Crestwood aquatic center reports a $78,000.00 loss in fiscal year 2010 (click here for the Call story.)

Yes we did loose money on White Cliff for the last two years, and since Sunset Hills has opened a Brand new 'center' we will no doubt loose more this year.
At this point your expecting me to call for the closing of the center, right ? Well I for one think it needs to stay open if for no other reason than to give the Crestwood kids a safe place to go.
But, how do we make up the short fall here ? We all know that commodity prices will be going up this year so we will be paying higher dollars for supplies, heat, light and all the other things needed to maintain a descent and clean pool and center.
Well, I have part of the answer here folks, we must eliminate the position of animal control (duplicate service) and use that $50,000.00 plus to reduce the losses ! If we do that and maintain a better watch on expenses we have the opportunity to at least break Even there.
Yes, it no doubt will mean raising the yearly pass charge, ans well as the non-resident pass charge, but it will be successful. Remember that this will be paid off in 2012, and we are supposed to have the 2012 final payment in escrow, so if we work it right, this may not be an issue in 2012.
The time to right the ship is now and the answer to part of it is right before our very eyes, so what do we do ? Do we continue with our heads in the sand, or do we do the NECESSARY things to plug the holes ? You tell me !
Tom Ford
NO. 858
Tom the leaders will just keep their heads in the sand and wait. After all if you do nothing it will correct itself. They refuse to let extra people go, raise taxes to an exceptable level, or watch the pennies.
Face it the mall will not come to terms anytime soon if at all. The only thing I feel certain about is how long the city will survive.
11:17 AM Blogger: I agree that they will "do noting" as the percentage of "sheeple" on that board seems to outweigh the ones with business experience.
There is a word for that, and I do believe it's "PATHETIC !" That said though when the axe does fall we will have earned the moral authority to tell them just what fools they really are.
Tom Ford
Raise the fees. Watch expenses. Hopefully by 2012, we will do ok.
12:28 AM Blogger: Right and part of "watching expenses" is to cut UN-needed expenditures.
So don't forget to remove animal control from the budget and send those funds to Parks.
Tom Ford
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