Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And he wonders why he lost the election ! (click here for the "patch" story,)

Please tell me that were still in the United States of America. Please tell me that a citizen of this great Republic (and City) has the right of freedom of speech !

My God, what next from this man ? What segment of military service that told you to stifle free speech did I miss ? I always thought that we were supposed to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

That oath I and a lot of others took "without mental reservation, or purpose of evasion" was in effect then, and when I mustered out of the Navy it was not rescinded ! To the best of my knowledge it is still in effect today, and I intend to honor it !

The sort of disgusting behavior against a Crestwood Citizen, witnessed by Crestwood Citizens Tuesday night belongs in the Communist Bloc nations, not in Crestwood, and I condemn the very thought of it.

Thank God a change is forthcoming !

Tom Ford

NO. 873


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more things change the more they stay the same, Tom. Yes, let's see what the next round will be like. You do realize that it really doesn't matter any longer what Roy does or how he acts or anything. It has been in print throughout this blog by you and your fleet of bottom feeders.

It is now all on Jeff's plate. We already know all the things about Roy, and how your people feel about him.

Did you really think that Roy was going to be all eckky nice after all you have said in person and on print especially when he knows who they are. After all Roy has heard from you and others, did you really think he wasn't going to be angry? Steve Neider never did get along with the mayor, so why would Roy acknowledge him in any way.

When people hate each other, and have openly expressed it, like you and everyone in your group, why on earth would he feel the need to be

Jerry Miquel has been overkill forever. If it were for him, he would cut 50% of the people who work for Crestwood. If we had 35 million dollars in the bank, he would still be asking stupid questions and looking for danger around each corner.

I am just waiting for the day that the next guy, probably Eckrich gets on your radar. Poor soul, he will become old overnight after you guys get done with him.

And then, of course, there will be somebody after him because you all need someone to crucify and burn at the stake.

7:02 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please state the relationship correctly. Roy Robinson never did get along with Steve N I E D E R.

Mr. Nieder did not accuse the mayor of anything. The document even stated the former alderman supports what the mayor publicly stated but never demonstrated.

Nothing wrong with the message or the messenger.

8:11 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems the craziness is contigious. How Crestwood is going to be able to pay these high salaries is doubtful. It seems like all people today are so entitled free cars to and from work, duh! I thought you got a job and then paid your own transportation. I hate to say it, but people, I think we're in trouble. And my hat's off to the guy who told Roy to just give the city away. At least he was man enough to say what he thought.

8:57 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the things Tom Ford's people said about Roy. Please! Many people liked Roy and worked hard for him and supported him. It wasn't his supporters that changed. Roy just got too full of himself and didn't play by the rules. Steve Neider? Roy hated him from the get go. You obviously are not in the know!

9:00 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Tom: Roy did not like Steve Neider. So it is fair to say thusly that Neider doesn't like Roy. Therefore, they dislike each other. So, suffice to say, it goes both ways.

However, I hope your desire for empowerment with your blog and your lust for politics at its worst, stops with Roy. I shudder to think who you have in your crosshairs as your next victim because it sounds like you intend to keep going one after another. I am guessing it will be the police chief and Eckrich.

Your little girly friend at city hall feeds you all the info you need. How cozy! Talk about playing politics! Shame on her - she is suppose to stay out of it.

This is only the beginning of the slaughter you have in mind. It isn't going to make any difference who is mayor. Your line of tripe will keep going with your blog. I am sure of it.

9:16 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:00 pm It's past your bedtime. No need to get fussy!

Rest assured, Jeff will make everything bad in Crestwood go away. All he has to do is run the city the way you want him too. Right?

You say you are critical of Roy and use to be a supporter. You did what you felt was right. I have no problem with that.

Poor Jeff, he is stepping into some pretty dangerous territory. In time, you will see that everything doesn't come up roses overnight. There are no quick fixes. People in this country are struggling - not only in Crestwood.

One good thing, I guess, is as long as Jeff has you to show him the way, miracles will happen, I am sure.

9:28 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:28 blogger wrote:
"Poor Jeff, he is stepping into some pretty dangerous territory"

As I mentioned on the two threads before this one, the new Mayor is stepping into a mess. Some of the responses in these threads shows that folks are having way too much soda or coffee

Actually things could get to be pretty fun. I think I will have to start attending the Crestwood BOA meetings and bring a bag of popcorn. The entertainment value will be worth the price of admission. Chaos is much more fun to watch than calm.

10:25 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the BOA meeting could be broadcast.

10:43 PM, April 13, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"Did you really think that Roy was going to be all eckky nice..."

" why would Roy acknowledge him in any way."

"Roy just got too full of himself and didn't play by the rules."

"Chaos is much more fun to watch than calm."

1. No, but civil, and professional.

2. Because he was presiding over the BOA meeting, and citizens do have the right to speak.

3. This is true, and if he could not control himself, he should have resigned.

4. No it isn't if you are talking about a BOA meeting that is making decisions that will legally affect all the residents of Crestwood.

If he is not professional enough to be a gentleman, and conduct his meeting in a professional, and orderly manner, and put his personal feelings in the background, and respect the Citizens of Crestwood, and anyone else appearing before the board, he should, or should have resigned.

12:12 AM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The more things change the more they stay the same, Tom. Yes, let's see what the next round will be like. You do realize that it really doesn't matter any longer what Roy does or how he acts or anything. It has been in print throughout this blog by you and your fleet of bottom feeders."

7:02 blogger - What an arrogant and ignorant thing to say. After reading the rest of your entry, I'm ashamed that you live in the same city I do.

