The Board Of Alderman meeting on Tuesday, 4/12/11 (please click here, you won't believe it !)

Well I have seen and done a few things in my day but this "request" from City Administrator, Mr. Jim Eckrich takes the cake ! I dearly love the part where he says that after due consideration he has decided to recommend HIMSELF for the position of City Engineer !
Mr. Eckrich, you have a job, you asked for the job you now have, and unless I miss my guess we the citizens paid you handsomely to learn and grow into that job, no ?
Now you want to take a "huge" pay cut ($3,000.00 per year) and move back "down stairs" ? Why would that be sir ? Is the current position your in too stressful ? (No that can't be right, you wanted it in another town.) Please explain to me like I was a three year old why in the world anyone in his right mind would Grant you a gravy train position, a take home car, a huge amount of salary, to leave us open on the other end ?
We were all wondering why you didn't post the position when it became open, now we know. Can you honestly tell us that you should have held up the posting (I know it was not required to post it ) from the other employees of Crestwood ? Don't you think someone else may have wanted to apply ? Did you really think so little of our employees that you felt you were the "chosen one ?"
I speak for myself when I say that I believe we can wait awhile until we have a few applications for the job before we make a decision as to whom the best person would be to hire.
Tom Ford
NO. 872
You missed a few points Tom. When Amy Meyers left, her position was replaced with one of a lesser salary and title with the same responsibilities to save money. When Dzenana Murckovski accepted the Director position she didn't hire an assistant director to save money. Now Amy left sometime last year. How long has this plan been in the works? Did our previous Director of Public Works have a job fall out of the sky or was she looking aggressively due to Eckrich's "master plan" to get his old job back?
How many employees have contracts regarding their employment? Would the Police or Fire chiefs like to return to their previous positions with retroactive raises? That way they could have less responsibilities and still make the same amount of money they are now. Don't forget they should get to keep their city vehicles as well. Hey Tom, my birthday is coming up. but you can't have any cake. I want my cake and eat it too. After all that looks like how our city has been run for the past three years.
For my sake, I'm gong to attend the BOA meeting this coming Tuesday 4/11/11 and see what Mr Eckrich has to say for himself about this.
I would suggest that would be the best way to get it from the horse's mouth. Good way to end speculation and rumors about the why's and the hows.
Same day, just different crap. Robinson is no better than all others he has every bashed. I'm sure they will see this as ok since it's them though.
Taking care of the boys till the very end. Nice going....
10:06 PM Blogger: Mr. Trueblood has the right idea here folks. I posted this to not only let the people know what's going on, but to start the line of questioning.
I am not privy to what plans Mr. Eckrich has, or why, so I think he needs to answer the really tough questions in front of his employers (Crestwood citizens.)
Please join Mr. Trueblood at the meeting, ask those hard ball questions, and let's get the truth rather than to speculate.
Tom Ford
will you be attending, Tom?
3:56 PM Blogger: At this time I plant to, yes. My problem is that I can't drive at night anymore as I am blind in one eye, and the other is somewhat dim, so I will do my best.
Not an excuse, just a verifiable fact.
Tom Ford
I would recommend that any alderman that approve this proposal use their salary as alderman to offset the 18,000 increase in this vacated position. How else would this non-budgeted proposal be financed?
either way the jobs will be filled, so what difference does it make to the budget who filles them?
11:09 PM Blogger: It matters not a wit WHO fills them, rather at what cost to the City, And what perks are attached.
Go to work tomorrow and tell the boss you have decided to become the janitor, but you want your same salary, and a take home car.
Please let us know what happened after that.I would opine that unless your the janitor now, it's going to be a bad day for you.
Tom Ford
absolutely true. But Mr. Eckridge is talking about a pay cut.
This isn't about Mr. Eckrich. This is about filling a job vacancy. Mr. Eckrich muddied the waters when he decided to appoint himself to the position. While there are no rules prohibiting him from doing so (probably because no one had envisioned a situation where the City Administrator would want to request his own demotion), this is a complete conflict of interest.
As to the assertion that Mr. Eckrich is taking a pay cut, again, his salary request is not the issue. Mr. Eckrich, as City Administrator, had previously assessed the salary for the Public Works Director at $72K. At that salary, he was able to attract a good candidate for that position, and filled the vacancy.
Why should the Board, knowing that the salary range should be around $72K (more or less - no benchmarking has been done, which is another mistake), pay in excess of $90K? The Board's first obligation is to the taxpaing residents, and rather than looking at this issue of whether or not Mr. Eckrich should be allowed to appoint himself, they should view it for what it is: a job vacancy. Their priority is to ensure that the city is attracting the best candidate for the best price.
