We are loosing a great Employee (again.) Why this time, and why Her ? (AUDIO IS UP, CLICK HERE.)

Thats right gentle readers once again we loose an employee who has done an exemplary job as Director of Public Works. Why is that ? Is the job of Director of anything that stressful, or is someone in City Hall driving them out ?
Douglass Brewer Finance officer, the Parks and recreation Director both left a while ago, and why was never discussed (understandable.) This time we are seeing the Director of Public Works "moving on to better things," why is that ?
I have talked to a few Crestwood people who opine that part of it may be due to the "micro-managing" style of Mr. James Eckrich, City Administrator. Now if that's at all true I think we have a problem, in that were out too many good Department heads for no good reason ! I remember that when the job of City Administrator in Glendale became available, Mr. Eckrich was right there to apply, WHY ? Heck he still had wet ink on his promotion papers here !
By the way at last nights BOA meeting "His Honor" told Ms. Martha Duchild that he wasn't at all concerned about ANY of our employees leaving! Imagine that ? I never would have guessed it, why I am flabbergasted ! It wouldn't be your style of "management" that's causing this, would it "Your Honor ?"
Whatever is causing this hemorrhage in our valued employee pool needs to stop, and right now! Employees do not leave a job in this economy for just a salary increase, no there are other things that enter into the mix, and one of them is lack of appreciation! It's not bad enough that they work long hours minus salary increases or extra perks, are they expected to have to put up with ego's as well?
The audio of "His Honor" and Martha Duchild is up, click on the header to listen. By the way I had no idea that animals from Grants Farm came over the fence to attack and eat "Fluffy !" Wow, are we sure this is grounded in reality ?
Tom Ford
NO. 860
"Employees do not leave a job in this economy for just a salary increase"
Of course they would! In poor economy more than any other time! That was a ridiculous statement. And quite frankly, I don't think it's anyone's business why they left. That's a private career decision.
3:36 PM Blogger: Are you really hoping we believe that drivel ? No friend STABILITY is worth much more than "the bird in the bush" in tough times, ask your parents.
By the way if you don't think it's anyones business why are you posting about it ?
Tom Ford
I disagree with the poster at 3:36 PM Feb. 23rd.
Research has shown that most people who are already employed begin to look for other work when they are dissatisfied (unhappy) at their current job. Salary is a factor, but job satisfaction has equal bearing on the decision to leave a job.
The number of employees who have left most definitely raises a red flag, along with the public statement from a department head that morale has never been lower. So yes, in the interest of helping morale, it is "somebody's business" to try and find out what is causing the problem, and what steps can be taken to correct it.
Martha Duchild
4:40 poster and others:
Hold your arms out at a distance - in your right hand is your current position as the Director of Public Works, in your left hand is a prospective position with Washington University.
The right hand is sufficiently underfunded to do an adequate job, with continual questioning about how the limited funds are best spent, with viability of the city itself (and thus, the position) in question. On the other hand, the left hand holds the promise of working at one of the most esteemed universities in the nation; fully-funded and with a directional mission that is clear. WUSTL is not going anywhere.
All salary/benefit items being equal (which I suspect they're not), career change decisions are made for a number of reasons. Personal morale, salary, benefits, workgroup morale, budgeting limitations, self-actualization, esteem, career growth, etc. are all viable reasons to find something else to do with your day.
As to overall morale within the employee ranks, again I suspect there are any number of reasons - no different than inside any organization. Department Heads do have an obligation to understand the tenor and tone within their organizations, whether or not they have the means to address the causes. Poor morale, if it exists, is a symptom of the issues that cause it.
11:52 AM Blogger:
"As to overall morale within the employee ranks, again I suspect there are any number of reasons - no different than inside any organization."
Does this mean that it's OK and we have nothing to worry about, or should someone find out why ?
I am not interested in "any organization," but rather Crestwood. It seems to me that if there is a chance we can fix this, we should, no ?
Tom Ford
Please read the sentence following the one that you quoted.
4:19 PM Blogger:
"Department Heads do have an obligation to understand the tenor and tone within their organizations, whether or not they have the means to address the causes. Poor morale, if it exists, is a symptom of the issues that cause it."
That one ? I did read it and I still wonder if you think it's OK for the morale to be low (if that's the case ?)
My concern is that you seem (to me) to believe that we shouldn't look into it. Is that the case, or am I wrong ?
Tom Ford
As stated, I believe that the Department Heads do have an obligation to look into any and all matters that get in the way of the work environment. If that's the "we" you're referring to, I believe we agree.
What I do not agree with are your unfounded assertions around "someone in City Hall driving them out," or "styles of management" or opined views of a few around "micromanaging styles" or putting up with "egos.". If this how you look into things then I do think you're mistaken.
4:46 PM Blogger; Interesting comment. I see that you appear to have information not generally known to the public about this. You may have noticed that I framed the comment as a question and not a fact.
May we have your insight as to how, or if this should be looked into ?
It would appear that were loosing Department heads at a pace that is abnormal, why is that ?
