Well Ladies and gentlemen the sun rose in Crestwood this morning over a new mayor for all of us. We have a winner, and we have a person who while he tried as hard as he could did not make it this time out. I applaud both of them for their willingness to serve Crestwood, and in a larger sense their tireless pursuit of their goal.
We saw two entirely different men with two entirely different ideas of where Crestwood should be in the future, we studied each, we met each, we made a decision as to which to follow, and we voted for that man.
As we all know there can be only one Mayor at a time, and this time out the citizen's of Crestwood chose Mr. Jeff Schlink to lead us for the next three years. Mayor Schlink will need ALL our support, help and prayers to guide us through the troubled waters ahead, so I ask that each of us get behind him and our elected Board of Aldermen and do the things that will be best for Crestwood !
May God Bless Crestwood and you and yours.
Tom Ford
NO. 871
Perhaps Mr. Schlink will enjoy a little better support than Mr. Robinson was shown on here. Many will remember your call to support the new mayor.
Does anyone know where Mayor Schlink stands on the whole Pulaski bank / Sappington Square mess? I am hoping that the new Mayor tells Pulaski bank to not expect the taxpayers of Crestwood to subsides their losses on the property.
Congrats to the new mayor. Now no one should have anything to b**ch about on this blog!
I would like to congratulate Mr. Schlink on his decisive victory in the election for Mayor!
Since he has had the experience of being on the BOA, he will be able to "hit the ground running" as soon as he takes office.
It is only my personal opinion, but I'll bet that Mr. Schlink will have more opportunities for the public to communicate with him, and ask questions than the current Mayor.
I hope Mr. Shlink is very careful. The posters on this blog who sing his raises now will turn on him fast if he does things they don't like. Look at the awful things they said about Robinson.
To 5:57 April 7th:
If someone praises Mayor-elect Schlink now, they are certainly not bound by their decision to support him. As we have witnessed with many elected officials at the local, state, and national levels, campaign promises are not always delivered. It's up to citizens to participate in their government to ensure that these officials are held to their promises. Should our elected officials fail to deliver, it's also our responsibility to call them out.
To offer loyalty to any politician at any cost is not only unrealistic, it's impractical.
Martha Duchild
There is a huge difference between calling someone on broken promises and verbally slashing them at every opportunity, as happened here in nearly every thread. It's no skin off anyone's nose, but Mr. Schlink needs to think twice if he thinks he has absolute support on this blog. That's all I meant.
9:41 PM Blogger : Many should remember it and heed it, I am amazed at the amount of people who can't seem to get over the Robinson loss.
Mr. Robinson stacked the deck against himself for the last three years with his attitude and remarks.
Then he doubled down by using nothing but non Crestwood union members at the polls during a time when there is so much negative publicity on public sector unions to make sure he irritated the electorate. What did you expect ?
Tom Ford you complain that he had nothing but non-resident union members at the polls. Nobody wanted off duty Crestwood union firefighters at the polls so that's what they get when you take away their freedom of speech, someone else steps up and speaks for them.
What did I expect? Well, to start, how about a little common decency on your part? It is, after all, possible to disagree with someone, and even dislike that person, without resorting to the verbal flaying he received on this blog almost daily. There is never a call to speak to or about others the way you referred to Mr. Robinson. It was disrespectful, rude, and mean spirited. Especially from someone who has mentioned on here a time or two that you once called him your friend. That's what I expected.
8:48 PM Blogger: You bought your ticket when you signed up for the job. You knew or should have known that the Charter forbade electioneering as a Crestwood employee.
Now you want to complain about your rights ? You gave them up, remember ?
Tom Ford
9:19 PM Blogger: It's called standing up for those who couldn't or wouldn't do it for themselves !
He tossed out plenty and if you and he can't take the return fire I suggest you find something else to do !
Tom Ford
9:19 PM Blogger: PS, your right up until three years ago he was counted as a friend, and then he changed to a person I couldn't identify !
That did it for me, and from that day on I decided that I would no longer support him nor allow myself to be duped by his .......
It is what it is !
Tom ford
As a Crestwood employee they gave up their right to electioneering? If that's true then why did you ask for the support of the firefighters when you ran for aldermen?
A Crestwood employee, while not allowed to actively campaign for a Crestwood candidate or issue, still has freedom of speech via:
his/her union - e.g. Local 2665 - they were very active supporting Roy Robinson...
if they are a Crestwood resident, he/she can vote for their preferred candidate.
One of the many reasons a Crestwood employee is not allowed to openly campaign for a Crestwood candidate/issue is for his/her own protection!