The Board also needs to realize that there are equal treatment issues at stake; if they allow Mr. Eckrich to do this, how will that affect the new City Administrator's ability to reject requests from other city staff who wish to do the same thing?
I sincerely hope the Board is able to look at this situation with clear eyes and clear heads, and resist the temptation to act on feelings instead of good common sense.
Martha Duchild
9:00 AM Blogger: If you want to call $3,000.00 dollars a "pay cut."
Now if he were to understand that the position he wants does NOT REQUIRE a "take home car" we can talk (but I am still not thrilled.) lets look at the Numbers for a change.
Car: $26,000 +
Insurance: equivalent to $1020 Yr.
Gasoline: @ $3.69, 15,000 miles,20 miles to the gallon, $2768
Maintenance : $985 per year for oil, brakes, tires, ETC.
Now we see that the "small" perk he wants is equivalent to $4773 (minus the cost of the car.) What happened to the salary decrease ? Wowzers, it increased drastically, no ?
At this point let me remind you of what Charles De Gaulle once said "The graveyards are full of indispensable people ! My I suggest Mr. Eckrich re-think this ?
Tom Ford
Something that seemed odd to me was, why did this suddenly pop up right after the current mayor lost the election, and before the new mayor takes office?
Was there some kind of deal in the works?
I don't know how much influence the mayor would have on this deal, although I saw it is on the BOA agenda for this tuesday.
All of Roy's Boys are taking cover since being GIVEN a position which now may be in jeopardy. Hopefully, the police chief will go back to being a patrolman where he belongs.
If the vote on the City Administrator's request to appoint himself as the Public Works Director results in a tie, the Mayor holds the tie-breaking vote. That is his influence in this particular situation.
Martha Duchild
BOA should table the request until next meeting
9:55 4/11 Oh Sure! Let's play politics with people's lives. What the hey! You think this is a chess game or something?????
Politics at it's worst and it makes me sick!!! Oh No this is fun! Since the present police chief was here during Roy's term of office, we need to make sure the new mayor eliminate him. Let's just get rid of all department heads during Roy's term!!!!. No - let's just pick and choose who our favorites are!!!! We can keep them! Especially if they are trained to obey our every whim and fancy!!!!
If that isn't playing politics, I don't know what is and it's pathetic. One mayor appoints, the next one demotes, three years later, the same one gets appointed again. You make me sick!
9:55 PM Blogger: The present Police Chief is doing just fine in the position he is currently in. He knows the job and he needs to stay.
Tom Ford
Seems to me that our City Administrator has a set of stones the size of Texas!! So,because he doesn't like his job anymore, us residents are supposed to bow down and make special accomodations for him? What's the matter, Jimmie boy, you don't have your circle of "yes men" on the board anymore? It's no secret he can't stand a few members of the board, but that's too darn bad. He works for the board and the people in this town, no matter his personal feelings. The salary he wants is just ridiculous. Quite honestly, he wasn't that good of a public works director the first time, so why should he even be considered for the same job this time around? What happens when he doesn't want to be in public works again...will he try for police chief? Seriously folks, this guy is a tool. He lobbied hard for the job he has now and if he doesn't like it, then he can leave. No big loss.
It's not your job to tell him to leave. It's up to the new mayor. So tell him how you feel; after all, he's the boss now.
I already gave my two cents to the new mayor. Perhaps those pennies can go towards Eckrich's salary since he's taking such a drastic pay decrease and all. Ha!
Yeah, go to the BOA Tuesday night cause the next day, the bull will start flying again. I am sure Tom and his fab. five or six will be spitting out everything that was wrong.
I have been a resident for over 45 years and the more things change, the more they stay the same.
If anyone in this city or this country, thinks anybody can bring prosperity here or anywhere right now, they are hopelessly wrong.
Just look at the interest rate you get on your savings at the bank. Banks are one of the reasons we are in this mess. Oh Yeah, the new mayor will make that all change.
And if anyone thinks if this mayor cuts jobs, we will be in the black, you are a moron.
If you think that this guy or anyone can just pull developers and money out of a hat, then you are the mad hatter!
Here's a novel idea, let's be a little optimistic and give the new mayor a chance. I'm sure he doesn't plan to solve all of the city's problems (and the nation's in his spare time) overnight. He'll need help just like Robinson did. I do feel sorry for him already with the chaos that's brewing because of this idiot city administrator of ours. If Eckrich does get his beloved position back, then maybe we can get a good administrator that can conduct himself in a professional and civil manner, especially during the BOA meetings. His arrogance is enough to make me sick. Ultimately, the members of the board will have to make this decision, but you can bet your butt I'm glad that I'm not a city employee. Favortism at its finest!