We need not agree, but it is a reason to "look into this," no ?
Tom Ford
Since they all left for different personal reasons, I don't see why you feel the need to group them together. How many finance officers have left in the past six to seven years? Around five I believe. How many police officers have left in the same time? More than five. I think some are trying to connect dots that aren't on the same page. And Tom if you think Crestwood is more "stable" then being a stay at home mom or working for Washington University I hope you don't think we will believe your drivel.
10:11 PM Blogger; Thank you very much my friend, you have proved my point for me.
As a F.O.R. (friends of Roy) I would expect no less from you. By the way when did I ever say either of the two statements you attribute to me ? Don't know ? I will tell you NEVER thats when, go back and re-read my post.
You said : " And Tom if you think Crestwood is more "stable" then being a stay at home mom or working for Washington University I hope you don't think we will believe your drivel."
Unfortunately (for you) I never ever said or implied either of those things.If you wish to quote me please make sure I said it first !
Now if you need a ride back to Roy HQ let us know, we might be able to help.
Tom Ford
If you wouldn't mind scrolling up the page to your first post at 5:56pm, February 23, 2011.
3:36 "Employees do not leave a job in this economy for just a salary increase". "Of course they would".
Not yours
Wait for it
Wait for it
Wait for it.....
Mr. Tom Ford """"Are you really hoping we believe that drivel? No friend STABILITY is worth much more than "the bird in the bush" in tough times, ask your parents."""
Or perhaps someone else posted under your name, or you had an alien encounter, or maybe you have amnesia?
8:36 PM Blogger: What the heck are you talking about ? The 3:36 PM post was by ANONYMOUS, not me !
What has any of that got to do with "stay at home moms" anyway ? I fear your lack of comprehension skills are showing here friend.
By the way are your smarter than the leading National experts on job stability (which I really, really doubt, ) They all say that employees do NOT look for other positions JUST FOR FINANCIAL REASONS ALONE, BUT BECAUSE THEY ARE UN-HAPPY !
Tom Ford
The 3:36 Anonymous post is the one you commented on. READ YOUR FIRST POST. That is the one I quoted you on. You are correct, there is definetly a lack of comprehesion skills going on here. And since we are all just statistics, obviouslly anyone leaving a job must be because they are unhappy and not because they want to improve their situation. I would be concerened if we had employees leaving that had 10+ years with the city, but that is just not the case. Amy Meyers left to be a stay at home mom. She also had maxed out her postion as far as advancement. Douglas Brewer went back to his home state. I would imagine if he did leave because he was unhappy, it would have been from the treatment he recieved from the department head who feeds you your "inside" information. Dzenana Mruckovski is going to work for one of the most prestiges universities in the country. enough said. That would be the three department heads that you and Martha are so concerned about. Perhaps the reason that these employees and others have looked for jobs has to do with rising health care, no raises, and no improvement in the near future. Perhaps you, Martha, and Paul shouldn't depend on the person that gives you the skinny on city hall as she is on an island of one.
To 9:56 AM
I am not sure why you assume my husband or I (or Tom for that matter) are being "fed" inside information. All three of us are on friendly terms with many of Crestwood's employees.
As a graduate of that "prestiges" university, I am intelligent enough to know that while office gossip may be exciting for some, it is never a substitute for firsthand knowledge, and while it may be appealing to you to think that someone is "feeding" information to others, it would be a mistake to make that assumption.
As I said before, three department heads earning decent salaries resigning within a six month period is an anomoly, and it would not harm the city to determine whether there are issues that need to be addressed.
Martha Duchild
9:56 PM Blogger: OK, I am going down to Washington University Monday morning to see if they have a class in "mind reading !" (If they don't, I will get a Ouija board just for your posts.)
I have never been able to do that, so I will work on it friend. From now on if you want me to respond to you please advise me what I am supposed to respond to, not just vague generalities.
Oh, and in closing,I really hate to tell you this but there is no "deep throat" at work here, sorry if that bursts your bubble.
Tom Ford
If your comments were in generalities instead of specifics, I would not assume that one person is giving you their opinion. If you are on friendly terms with other employees I would suggest asking them as well. What I call an "anomaly" is that you write about the work force, yet correct me if I'm wrong your not in it. Or maybe its just irony. Whatever the case maybe, I realize that both you Martha, your husband, and Tom don't like the Mayor or apparently the city administrator. I just ask that before you make statements you research the subject and have some idea of what is going on. I'm just asking for some accountability.
To 9:52 AM March 6th
What accountability? What is so distasteful about wanting to ask the mayor if he is concerned about his employees leaving?
You bring up friendships, my husband (who has yet to comment on this), inside information, work experience, accountability, personal feelings about the mayor and city administrator, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with the concern I expressed to the mayor.
As I said before, I saw an anomaly (thank you for the correction), and I asked the mayor if he was concerned. It is not my job to ask city employees what is going on, or to do research; that would be the job of whomever the mayor would choose were he concerned about the situation. I think most people would agree that if half of the executive staff of any organization left within a six month period (and for whatever legitimate reasons they did so), the leader of that organization or the organization's board would want to know if anything was wrong.
