Friday, April 29, 2011

Tornado death toll at 300 plus. (click here for the story.)

Have you contributed to the storm victims in the South yet ? (I have.) If you would please click on the header you will see see of the devastation these folks have endured.

They will need all of our help and prayers to pull through this tragic event, so maybe this weekend you could send a small donation to the Red Cross, or other agency's that are helping these UN-fortunate Americans.

It's time that we ALL pull together and not wait for the Government to show up with too little, too late as they normally do.

Tom Ford

NO. 879


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sending my money for the common good, crisis or not feels like socialism.

6:37 PM, April 29, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:37 PM Blogger : I guess it would but this is to help your fellow man ! If you have a problem with the "common good" of those folks may I suggest a local church in Alabama ? Please explain what's wrong with that.

Tom Ford

6:59 PM, April 29, 2011  
Anonymous Flipper said...

Wow. 300 people - mothers, fathers, grandparents, chiidren have DIED and all anonymous can think about is socialism? Jeez. Please don't tell me that you consider yourself a Christian.

You probably go around farting on the Salvation Army bell ringers and unleashing your attack dog on Girl Scouts when they try to sell cookies.

7:46 PM, April 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


There's just no way to walk back a comment like that ~ wow. Pitiful, bitter, sad and selfish. You had better pray (if you even do) that nothing untoward happens to you in your personal situation, as the Socialistic United Way or Red Cross may appear at your door offering a blanket or a meal or whatever.

Shaking my head...

8:24 PM, April 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, my feelings exactly every time the "horrors" of socialism are brought up here. Not a very pretty picture, is it? Yet it is echoed here again and again. The common good IS, in fact, worth contributing to, because we are only as strong as our weakest citizens. And my hard earned money is well spent helping others.

9:55 PM, April 29, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:55 PM Blogger: Socialism will always be shown for what it is (a free ride) as far as I am concerned. Notice I have asked for personal donations to be sent, NOT GOVERNMENT HELP.

What we are talking about here is NOT socialism but rather good old AMERICAN CHARITY. Were giving a hand up from the crisis they are facing now, not a lifetime of funding.

One of my customers suffered a loss the day before the storm in Alabama, and his loss brought home the gravity of the situation in a way I had never thought about.

You see his Grandfather passed the day before, was taken to a funeral hone, and then the storm. The funeral home was partially destroyed, no power, no refrigeration to store the body, no cremation, and no phone.

As of yesterday he still has no idea when or if there will be a funeral to honor his Grandfathers life !

What is needed here is charity, not socialism, and it's needed in a hurry !

Tom Ford

7:59 AM, April 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe in only being interested in people's hardships only when they've lost stuff or had property destroyed. I believe that on any random day, the people working 2 jobs but still can't afford health care need help. I believe that the mom working 2 jobs because her husband is disabled and her kids can't be properly vaccinated and she can't have a mammogram because there is no money deserve my interest and concern, not only because there's beena tragedy. Of course the tradegy intensifies that need, and I always, always give. But I give every year, no matter what, and I am glad to have my taxes support programs so that poor woman doesn't drown and her kids can eat a hot lunch at school. I am not so involved with myself that I can't see that not everyone in this country has been as lucky as I have been. If wanting to help fellow citizens and see them get a leg up makes me a socialist, then okay. But hating the help they get because your taxes support it...what does that make you? A few names come to mind.

9:12 AM, April 30, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:12 AM Blogger: In other words you believe in the Carl Marx theory " From each according to his means, to each according to their Ned's." That my friend is past "socialism," by a long shot.

I don't agree, but I support your right to express your beliefs, and I thank you for stating them in an honest and understandable way.

Tom Ford

9:50 AM, April 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you truly don't believe that there ought to be programs to help those who are unable, for whatever reason, to make ends meet, pay bills, see a doctor, etc? Really? Your mind set says that they are just, well, screwed, and hope they can find an appropriate sized refridgerator box to sleep in?? If that is honestly what you believe, you must be a very cold individual. And thank you for listening, by the way.

12:07 PM, April 30, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:07 PM Blogger: Well, no I never said that now did I ? What I am saying is that IF a person has a problem such as an ACTUAL disability, or cannot work for some PROVABLE reason, we should Help.

