Public Works did a 4.0 job on the recent storm ! (Click here to email them.)

I wish to thank our Public Works Department and the snow plow drivers especially for an outstanding job during the height of the recent snow storm. !
This "snow plowing" is a sometimes thankless job for which no-one gets the proper credit. At least not the credit due them for the hours spent in the cold and time away from their families to insure we are safe on the streets of Crestwood !
When you see one of the troops in their plow make sure to thank them for a job well done ! It will go a long way, believe me.
Tom Ford
NO. 852
Yes they did. And all departments did great work when we had the tornado on New Years Day.
I agree with Tom, and Anonymous!
In all the contacts I have had with the City workers over the years, I have found them to always be helpful, and friendly, and doing an excellent job!
I say three cheers for all of them!
Thank you.
BTW, Tom...I will say to the non Navy people like us, that 4.0 is equivalent to 100%.
I thought that is why we paid them. Certainly they did not get out there and plow streets without compensation including overtime.
Yes they have developed a talent but again thats what we pay them for.
8:01 PM Blogger: Indeed it is friend but from time to time it's nice to hear that you did a good job, no ?
What a person is paid is secondary to how a person is valued, at least that has always been true for me.
I myself am paid to do a job, and I do it, but I try to exceed that job if for no other reason than personal pride, and the satisfaction of knowing that someone appreciates my efforts.
Won't you please give up the "curmudgeon" roll (that's my job here,) and join your fellow Crestwoodians in thanking our valued Public Works employees for a darn fine job done under extremely adverse conditions ?
Tom Ford
I would say 8:01 Feb 2nd post is a waste of space
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