We are fast approaching Election time (AKA "the silly season") in Crestwood, and if you have questions as to what's going on, here's your form.

It has been asked often on this Blog how to find out what our tax monies are really going for. Well this form above (click on the header) is all you need to fill out and return to Ms. Tina Flowers, City Clerk, Crestwood, MO.
Please copy the form and fill it out making sure that your very specific as to what information your after, state the reason for it, and turn it into Tina. It will be returned to you within 72 hours and you will find that Tina and her staff are there to assist you in any way they can.
The City Clerks office in my opinion is one of the best run entities in Crestwood as you will discover when you request your documents. Please remember that they do have other duties ,so give them time and they will make sure your wants and needs are met.
Folks were going to elect a new Mayor in April. Have you ever wondered just what the current one is doing with your hard earned money ? I have and I will tell you that there is a wealth of knowledge to be mined by just asking for it, or if they don't want to give it up, the above FOIA form.
You have seen the "budget" posted but do you really know how it's dived up ? Probably not.
Tom Ford
NO. 855
am concerned that you seem to think the mayor is the sole distributor of any funds in Crestwood. The aldermen have no say?
10:49 AM Blogger: Not what I said at all. The Aldermen have a great deal to say, and some do.
The FOIA form is to find out whose budget what comes out of, and why.
I happened to note the coming elections as a motivation to find out where our money is really going, no more, no less.
Tom Ford
The Ways and Means Committee is made of 3 elected officials. One is always the mayor the other two are Aldermen the mayor selects.
So the committee of three is the mayors voice to the rest of the BOA, and is where the plans for spending starts and in most cases stops.
Note the timing to release the budget for approval by the BOA has been so close to the end of the fiscal year in the past by current mayor. Now dear ANONYMOUS, you can keep your head in the sand as long as you like but the budget given to the BOA for approval and amendment is a direct reflection of the Mayors spending plans for the city.
You hit the nail on the head.
When the mayor wants something shoved through he will wait until the last minute so as to not allow time for debate. If a debate should begin, either from a citizens input or an aldermens inputs, he will shut it down. The mayor and his followers demonstrated this at the February 8 2011 BOA meeting.
"Folks were going to elect a new Mayor in April. Have you ever wondered just what the current one is doing with your hard earned money ?"
The indication that the mayor has sole discretion about money spending confused me, that's all.
Well if you have ever wondered just what "his Honor" spends his $6,000.00 "contractual budget" on, please take a look at what a FOIA form UN-covered.
If you go back to the top of this thread you will see a 'pocket calender' marked "complements of Crestwood, ETC." That little item cost the tax payers $386.00 from the MAYORS budget alone.
Now to be sure that's a small drop in the bucket but it is indicative of just how "His Honor" views our money.
In this day and age when everyone I know has a PDA, cell phone, Blackberry, I-Phone, I-Pad, and whatever else these pocket specials have become more than obsolete.
So why do we have them printed ? Well ask "His Honor," he seems to think they are a great hit, for what I don't know, but a great hit none the less !
Is the City giving out "quill pens" to augment these gems, and will there be an "autograph signing" by the Mayor to "personalize" them ? I know signed autographs by Mr. Pujols were going for $90.00 at the winter warm up, but what will "His Honor" charge ?
By the way, you don't think that himself will think of using these for his campaign do you ? Nah, he wouldn't do that would he ?
Tom Ford
I agree with you, but I do actually know many people who prefer to use paper date books and calendars. They aren't as obsolete as you think.
7:53 PM Blogger: That's why I posted toe FOIA form so you could find these things out for yourself.
Call your Alderman, He / She should have all that information readily available, If they don't, well fill out the form and when you get it come back and post it here for all of us.
Tom Ford
"His Honor" awarded three pocket calenders to members of the Sunset Hills / Crestwood chamber of commerce at their recent meeting.
Only one thing wrong here is that he stated they came from him ! Au contrare Mayor, they came from your budget paid for by the taxpayers of Crestwood, get it right for a change !
Tom Ford
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