Martha Duchild
9:52 AM Blogger: "I'm just asking for some accountability." Well now your talking and I fully agree with you, we need accountability here.
So to that end I will post a F.O.I.A. form for the exit interviews of the last three Department heads to resign, tomorrow.
We do have an "exit interview" when someone leaves don't we ? Why that is just a good management / leadership tool to correct any "anomalies" should there be any.
You seem to have the inside track here so please tell us that these valuable tools exist, they do, don't they ?
Tom Ford
I would be very specific about the contents of any exit interview the city of Crestwood may use.
Exit interviews are tedious and required human resources training than anyone working at city hall has.
The response to your request will be interesting to reading material.
7:58 PM Blogger: It was filed at 08:10 this AM, so now we wait.
Tom Ford
Exactly. So which are you? Are you the leader of the city or a member of the board? Neither, yet your husband who is has not asked. I would imagine as a member of the board if something was raising red flags he would have asked the question. Perhaps before you ask a question or make a statement you should make sure there is merit or validity to your question. I think if you had asked about those positions vacating and within the time frame that they did without adding comments about employee morale and management style it would have carried a sense of genuine concern instead of an opportunity to take a jab at the mayor and city administrator.
10:05 PM March 7th
I see you did not answer my question, so I will repeat it: What is so objectionable about asking the mayor if he is concerned about his employees leaving, especially in light of the fact that a city employee publicly stated that morale was low?
You have chosen instead to attack me for showing concern, and have jumped to many wrong conclusions in the process.
In this case, what you see is all there is to see (no agendas, no personal feelings, no insider information). Sometimes the truth can be pretty mundane.
Martha Duchild
10:05 PM Blogger: Perhaps you feel that unless your a member of the "ruling class" you have no business asking any questions at all ?
Assuming you live in Crestwood, and like the rest of we Crestwoodians are paying taxes to Crestwood, I would think you would agree we have the right to know.
This is still America and no matter what the progressive /liberal faction would have you believe we ALL still have the right to be heard !
If you challenge that my friend I have a pocket Constitution with me at all times and I will be more than happy to read you the first amendment.
Your friends, Roy and Jim are big kids, they knew when they signed onto the job that there would be criticism, and they took it anyway. May I suggest that if they no longer wish to field questions from the public, the just resign and allow someone who will to take the job.
Tom Ford
Part 1
Nothing is objectionable about your question. However, the way in which you asked is. If you are giving an answer you don't need to ask a second time. It appears you either didn't like the answer or you wanted to make an issue even if there wasn't one. Are you concerned? Is there a concern? Should you be concern? Why aren't you concerned? As Tom posted after you regarding criticism toward the mayor and city administrator, I say the same applies to you and your husband. He is an elected official and you are his wife who chooses to address the board. His lack of voice and your repeated voice, I feel warrants criticism. If you are concerned about morale of the city employees then why did your husband abstain from voting to prevent a tie? I believe he didn't carry out his duties as an elected official, thus damaging the reputation of the board. Just as you are trying to damage the reputation of the mayor and city administrator(go ahead Tom take your shots). If you were genuinely concerned and your question was with merit you would have asked, been giving an answer, and if you were unhappy with the answer took a different avenue. Instead it appears like grandstanding. That type of politics doesn't go over very well around here. Let me reminder you of an incumbent ward 4 alderman who vote to have a tax increase placed on a ballot and then campaigned against it. That didn't fly for many.
Part 2
At no point have I or do I believe that only the "ruling class" has the right to ask a question. I was responding to Martha's 3:06pm reasoning for asking her question(repetitively). Why if for no other reason than an anomaly, would you have to repeat your question but to try and drum up some negative press. Personally I would say they are grown men not "big kids" and no matter what your feelings are the should be addressed as such. Before you continue with your third paragraph, I'm not a liberal or a democrat. Regardless of who is in office I will speak up if I don't agree with something. No candidate at any level have I agreed with all the time. Yet I do generally disagree with you Tom. And just because I don't agree with you doesn't automatically make them my "friends". If you take a minute and look out your window you will realize that crestwood isn't just black and white, but an infinite shades of gray.
5:20 PM Blogger: As the Gentleman that I am, I will allow Mrs. Duchild to answer your post first. After she does, I will respond to part two.
Thank you for posting your honest thoughts and feelings. I really believe that this sort of "banter" is healthy for Crestwood.
Tom Ford
5:20 PM Blogger: OK were good to go here. Now as to your comments let me say the following please.
1. I am very happy your not only into the "ruling class.
2 As to the "big kids" remark, well that's the way I see them, and thats going to stand.
3.I don't remember calling you a "liberal or a Democrat, in fact I said the progressive liberals (a generality.)
4.I am happy that you can disagree as it would be very sad indeed if we All agreed as that would mean someone wasn't thinking.
5."Friends ?" Well a friend jumps to the defense of their friend as you have here so what should we think ?