Wow! It's amazing how differently we all view this situation. I would be curious to know if Mr. Eckrich recommended his being made City Administrator/OR did Mayor Robinson solicit him. Wouldn't we all agree that our choice of past city administrators hasn't worked to the benefit of Crestwood. Are we to understand from Mr.Eckrich's proposal that he will oversee both the Public Works and Parks and Recreation? This is a lot to digest and with very little time to make such a hugh decision that will involve many people's future. Haste makes waste, maybe we should table this and give it serious consideration. Faye Clark
"If the vote on the City Administrator's request to appoint himself as the Public Works Director results in a tie, the Mayor holds the tie-breaking vote."
I have seen this happen a number of times in the past.
The thing that concerns me, is as far as I can tell, this first came up on the seventh (two days after the election), and was set for the BOA meeting five days later on the twelfth, which will be presided over by the lame duck Mayor.
As a citizen of Crestwood, I have not heard, or read anything about any of this plan prior to the seventh. The timing of this seems strange...either decide on the twelfth, with the outgoing mayor, or wait until the twenty sixth, with the new mayor, and be short one alderman. I think that the timing of this could not have been worse. Either way, there will be many people wondering if this was all on the up and up.
Yes, I'm sure this is a conspiracy thought up by whatever liberal minds are at City Hall, designed to be the downfall of Crestwood. Definitely a well planned, underhanded conspiracy. Mr. Ford himself will tell you the only employee in the whole city worth a darn in Tina Flowers. Every single other person is worthless, in "lock step" with the mayor, biding their time to see to the downfall of the city. Definitely, this is a conspiracy.
I have to agree with you John, a mere five (5) days is not enough time to take a vote on this issue. Was the vacancy left by Dzenana Murckovski even posted? Where is the Civil Service board? This sounds like one of those, hurry and pass this before anybody catches on. This smells bad-real bad.
9:55 PM Blogger: The present Police Chief is doing just fine in the position he is currently in. He knows the job and he needs to stay.
Tom Ford
SERIOUSLY? Do you not talk to the officers anymore? I would bet there are only a handful that can remotely tolerate him and even fewer that respect him.
To 8:22 AM April 12th
The Public Works department head position is an unclassified position and therefore is not subject to any of the city's Civil Service Rules & Regulations (which only apply to classified positions).
Martha Duchild
Look, I have no dog in this fight, so far.
So, until we hear the reason's for Mr. Kekrich reason for his request, we know nothing. He may be making request for personal reasons, illness, family pressures as examples. Could be professional reasons, he feel's he is in over his head?
We don't know what he will do if the BOA says no to his request, will he resign as CA and leave? Will he stay on as C/A even though for what ever his reason he no longer wants the job?
The timing of this is under Mr. Eckrich's control, and as such I would hope would be asked of him tonite by a BOA member.
Realistically this is Mr. Eckrichs resignation from the City of Crestwood as it's C/A.
I feel the BOA has to accept the resignation and start a search for a new C/A and Public Works Director for which Mr. Eckrich has now applied.
They may or may not hire him for that position, but it is clear he soon will no longer be our C/A.
Considering the former Director of Public Works gave notice on Feb 12th I think this was in the works for a long time. No posting to replace the position, and an immediate request following the election. Almost makes you wonder if good ole Roy asked the city administrator to wait until after the election as to not make it look like another department head bailing out under his watch. Not as if it would have made a difference.
7:24 PM Blogger: Favoritisms, heck this reaches all the way to blatant cronyism plain and simple !
If they (the BOA) give in on this, the "good old boys" network will still be alive and kicking. Mr. Eckrich bought his ticket, he knew what he was getting into when he made the request, so I see no rush to do this before we have other candidates apply.
I say if he stays, fine (reduced salary, and no car,) or if he goes, well the grave yards are full of indispensable people.
Tom Ford
Well, I was at the BOA meeting, and guess what....the CA deal passed with a 4 - 4 vote, and an instant tie breaker: it is a done deal!
Some of the aldermen seemed to want to discuss it, or wait 'till next time, and the new mayor, but it was pushed through.
Roy said that it was discussed, and all the details worked out some time ago, but was not announced "because it might affect the election".
Well that explains the unusual timing of the late announcement!
Several members seemed to want to discuss it, or delay the vote until next meeting, but all that was brushed aside.
But, the biggest news was: "Outgoing Mayor Sics Cops on Former Alderman at Podium, to Silence Him "
The person in question was
Steve Nieder, and he gave up without a fight. (Actually they approached him, and he returned to his seat peacefully.) Another Citized shouted an insult at Roy, and stormed out!
