New low reached by despicable politicians in the Arizona shooting (click here for the story.)

Well I have seen a heck of a lot of low down things in my time, but this well may take the cake! Here we have a United States Senator fund raising by using the tragedy in Arizona to further his campaign coffers !
I really don't care what party you belong to (this buffoon is a Democrat,) you should have the common decency to allow the families of the fallen to bury their loved ones in peace and not use their death to further your political career.
I pray that the good people of Arizona see him for just what he is, a conniving, low down swine more interested in his own "career" than the lives of his fellow Arizonians. And we wonder how the (so called) Rev. Phelps and the Westboro baptist Church get away with disrupting military funerals.
Tom Ford
NO. 844
last night the president gave a speech asking for an end to the insane politcal rhetoric...references to violence, etc. I hope very much both sides of the aisle can pay attention to that and stop the nonsense. Gun sights on political district maps, telling people to "reload', none of it helps or accomplishes anything.
I am sorry you pay attention to the rhetoric.
I did not witness any of this disturbance when other politcal people are shot or killed.
Just another attempt to convince that Obama can save us.
the fact that none of this rage has been present before is the point, actually.
"the fact that none of this rage has been present before is the point, actually."
What cave have you been living in for the last 10 years?
You want to see rage? Review the photos found at at that link. Is it only rage when conservatives refuse to take these examples of what the progressives dish out by speaking up and saying "no more"?
Tell me how signs calling for the bombing of the GWB white house and thereby killing him is not left wing rage. Explain to me how signs showing the beheading of GWB is not leftest rage?
Then explain to me why the media and DNC didn't say something then about the rage and hate their supports where displaying?
THIS PRESIDENT HAS BILL AYERS AS HIS BUDDY, A LEFT WING TERRORIST WHO IN THE 60'S BOMBED GOVT BUILDINGS KILLING PEOPLE! Talk about anti government! This President and his followers support the daily murder of thousands of unborn babies by their mothers. Is the fact that I posted this an example of hate and rage, or is it rage and hate because it is happening?
"Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, World News Dailey has learned.
The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers. Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Now tell me, are "cross hairs" on a map REALLY the reason for this nut job's actions?
wow. there literally is nothing to say to respond to that level of rhetoric. So much for for stand down and allow for a more decent discourse. I'll leave you to your rants. Don't forget to carry a napkin to wipe the foam off after you're done screaming.
Okay, well, I must respond, then I will be done. Your Unabomber-esque rant is beyond the pale. Having always seen Mr. Trueblood as a voice of reason on here, I am quite taken aback.
The nutjobs holding signs calling for Bush's demise were just that: nutjobs. No different than the current nutjobs one sees on the news holding signs at tea party rallies. Is Sarah Palin a nutjob standing in a crowd at a rally?? No. She is a national figure, with a huge amount of influence assigned to her, deserved or not. She had gunsights over the districts she wanted targeted!! Comparing the 2 is laughable unless you can show me the nationally recognized LEADER in the Democratic party doing or having done something similar. Not a nutjob holding a sign, a genuine leader in the party.
Your ravings remind me of the mind set that applauds the bombing of an abortion clinic where 15 people are killed because killing is wrong.
You tell me, then , sir, if killing is so wrong, why was the conservative base so eager to start 2 wars? Thousands and thousands of people, American and other, have been killed in these two useless, ugly wars. I guess that's okay, then, because a Republican president started them? Justify that, please, if you will, with your stance on killing. You brought that up, not me, for the record.
Your opinion on Mr. Obama's friends is just that: your opinion. Luckily, you don't get to choose everyone on earth's friends, thankfully for the rest of us. And before you condemn this Mr. Ayers for what he did 40 years ago, please reflect on if you are the same person you were 40 years ago.People change, opinions change, actions change. Your assuming you can judge a person by their actions 4 decades ago makes me wonder. Then please tell me how you know him personally and the last time you spoke to him.
