The quote of the day, think about it.
“Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government
that requires every citizen to prove
they are insured……but not everyone
must prove they are a citizen”
Tom Ford
NO. 857
that requires every citizen to prove
they are insured……but not everyone
must prove they are a citizen”
Tom Ford
NO. 857
While reading everything on this blog for many months, it now seems that Mr. Ford and maybe two others have Crestwood's problems all tied up with a cute little bow.
All we need to do is get rid of Roy, and all our shortfalls and money problems will just go away. Sounds like a plan to me, especially since according to them, he did nothing right. All we need to do is get rid of what he says needs to stay, and bring back anything he says needed to go.
From the shooting daggers put forth by The Ford Group, it seems to me that they wouldn't care if a masked murderer ran against Roy, they would indeed tell you to vote for the individual. I applaud their clear thinking...
I hate to break the news to them and others, but there is no hero that will sit in that seat and solve everything. And just think of this Mr. Ford, et al, if your candidate becomes mayor, you and your group won't be able to bitch about anything anymore - wouldn't that just kill you if that happened???
You will have to vent your hateful and condemning words and your disgusting attitudes on to your kids, I guess.
You may think that the next mayor or the one after him will be Crestwood's redeemer, but I can tell you "it ain't going to happen". If you look at the statistics, you will see that Crestwood isn't the only city struggling. So unless a mayor can perform miracles, it is what it is.
3:51 PM Blogger: Well according to his re-election campaign flier EVERYTHING that has and will happen in Crestwood is because of him. (Even he can't have it both ways you know.)
"My people ?" Well I must have quite a following as there seems to be a whole lot of residents and non-residents that are tired of his act.
Will things get better ? They sure can't get any worse ! Thank goodness we have a real businessman who is ready to step in and take the reins.
I will be voting for Mr. Jeff Schlink in April, won't you join me ?
Tom Ford
Just a thought that I came upon on "Dales Blog" that makes perfect sense.
"Watching the unfolding political debate, it occurs to me that liberals feel the same way about truth that Dracula feels about sunlight.”
by Paul Kirchner
Tom Ford
Calm down 3:58 blogger
What shooting daggers?
I read opinions which we are free to express in this country without fear of death.
What money problems?
According to city hall we have no problems. Just the usual request for additional money.
Will Jeff solve everything?
No. .
I do not want solutions from Roy with no vision of the future. The last three years have demonstrated Roy makes promises and takes credit with no substance to support them.
I want professional representation.
I want legislation created by the BOA, representatives of the people.
I want the BOA to be allowed to do their job, per the charter, up front and not behind closed doors. If any rep currently on the BOA does not want to invest the time to perform the job for which they where elected please resign.
No bitching here. Just specific objectives.
I believe Jeff Schlink is a better bet than what Roy has demonstrated the last three years.
Nothing hateful or condeming in this message.
I am not looking for miracles.
I am looking for a change in direction and representation.
11:57 AM Blogger: Quite eloquent indeed ! In fact I am going to move this comment up the line so others will be sure to see it.
Tom Ford
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