"Mayor unfazed by departure of City officials !' (click here for the Call story.)

Amazing, astounding, and golly wowzers Bat man ! "His Honor" sees nothing at all wrong with three City Department heads departing in very short order.
Are we so fraught with exemplary talent that we can dismiss any and all Department heads with a sniff and a wave of the hand ?
I thank Martha Duchild for bringing this revelation of "His Honors" feelings to the fore as it really seems that "His Honor" is either oblivious to what it takes to run a City, or he just plain doesn't care.
How can you say that Tom ? Why he is fighting tooth and nail to save the dog catcher don't ya know ? Well yes he is, and why is he ? Because that duplication of our tax money brings in VOTES for him (he thinks.)
Had enough of this "Quid pro Quo" at City Hall yet ? I have and I will be voting for Jeff Schlink for Mayor this April !
Tom Ford
NO. 862
Yeah, morale isn't great. One bright spot though is the fact that Roy fights for his employees. He's not perfect but its refreshing having someone who cares for his employees and the city. What's frustrating is to have people on here tear him down. Alot of what is going on in this city is out of his and the other elected officials control. Its hard coming into work everyday knowing what's going on in this town and then read the garbage Bill Milligan allows Mike Anthony to write about Crestwood in that litter box liner that some call a newspaper. The only reason its still in circulation is because Aaron Hilmer from the Mehlville Fire District subsidizes them with taxpayer's money. Tom, I agree with some things you say and respect your right to say what you want but when you constantly drink the kool-aid that the Call puts in your cup.....it just gets a little aggravating. You're a good man who loves this city but please do some homework about that rag of a "newspaper" before linking them on here anymore. Just a few short years back you hated them and for good reason. Do a little digging and you would be appalled at who they allign themselves with. These people are scum and I barred them from delivering to my home. I know he's long gone, but this "newspaper" thought a certain former police chief/city administrator was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Think of where this city would be today if that man didn't have the influence he did back in his heyday when he was trying to ramrod the police palace down our throats. Did that drive the mall off? No, BUT we wasted millions on that fiasco. Sure would be nice to have that money back right now. Not saying we wouldn't be experiencing budget problems but come on. DISCLAIMER...I'm not a fan of having our own Animal Control..I will agree with you on that one but I think if you really did your homework on the Call, Bill Milligan, and the money they are fleecing from the taxpayers of the Mehlville Fire District through Aaron Hilmer, a Mehlville Fire Board member who tried coming in and booting out our fire department a few years back, you would change your tune in regards to whether or not you accept delivery of that garbage. I know I will get blasted for this rant but oh well. It needed to be said. I'm a big girl and I can take it. Roy Robinson will be getting my vote for a third time this April and that's not a knock against Jeff Schlink. I've met him and he seems like he is a nice man but I'm sticking with Roy.
So the REAL problem with Crestwood, is the CALL newspaper?
Welcome back Sandy.
Greer, Greer, Greer, get over it, he's dead and has been gone for a long time. He's just one of many that has put us in this position. Current members are willing to sit by and let the town ride out these bad times, while cities around us move forward. Current leaders and department heads are just as bad. Roy is just as willing to let his boys do as they please. He's no different than any other we've had in the past.
Hey but the good news is the mall is going to get redeveloped and when this town comes back we can all think Roy.
11:40 PM Blogger: I am really not sure how all those "out of town" folks got into this, or for that matter the Call.
One thing I believe should point out to you is the fact that the Call tapes every meeting, and if you notice "His Honors" words are in quotation marks meaning he said it.
It is what it is, the mayor uttered these statements, not me, not Mike Anthony, and certainly not Evan Young. (as for the rest of your players, well I don't believe they run anything here or at the call.)
I have said it several times on this forum that I call them as I see them, I do not need anyone else to pull the puppet strings, nor do I believe everything I read. Thees statements however are and were made by "His Honor" plain and simple, so..........
Your statement "a lot of what is going on in this city is out of his and the other elected officials control."
That's very interesting as if they admit that it's out of their control, I really think they should resign and allow people with business experience to take the reins.
10:30 AM Blogger: Yep, were back now except for one small thing and that is it will take at least 5 years to make the Courts into what they have envisioned.