What I am against is the wholesale welfare payouts for able bodied people who WILL NOT work, as well as illegal aliens on the public dole.

Now I know that you are smart enough to know that anyone who goes to a Hospital is treated, and if they cannot pay, well that's why our bills are so ridiculously high, (not to mention lawyers.)

Back in the day Americans helped other Americans, and when there was a disaster the entire community, plus turned out to help. I am advocating a return to that mode of thinking instead of the "everything for everybody" mentality so prevalent today.

I would like to ask you a personal question since you choose to remain anonymous and no one knows who you are. Did you vote for Obama and MC caskill in the last election ? I am just wondering, no agenda here, just wondering.

Tom Ford

6:30 PM, April 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I did. Why do you ask? I can show you a wonderful example of why, if you would be interested in a really good article.

10:18 PM, April 30, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:18 PM Blogger: I have been wondering what the mind set of Obama voters was, and more important is today. Nothing more, nothing less, and it's certainly not personal.

I understand what propelled him to the Presidency, I just don't understand why with the present circumstances anyone would still back him and his failed policy's.

If you would like to post that article you can do it in two ways. One is to just attach the URL to your post and people can cut and paste it to their browser. The other is to send it to me in an email and I will post it as a main thread for you (if it's copyrighted I will link to it.)

Your name (if you so choose to give it,) and your email address will not be posted, nor will I keep them on my machine.

Either way, please post said article as it may shed some light on why people continue to be for Mr Obama.

Indecently, this is the sort of give and take that I enjoy. Thoughtful, factual thinking and posting minus the name calling and vitriol as evidenced by some special interest groups on this Blog.

Thank you again for your candor and forthright comments minus the "fluff."

Tom Ford

8:52 AM, May 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for him the first time for the same reason many did: I was so horrified at the previous administration's policies and behavior I would have voted for anyone that wasn't in the Republican party. I also believed in what he was saying, and I greatly approved of his methods of getting there. Now, well, frankly I still like him. I like that he is still, though I can't imagine why, trying to work with "the other side of the aisle." I like his vision, if you will. The "socialist scare" is just being repeated again, as it has been here in the US before, and is as nonsensical as the "birther" thing. My parents were Depression survivors, and they deeply did and do believe in one-for-all methods of survival. My mom has said again and again that is it weren't for everyone pulling together and helping everyone else out, we would not have survived those years of the depression and WWII. I see echoes of that mind set in what Obama is trying to do to pull us out of this mess, and I see signs it's working.
Here is the link, if you're at all interested. I liked the article because it goes back into our history and shows that there's nothing new under the sun, that we've been here, done this before.,1

4:30 PM, May 01, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:30 PM Blogger: Well we do have something in common and that is my parents were also survivors of the great depression as well.

My parents said the same thing as your did, "we wouldn't have survived had we not pulled together." And that's what I have been saying all along.

Our parents knew that working and helping each other was an important part of life and being an American. In your post you mention nothing about the Government doing anything, My parents didn't either. In those days neighbor helped neighbor, they didn't count on the Government for a hand out.

I am leaving town on Monday for my Mother's 101st. birthday party. My Father passed at 100, so I will not be able to ask him, but I will ask Mom how it was and report back to you.

Your right about "socialism" it was introduced n the 1920's in America with the Progressive party thinking and has never caught on for obvious reasons. Fast forward to 2009 and we see the reemergence of the same old saw, why is that pray tell ?

Tom Ford

4:54 PM, May 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because nothing in life is black and white. There are dozens of variations, shades of gray. Socialism, in the pure, dictionary definition, isn't something any of us would want to see "installed". But intelligent leaders take bits from here, bits from there, and mold it to fit what's needed for the current climate and sense of the people. There are many aspects of socialism that work, as shown in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. All those programs were heralded as the "end of America"...the destruction of the US as we know it, and the demolition of the "American Way". My point is, that IS the American way. Taking what is useful and good for the country, discarding the rest. I don't view any president as an infallable idol. I see them for just what they are: human. I vote for who I hope will do the best job for my beloved country. I don't cling to a particular mind set all the time, I listen to what candidates say and try to choose based on what I hear. I liked what Obama said, so I voted for him. I still like what he says, so I will again. That said, if someone shows up and blows my hair back with what they think, then I'll consider him/her as well. I was raised republican, and voted for Reagan in the 80's. I jumped ship and supported Clinton in the 90's. I liked what I heard. I am not such a dug in Democrat that I refuse to entertain others and their views. I have not heard anything from the Republican party that interests me for quite a while. As a matter of fact, I am really upset by much of what I hear from that party of late. And as an American, I am outraged and furious at the ugly, racial slurs directed at our president. It is beyond disrespectful and I hate it. I was no fan of Bush, but I was always the first one in a group to remind people he's the president, and he deserves the respect of the citizens. I have no tolerance for those who belittle the position, and I am usually the picture of tolerance.

