well no it doesn't does it, however I am an instructor for continuing education (PEU) courses for St. Louis County licensing,( last 4 years) so I do have "classroom experience."
I base my remarks on the simple fact that our kids are going to school, but learning next to nothing and no one seems to care !
All teachers ? No not all but apparently enough that won't buck the system and thus allow these horrific test scores to happen.
How do you explain "outcome based education" or "Ebonics" that seem to be all the rage in progressive education these days ?
I am not the best educated man on the planet by a long shot but I don't think the idea of "not hurting" their "self esteem" is the way for our kids and Grand kids to move ahead. Like it or not 2 and 2 are 4 not what some progressive teacher allows the numbers to be just so we don't hurt their feelings.
Hurting a child in the classroom is going on all the time in present day America, sad but true. How are they being hurt ? Well by NOT allowing them to fail now and then. Only by failing will they understand the joy of doing it right and gaining the respect of their peers.
Tom Ford
I know a teacher or two, and there are plenty of kids who are allowed to fail. It's so easy to look around and say something's wrong, then blame the schools and/or the teachers. They're an easy target. Are all teachers good ones? Of course not. But "bucking the system"? How quickly would you be willing to lose your job for insubordination? Not very, I bet. No Child Left Behind was the cherry on top, I am told, of teachers being forced to teach tests and not real subject matter. Why? Poor test scores coould cost funding, accredidation, and your job. So...teach the test. Is this the teachers' fault for not "bucking the system"? Most people do what they're told rather than play fast and loose with their incomes. The teachers I know teach what they're told and add as much extra in as possible.
11:07 AM Blogger: As I said enough go along with it to make it happen sadly enough. I wish to see the day when principals rule over "saving my job."
In my career I have walked out of negations that while lucrative were as wrong as wrong could be, but hey, that's me.
Tom Ford
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