Now the question is, can Crestwood wait that long ?
Tom Ford
Can't waste 3 more years with this mayor if all we have left is 5!
6:39 PM Blogger:
"Point, set, match !"
And I have no idea which end of a tennis racket to hold !
Tom Ford
Does Jeff Schlink have an organization yet? Has he started campaigning (hopefully)?
Jeff Schlink's campaign is up and running strong. Thank you to all that are supporting me. I have had the pleasure these past few weeks to meet many Crestwood residents that are looking for a Mayor that has a business background that can help the City.
I am also hearing that years of experience does not equal a qualification to be Mayor.
Please be sure to ask any questions! I don't want any misinformation out there for either candidate.
If you need to reach me you can call 984-9117 or e-mail, SchlinkforMayor@gmail.com
Thanks for the question and your consideration for Mayor.
Jeff Schlink
I have never met or spoken with Alderman Duncan. I do not have a axe to grind with her. Until I read this weeks issue (3/4/2011) of the South County Times, page 4.
In the last paragraph of an article by Eileen Duggan, Alderman Duncan is quoted as saying she is in favor of including sale property in the occupancy inspection program. This same article explains the fees charged for an inspection and what a few of the requirements are to re-occupy a rental property.
It is my hope that Alderman Duncan was misquoted or will have come to her scenes and never bring this topic up again. Many home owners could not afford to sell their homes if they had to pass this inspected before being occupied by their new owners.
7:28 PM Blogger: Ms. Duncan has no idea what the current codes regarding homes really are (it's my job to know them.)
I would suspect that if she were to have a County inspection (prior to sale) she would get a very rude awakening indeed. I see this as something for her to say (feel good,) nothing more, nothing less.
By the way, how about Ms. Duncan calling for an inspection of the animal control shelter ? When last I saw it there were numerous violations such as electrical, ventilation, non compliance with the A.D.A. statutes and on.
Ms. Duncan, please call the County and let's get this shelter up to code or shut down ! Now there is a worthy project for you.
I trust the volunteers have the money to do it (last ESTIMATE BY PUBLIC works WAS $100,000.00 PLUS!)
Tom Ford
To 7:28 PM March 4th
Alderman Duncan was not misquoted. She referred to a situation in her neighborhood and said that at some point in the future she would like the BOA to consider the idea of re-occupancy inspections for all properties (not just rentals).
Martha Duchild
I took a look at the city, and county requirements, and St Louis County requires an inspection if a house is sold, and will be occupied by the owner. It is $80.00, and includes one re-inspection.
The Crestwood inspection for rental property being re-occupied is $190.00, with a $75.00 re-inspection charge.
Why such a disparity?
Why would anyone want option two?
4;53 PM Blogger: John that really must be some inspection ! I wonder who does it ?
I guarantee you that if it's our "code enforcement officer" it's worth $.35 cents at best !
Tom Ford
That's just about what we pay per every hundred. And just think we also get police, fire, streets, parks, etc....
Here's my two cents, the current law was introduced by me while I was on the BOA. It's only purpose was to prevent rented residential property from being allowed by it's owner to become run down and finally reduce the value of other properties near by. At the time, rental residential property was the fastest growing segment of the housing stock in Crestwood. This bill was put into place to prevent absentee landlords from renting property and not taking care of it one tenet to the next.
It was not worded to cover non rental housing as they changed ownership because it was understood that a person selling their home would do as much as possible to get the highest market price possible.
Next, due to the average age of housing and the average age of the Crestwood resident it was felt that the cost to bring up to grade would be an unfair burden on the resident when they wanted or had to sell their home.
This was the circumstances surrounding the action of the BOA over 6 years ago. These circumstance may need to be reviewed again to see if they are what is best for Crestwood today.
I would like to know the number of rented inspections done in 2010 vs the number done in 2005. That would give an idea of the inspection law was still needed.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
It was in the South County Times:
"03/04/2011 - The Crestwood Board of Aldermen on Feb. 22 approved a two-year contract with Engineering Evaluations Inspections Inc., 10000 Watson Road, to conduct rental property re-occupancy inspections."
At the end is the comment about using this for sale property. (Bad idea.)