6. "Shades of Grey" may go well in the lyrics of a song, but were discussing a City that should be run as a business (it isn't.) In the business world there are no "shades of Grey" only facts and were not looking at them, are we ?
Tom Ford
To 5:20 PM March 9th
I hope you realize that one of the reasons you’re able to criticize me as you have is due to the fact that when I comment on this blog, I identify myself. Whether I express my views at a board meeting, through a letter to the paper, or on this blog, by making my identity known, I accept full responsibility for my comments. I choose to do this because I have the courage of my convictions to defend myself against criticism.
In debating issues, choosing to criticize the person delivering a viewpoint rather rebutting the viewpoint itself is the debating equivalent of coming to battle brandishing a feather as your weapon of choice. You did not rebut the validity of what I said (substance), but instead took issue with how I said it (style). Only those who have no rebuttal to offer resort to personal attack.
As for the accusation that I’m attempting to besmirch the reputations of the mayor and city administrator, I have neither the time for nor the interest in such an endeavor. Both men, through their words and deeds, are responsible for establishing their own reputations and certainly do not need my help.
I’m glad you reminded me of Mr. Nieder’s actions, because it effectively demonstrates what can happen when perception is given greater significance than reality. During the board’s discussion about the proposed tax increase, Mr. Nieder made it clear to his peers that he did not support a tax increase. The ordinance that came before the board was to place the proposed tax increase on the ballot so the voters could decide, and Mr. Nieder voted “yes.” His vote was not an endorsement of the proposed tax increase (as many had perceived it to be), it was an agreement to place the proposed increase on the ballot. Consistent with his position as it was expressed to the board, Mr. Nieder campaigned against the proposed tax increase.
I’ve said enough on this topic, and in closing I’ll repeat a sentiment I’ve expressed before: There is already a dearth of participation in local politics, and attacking people who do take an interest and express their views does nothing to improve this situation. Quite frankly, I welcome anyone who participates in the democratic process, even if they don’t always agree with me.
Martha Duchild
(I am posting this for Mrs. Duchild as she is having difficulties in the transfer to this blog.)
how something is said is as important in communication as what is said. All languages, English included, have an entire subtext of communication based on body language, inflection,facial expression,and "style", as you put it. To state that taking issue with how someone says something is a personal attack is both incorrect and niave. How someone says something; the way it is delivered, is often far more communicative than what is said, as whole different messages can be delivered based on emphasis, inflection, and so on.
wow, that's the second time I posted and then it disappeared. Well I'm not going to go into as much detail as I did before. Duchild abstains so he can bastardize the boards voting process. Nieder will only vote yes to place a tax increase on the ballot if they increase it from the original amount to 35 cents. And then campaign against it. And Martha has said nothing on this topic as usual, address what you want and ignore the rest.
11:02 AM Blogger: There seems to be a problem somewhere in that I have been notified of "dropped posts" by three people (including you.)
These posts are not making it to the server as far as I can tell, and there seems to be no reason for their "disappearance."
I have emailed the server for some answers, and I will advise all when they are forthcoming.
I welcome ALL posts, and rest assured that unless you violate the rules you will not be "removed" by me. If I do remove any post it will show up as removed by administrator, and not just disappear.
Tom Ford
Clever manuever on the part of Mr. Nieder. I applaude his thought procedure.
First he demonstrated how greedy the BOA was by suggesting they increase the amount of the request. The BOA stumbled over themselves in haste to agree with increasing the amount of the request. First demostration of greed for more money without a real purpose.
The BOA and Mayor's greed use of city asssets to sell the proposal and actions planned with Prop S funds worked in Mr. Nieder's campaign to defeat the proposal he was not in favor of to start with.
I guess the BOA and Mayor did not like the game played against them.
Give it up. The tax payers won and the city did not require additional funds as demonstrated by the status of the city.
Some one should ask where have the millions of dollars in emergency cash reserves we had in 2008 gone?
I would guess the reserves where used to balance the budget.
11:02 AM Blogger: As you know I have no dog in the current conversation between you and Mrs. Duchild (she speaks for herself.)
That said though I am wondering if you are or were equally as "outraged" by Alderman John Foote's actions on abstaining from the vote on the Sappington Square CID ? (I think he was right to do so, what say you ?)
Tom Ford
I feel that unless an alderman has a personal tie or business connection there is no reason they should abstain. We have elected these officials to have our voice during the BOA meetings. I would prefer a yes or no vote to be on the record and possibly fail, than to abstain and attempt to derail our voting process. If the board remains the same split four four, regardless who our mayor is I feel it is the incorrect thing to do. For example, we had a previous aldermen interested in opening a business at the Barn Restaurant, which is on city property, he abstained on any of the decisions the board made for that property. That is an appropriate time to abstain.
Congratulations on being in the minority of ward 4. I would hope to think in all of Crestwood be we can be sure that is the case in ward 4. You have answered your last question with your first paragraph. I believe they had hoped to use the tax increase to combat the drastically declining sales taxes with that tax increase. Without eliminating services and not using cash reserves to balance the budget. In an attempt to be proactive they asked for the tax increase. As the city has beyond age firetrucks, buildings that have had deferred maintenance for far to long, street repairs that continually get cut, and police that are fighting to get to a standard that will keep us and them safe. Greed? Really.