Let me offer a hypothetical situation:
Mayor so and so is up for re-election. And he needs volunteers. No problem - puts in a call to the fire department or police department of public works. Now...are you still with me??? Firefighter Joe and firefighter Joan are ending their shift. Phone rings at the fire house. They are told to distribute some flyers immediately after their shift ends. Firefighter Joe has plans with his family and firefighter Joan is getting ready to go out of town. They both tell the caller that they have plans. Caller says, "really? Well, what are your plans when your job will end?"
Now...what I stated above is purely hypothetical...but?
I noticed in the recent local new paper that Robinson spent all of his money he raised for his campaign outside of Crestwood, instead of supporting local Crestwood business'. What a shame.
9:19 PM, April 07, 2011
I believe you are looking through rose colored glasses.
Mr. Robinson was the rudest elected official I have ever encountered.
No glasses here. i know there were shortcomings. I am aware of it all. I was addressing the hateful, vindictive speech on here about him. My sentiment was that there is NO excuse for that behavior.
11:05 PM Blogger: Well the truth of the matter is that I answered a questionnaire sent out by Local 2665, They chose to back me and not Mr. Piclel.
There were to be NO Crestwood employees working on the campaign, and there weren't any.
Get it now ?
Tom Ford
4:52 PM Blogger: Don't fret since Mr. Robinson is leaving office there will be no further remarks reference him made by anyone that I know of.
Any references to the derogatory about him after he leaves will be stricken from this Blog as soon as I see them.
When your running for office or your in office your fair game, but once your out you deserve to be left alone, and leave him alone we will.
Tom Ford
Mr. Schlink will have enough to do from the get-go in that one of his first acts looks to be hiring a City Administrator. Certainly makes the dog-catcher issue pale in comparison.
so, given the other thread, I guess you'll now start on Mr. Eckrich. Maybe can help get rid of the mayor's parking space to save the city thousands!
5:51 PM Blogger: Well not to the dog catcher people, feral cats and all that you know.
6:16 PM Blogger: Mr. Eckrich "started" on himself, he doesn't need me to look ?
I think that the parking space should go to th "employee of the Month," Don't you ?
Tom Ford
Oh shut up Tom; you got what you wanted and we got a new mayor, and still you continue to open your horn mouth and pound Roy into the ground. Why couldn't you have run a good campaign rather than one built on personal hate?????
Why am I not surprised. Your desire to crucify him is never ending. Personal vendetta is what this is all about. You are such a cheap thrill - Tom. You and Martha have been more rude and hateful than anyone I have ever come into contact with. But you both have the nerve to call Roy rude. Ha! Martha's pit bull attitude and her mouth have been the talk of many I have spoken to. So I am not the only one.
Whether Ms. Martha and you want to believe it, your pushy and disgusting rapport on this blog about Roy has not gone unnoticed.
You have no decency and you have no idea how to campaign in a fair and honest way.
Also Ms. Martha has her own personal vendettas with Roy and she knows it too. Nothing concerned her about issues. She as well as many others know that this Crestwood Court will not be filled for a very long time. People don't have the money to buy commerical property because the banks don't have it. Our own government is broke. So what a feeble excuse to throw your support to someone else.
Mr. Schlink works for Edward Jones - good! What does that mean? I have had three people from Edward Jones canvassing my neighborhood going door to door
Looking for new clients!
Everybody is broke and if you don't know that by now, you live in a cave!
You both scream and yell about Crestwood when you both don't give a "tinker's dam" about Crestwood. It is all about vendettas. Both of you would do good working for the Maffia. An eye for an eye.
If you both would have campaigned for your candidate fairly, I would have been much more appreciative. But since you started out with nothing but personal hatred for the man, that's the reason why he got my vote.
I agree with 5:57, 4/7 and 5:28 4/7 and 9:19. They hit it right on..
4:58 PM Blogger: You do seem somewhat "miffed" that Mr. Robinson failed to re-gain the office.
"Fairly?" Thats a hoot if ever I have heard one. I said i will not comment on MR. Robinson further, and I won't. You however are another matter.
If you can't stand the fact that your side spent $9.00 per vote to loose, and my side spent $1.00 a vote to win, may I suggest you rethink your so called position?
The voters of Crestwood spoke loud and clear last Tuesday, open your ears and listen to their position for a change!
In closing, Jeff won, you and your people lost, show us what a hero you are and congratulate him tomorrow night ! And by the way, if your going to get what's left of your dander up, why bother reading this Blog ? You can get me to "shut up" anytime you want to, just buy me out of this ($450,000 should do it.)
Tom Ford
I am not angry about the new mayor; no! I am angry at your rotten tactics to get him elected.
Had the campaign been done with integrity and honor, had it been run by people who were sincerely worried about the problems of Crestwood, I would be fine with the outcome. Since it was done because of the fact that you, Tom, wanted vengeance for a personal issue, and you went for the juggular, it makes me disgusted.