You can read a blow by blow at SunsetHills-CrestwoodPatch an online paper. As you will see, there was also a disturbance outside afer the meeting, but I was gone by then.
In summary, this was a most interesting show featuring our mayor in full bloom!!
Regarding the City Administrator's appointment of himself as Public Works Director, I believe the vote was 5-3 in favor, with the three "no" votes coming from Aldermen Wallach, Schlink, and Duchild.
From what I understand, the tie vote occurred on the Sappington Square CID issue.
Thanks for attending the meeting!
Martha Duchild
It appears Mr. Ekrich used the appropriate channels to request his new position. The board (which is a group of officials you have elected) has said yes (5-3). So in essence the people have spoken and it is done. It is time to try to move this small city into the future with Mayor Schlink, and worry about more pressing matters. This is all posturing, games, and not conducive to positive political dialog.
I agree with franky!
1:27 PM Blogger: "Franky," yes indeed, I too agree that its time to move on to a new City Administrator, and I hope this time we find a really good one.
If anyone can do it, I believe Mayor Schlnk can, and will.
Tom Ford
I'm sure you are right on the vote...sorry about the mis-information. I didn't take notes, and the meeting was rather long and confusing. Not to mention all the yelling.
"SunsetHills-CrestwoodPatch an online paper"
They seem to basically transcribe the meeting as it happens. This should be a good way to find out the scoop shortly after the meeting ends.
And, it is probably more reliable than my memory. Especially when the meeting is long and filled with lots of yelling, and confusion.
Are you going to post a link to the audio of this meeting when it is available? It should be interesting, but it is upsetting considering it was a public meeting of elected leaders of our city conducting an official meeting.
Gee Franky, you are brilliant. What, in your esteemed mind, are the pressing matters facing Crestwood?
I think Franky is just dreamy
He's just being frank with us.
Frankly, I like Frank too.
you forgot the y.
5:58 M Blogger: Good grief, now 'Franky" is a chick magnet !
Oh well, I guess someone had to step in for me, no?
Tom Ford
Um no
you are assuming all the people commenting on Franky are female.
7:53 AM Blogger; What else pray tell ? "Dreamy," I would think son, no ?
Franky is he male spelling as far as I know, so ?
Tom Ford
Food for thought. Doesn't rate a full thread, but interesting anyway.
"Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs.
The seven dwarfs always left to go to work in the mine early each morning.
As always, Snow White stayed home doing her domestic chores.
As lunchtime approached, she would prepare their lunch and carry it to the mine.
One day as she arrived at the mine with the lunch, she saw that there had been a terrible cave-in.
Tearfully, and fearing the worst, Snow White began calling out, hoping against hope that the dwarfs had somehow survived.
"Hello...Hello!" she shouted, "Can anyone hear me? Hello!"
For a long while, there was no answer. Losing hope, Snow White again shouted, "Hello! Is anyone down there?"
Just as she was about to give up all hope, she heard a faint voice from deep within the mine, singing;
"Re-elect Barrack Obama, vote for Barrack Obama...."
Snow White fell to her knees and prayed, "Oh, thank you, God!
At least Dopey is still alive."
From a friend out East, a retired Marine aviator during Viet Nam.
Tom Ford
“You have to have been a Republican to know how good it is to be a Democrat.”
Jackie Kennedy
Since quotes are SOOO popular here, I thought I'd toss one out in response to that little story.
6:59 PM Blogger: Since you liked that SOOO much:
"In the hospital the relatives gathered in the
waiting room, where a family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor
came in looking tired and somber.
"I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news, he said
as he surveyed the worried faces. The only hope left for your loved one
at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure,
very risky, but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure,
but you will have to pay for the BRAIN."
The family members sat silent as they absorbed
the news. After a time, someone asked, 'How much will a brain cost?'
The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a
Democrat's brain; $500 for a Republican's brain."
The moment turned awkward. Some of the Democrats
actually had to 'try' to not smile, avoiding eye contact with the
Republicans. A man unable to control his curiosity, finally blurted out
the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the Democrats brain so much
more than a Republicans brain?"
The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and
explained to the entire group, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We
have to price the Republicans brains a lot lower because they've been
Tom Ford
I have one!
Two guys are sitting around talking about politics.
One of them asks the other, "So why are you a Democrat?"
"Because my daddy and granddaddy were Democrats," was the man's reply.
"What if your daddy and granddaddy were lying, hypocritical horse thieves?"
"In that case, I guess I'd be a Republican."
Good one, now you all have something to do besides just sit there and complain about the election.