4:30 PM Blogger: OK and thank you but you haven't answered my question. How do you feel about Alderman Foote's abstaining ?
The second part of your post would suggest that your in Ward four so you must have an opinion on your Alderman, no ?
Tom Ford
And yet we spend $750,000 on a bridge to no where, $80K on an animal control officer (duplicated service)), $30k on Sappington House property when
a $500K endowment exists for that purpose, excessive quantity of police cars, overpaid administration,excessive amount of personal in the police department and administrative ares etc. etc.!!!!!
Lets add some salt to the wound. We have lost/replaced a majority of the department managers during the last two years.
The city administrator has demonstrated his desire to leave when he applied to Glendale for a similar position.
I could continue with the ineffective manor funds are managed but it seems the ability or desire to run this city as a business is still missing.
4:30 PM, March 13, 2011
Seems like you've listening to the Gospel of John - John Foote.
We've heard that tired old sing song over and over and over and over and over and over again from Mr Foote. It's time to change the record. The tune is getting old.
You have a problem with abstentions? Oh my!
Tell me, what are your thoughts regarding our current mayor? And...his tirades on the dias, his interruptions of other aldermen, his cutting off of other aldermen as they speak, and his famous "Robinson's rules of order" comment? I imagine you won't answer. You will probably go into another spin about how we should support our mayor at all costs and how he is a wonderful mayor and how we need to raise taxes because the world as we know it, will end. After all, our mayor is pro-tax increase and pro-animal control. So he can't be all bad, can he?
Tax increase? Yes, the city was very proactive-Five times under Robinson.
In reality, how much actual cutting have they done? Were not most positions eliminated by attrition? What buildings are in desperate need of repair? How is our police force in peril? I can see they need a fleet manager to handle all of those cars, but how are they terribly constrained?
"Lets add some salt to the wound. We have lost/replaced a majority of the department managers during the last two years.
The city administrator has demonstrated his desire to leave when he applied to Glendale for a similar position."
Now wait just a minute blogger!!! You wait one minute! Why I just got one of the mayor's campaign fliers and it says and I quote -
"Opened, and have maintained, lines of communication with all City staff which has built trust and improved the morale of the employees. I would add that we have the finest staff you'll find anywhere in the Metropolitan area."
Now why...why blogger, would anyone want to leave this fine city when we have a mayor like Roy at the helm?
As I've stated before at no time will I agree with any politician 100% of the time. I believe that the mayor's conduct, along with alderman Foote's choice to abstain is not in the best interest of our community. If you want to know about our city don't rely on me, ask your alderman and feel free to post what the say. "Were not most positions eliminated by attrition?" that still means positions were eliminated.
I feel alderman Foote should have voted either in favor or against the CID. Unless he had direct ties to the property which I am not aware of. Also never said which ward I am in and if I have a problem I will contact them directly and/or reflect it in my vote.
10:56 PM Blogger: "Congratulations on being in the minority of ward 4." Your words I would guess ?
I know you are not referring to the Duchilds as they are in Ward 3. (who were you referring to there anyway ?)
That's what lead me to believe your from Ward 4.
Well it's a fact that an abstention is a vote just as a Yea or Nay is a vote. We may not like the fact that it has been used, but it was and will be again no doubt.
This is the main reason why I inquired as you have taken Alderman Duchild to task for his vote to abstain, but said nothing about Alderman Foote's vote to abstain and I find that interesting.
Should the Alderman ? Yes indeed but not just to hear yourself speak, do the right thing for the City when you do it.
Tom Ford
6:16 poster, how did their budget get up to 80,000 a year for animal control?? where is your information coming from, and will you please post it or a link? This I have to see.
9:52 PM Blogger; I believe the figure was put out by the City Administrator when he recommended the cessation of the position.
The Public Works Directors number was much higher as she had the CODE VIOLATION'S of the shelter and needed repairs included in her number. (She also recommended cessation.)
By the way I just looked at the budget and guess what ? Under parks and storm water there is $2500 in there for friends on animals ! Where the heck did that come from and WHY ?
Tom Ford
4:30 Careful your lexus is showing !
Only on the weekends. Its the BMW Monday thru Friday.
Don't say "BMW" on this blog......Too many sensitive .....oh never mind.
I've thought about parking it next to the sign on Sappington. Just down from the mayor and city administrator, and see how many accidents I can cause.
Oh come on...be more adventurous! Park it in the mayor's spot!
I hope the removal of those reserved parking signs are the first action Jeff Schlink takes after he is elected as mayor.
Maybe I will take the signs down myself.
or ......
We should present the sign to Roy as a goodbye present and as a memento of his accomplishments.
Goodbye Roy and your dictatorship!!!!!!!
They won't be needed if he gets elected, he won't be at the government center. Other than Tuesday night meetings every other week.