6:42 PM, May 01, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:42 PM Blogger: I too would not balk at "bits and pieces" of any program, but this health care package is "the whole thing." We were lied to by every politician in captivity reference what was in it, and Nancy Pelosi said " we will have to pass it to see whats in it."

I see nothing good coming out of this at all. There are things such as pork spending in it that have nothing to do with health care, and yet were snuck into the package.

As far as respecting the office of the Presidency I agree, however that respect is a two way street wouldn't you say ?

We can't have one party condoning such things as we saw directed at Bush and then acting appalled when the shoe is on the other foot, can we ?

I think there is going to be a long way to go before this Republic fully understands he need for REAL civility in Washington, and not the phony lip service paid to it by some on both sides of the aisle.

Tom Ford

4:25 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:42 May 1st Boy I am with you on everything you said. I was raised by my parents who also lived during the depression. They were very Democrat all the way. But when I was old enough to vote, I didn't always vote democrat because I too was not always in favor of what they stated and their views in print.

I did vote for Bush and wished that I didn't; I did vote for John McCain and I am sorry he lost. But even though the people wanted Obama, and I did not, I would never stoop so low as to disrespect him in any way. That is where the difference comes for those people who are stauch "this party" or "that party". There is good and bad in all people and unless you realize that, you are playing party politics which I hate more than anything.

So plaudits to you whoever you are for voting for the person and not the party. And plaudits to you for not being pleased when you hear people slam and demean opponents verbally or in print whom they dislike. I applaud those, however, who will state why their candidate should win and state what their platform is.

If you have to disrespect a person to get people to see things your way, it won't work for me.
I don't care what you think or feel, you either run a clean campaign or you will definitely turn me off.

Some may say, "that's no big loss" but if I were running for office, I would stand on my platform and what I can bring to the table that is in the best interest of the Country, City, State, Province, etc.

5:03 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will also be watching closely to see what the "other side of the aisle" says about the getting Bin Laden scenario. I bet Obama will be given no credit at all, and somehow it will have been all Bush's doing. I say that because of the ugliness that has taken over politics in this age. No one seems to ever be able to simply say, "good job". So I will: "Good job, Mr. President. That's one campaign promise I am glad to see kept.

9:37 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So may we expect to hear from you to announce your campaign for office in Crestwood?

9:38 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, what? Ar eyou being nasty or is that a legitimate question?

9:50 PM, May 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:25 post:

I agree, but I must say that the "Bush bashing" was of a different tone than the Obama bashing. Every president gets bashed, that comes with the territory. But the rampant racial or ethnic slant was uncalled for and grossly inappropriate. Making him an "Other", someone who isn't of of "us" is unacceptable in my book. You did it yourself several times right here, by capitalizing his middle name because it has a strange, "foreign" feel. It associated him with Sadam Hussien in peole's minds. I know how easy it is to pay lip service to "Why, it's simply his middle name, why can't I use it?" But deep inside you know you used it seperate him from "us", to make him somehow scary and foreign. That's what i was referring to. I hate that. Saying Bush was stupid and all the other garbage that was out there at the time was never the same as making him "foreign" and therefore not American. That's what I mean when I talk about basic respect for the office itself. Trying to further the image of a sitting president being somehow strange and alien and not to be trusted because he's an "other" isn't cool. That's also certainly not to say I have isolated anyone, many are guilty of this, and it really bothers me.