1:23 AM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jerry Miquel has been overkill forever. If it were for him, he would cut 50% of the people who work for Crestwood. If we had 35 million dollars in the bank, he would still be asking stupid questions and looking for danger around each corner."

Dear blogger, the questions Jerry Miguel asks are very pertinent. Indeed, an alderman, as a representative of the people he/she represents and as a watchdog for taxpayers, should ask and analyze. But then again, maybe we should have it your way and aldermen should rubber stamp everything. I even bet you think Beez and Duncan are doing a great job, don't ya???

1:28 AM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I have said before, if you supported Roy, this blog can give you more than just a headache. But then again, the blog also states that it is my right to speak.

As for 1:23 AM Too bad that you want to run me out of town for stating my views. I was here first when everybody got along.
Your statement that you are ashamed I live in the same city as you? Shows me that you also can be arrogant. So what's the difference?

10:25 AM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference is I didn't call anyone bottom feeders.

10:46 AM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The regulars on this blog are not bottom feeders. They are simply people who believe what they believe and many refuse to entertain the idea that there are those who differ with their opinions. They are not bad people, they simply refuse to accept that their opinions and ideas about how things should be run are not the only legitimate way things could be done. This is demonstrated when Mr. Ford, when cornered, simply states "you're wrong", as though this clears everything up for anyone who disagrees with him. Being closed minded and convinced you are the only opinion out there does not make anyone a "bottom feeder", it only makes them...well, narrow minded and self important.

3:39 PM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:39 pm I agree with you. But there has been more than one name used on this blog in speaking of the previous mayor and that seemed to be OK with the naysayers. So that leads one to believe that the term "bottom feeder" was appropriate.

If the shoe doesn't fit, then wear it and don't be offended. People have expressed themselves through this blog for a long time, and all words have not been pleasant being for or against Roy.

Although, I would love to see everyone work together now an accept the people's choice; I don't think it will happen judging from how it has been stated on the blog thus far.

I certainly wouldn't put any money on seeing peace in Crestwood. And I feel those who were unhappy with Roy, will find something new to bitch about.

4:03 PM, April 14, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:02 PM Blogger: Well if you would just do it right (as Jeff Schlink will do) you get a pass.

Simple, no ?

9:00 PM Blogger: "Tom Fords people ?"

10:43 PM Blogger: It will be "broadcast."

Tom Ford

5:56 PM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at the history of this blog, many people, such as Roy Robinson and Tom Ford have been attacked. Unfortunately, that's the nature of the beast when it comes to lively political discussion. Does the name Don Greer ring a bell? Or Tom Fagan?

Roy was not shy in using his mayoral post as a true bully pulpit. As a result, he lost a lot of his original supporters.

7:31 PM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogger @ 4:30pm
"I certainly wouldn't put any money on seeing peace in Crestwood."

I agree. That is why I think that the new mayor has a tough job ahead. The next BOA meetings could get interesting ... at least that is what I am looking forward to happening.

Thank goodness we have some good police, fire and city workers. The people at the Rec. center a super. So things will take care of themselves, independent of what happens in the BOA. You should enjoy the BOA like our own little reality show.

As I said earlier, chaos is much, much more fun to watch as a sport than calm Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.

8:10 PM, April 14, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

By: Anonymous:

" and your fleet of bottom feeders."

From the Urban Dictionary:

"bottom feeders

The absolute lowest and filthiest form of life, that is so much of a scumball that every living and non-living peice of matter would benefit from it's/their death."

So you feel that this applies to everyone who posts on this blog (except yourself of course) even though many are "anonymous" and those who use names, you have never met? Doesn't that seem a bit childish?

12:11 AM, April 15, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom you have a girly friend at City Hall? I did see her give a man a very warm hug at the meeting but I didn't think you were there. Maybe you're not the one and only.

5:14 PM, April 16, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5;14 PM Blogger: Interesting, I thought everyone at City Hall despised me (if I even ask what time it is I have to produce a F.O.I.A. form.)

Ah well, as I have said before, once a chick magnet, always a chick magnet !

Tom Ford

5:23 PM, April 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:16 PM, April 13, 2011

Tell me fine blogger, what is the real reason you support Roy so much?

6:40 PM, April 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand how someone can support Roy when he:

Violates his own policies.

Supports conflict of interest.

Deficit spends.

Established alarming precedents.

and most importantly as a leader:

Would rather fight with anyone who disagrees rather than demonstrate leadership by establishing calm and rational discussion.

Jeff Schlink has demonstrated often that he has the skills Roy could not supply. I only hope that my vote for Jeff will be the positive influence for the city of Crestwood rather than an attraction of negative publicity Roy supplied.

7:44 PM, April 16, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Chick Magnet (a.k.a.Tom)

Way to go!

9:16 AM, April 17, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:16 AM Blogger: Roger that !

Tom Ford
(AKA "chick magnet")

9:24 AM, April 17, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No offense Tom, but if they are referring to Tina Flowers I think she is a little out of your league. Not that she isn't a very beautiful women, just in a different gear than you. Let's hold off on the self proclaimed title of "chick magnet".

4:02 PM, April 26, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:00 PM Blogger: Well I really doubt that she is the one they are talking about.

If you read closely I stated that I WAS a chick magnet, sigh, as the Bard said, "Like the ghost of Cesar, I too once was Cesar."

Unfortunately (or fortunately) those days are long, long gone.

Tom Ford

6:05 PM, April 26, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"those days are long, long gone."

As in bellbottom, dress blues, with dixie cup, and that slightly uneven gait?

I have BTDT too, but I thought the greenbacks were the chick magnet.

Ahh yes, those were the days....

1:26 AM, April 27, 2011  

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