8:06 PM Blogger: Gee we have a "full time" Mayor and look where that got us !
Only there part time ?
EXCELLENT ! (We have competent employees, remember ? We don't need a Mayor every second of every day !)
Tom Ford
"Look where that got us".
Please elaborate.
8:35 AM Blogger: Well lets see, we have lost three key personnel in the last six months haven't we ?
We have seen a steady decline in revenue, we have witnessed the "tax and spend" mentality under a "full time" Mayor, and were broke !
As Ronald Reagan said " Government is not the solution, Government is the problem !"
I believe we have had all the micro-managing we can stand, and we need a change ASAP.
Tom Ford
I disagree. I think the city is doing better than hundreds of other municipalities. We're afloat, we're nearly out of debt, and there has been no discernable cuts in service. I think you're way off on this, but to each his own. Thanks for explaining.
12:22 PM Blogger: We can all agree to disagree and thats a good thing, no ?
On question though, if were so well off why does Alderman Foote constantly say we need a tax increase ?
Tom Ford
To the March 18, 8:06pm post: I am series 7 licensed and what that means is that I am required to get permission from my employer for any outside activities (being Mayor of Crestwood). My company has given me that permission and will allow me to spend the necessary time to fulfill the duties of Mayor.
If you have any questions about my abilities to fulfill the duties of Mayor feel free to contact me 984-9117 or SchlinkforMayor@gmail.com. This is my home phone number. It is also on the Crestwood connections newsletter. Take a look at the newsletter and you will notice that Roy does not give his home number to the residents of Crestwood. If elected, my home number will be published so that residents can reach me. Thanks and have a great day.
I have no idea why Mr. Foote asks for tax increases. You'd have to ask him. Tax increases were asked for long before the recession and mall's failure, I do know that. I still fail to see why this is all Mr. Robinson's fault. But, again, thank you for explaining.
1:02 PM Blogger: OK, please allow me to attempt to explain it by using this short analogy.
When the oil tanker EXON VALDEZ ran aground while leaving port in Alaska the Coast Guard boarded the ship and asked for the Capitan. Not the cook or the second mate but the Capitan.
You see when a person runs for the job of Mayor he / she takes on full responsibility for the outcome of the community. Mayor Robinson did that, (or should have done that,) and since he says he did do that he is where the buck stops.
The mayor appoints the ways and means committee, has made sure that he is surrounded by his choice of personnel, and as such bears the ultimate responsibility for the outcome (as did the Capitan of the EXON VALDEZ.)
Mr. Jeff Schlink knows that and he is willing to do the job and be accountable for the outcome. Perhaps Crestwood needs more accountability, I think so, and Mr. Schlink is just he person to do that.
Tom Ford
so the current mayor of Crestwood is personally responsible for the mall failing, the recession, etc? Okay, whatever. I hope Mr Schlink, should he win, can stand against national tides of the economy, preventing all forces of it from entering the borders of Crestwood. Good luck to him.
If Roy is taking total credit for every new business in Crestwood, does it not seem reasonable that he should also take the blame for the decline in business in Crestood?
4:23 PM Blogger: Mr. Schlink need not stand against "national tides" all he needs to do is to react to the trends, and make adjustments. (Something the current Mayor has never been able to do.)
being a manager at Edward Jones will certainly help him do that, wont it.
Tom Ford
The mayor takes credit for the businesses that have created an existence in Crestwood.
The mayor also has to take credit for businesss leaving and declining.
The negative accompanies the positve.
If I where to give the mayor a grade for what he has actually achieved during the current it would be a D.
I do think the mayor has represented Crestwood very well.
5;13 PM Blogger:
"If I where to give the mayor a grade for what he has actually achieved during the current it would be a D.
I do think the mayor has represented Crestwood very well"
Say what ? You gave him a "D" and in the next breath you say he has represented Crestwood very well ?
If your logic is correct (?) we all need to be thankful you didn't give him an "A." Are you really serious ? Have you read, heard, been told about the "Royisims" he constantly tosses out from the Dias ?
If that is "representing Crestwood very well," I believe were in serious trouble ! (Oh wait we are !)
Tom Ford
Just a test to determine if anyone payed attention. Congratulations Tom.
9:43 PM Blogger: OK, I was hoping we didn't have anyone in Crestwood who seriously believed that !
Tom Ford
Hello 4:27: Oh sure - this mayor is the reason why businesses high-tailed it out of Crestwood!!!!!!!!
What kind of statement is that?
Hard times have been around several years now and are here for everybody -I know 2 businesses in Sunset Hills right now whose owners don't know how they are going to pay for the rent of their commercial buildings because business is so slow they can't come up with the money.
As far as bringing new business to Crestwood, I think that is your interpretation of what may or may not have been said. I would challenge you to show me where Mayor Robinson said that in writing. Yes, please show me where he said in context that he and he alone is responsible for bringing back business in Crestwood. He as in "HIS" administration could very well be what he means, speaking of the things which happened under "his" administration as well he should. He should not be faulted because of that.
