Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Mayoral election on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 (please click here.)

If you will please click on the header, you will see a quote and comment from president Teddy Roosevelt reference competition in the arena of life, politics, and human endeavor.

On Tuesday we will be going to the polls to vote for one of two candidates for a three year term as Mayor of Crestwood. Both these candidates have worked very hard for your vote, and both have placed their qualifications for the job for you to see and understand. We owe it to these two candidates to exercise our most sacred privilege of voting.

It is not for me, or anyone else to tell you who you should vote for Tuesday, it is your decision, and yours alone. That's one of the greatest legacy's of our founding fathers, the right to elect those who we really believe will drive the City, State, and Republic in the right direction.

It is our sacred duty to vote in each and every election offered, and i pray that each of us will Honor that duty and vote for the candidate of your choice. There are other items on the ballot that require your attention as well, so study them and vote your conscience.

Crestwood is and always will be a fiercely competitive political City with all the trimmings that are relative to politics. Now we come to the final day when we the people make our decision. Please join me in wishing good luck and God speed to our candidates, they deserve no less.

Tom Ford

NO. 870


Anonymous John said...


As of 11:00pm Tuesday April 5, 2011 with 100% reporting, the final count is:

Jeff 1838

Roy 980

And the winner is.......JEFF SCHLINK!!!

Good news for Crestwood.

11:24 PM, April 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just notice that Mr. Robinson got clobbered! Wow, could the voters of Crestwood be more confused - first they hate taxes yet vote FOR the big Lindbergh pension welfare handout so superintendents can get their $250,000 a year lifetime pension and insurance on our dime, now they vote out the only man who saved us from local corporate welfare!

I guess maybe we'll go back to the "good ol' days" of spending $5 MILLION we don't have on fancy police stations, and handing out MILLIONS in tax handouts via TIFs to wealthy corporations so they'll build something here they didn't really want to build had it not been for the tax welfare handout! Maybe we'll now go back to cutting the animal control and parks budgets (about the only things of any real value we get for our tax dollars here in Crestwood) so we can buy more high-tech police cars to catch those shop-lifters at Schnuck's (one of the many very busy things I've witnessed our finest do with their time).

So, thanks, Crestwood voters for another confused and naive vote! When your property taxes go up $250 next year because of the Lindbergh tax, and then go up another $300 the year after to pay for another expensive, unneeded city building or to give another wealthy nerd a welfare handout, just be sure to blame it on poor people on welfare, and not the REAL problem - which you'll find in any mirror.

12:37 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sunset hills is looking pretty appealing right now....

6:20 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous...12:37 AM, April 06, 2011

Ahh poor baby,
guess all of Roy's Firemen and Roy's Carpenters to,
couldn't put
Roy back
in office again!

7:02 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, looks like Mr. Fagan - er, excuse me, I just got confused, they're so much alike - I mean Mr. Schlink retook control of our city on behalf of big business.

So my first question is:

What will be the amount of the first property tax increase you will be asking for, to pay for your plan for corporate welfare handouts under the guise of "development"?? I mean, you'll need millions to handout to your corporate friends, and it has to come from SOMEWHERE, so how much do you propose us working and retired middle-class people fork over to pay for your plan?

I'll be attending the first few board meetings to find out how much I'll have to cut from my budget again so I can pay for another corproate welfare handout. So please have this information ready!

A tax increase - it's coming now! And I'm sure animal control and parks budgets are doomed. BUt we'll have PLENTY of money for shopping malls, unneeded new business buildings, and fancy new police gear (got to keep those police equipment businesses going to get those campaign contributions!)!

Oh, and Jeff, when do we start on the new $5 MILLION police facility (again, great for getting campaign cash!)???

8:26 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, poor baby! So Roy's Firemen and Carpenters just couldn't come up with as much cash as "Edward Jones corporate America" put up to ensure their welfare keeps flowing!

My dad raised a family being a carpenter, so got a problem with them having reprentation in government? His fair wage allowed me to go to college.

I now work in IT - of course, I do real work that matters (making IT work), I don't just count the beans needed to buy the computers, as our new mayor does.

So I'll take Firemen and Carpenters influencing our government ANY DAY over Big Corporate America stealing out of my wallet.

Which is what we now have again!


8:31 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Schlink has made his position on animal control crystal clear. I guess Mr. Ford and his cronies are overjoyed now. Now they have a mayor to be in "lock step" with.

9:29 AM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:30 PM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, are you going to delete the name calling post from the 3:30 blogger? You would from anyone else.

3:44 PM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he city of Crestwood has a new mayor.

Ward 2 Alderman Jeff Schlink, who faced off against incumbent Roy Robinson in a sometimes testy mayoral race, earned 1,838 votes to Robinson's 980 with 100 percent of the precinct's reporting.

"I'm certainly surprised and pleased," Schlink said from his home. "The Crestwood voters took it upon themselves to visit the polls for our election, the school board election and the county assessor's race."

Robinson was not available for comment.

Schlink had some complimentary words for Robinson, who is departing after two terms.

"Roy was a good mayor," he said. "But the city needs a change."

That change will take several forms.

Schlink, 42, said his first order of business would be eliminating the mayor's dedicated parking space.

He also plans on meeting with various department heads and employees immediately to talk about the city's future.

"I want to reach out to everyone to let them know that even though there's a new mayor, things won't change overnight," he said.

He also plans on reaching out to Centrum Properties, developer of Crestwood Court.

"I want to pin them down on their (redevelopment) plans," he said.