I agree with the need for inspection of rental properties, as some owners do let them deteriorate.
But why does it cost three times as much as the County program?
Does the City get a kickback on them?
On a related topic, I read somewhere in the City codes that a smoke detector is required in every room, and hallway. Does anyone really have one in their kitchen?
The kick back question I can't answer.
I seem to remember and I could be wrong, but at first the City had someone from public works do the inspection so the fees at that time stayed within the City.. I think this would be a question you would be wiser to ask your member of the BOA.
I just don't get it. You complain about salaries being to high and have spopken out against tax increase and now want to blame the mayor for employees leaving our city for higher paying jobs and more job security. Would anyone in their right mind not accept a better paying job with superior benefits and free tuition to one of the top universities in the country in lieu of working for a city that wonders where it's next shovel of asphalt is going to come from and how it is going to be paid for. Your stupidity is showing.
"...in lieu of working for a city that wonders where it's next shovel of asphalt is going to come from and how it is going to be paid for. Your stupidity is showing."
My stupidity? Well, insult me if you will fine blogger but I will say to you that you are one funny and entertaining individual - and I mean that as a compliment. Plus, I like the sense of urgency you place into your blog entry.
Well before we go asphalt-less in this fine city, might I suggest that we have other, more urgent matters, such as canopy fires and ferel cats? We are doomed, and I mean doomed if we do not address these issues!
I bet I know where 10:09pm is hiding their feral cat.
8:30 PM Blogger: Good news for Ms. Sutton, the world still need her ( and darn quick.)
Tom Ford
8:25 March 3rd. I wouldn't be so quick to say "Welcome Back Sandy" as if every time Greer's name is mentioned, she is the one who mentions it, in distain.
I worked for Crestwood years before her, and I think it is quite an assumption for you to feel she was a majority of one. You apparently didn't do your homework and you rely too much on what you hear and not research documents and his report cards from other communities. Too bad for you.
Further, it's time to march on to bigger issues than those consumed in ashes. I suggest that you move on and look to the future, if there is one for Crestwood. The past is the past.
If the majority of Crestwood votes for a new mayor, so be it. If not, it shall be the will of the people that this mayor keep his job. Either way, for me, I don't have a problem with it like you apparently do.
Personally, I don't know who would want the stinken job. However, the way Mr. Ford never stops ranting over and over again about Mayor Robinson, maybe Mr. Ford should have ran for Mayor. Only trouble with Mr. Ford is that his words cannot be believed all of the time. He has a reputation for being fickle in his support to people and has allegiance to none. Today he says one thing but given enough time, he is totally throwing support to someone else. If I were Schlink, I would worry about getting support from people like him. The word "turncoat" comes to mind.
Actually, all the balony that Ford puts out, all the heckling and all the negative jabbing he does at this Mayor, I hope that he realizes it is so much overkill, it might actually enhance this mayor's efforts for re-election.
On another note, regarding David Brophy, the only reason why he is getting plaudits for his words on this blog, is because he, also, is against this mayor. But fear not, these same people who hold in him in such reverence, are the same ones who roll their eyes at him at the board meetings when he gets up to speak. Because he says nothing at all.
Suffice to say that the only way you can ever be supported by the likes of Mr. Ford and his motley crew is if you agree with, and are compliant with their views. Otherwise, as much as Mr. Ford screams about "the will of the people" and their "rights", he does not feel that those who have different views, have any rights.
Mr. Ford speaks with "forked tongue".
Does not have any rights?
Mr. Ford created the blog for debating issues.
You expressed your opinion concerning Mr. Ford.
You expressed your opinions about Mr. Brophy.
You attacked the messenger not the message.
Poor debating skills.
What about issues?
someone disagreed with the opinions expressed in this blog. They must be "liberals" and "Progressives". Gasp! Talk about avoiding the issues and name calling!
5:48 Since you want to bring up the subject of debate, you obviously must know how to do it. So, why don't you give us simpletons the benefit of your knowledge.
Also, since you mention the issues, tell us all about them too. But make sure you have evidence to back up what you say, cause I am from Missouri. You can't just tell me things without proof otherwise it is just "hearsay". If you are just tired of Roy, and just want somebody new - say it!