You are bringing your own interpretation to what he has said if he said it at all. And of course, his opponents have already accused him of that and have made screamed out their interpretations.
7:16 PM Blogger: The campaign flier put out by the FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 2665 has a list of all the businesses under the heading of hid accomplishments, and gives every reason to believe (if you didn't know the truth) he was totally responsible.
I will let Mr. Trueblood answer the rest.
Tom Ford
In a recent flier the mayor claims he is the "only city official with redevelopment experience."
The mayor does tell us what he developed.
Empty political statements.
Empty and false statements just as the claim he reestablished the Veterans Committee and restored the memorial. Several people know the facts and they do not include the mayor.
We all know the mayor has not developed anything except a fairy tale.
Oh Well, Mr. Trueblood and Mr. Ford - Here is what I think. Trueblood has dispised this mayor since before the very first day he was in office,(a pre-existing condition.) Mr. Trueblood was OK with anyone who allowed his antics on the dais like slamming his hands down in unruly behavior, temper tantrums, etc. and he didn't think he should be taken to task.
Mr. Ford left Mayor Roy's camp, and went to his new territory which is where he has been for quite awhile. So if I was Schlink I would watch out for the likes of loyalty from him. You never know what he will do. Today he's here and tomorrow he is somewhere else. I feel as long as Schlink watches his back, he may not get it stabbed from Mr. Ford.
These two are as political as you can get. It has to do with politics and nothing to do with issues they profess to be so concerned about.
Trueblood and Ford and all of the rest of his tribe members have campaigned against the mayor not because of anything else other than personal vendettas.
When judging their candidates, instead of using the same deck of cards to judge all candidates, they will always use a totally different set of rules when judging the mayor and expect everybody to "drink the coolaid". Ha! Gottcha Mr. Ford.
So, therefore, when you judge what they say are suppose to be the mayor's words, consider the source. They mean nothing coming from people who set out on their own personal agenda. It doesn't really say anything else to me except that they are political and biased and their motive is to smear the mayor to get their candidate elected.
Schlink's or Fagan's or any future candidate of their choosing could say things or do a thousand things wrong, and they will never be picked out and chastised or made public. Pure politics at it's worst.
Mr.Ford says "oh what a tangled web we weave"...etc. He should know all about deceit and practices it. He has his own personal vendetta with the mayor and will say and do anything to get him out of office. He knows what I mean even though he plays dumb.
That's what I think! It's my right! Isn't that what you say, Mr. Ford - all about rights!
11:18 A Blogger: Again I will let Mr. Trueblood speak for himself.
In my case your 100% right in saying I switched allegiance from "His Honor" as have many in Crestwood. Why ? Well in my case "his Honor" stood there looked me in the eye and told me something that was not true reference the City (and I knew it.) That was the turning point for me. Like many others I was on his side for over three years, I took flack right here on this Blog for defending him, but from that day on, no more !
As far as the person goes I bear no malice toward him, nor do I wish him ill will. Quite the opposite, I hope he does very well in his retirement (including from his part time City job.)
Now lets "judge the candidate" as you have noted. First Mr. Robinson.
1. Rude to citizens ad Aldermen
2. Tyrannical in his public persona.(Robinson's rules of order.)
3. Prone to making statements that hold Crestwood up to public ridicule.
Now for Mr. Schlink.
1. Starts out a gentleman and finishes the same way.
2.More than willing to listen to ALL sides of an issue, Knows and utilizes ROBERTS RULE OF ORDER !
3.Unlike his opponent Mr. Schlink does make sure "his brain is engaged before he puts his mouth in gear."
Now I have give you my reason, and three MINOR reasons why I could no longer back Mr. Robinson as a candidate. As a person, he is welcome here for a cocktail (as are you) any time, I just really don't like his sense of direction for Crestwood, that's all.
Now you know the rest of the story minus all the "political intrigue" you would love to have the voters believe.
In any case I urge ALL Crestwood registered voters to go to the polls this Tuesday and vote for the candidate of your choice. The right of the Blogger I am answering to "have their say" was won by far better people than you and I, and we OWE THEM the courtesy of voting !
Tom Ford
And you Mr. Ford still have not told the whole story which I am not surprised of. When have you sat your noble posterior down at a Board of Aldermen meeting or any other board meetings to see things for yourself?????
I have seen some of the people in action that you say this mayor was rude to. Suffice to say, I saw it and they deserved what they got.
You however have never lied on this blog or stretched the truth in your life have you! But you expect everyone else to be sqeeky clean. You were looking for a reason and you found one. Why? Because you hated the man period and all it took was one interaction? However, you have left out some of the story. And I am sorry, if that is all you care to say.
Some of those individuals you hang with can be extremely rude also, and one was extremely unfair and rude and I was right there to see her in action.
By your choice to turn your back on the mayor, you have turned your back on many people. You have been just as rude and hateful on this blog which I have read from cover to cover. You have a one track mind, Mr. Ford, and after you succeed with getting a new mayor, I am sure you will be on another crusade.