Schlink credited his more skeptical stance toward the long-planned redevelopment of Crestwood Court with attracting votes.

"Roy's message was always that the redevelopment of Crestwood Court was around the corner," he said. "People are tired of hearing that."

Schlink has also proposed eliminating the city's full-time animal control position, a move that would save about $60,000 annually.

Schink, who works in the financial industry, won't be celebrating too far into the evening.

He has to be at work in the morning.

"I'll go to work then relax with my family," he said.

To celebrate his victory, Schlink said his mother presented him with the gavel his grandfather used to preside over the Peoria, Ill., Chamber of Commerce.

"I never met him, because he died when my father was 10," he said. "My mother gave me his gavel, and I'm going to be proud to use it."

4:46 PM, April 06, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:29 AM Blogger: Your beginning to remind me of the couple who were divorced because she liked all her girlfriends, but none of his !

The fact is that we don't NEED a Warden on staff, only volunteers which we supposedly have now. The animal control crowd has bragged about the money they have raised, so now it's time to use it to pay for the hobby.

I think you ALL should continue to do your good works, but with your money, not the taxpayers, so when do you start ?

Tom Ford

5:28 PM, April 06, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:20 PM Blogger: yes I am due to personal insults minus a REAL NAME to back them up !

There are a few more who are also getting dangerously close to that line as well, so if you wish to call someone names, sign the post with your REAL Name or forget it, you will be gone.

6:20 AM Blogger: the grass is always greener (except in Sunset Hills.)

Tom Ford

5:45 PM, April 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:44 p.m.

YOU ARE A #$@#&%!@.

and one of Roy's Boys to boot.

7:26 PM, April 06, 2011  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:36 AM, April 07, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"Ah, poor baby! So Roy's Firemen and Carpenters just couldn't come up with as much cash as "Edward Jones corporate America" put up to ensure their welfare keeps flowing!"

I guess you didn't read all the newspaper reports of the campaign funding. Roy had $6,275, and Jeff had $1,184. Roy got 980 votes, and Jeff got 1838 votes. I guess Jeff used his more wisely. That's just what we need...more efficient use of our money.

5:41 PM, April 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see some interesting and unusual opinions here -

"now they vote out the only man who saved us from local corporate welfare!
I guess maybe we'll go back to the "good ol' days" of spending $5 MILLION we don't have on fancy police stations, and handing out MILLIONS in tax handouts via TIFs to wealthy corporations so they'll build something here they didn't really want to build had it not been for the tax welfare handout!

"A tax increase - it's coming now! And I'm sure animal control and parks budgets are doomed. BUt we'll have PLENTY of money for shopping malls, unneeded new business buildings, and fancy new police gear (got to keep those police equipment businesses going to get those campaign contributions!)!

Oh, and Jeff, when do we start on the new $5 MILLION police facility (again, great for getting campaign cash!)???

8:26 AM, April 06, 2011"

"So I'll take Firemen and Carpenters influencing our government ANY DAY over Big Corporate America stealing out of my wallet."

The inaccuracies here are amazing. Dear poster(s), have you been living in Crestwood the past couple of years, or did you just move here and decide to vent on this blog without checking facts?
Wow. Ok, here we go.

1. The proposed police station from several years ago would have cost 14 million, NOT 5 million. I'm not sure where you got the 5 million figure from. Fourteen million dollars was the total cost of the police station and that included the interest on the bonds. This can be verified on by looking at BOA minutes and newspaper articles from 2004-2005.

2. Roy claimed in his campaign materials that he stopped the police station. This is not true. A petition was started to prevent city hall offices from moving to Crestwood Plaza temporarily while city hall underwent remodeling and while the new police station was being built. That petition gathered 2000+ signatures. The petition coupled with cost overruns of a million dollars killed the police station project.

3. Corporate welfare - well yes, you could argue that. Remember Roy's quote about pistol whipping regarding the Pulaski development at the corner of Old Sappington and Watson? Well, you probably don't. But there was a great push to renegotiate for Pulaski. And there was a TDD for the Kohl's corner - Roy was in favor of that. And a CID for Grewe's property where Ace Hardware and Monkey Joe's are located - Roy was in favor of that. And he stated that tax development tools were needed for the Crestwood Court redevelopment. Corporate welfare - tax development tools - you say tomato and I say tomato and Roy was in favor of it.

3. Tax increase? Oh yeah!!! Under Roy's helm, there were 5! 3 passed. And John Foote too - he tax increase town crier!!!

4. Fancy new police gear under our new mayor? I don't see why. Under Roy's helm, how many police cars did we buy?

5. Roy got support from the unions - they worked the polls-I'm not sure how much money they pushed into his campaign. But it is interesting that the firefighter MOU negotiated by Kurt Becker of Local 2665 (not a Crestwood native by the way) has not been signed yet. Supposedly, it was ready to be signed over a month ago. What were they waiting for?

6. Union support continued - 4 folks were working for Roy at the polls. 2 were local 2665 firemen that did not live in Crestwood. One was a Shrewsbury city employee-he would not give me his name. And a woman who would not give me her name.

7. Union support continued again - Local 2665 and Kurt Becker enthusiastically supported Proposition S in 2006. You know the one that raised our property taxes.

8. Public sector union growth has increased over the past several years. Unions can be beneficial for workers, but in government, they can cause chaos. Remember '81 and Reagan and the air traffic controllers?

So blogger, your anger is directed at the wrong person. I encourage you to look at BOA minutes and old newspaper articles

12:28 AM, April 08, 2011  

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