Crestwood is advertising for a WHAT ? (click here to be shocked !)

To say that I am incredulous is to make the understatement of the century ! We have Alder-persons saying we must have more taxes from us to fund the City, and I see this advertisement for a new 'dog catcher ?'
Let's look at this rationally for a change minus the 'emotion' were so used to getting on this subject. First and foremost St. Louis County provides us with animal control that we already pay for, ergo DUPLICATE SERVICE !
Second, the dog catcher in Crestwood only works a 40 hour shift thus leaving the remainder of the animal abatement time (128 hours) to guess who ? That's right ST. LOUIS COUNTY and our Police Department !
Third, there is no doubt in my mind that this posting is motivated by the need for votes that may be be garnered in the up-coming mayoral election. (This was posted on Friday, 4 Feb. 2011 at 4:38 PM, and from what I am told none of the Alder-persons were advised of it prior to the posting !) It makes one wonder who is running this rail road ? The BOA who we elected or ?
Now all that said, I ask you to call, write, visit your Alder-persons and tell them just what you think of this ridiculous waste of our tax monies. We have seen some doozies reference wasted funds from some on this Board, but his takes the cake !
If ever there was a reason to vote for Jeff Schlink for Mayor in April this blatant attempt to 'capture the animal crowd' vote is it. If you like the idea of constant tax increases, foolish expenditures, refusal to make the needed cuts to save Crestwood, well vote for Robinson and his minions. However, if you, like I have had enough of taxes, wasted expenditures, and the refusal of our elected officials to listen to US for a change, VOTE FOR MR. SCHLINK FOR MAYOR IN APRIL!
Tom Ford
NO. 853
I believe the excuse that will be used by the administration and some on the BOA for continuing the position is we have alloted for it in the budget.
Once again an opportunity to trim costs without causing loss of income for the employee occupying the position will be lost.
9:54 PM Blogger: Correct, I have already heard that from the Alderman responding to my email.
We all have a budget don't we ? Let's say that the car is paid off next month, do we then just forget about that portion and spend it, or do we try to save that amount ?
In Crestwood it seems that there are those who believe the money is in endless supply and there is no need to save anything. Were on hard times folks, we must make cuts and this was a perfect place to do it without harming anyone !
That will never ever happen though as that special interest group represents VOTES, and VOTES are he only thing they are interested in !
The Mayor and his "four horsemen of the ridiculous" have just shown us how disinterested they are in running this City the right way.
Well, I for one am sick and ired of the "poor mouth" they talk of while at the same time they waste my tax money, how about you ?
Ready for some changes yet ?
Tom Ford
In case you think that Crestwood is far behind the Nation on the "road to ruin", take a look in the rear view mirror !
Tom Ford
Cmon Tom! Don't you know this city is overrun by feral cats!!!
By the way, good luck today with the Steelers!
Any fun Superbowl plans? Mine are to watch and eat goodies!!!
1:27 PM Blogger: Well your right about this City being over run, but it isn't feral cats.
Were over run by special interest groups who gladly waste our money, but won't spend any of theirs for their 'club's.' And were over run with people who's only apparent job is to get re-elected and cater to them.
Wouldn't that $50,000 (total) in the budget for a duplicate service have looked good in reducing the amount of money we 'HAD' to borrow for he General Fund?
Super Bowl plans ? Nope just going to spend the afternoon with my bride and a couple of cold ones.
When your a Steeler fan your supposed to act like you have been there (we have 6 rings) and not flaunt it, and that we shall do my friend.
Tom Ford
May after Jeff beats Roy in April, Roy can become our dog catcher. Sure pays more that the Mayor's job.
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