1:00 PM, May 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:00 May 3rd. Yeah it bothers me also vary much. And that goes for any of our leaders. But the problem is if you come out and say it bothers you that people are being disrespectful to our President, to a staunch Republican, the first thing out of their mouth is "so you are a Democrat"!!!! Then you are put on the spot and when you try to explain as I have done many times that "I have voted for Presidents of both parties", and "you are standing on the principle of being not being disrespectful" you will still be considered a Democrat by a Republican, which means you voted for OBama. I have been there with many of my staunch republican friends. Whether you did vote for him or not; you will be judged that way.

I did not vote for OBama but I still feel he was the choice of the people and I will respect him as our President.

You really have to watch when you purport to being disgusted with people who defame this President, or you will be put into a category.
And rather than people believing you don't approve of name bashing and it makes you ill, as it does me, people who play "party politics" will not be understand it, as they have a mind set and there is no way to change it. People of both parties are equally guilty of it.

2:59 PM, May 03, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:00 and 2:59 PM Blogger's: Remember when some on the left wrote books on how to assassinate President Bush, and I believe there was even a movie made about it.

Remember how the media bashed him and how people like Cindy Shehan camped out at the gate to his ranch ?

By comparison I really believe Mr. Obama is getting pretty much of a pass. By the way he gained exactly 1 `point in his ratings from the Bin Laden killing, interesting.

Remember the catch phrase Mr. Clinton used in his election,"It's the economy stupid ?" That will be the UN-doing of Mr. Obama, not the comments.

Tom Ford

6:33 PM, May 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - then let the comments keep coming; Tom says it's OK to bash the President - probably just this one and other Democratic ones - the Republican ones have all walked on water and never have made bad judgement calls.

7:03 PM, May 03, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:03 Is that what I really said ? Why no it isn't now is it ?

Try for once in your life to actually have a normal give and take without your ridiculous remarks and innuendo, you might actually like it !

Tom Ford

7:12 PM, May 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point I was making, that seemed to be completely lost, was that the tone of the Obama bashing is very different than it has ever been with any other sitting president. It invokes ugly thoughts of racial slurs, such as "Irish need not apply", "Colored only", and so on. There is an ugly, viscious undertone when someone is attacked verbally or physically due to his or her race. That is not an America I am proud of or want to see perpetuated. The racial intolerance in this country's history(and currently) is shameful.

7:26 PM, May 03, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:12 Yes Tom - without coming right out and saying it, that is what you said!!! You give examples of other presidents getting slammed and feel OBama is getting a "pass". No, you don't have to come right out and say it. As many of us know, in many of your blogs you talk liberals versus conservatives. Do you think we don't notice it? Again, feeling you are such an authority and wanting everybody know it.

What really gets me is that you are supposedly setting up this blog for Crestwood issues; but you always get in your digs about liberals versus conservatives. Just like I said - Party politicing.

9:42 AM, May 04, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:42 PM Blogger: Guess what, I get to say what I want to, and you get to respond. That said if you can't or do not want to do that your in the wrong place.

Progressive / liberals are not my favorite people as they seem to want to destroy America from within. You may not like it, but there it is.

Tom Ford

7;26 PM Blogger; There will always be those who for whatever reason have to bring up race on both sides, unfortunate but true.

I firmly believe that Mr. Obama has so many other issues race need never be brought up (and where he was born is not one of them.)

We all know that as I said, he is getting a pass from the main stream media as is evidenced by the Bin Laudin reporting. There have been at least four revisions of what actually happened coming out of the White House and yet the media says nothing, why would that be ?

Tom Ford

3:53 PM, May 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah you get to say what you want, Tom, that is for sure. I just get tired of you throwing this "liberal" stuff in your answers cause none of us really care and we get the idea OK? Sure we get to answer you and we should be grateful. However, while you don't have to watch what you say, even though you give us the "privilege" of commenting back to you, when our comments are not to your liking - you just pull the switch and they are gone! Not fair, but it's your blog and you set the ground rules.

4:03 PM, May 04, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:01 PM Blogger: Just don't read it, it's really simple friend ! I am sure you can find re-runs of "Desperate Housewives" to take up you time.

Tom Ford

4:10 PM, May 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:53 post: Could you please clarify about what you're referring to about the media doing nothing? I am not clear on what you mean.

7:22 PM, May 04, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:22 PM Blogger: Simple, where are the hardball questions for Mr. Obama ?

