"Oh what a tangled web we weave"
(William Shakespeare.)
Now thanks to "his Honors" campaign flier the City will be spending more of OUR tax money on a law firm as Mr. Golterman and his team from Lewis, Rice and Fingerish determine what Mr. Golterman (and the Mayor) both said on tape at a recent BOA meeting was not permitted.
We have a City Attorney for a reason and that is to advise the Mayor and the Board on legal terms, and what they can and cannot do. I venture that if "His Honor" had asked (and I am betting he did) Mr. Golterman he would have been told to leave that off the flier. We however are 'blessed" with a man who would be King, and as such takes advise from no one, hence the investigation. We shall see where this one goes, and I hope prior to the election.
Speaking of the campaign flier, I received my copy today and there seem to be a few "anomalies" in it. One such thing is the statement where "His Honor" seems to want to take credit for the Veterans Memorial re-establishment. Now to be sure he is a veteran, and I thank him for his service but, The way it actually happened is that in October of 2009 Ms. Jackie Stock asked Chief Mike Paillou at a neighborhood watch meeting what the plans for Veterans day were that year. The Chief took it upon himself to make sure that there would be a remembrance that November and solicited members for a committee (myself included.) We did in fact have the assembly at City hall complete with a wreath laying by Gold Star Mother May Chasten. Since then a permanent committee has been established and I am told that the Mayor has attended one meeting of that committee to date,
I have no problem with the mayor mentioning this but I do draw the line when it comes under the heading of "progress as promised !" As for the rest of the flier, Well I think you can see through most of that without my help, no ?
Tom Ford
NO. 867
I think its awfully funny the Steve Neider complains about the firefighters endorsing Roy when just a few years back he asked for their endorsement going so far as to ask to meet with them at the firehouse which would be a blatant ethics violation on their part. They didn't meet with him there nor did they give him an endorsement.
So what, Nieder isn't running for office, Roy is.
Nice try Roy's Boy.
I think the point of the 8:07 post was that it was Neider who called foul on this one, yet he was trying to do the very same thing. It's like you're actually TRYING to miss the point.
How about that new mall! (Future Mall Development) Doesn't that look great.
Where is that pond going to be located? Are they planning to take over more territory?
"....and restored our City's memorial to those who have served."
All that has been done so far is replace a few overgrown bushes with smaller plants.
After reading the inside of the flyer, I was amazed to see that the Mayor could apparently single handedly do all those things.
8:07 poster
You do not know what you are talking about. Nieder never asked for an endorsement. Where do you get your information?
Yes he did. He met with a group of the firefighters at the Viking restaurant for breakfast on a Sunday morning. Its when he ran for alderman against Charlie Berry. They both asked for their endorsement but they remained nuetral. Its a FACT.
Did you attend the meeting?
If not, the information is just second hand rumor as so often happens in politics.
One side accusses the other side and a lot of hot air is passed around.
I would like to know why the administration has not posted the opening for a new public works administrator?
Is there some behind the scene (closed door meeting) negotiations occurring? Does Jim Eckrich want his old job back?
The animals control officer postion was posted immediately.
Nothing is accomplished.
Some interesting comments on the Post link that Tom has provided.
I worked with Steve on his campaign. I cannot recall his wanting the firefighter's union support -
Local 2665 is pushing a new state law that would make it easier for taxing entities to go before the voter's and ask for tax increases.
8:07 PM Blogger: From "Dales Blog," But it sure fits here, no ?
"Watching the unfolding political debate, it occurs to me that liberals feel the same way about truth that Dracula feels about sunlight.”
by Paul Kirchner
Tom Ford
"The trouble with conservatives is that they fail to live the principles of freedom that they expound." By Jacob Hornberger.
Also fits here. We all have quotes. Who cares? How does this quote-spewing all the time help anything??
12:45 am poster
Please provide more information about the state law fire fighters local 2665 is promoting. The initial impression is the firefighters are attempting to create a new taxing entity. Scary!!!
9:42 AM Blogger: It increases your knowledge (or it should) Blogger, that's how !
Tom Ford
excellent. I shall start posting quote after quote to increase your knowledge.
10:40 AM Blogger: Save your strength, your game will not be allowed on this blog.
Tom Ford
why in the world wouldn't you allow posters to put up quotes?
11:45 AM Blogger: I do allow posters to post quotes ! I will not allow a childish constant barrage of them, thats all.
But you knew that didn't you.
Tom Ford
"Becker did acknowledge, however, that Lamping supports the local's longstanding push to persuade the Legislature to give authority to local fire districts and departments to seek sales taxes to help pay for fire protection.
"The legislation we have sought for years would give local voters in St. Louis County the right to use sales taxes" to pay for fire protection services, Becker said. "Each community could choose whether or not to implement a sales tax and an accompanying real estate tax roll-back based exclusively on voter approval." "
Money money money!
91st District: For Jeanne Kirkton
I.A.F.F. Local 2665 and the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters have a long and proud tradition of working closely with our community's elected officials to insure that your firefighters and paramedics have the tools, training, and experience they need to take care of you during what is often times your darkest hour. Our organizations have always been on the front line and fully committed to supporting the local politicians and state legislators who make the key decisions that impact the first responders we represent.
In the race for Missouri's 91st House seat, I.A.F.F. Local 2665 and the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters are very proud to be endorsing Jeanne Kirkton! Our jobs are challenging, and the demands placed upon us grow each day. With strong leaders like Jeanne Kirkton in Jefferson City, fighting to insure that Missouri's First Responders have the tools necessary to protect our communities, I am confident that our members will be more able than ever to exceed the expectations of the citizens of Kirkwood, Webster, Shrewsbury, and Glendale!
