Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Editorial from Mike Anthony on the best choice for Crestwood mayor in April ! (click here for the editorial.)

I fully agree with Mr Anthony's assessment of our current leader. I really doubt that I can add much more to his comment's that would further help anyone understand the depths to which we have sunk under "King Roy's" regime.

That said, I would like to bring up a couple of items that happened last night at the BOA meeting that may help you to understand why Mr. Jeff Schlink is the ONLY choice for Crestwood !

At a February BOA meeting "His Honor" was asked if the Crestwood employees were allowed to campaign for Crestwood elections. He is on tape (meeting tapes) saying they could not (as is the City Attorney.) Last night he said the Crestwood Firefighters were supporting him (as did the Fire Chief.)

QUESTION: why did he accept their support if he knew they were barred from doing it ?

He said in his flier that he was in on every new business that has been attracted to Crestwood, and was responsible for most of them coming here.

QUESTION: Why did he not know that Kirkwood Music was re-locating to the old Sherwin Williams paint store ? It was in the paper and he stated that he was in on everything, so.... ?

When asked why he refused to have a debate with Mr. Jeff Schlink he said that the venue had no idea of the request, and the incumbent must be the one to request the debate.

QUESTION: Why when faced with the truth about the venue and the fact that anyone can request a debate did he say nothing ?

The list goes on and on Ladies and Gentlemen so I will not bore you with the multitude of reasons to vote for "King Roy's" opponent, I will however leave you with this one thought.

If Ronald Reagan was labeled the "great communicator," could our present Mayor be the "Great prevaricator ?"

Tom Ford

NO. 865


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And the Hits just keep coming"

Roger Anderson, Alderman Miguel working against the mayor? Who would have thought that would EVER happen?

Mayor refusing to debate or meet in a public form his opponent? Looks like Roy has a LARGE YELLOW STREAK running down his back and it's not from the dye he uses on his hair.


8:33 PM, March 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is "chicken little" accepting the Firefighter endorsement this time when in the last election he returned the $300 they gave his campaign?

Is it because he needs them this time due to the near total collapse of his support base?

Little Lord Roy, getting ready for the fall

8:37 PM, March 23, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:37 PM Blogger; Well how about the "endorsement" from the Carpenters District Council ?

Sounds like Mrs. Roy at Perma Jack has asked for support of "poppa" this time out, but why ? Why would any major union group endorse a Small town Mayor ?

Crestwod Courts ? Nope that's years off at best, "Shovel ready" projects ? Look at the budget, zero except for streets.

We may never know but I do find it interesting.

Tom Ford

6:32 PM, March 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Support from"poppa"? What are you saying TOM, is there a link between the Carpenters Union and Roy's wife's business?

8:16 PM, March 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you want any union interfering in a city when they do not live here. This is our city folks.

Not the fire fighters or the carpenters.

Do you want the unions to control our city and take our tax money?

10:48 PM, March 24, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8;16 PM Blogger: Her company is Perma Jack, Perma Jack employees carpenters, no ?

That's the only link that I am aware of, but if you have more please tell us about it.

Tom Ford

5:15 PM, March 25, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you want any union interfering in a city when they do not live here. This is our city folks.

Not the fire fighters or the carpenters.

Do you want the unions to control our city and take our tax money?

Exactly! Well-stated blogger!

12:42 AM, March 26, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

This was posted under the header "The quote of he day, think about it !" below. For the post that the Blogger was responding to see that header.

I thought it summed up why voting for Jeff Schlink is the right thing to do, so here it is.

"Calm down 3:58 Blogger

What shooting daggers?
I read opinions which we are free to express in this country without fear of death.

What money problems?
According to city hall we have no problems. Just the usual request for additional money.

Will Jeff solve everything?
No. .
I do not want solutions from Roy with no vision of the future. The last three years have demonstrated Roy makes promises and takes credit with no substance to support them.

I want professional representation.

I want legislation created by the BOA, representatives of the people.

I want the BOA to be allowed to do their job, per the charter, up front and not behind closed doors. If any rep currently on the BOA does not want to invest the time to perform the job for which they where elected please resign.

No bitching here. Just specific objectives.

I believe Jeff Schlink is a better bet than what Roy has demonstrated the last three years.


Nothing hateful or condeming in this message.

I am not looking for miracles.

I am looking for a change in direction and representation."

11:57 AM, March 27, 2011

Posted by "anonymous."

Tom Ford

3:11 PM, March 27, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, I think "campaigning" and "supporting" are two very different things. Not in the minds of the corporate welfare set, of course, of which I suppose you are a proud member.

Uh, I think Robinson (and you repeated it) said he was aware of MOST - not all - business moves, etc. So he didn't know about Kirkwood Music - big deal. Never heard of them, myself. I'm sure their sales tax revenue isn't going to lower my property tax, so why should I care one bit, anyway?

What WILL RAISE my property tax is the now-coming tax handouts to big business and the new "developments" we so badly need supposedly to run our government. Maybe another $5 MILLION police station could be just the thing! Maybe a $5 MILLION handout to Wal-Mart! I mean, if it costs $5 MILLION to bring in another $2 or $3 MILLION to the city, thereby only costing homeowners a few million, what's not to like?!?! So be it.

And so goes the new administration of Mr. Corporate Schlink. Thank God we now have Big Business back in our Big Government, 'cause we all know how oh-so-much-better THAT is - NOT.

12:52 AM, April 06, 2011  

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