It wasn't so much that you wanted Schlink to win as much as it was you wanted Roy to loose. Had Roy gone up against a vagrant, you would have chose the vagrant to compaign for because you were out for blood against Roy.
So therefore, you are a real gem and like another blogger said, I hope Schlink knows that with you, he is praised today but tomorrow nobody knows. You are definitely someone to fear.
Pure and simple.
6:37 PM Blogger; Unfortunately your a very sore looser, and it shows !
Tom Ford
"I am not angry about the new mayor; no! I am angry at your rotten tactics to get him elected.
Had the campaign been done with integrity and honor, had it been run by people who were sincerely worried about the problems of Crestwood, I would be fine with the outcome."
Please provide examples of "rotten tactics" and this campaign not being done with "integrity and honor".Or shut up and cry your self to sleep, Mary Hall.
7:21 Pm Blogger: Surly you aren't suggesting that the sweet little gray haired older lady I met on Election day could be responsible for all that venom and vitriol ?
I refuse to believe it !
Tom Ford
4:58pm 04/11 blogger said
"Why am I not surprised. Your desire to crucify him is never ending. Personal vendetta is what this is all about. You are such a cheap thrill"
Wow ... and I thought I was negative. It will be interesting to see what happens now that the out-going mayor will no longer be a distraction. Mayor Schlink has a tough situation to step into and I am predicting rough waters ahead.
7:27 PM 4/11 Listen Mary Hall - I don't intend to cry myself to sleep over anything. I have seen things for myself and I know deception when I see it. Do I care that we have a new mayor? Not in the least. Because, he too will fall from grace with your kind of people. Just give it time. Today they shake your hand, but tomorrow look out. Sounds like you fit right in.
I am still hoping beyond hope that this new mayor will be able to go forward with the city. And as far as our city goes, I am behind the city 100%. What I hate is the politics - it chews people up and spits them out.
I know a lot about what has happened in the past between the mayor and the people who headed this whole campaign. Since they are so smart and intelligent, let them tell you why they really wanted Roy out of office. They are the ones who are cowards, not me Mary Hall!!
Martha - OMG - beware of what she can do. I wouldn't get near her unless I had a companion carrying a big stick! I have seen her in action at city hall. She has been hateful and rude. - And Tom also can tell you his big deal and the real reason he hates the mayor.
And since you seem to want answers from me - well first of all I can see that you haven't read this blog or you would know where I am coming from. This blog has been 99% a political arena against Roy. It had nothing to do with city problems as much as it was about personal grudges.
So, Mary Hall, don't get on my case - I have no trouble sleeping contrary to what you think. My conscience is clear. Nighty Night!
You have been knighted with the singular ability to influence the outcome of elections in Crestwood.
I am jealous of such influence.
Could you become my mentor so that I may achieve the same results.
4:19 blogger -
look at Roy's campaign finance reports. Who was working for him at the polls?
look at Jeff's campaign finance reports. Who was working for him at the polls?
2:44 Oh My! Now don't go getting all defensive. I don't have to prove anything in a court of law here-I am free to express my opinion. I merely said what I think! And we are just so happy that the financials were what cost Roy the election rather than a hate campaign. Thanks for pointing that out.
"It is all about vendettas. Both of you would do good working for the Maffia. An eye for an eye."
Tom, we will have to start calling you Godfather or Blogfather!
10:54 AM Blogger; "Some day, and that day may never come, I may call on you for a favor."
Has a nice ring to it, and speaking of rings, the loyal opposition may well want to line up to kiss my "Godfather ring."
Sheesh !
Tom Ford
10:39 PM Blogger: True, all true ! have your people contact my people, we will do lunch and discuss it.
Tom Ford
Do you think that this poster:
4:58 PM, April 11, 2011, was that lady (?) who was running amuck campaigning for Roy, breaking the law, and verbally abusing the union campaigners also working for Roy? Sure sounds like her.
5:31 PM Blogger John, I have no idea, but if it is we owe her a huge debt of gratitude.
That lady more than anyone else on election day helped her candidate loose !
Tom Ford
Dear "Chick Magnet" in Charge (C.M.C.)
Right on brother. She sure did help prove the case that our soon to be former Mayor had grown out of his skill level a long time ago.
Tom, John, Tim,
Was she at the library or did she stop at all the polling places or???
I saw her at the church on East Watson, and Crest Oak. She was kind of large, and loud. Ran all around the parking lot pushing Roy's literature on people (some of them threw them in the bushes). She was also hasseling people right at the door, which caused some to complain to the the election officials and one of them came out and told her she could not do that, or would have to leave.
She really got on the union people working for Roy about not doing enough. For a bit there I thought we might get to see a punch out, but she went to the other end of the parking lot.
John, I did not see her while I was working at Oak Bend.
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