Crosshairs on a map(oh, sorry, surveyors marks, my mistake) had nothing to do with the gunman's actions. Mental illness did. The crosshairs were a visable symptom of an underlying problem in this country. It was pointed out by Ms. Giffords herself last March. When one is in position of power and influence one has a responsibility to be aware of what is projected on behalf of yourself and your political party. The level of irresponsibility is mind boggling.
So which leader of the left and or democratic party in a voice of reason, demanded the death threats against those most visible conservatives to end?
Bill Ayers, I must have missed his repentance, so I would be correct lacking same, that he still holds the same beliefs now as he did when his group under his leadership blew up government buildings.
Wars, check you history on who supported the wars, and while your at it, check who made promises during the election of 2008 that have yet to been fulfilled.
Looking for reconcilable leader of the DNC, how about starting with now former (thank God) Rep. Alan Grayson.
12:34 PM Blogger: I bet you would really be "taken aback" if you had any idea of the number of Americans that feel just as Tim does.
Mr. Trueblood is spot on with his comments as every one of the people he discusses (on the left) have been involved in horrendous anti Government acts in their lifetimes.
You seem to want to have someone take up your banner of left leaning ideas and teachings, alas this is the wrong place for that.
You must be the poster child for the rabid left who would enslave us to socialism and worse if you doubt any of the facts put forth in Tim's comments because they are all indeed true !
We know the left (and it looks like you too)hates Sarah palin because she can draw 10,000 people just by arriving while your leader Obama can't draw flies unless it's a DNC set up, but please, you know deep down in your soul that she and others like her will be the demise of socialism so get used to it.
The era of socialist /Communist ideals in America is quickly drawing to a close, and with it your lefty friends. I said it before, America made a huge mistake in 08, but by the grace of God we will remedy it in 12 !
Tom Ford
“Americans have gotten the message that life is easier if they don't think straight.”
by Florence King National Review
How very sad but true !
Tom Ford
Hate speech?
At a democrat fund raiser, Obama said," If they bring a knife to a fight , we bring a GUN"
"I don't want to quell anger, I think people are right to be angry, I'm angry"
Joe Biden; " If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them"
Democrat Paul Kanjorski; about then Florida gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott. "They ought to have him and shoot him, put him against the wall and SHOOT him"
Senator Claire McCaskill Democrat Mo. " it really is time for Americans to take up pitchforks!
Notice anything similar about these so called leaders ? Why yes, their ALL DEMOCRATS !
You were saying something about right wing rhetoric being inflammatory ?
Tom Ford
yes, all the smashed windows, cut gas lines, and death threats after the health care vote were Democrats.
What smashed windows, cut gas lines and death threats are you referring to?
Some famous liberals:
Dan White (milk)
Joe Stack
Amy Bishop
Ted Kaczynksi
James Earl Ray
Sirhan Sirhan
Joseph Stack
Bill and Bernadine
"Smashed windows, cut gas lines"?
Give some links to back up that claim.
Want a creditable democrat leader spreading hate and violence towards Conservatives? Watch Ole Barney on this link:
Just one article. There was a coffin placed on Carnahn's lawn here in St. Louis. Tea Party opponents of Giffords holding campaign rallies at a rifle range inviting supporters to shoot assault rifles with him.(hmmGiffords...assault rifles...) Palin telling thousands of people to "reload". These are not democrats. This raging culture of violence is very real, very scary, and much(not all) is Republican. Republicans can say all they want they are not participating. It's a flat out lie. They are participating, perpetuating, and perpetrating. Scream "victim" all you want, but it's real and it's happening, whether you choose to acknowedge it or not. And no, liberals are not making it up.
did not copy first try. here is the link again
Still waiting for the big named liberal democrat to call an end to the hate speech I listed.
So we get from you an empty coffin on a yard, and that's like a sign calling for and showing GWB decapitated?
We have a political rally at a target range and the targets they shot at were what? Images of a democrat?, Bull's eyes?
Let's see that's two and it's three if you count the"cross hairs on the map thing.
Now tell me, have you looked at all the stuff on the link I gave here?
Which came first the coffin, target range rally, cross hairs, or the stuff showing GWB decapitated?
Come on I know you can do it, yes, you got it! It was the liberal democrat stuff that came first. And where were you then as the voice of reason calling for an end to the hate speech?
