Ground Hog day is tomorrow, February 2, 2011, and that started me thinking..........

One way we can put Crestwood on the map this year is to have "His Honor" and our 'animal control' officer (Ms. Susie Sutton) preside over festivities right here in Crestwood ! Why bother with 'Punxatawney Phil' when we could have our own prognostication right here in town with two celebrities doing the honors ?
What's that you say, we have no Ground Hogs in Crestwood ? Are you really sure about that ? At one point there were 'feral cats' running un-bridled (until Susie came and saved us,) so I would opine that Mr. Ground Hog is here somewhere hiding and waiting for his chance at stardom !
Don't worry about he cost of the festivities as the volunteers can shift to 'Ground Hog' adoption mode in a heart beat thus assuaging said cost's and insuring our tax monies are safe for other hare- brained projects.
Tom Ford
NO. 851
Hee hee hee
'Runxatawney Roy"
Wow. I never thought you would stoop so low Tom
. I'm disappointed in you. Normally a fan but this is just silly and embarrassing. I'm sure I'm probably going to get ripped apart for posting this but you are better than this.
11:10 PM Blogger: It's supposed to be "silly." When you find yourself not being able to laugh with or about something, your finished on this earth.
Enjoy it, or don't enjoy it, that's your choice. Some will find the humor, some will not and I am sure supporters of "animal control" will freak as usual.
Tom Ford
as usual, name calling is not tolerated, unless it's coming from you.
7:43 AM Blogger: "Name calling ?" What "name calling" would that be ? (note NO DELETIONS have been made.)
If you honestly believe that anyone on this thread is "name calling" I believe you have lead a very sheltered life.
Or is it possible that you believe the new PC so much that you cant tolerate sarcasm or illustrating absurdity with absurdity ? Because that's all we have here my friend !
Tom Ford
Pux. Phil says an early spring folks ! We have no word on "Crestwood Charlie" as of yet, but the Sun was shining, so.......
Tom Ford
Yes Tom, I for one am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say that you would poke fun at our beloved mayor...a mayor that takes his job so seriously...a mayor that is courteous to all alderman...a mayor that conducts board meetings with the highest degree of honor. I could go on and on, but let us hear from the mayor himself:
"Well, I don't know what cliff you fell off of," Robinson said. "There's been no cliff falling."
"Well, I consider the closing of Dillard's as a major problem," Miguel said.
"That's, as far as I'm concerned, that's just a negative point," Robinson said. "And it's an overstated situation, which is backed by people who want to raise taxes and all things to be able to justify. We're not raising the taxes."
Quotation of Mayor Roy Robinson and Alderman Jerry Miguel concerning the closing of Dillard’s in Crestwood Plaza and Alderman Miguel’s desire to have a Plan B to prepare for a reduction in sales taxes. This quote was taken from the SunCrest Call (www., from “Crestwood mayor, alderman clash over need for 'Plan B'”, by Burke Wasson, 10-31-2007
"A two-month evaluation doesn't provide a good clear value to the performance," the mayor added. "And if you've had any managerial experience you would know that."
2010-08-18 Impact News SunCrest Call - City administrator's review process discussed by board by EVAN YOUNG Staff Reporter. This was the mayor's response to Alderman Duchild.
"Point of order, mayor," Alderman Duchild said. "Alderman Pickel's light was not on. He did not have the floor to make that motion."
"You don't control the lights here. I do," Roy replied.
Alderman Duchild said, "He didn't have the floor. I'm calling a point of order ..." "If you're wanting to cause an argument, that's wrong," Roy said. "But you don't sit over there and tell me whether lights are on or not."
"(Ward 1) Alderman (Darryl) Wallach clearly had the floor — point of order, that's all," Alderman Duchild said.
"Well the order is fine with me," Roy said. 2010-04-07 SunCrest Call Opinions - Aldermen continue to use Robinson's Rules of Order
Mike Anthony
During a Crestwood Board of Aldermen budget workshop, Ward 3 Alderman Jerry Miguel asked Mayor Roy Robinson, "Are we genuinely following Robert's Rules of order?" Roy replied, "I don't see anything in there that says I have to follow Robert's Rules of Order, OK? I have Robinson's Rules of Order." 2010-01-06 Opinions - SunCrest Call
Officials have no shortage of Misguided Quotes in '09
I have more...much more!
6:52 PM Blogger: "Yes Tom, I for one am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say that you would poke fun at our beloved mayor..."
Gee whiz, me too
Tom ford
The Board has voted that their meetings will use Roberts Rules of Oder's several times in the past. The failure of the Mayor to obey this is a violation of the City Charter.
It is that simple.
Current BOA would be wise to bring to the floor the vote again and if passed, put the Mayor on notice of their full intentions to hold him to their vote. Or suffer the consequences.
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