Time and time again, Jeanne has shown her commitment to the fire fighters, EMT's, paramedics, and emergency dispatchers in this community. Her words are always followed up with deeds, and her deeds are followed by thoughtful and honest inquires as to how she can do things even better the next time.
Jeanne's experience on the Webster Groves City Council, her familiarity with the complexities of Jeff City, and her lifelong dedication to serving others will be invaluable as the next Representative from Missouri's 91st District!
Kurt Becker, International Association of Fire Fighters
October 30, 2008
As you can see, 2665 and Becker is getting involved in local and state legislator's / senate races. From U-City to Kirkwood to West County to here.
Lawmakers push back on bill that would give fire districts sales tax authority
Rachel Lippmann, St. Louis Public Radio (2010-04-09)
ST. LOUIS (St. Louis Public Radio) - The St. Louis County Municipal League and a bipartisan group of lawmakers are pushing back against legislation that would allow St. Louis County fire and ambulance districts to levy a sales tax.
St. Louis is currently one of just five counties that does not give fire and ambulance districts the authority.
The bill would allow them to charge a half-cent sales tax and reduce property taxes with voter approval. It's gotten first-round approval in the Senate only, but opponents like Democratic state Senator Joan Bray want to slow the process down even further.
They want to know why the districts need additional revenue. And Bray says it will only worsen the salary gap between municipal fire departments and districts, because municipalities have to keep a bigger picture in mind.
"Your municipality has to look at your entire budget of a municipality and how their fire protection and police fit into that whole thing," she said, while fire districts do not have that limitation.
Kurt Becker, the spokesman for International Association of Firefighters Local 2665, which represents most county firefighters, calls Bray's objections more smoke than fire.
Becker, a Clayton firefighter, says many of the fire districts can pay more than municipalities because the districts employ fewer administrators. And, Becker said, many of the districts cover heavily commercial and retail areas."
Oftentimes in these communities many of the calls generated come from folks outside that constituency who visit those areas who are patronizing those businesses and it's the taxpayers that are bearing the burden of that," he said.
Becker said many of the districts in North County are struggling as property values decline.
I wonder if Becker would have any objection...say a sales tax for firefighters was implemented...and all of the property taxes were removed?
"...many of the districts in North County are struggling as property values decline."
Are not west, and south county districts having the same problems?
There are already taxes on sales, real estate, personal property, income, all those alphabetical abbreviation taxes, city taxes, county taxes, state taxes, federal taxes, and now a fire tax?
And who PAYS all these taxes? Why the CITIZENS, of course!
We all qualify to be eligible to pay some or most of these taxes above. And many of us live in those areas of declining values. So our property is worth less. And many of us receive some, or all of our income, pension, or retirement from one of those organizations above. And many of those are frozen, reduced, changed, or lowered in some way. So what is the problem here?
Wait a minute...I've got it!!!
Somebody in charge PLEASE get a grip and do something sensible. You can not tax away all our problems!
Crestwood already has a $.25 fire sales tax.
6:14am poster
Please explain that tax.
We implemented the specific tax about 15 years ago. If you want the details of the revenue the budget is the place to find it. If you want some details as to how much money the tac generates just post here and I will place it on the blog.
Kurt Becker is full of hot air as usual.
Kurt makes statements but fails to present evidence to support the claim.
Hot Air!!! Hot Air!!! Hot Air!!!
Fight fires Kurt. If you want to be elected then run for office.
The fire sales tax was passed by voters closer to 9 years ago, not 15.
"Crestwood already has a $.25 fire sales tax."
Are you saying that there is a twenty five cent tax on each sale of anything in Crestwood?
I am certainly not an expert on taxes, but that does not make sense.
I think they meant quarter cent.
7:03 blogger
You are correct.
In 2009 the fire tax generated in excess of $400,000 for the fire dept.
I do not have the final numbers for 2010.
Steve Nieder
Thank you!
That sounds better.
The fire tax generated in excess of $600,000 in 2010.
Barely covers what the city has to pay to Affton for our Annexed area.
More on the fire union folks.
Tom Ford
Crestwood is obligated to pay in excess of $300,000 per year to Affton fire district. Rumblings of significant increases have been rumored.
I read that article several times, and the term quid pro quo comes to mind.
The union leader said they support Roy, and they will have their people working for him in Crestwood. But they will definitely not have any Crestwood fire fighters working on his campaign.
My question is: WHY?
Who is paying who, and for what? Why would people from another area come to Crestwood to campaign for someone they don't even know? What is Roy going to do for them? Will the Crestwood people be made to campaign for candidates in other areas?
The union leader also said that the union has had a longstanding relationship with the mayor.
What does that really mean?
I looked at the union's web site, and they appear to be gigantic, and cover a large area of Missouri, and probably have many more times the number of members, than there are residents in Crestwood.
It seems kind of like General Motors wanting to "help" a candidate running for office in Crestwood, Missouri.
Makes me wonder why.
Why???????????? Good question.
To further the agenda of the union.
What is the agenda you ask?
To grow the union membership and remove you, the taxpayer, from the control and direction of your city and tax dollars.
Please exercise your voting priviledge and vote for a new leader. At least we can go to the polls and vote for change rather shooting at each other.
God bless America and Crestwood.
5:47 AM Poster
You can be sure that my wife, and I will vote! We always do. If you don't at least vote, you can't complain about the people in office. We read all we can about the issues, and candidates, and use all the info to choose the best person for the job.
And the best person for Mayor is Jeff Schlink!! We will be at the polls next week casting our votes for Jeff.
6:34 AM Blogger: Thank you John ! I will look forward to seeing you both.
Tom Ford
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