Tom Ford
PS: I don't know if you remember or not but I am NOT a Republican ! In fact I have very little use for the R.I.N.O.'s that have inhabited that party.
I am darn sure not a Democrat either for reasons that by now should be completely clear.
I am a "REAGAN CONSERVATIVE," (and TEA party member,) and I believe I will remain so until dooms day.
Tom Ford
I just thought I should mention it.
Tom Ford
Tea Party. I'd rather hear you were a Republican. Are you one of those "birthers" too?
3;43 PM Blogger: Nope, it's way to late to worry about where he was born. I am just a firm believer in the FACT that we are all taxed way to much already !
That goes for Federal, State, and local. Enough of the spending on idiot projects like a "bridge to no where," TIF, TDD, CID projects as well as the W.P.A. 'make work" ideas of the Fed's.
Now I am not against anyone sending in more than they owe if they wish to, but as for me, I will use every tax break can, and I bet you do too.
Tom Ford
But that's just the thing that's been pointed out on here again and again. YOU think it's stupid, so it automatically is? Actually, no. There are other people in this town, this state, this country. The refusal to even acknowledge that there might be other priorities, other viewpoints, other opinions, that's what is so infuriating. I have very set opinions as well. I am of the deeply held belief that conservative thinking will be the ruination of this country. I truly, honestly think that we cannot sustain one more war. I also believe that taxes pay for the running of this nation, whether the conservative thought process wants to admit it or not. This mind set of "I got mine, so screw you" doesn't fly with me. But I don't automatically say something's wrong or stupid because I didn't think of it or because it isn't important to me persoanlly. You have said that on here over and over. I am able to realize I am not the only person on earth, and while I may not like some things my taxes pay for, I am not an island of one, and I must play as part of the team. My money supports many things I DO like also.
If you really are a "Reagan Conservative", you ought to rethink that as a title. it is an oxymoron.
7:58 AM Blogger: OK, send in all the money you want to. Give to the "free lunch" crowd all you want to, just realize that MOST of us aren't interested in that foolishness !
Oh and by the way, please don't tell me about "grant money" for anything as that is funds taken from US to give to whomever. I believe we should pay our own way and leave the Government out of it.
Tom Ford
8:27 PM Blogger: You may well want to re-read Ronald Reagan's policy's and plans for the Nation.
Ronald Reagan was a conservative, he was not for the "everything for everybody" ideology so prevalent today in America.
He held the novel idea that you should actually get out and work, no lying around, no illegal aliens getting welfare, and a STRONG military. Doesn't sound "progressive / Liberal to me.
Tom Ford
Some of his actions weren't very conservative, either. His very famous quote that conservatives live by, that big government IS the problem were just words. He grew the government while he was in office from 2.6 million to 3 million. It was Clinton, oddly, a Democrat, that came along and reduced the number back down to 2.7 million. Reagan even added a new cabinet position...Veterans Affairs, thus growing government even further. Not in keeping with the conservative mind set.
Conservatives live by his mantra that we should not be taxed much. Yet it was Reagan who passed who passed the Tax Equity and Fiscal responibility Act of 1982, which at the time was the largest peacetime tax increase in US history. As a matter of fact, he signed measures that increased taxes in every year he was in office except his first and his last year.Under reagan, the wealthy benefitted hugely. Not very conservative, but VERY much the Republican mind set. Remember what Bush said: "This is an impressive crowd: the Have's and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base.”
Reagan wasn't all that conservative in his actions, but he was VERY Republican.
No response for the 8:46 am poster?
No comments about 8:46 from me. First of all, it sounds like 8:46 did his job with his facts. I don't know if they are really true or not but it is very impressive. Whether or not I believe it? I am not sure. All I know is that this blog is suppose to be about Crestwood.
Secondly, I am not rich so I guess I don't belong to the conservatives although I vote conservative sometimes. My mom and dad always said that the Repub. were for the rich; and Dems were for the not so rich but I can't say I believe that either.
Tom is the one who wants to get into discussions about Dems and Repub. This is Crestwood, remember?
Personally, that subject has been hashed over generation after generation and it gets tiring. Tom eats, drinks, sleeps and is saturated in the politics of our Country. But he knows very little about Crestwood. He just wants people to think he is so empowered. I just want whatever is fair for everyone.
The new mayor as far as I know never said one bad word about Roy durfing his campaign, which impresses me. But Roy never said one bad word about Jeff either. Of course, Tom will refute that; after all Roy is dirt!
So I say hooray for Jeff; he is young and enthusiastic and I have my money on the fact that no matter what Tom or his crew think, I think the new mayor will listen to no one and do what he feels is right. Go Get Em Jeff! Blessings to you!
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