If you want to get us out of debt totally, you will need to find out how we got here in the first place or it may be repeated later down the line. I read the blog and see that everyone mostly is too busy playing politics to talk issues.
You want to speak morale? That is certainly an issue, but if you look at other cities or this country as a whole, which is what you should do if you are fair-mined, everyone's morale has suffered, not just Crestwood's. We are all in an economic disaster.
However, if you just want to play the blame game, you can either blame everything negative on this mayor or look at the fund balances for the last ten years or more to see exactly when this city started getting into trouble.
If you read the minutes you will find out exactly why we were broke. We paid for streets that didn't need fixing, we paid as we went for a community center and we had cash up the wazzuu. And all the aldermen and mayor were shouting "we have no bonded indebtedness". Sure! We paid for that community center, brick by brick. Instead of floating a bond issue when the bonds would have been paid off years ago, we used up all our money, buying the Wedemeier property to built the center, and then building it. (look in the minutes)
The mayor and aldermen wanted to show their constituents that they could get whatever they so wanted through them - so they could be elected again. Pure and simple. And of course, don't mess with our low tax rate at that time - OMG! If you compared what ours was to what other communities were paying, residents were coddled by their aldermen and most of them wanted it that way. If you mentioned increasing the tax rate, you could be put in jail. Everything in our country was increasing in price, but the city still would not try to raise the tax rate.
In recent years, we paid for a kiosk that is a waste of money. For years, everyone would go to the city clerk's office for directions but we now pay for a girl to sit there all day waiting for someone to walk in. Really dumb!
No person is going to be able to come in with a machetti, chop off heads and be a savior. Even if jobs are cut, that is a drop in the bucket.
Judging from how we got here, if you feel finding someone new who has never had his feet wet before, is going to do the trick, have at it on Tuesday.
He will find that running a city, compares to nothing that he has ever done in his past and he is not as prepared for the job as he thinks he is.
You think numbers and management skills, and other things learned in the corporate world will suffice him? Well I disagree.
No one should expect that since he is young and energetic that manna from heaven is going to come down in a funnel cloud bestowing on him the all knowing talent to get us through our problems. This will be all new to him, and he will be walking into a totally new environment.
Just the way I see it.
I agree with 1 thing the 1:46 poster said: running a business does not necessarily mean you can run a city. He keeps saying he wants to run the city like a business...newsflash: it's a city, not a business!
5:57 AM Blogger: Interesting, I assume you know that the words "Progressive and Liberal" are not pejorative in the least, do you not ?
Those words are used to describe a mind set the same as "conservative" would be used.
In your case if they have struck a nerve, well what can I say ? If one of those terms reflects your thinking you should just say so and move on, no ?
Tom Ford
1:46 and 3:22 Blogger's: No a City is a business plain and simple. A business exists to fill a want or need to the public (City, same thing.)
A business must work within it's means and not borrow from one entity to pay another in the same group (City, same thing.)
A business must pay all it's outstanding debts, work within it's budget, and grow (City, same thing.)
The only thing a City has that a business does not is an opportunity to TAX it's way out of debt and it's failure to remain in budget.
Crestwood has not had a "balanced budget" for the last three years, and the City Charter requires that it be balanced. Not by the old "smoke and mirrors" trick of "borrowing from one to feed the other."
1:46 Blogger said it best, we have a Kiosk in the middle of City hall for no apparent reason, we also have some duplication of efforts, and other wastes of taxpayer money that would be cut in a heartbeat in the Business world
Reduction of personnel in the business world is a very harsh reality in Obama's America these days, and Crestwood is no different. In my company we lost the secretary and were doing double duty, and will be from now on.
The flier I received said Mr. Robinson has cut the budget to the bare bone and yet I still see vast excesses that can and should be cut.
For the reality of 2011 America we must toss out the emotional side and think fiscal responsibility. So far I haven't seen that in the Budget meetings, the ways and means committee meetings, and the rhetoric on the Dias
In my mind I know who can and will do what we need to survive, and I will vote for that candidate.
Just my two cents for your thoughts.
Tom Ford
American business is nt the best place to turn to learn how to eliminate waste. Some of the greatest excesses on earth have stemmed from business greed and excess.
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