I have seen and heard more than you can imagine after living here for over 45 years, and I can tell you that, you think you know so much, but you get your information from people and never at a meeting and board meeting, police, fire, etc.
You listen to anyone who dispises the mayor as much as you do. And, you think now you found your nitch. I can count on one hand the board of aldermen meetings you have attended. Your absence speaks volumes. Thusly, you only know what you read in The Call, or what people tell you.
You don't bother about showing your face at the meetings to see anything for yourself. And that's what I know about you.
So, good for you if you succeed, but your motives are all about vendettas and nothing more and the same goes for your crew. So who is worse?
I will say one thing Mr. Ford, if anyone ever lies and I want him/her hung in public, you are the guy I will call to help. Dang you are so good!
I was always told that we all need each other and should try to get along. But, I guess I was wrong. So I will see you at the polls OK?
4:41 PM Blogger: Wow "anonymous" direct threats from you ? I guess your meds have run out, but then again how does one get the meds under "Anonymous" anyway ?
Indeed I will be at the polls, and I will be looking for a person registered to vote under "Anonymous" driving an 'anonymous, with a license plate of "anonymous !"
One problem though is that you may actually have to whisper your REAL NAME to the polling people as I doubt you can vote under "Anonymous" in St. Louis County.
By now even you should realize that I or no-one else takes you seriously since you haven't the courage to give your REAL NAME when you post, and there is a name for that "Anonymous" it's called cowardice !
While your seething in front of the keyboard why don't you consider starting your own Blog ? A person so eloquent as you would be a sure thing, and then you could ditch "Anonymous" and become a star !
See you Tuesday (make sure to wear a red rose so we know who you are.)
Tom Ford
Lots of others remain anonymous on this blog and you don't seem to mind. They don't get condemned for it Mr. Ford. How did I get so fortunate. And I am even on meds - you are fishing Mr. Ford and being very disrespectful as usual.
I'm just speaking my mind like you and others do.
And I will be very content and happy with whoever the people want. Unlike you I don't really have any problem with Mr. Schlink as you do with this mayor. He looks like a very nice young man.
Who I dislike is you, Mr. Ford as you are only voting for Mr Schlink because of a vendetta against the mayor that has been eating at you for a long time. That is what you are basing your whole goal on.
I hate it when people do that like you and your crew.
So I won't be unhappy with Mr. Schlink's victory. It's a big job and I wish him well.
You and your motley crew are who I have a problem with.
I am just saying......
6:45 Blogger
Again you shoot the messenger instead of the message.
In this government we don't have to agree but we must participate. The first fundamental step in participation is voting. The rest is playing out in front of you as we speak. Those with competing ideas get out and campaign to make it happen. Where are you 6:45 blogger?
7:01 - OK I give! Enough said! I hope we all see Crestwood and the overall economy recover. And whoever wins, I will support!
6:45 PM Blogger: You can (and have) remained anonymous, haven't you?
Where I draw the line is when "anonymous" starts threatening anyone on this or an other Blog.
I let you remain and spew your comments because if your are typical supporter of "His Honor" the voting public needs to know that ("you shall be known by the company you keep.")
You see you personify all the things I don't like about "his Honor," the boorish manor, the subtle threats, and the "ruling class" mind set. Just read your posts and you may begin to understand.
Fear not however after Tuesday when Mr. Jeff Schlink is elected I will no longer comment on your boy, and you can return to your roll in Crestwood, whatever that may be.
Tom Ford
!!! Tom. Anonymous recognized the comment regarding shooting the messenger rather than the message.
Now you shoot the messenger.
Hey Tom - you and your family of menacing mules got what you wanted. You got a nice, young, intelligent man to serve as our new mayor. And that is fine with me. Actually, I hope for the best. But still you bitch and moan..... about things. Things that need to be taken care of by him - not you!!!!
He is in charge of picking his department heads. The department heads then assume the task of taking care of the employees morale, and to listen to what the employees tell him/her - not what you want or say!!!
Their reasons for leaving are their own and what you say may or may not be pure speculation. I too agree with one of the bloggers.... Why is it any of your business and why do you take it upon yourself to bring this up like it is some new agenda of yours??? This is now the business of the new mayor and his department heads. Maybe there are multiple reasons why employees have left.
If you were smart, which I doubt, you would stay out of it and keep your mouth shut about it.
But once again Tom, you feel that you have to go stick your nose in things when you told us over and over again, until we were ready to puke, that this mayor will do it all!!!!!
So let him do it and stop trying to stir the pot. You got what you wanted, now let's see what happens.
The way you talk, you are the one who has all the answers. Did he hire you as a new advisor?
Just please stop blowing "smoke" on us and our intelligence Tom. It hasn't been hard to figure you and your clan out. And we all know it. You all drink from the same fountain and you spoon feed each other the same dung. That's why we can smell you a mile away.
We know where you get all your information. You never show up at any board meetings so you get all of your information second hand from one person.
She is not suppose to play politics but she does. Give me a break. You can deny it all you want, but I am not the only one who knows about it.
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