No where to heard, you know why? Cause you had no problem with what was being said then! Shameful, just pure shameful.
But when liberals lose an election, instead of blaming their policy's for the lose, they want to blame the voters because they were put under some evil conservative spell of fear and hate. I say that is pure poppycock!
Tell me a little about how you feel the quotes Tom listed. Tell me what you thought about the link to Old Barny Franks little speech? Make you scared, like having a coffin in your yard, or a image of your self being hung?
Still waiting for links to back up your smashed windows and cut gas lines claims. With all the hate speech by the Conservatives these days, there ought to be plenty of examples to point to. At least 3, wouldn't you say?
12:15 AM and 8:01 PM Bloggers: These seem to be a figment of your fertile imagination, right ?
The coffin was never on Carnahan's lawn, it was actually not on his "lawn" but on the City property tree lawn. And do you remember the fire bombing incident at a loccal democrat office that was traced back to a democrat campaign aid ?
Now as for holding a csmpaign rally at a rifle range that is no different than holding a fund raiser for "His Honor" at Fletcher's. Your objective is to raise money, so what's your point ?
You speak of responsibility when one is in power. Well the democrats have been, and are responsible for 99% of every vitrolic word uttered in Washington on a daily basis. It's true and if your honest with yourself you will admit it !
You say we can be victim's if we want to, well that's not going to be the case any longer as the average "Joe six pack" is sick and tired of socialist / progressive / liberals and were finally doing something about it, were using the ballot box to remove them from the political gene pool.
Winston Churchill once said "There are four pilers of liberty, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, use them in that order." I agree completely.
Tom Ford
there is never a time when violence or threats/hints of violence are acceptable. From either party, ever. There were many degrading, violent images of Bush when he was in office, and I felt at the time that was awful. A sitting president, whether you like him or not, should be afforded at least the respect of the office. When Bush was president, and so many disliked him, they were told he was voted in far and square, deal with it. I now say that about our current president. He won fair and square, deal with it. Your constant need to fall back on guns, with Churchill's reference to the cartridge box is unnerving. The Constitution does not say it's okay to shoot people. Reublican, democrat, whatever. Shooting people because you don't like what they say is a crime. So you go reload or whatever you people do. I have no desire to be looking down your gun barrel. My original point was, as expected, lost in rhetoric and gun talk. All I had said at first was the violent talk needs to be stopped on both sides, by everyone. Stand down, soldier, put your cartridge box away, no need to shoot. You can have your blog back without any other opinions muddying your world.
8:58 AM Blogger; I never had my cartridge box out in the first place (I don't do that sort of thing,) so I can't put it away. I am struck by your statement that I fall back on guns. When have I ever advocated that guns be used ? NEVER and you know it! Nice try but no cigar !
You really don't get it do you ? Churchill's quote was to PREVENT VIOLENCE no to glorify it !
"Respect is earned, never given," so say the marines (they deserve it) so while I will respect the OFFICE, I will not respect the holder until he / she earn it, and so far that's not happened.
"You can have your Blogg back" well I guess your out of liberal clichés to fend off the Conservatives, so your going elsewhere. Pity, we all enjoyed your attempt to defend the UN-defendable!
Tom Ford
8:58 M Blogger:
(PS) you didn't vote for this gal did you? I would hate to see you looking down the "fork" of a pitchfork!
Senator Claire McCaskill Democrat Mo. " it really is time for
Americans to take up pitchforks!"
Tom Ford
/us_ debt_wars
Well the liberals now have us above a 14 TRILLION dollar debt thanks to obamacare, and the other idiot spending for God knows what.
Time for The Republican party to FREEZE AND THEN CUT SPENDING, starting with obamacare !
Tom Ford
8:58 AM BLOGGER: Would this be a sample of the "civility," and new tone you would have us take ? This is one of the "peaceful" democrats who was at the Town Hall meeting.
Tom Ford
8:58 AM Blogger: Just a little "FYI"
“There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes, and the other is the Bill of Rights.”
Major General Smedley Butler, US Marine Corps 1930
Tom Ford
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