We have many different versions of the same raid on Bin Laden, and yet no-one will ask why that is ?

Mr. Obama's White House makes outlandish statement reference the economy and jobs and yet no-one calls them on it ?

Mr. Bush was vilified every day of his tenure in the White House by the same media that has given Mr. Obama the leeway to do whatever without any questions asked.

Now if your honest about it, I think you will agree !

Tom Ford

9:01 PM, May 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Bush was "villified", yes, but so is Obama daily. What I don't recall ever seeing, with either, is an interviewer sitting down and posing really tough questions on tape. I honestly can't ever recall that scenario with President Bush, can you? So I don't see one getting a "pass" over the other, frankly. I see them both getting scewered, Obama by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, etc. They aren't even legitimate news people. Neither of them are necessarily deserving of the treatment they got/get, but then neither was Clinton before them. It goes with being president. The racial slurs are above and beyond what decent people are willing to do and beyond what decent people should be willing to tolerate. That's all I was saying.

3:29 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:29 I so very much agree mwith you. But you can banter this subject until the cows come home, and it still won't stop Tom from bantering back. Save your breath. He is one of those who knows exactly how to solve all the problems in our Country - but first and foremost we have to have a Republican President. And it's his blog, if you don't agree, he will tell you where to go!!!! Plain and simple!!!

4:58 PM, May 05, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:29 PM Blogger: My only question to you would be what racial slurs ? I seriously doubt that anyone on any side of the isle has or could do that without Jackson and Sharpton going nut's.

Not everything is "racial" as some would have us believe, now is it? I remember the story of the little girl who cried wolf so often that no one paid attention to her. Then one day there was a wolf and she again cried wolf only to be ignored. That is what I see in the "racial" clap trap of today.

Tom ford

4:58 PM Blogger; Do you spend all of your days so bitter ? I hope not for maybe, just maybe you can find something to do that would make you a bit happier with your life.

Your problem is that your stuck on the same old whine ! You can't (or won't) discuss anything without your innuendos, and simplistic grade school remarks, not to mention the anonymous mean nothing status you hold here.

Well at least you can serve as a lesson to others on how, and what not to be.

Tom Ford

6:05 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cartoons of the president portrayed as a witch doctor wearing a grass skirt, one of him drawn as a monkey eating a banana, and on and on. Surely you've seen them...everyone has I thought. They are disgusting. And they cannot possibly be explained or rationalized away as anything but racial slurs.

6:31 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:05 Well Mr. Ford, you are the personification of inuendos but you are too busy looking at others, you cannot see your own; and there are many!

Like I said before, you can only see what you want to see. I have made my point but you don't want to give me credit for it.

If there is anybody that is the quentessential inuendo maker, it is you. When called upon it, you refuse to admit any wrongdoing of that sort. Yeah you are pure as the driven snow.

So, I will let you alone so just keep rolling in the dirt, sir, and do as you may - it's your blog.

For the record, inuendo after inuendo, you have spit out liberals many times, you have been sarcastic especially about the previous mayor, which you have slaughtered to death and "you know it"; you even admitted it yourself, and you just love to stir the pot. Yeah I know, it's your blog and you can do or say anything. But by doing so, you hurt people! And you love it.

I have heard you offend and belittle people on your blog so much as you always have to get your digs in about liberals and others.

You call me bitter? Bitter is as bitter does, Mr. Ford. You have eyes wide shut! Further, I am not half as bitter as you You have over and over again put people down and crush them like dirt under your feet on this blog.

You are a real wise guy, Mr. Ford so happy blogging, after all, "you paid for it. It would be real nice and normal, if you could only look within yourself and see what you have done to people and their character on your blessed blog. Don't worry about me staying off your blog - have at it.

You are the one who has "no life" sir. This is your only sacred hide-a-way you have, where you can show everyone that you know it all. Anyone not seeing things your way, is a nobody. So sign me "nobody".

You will always offend, that's what you do. Liberals be careful, the hatchett man hath arrived.

6:38 PM, May 05, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:31 PM Blogger; I have indeed seen them, and they are on a par with the "Teddy bear" cartoons of Teddy Roosevelt, and the George Bush big ear cartoons.

No one ever said that political cartoons were nice, did they ? Mr. Obama and his supporters seem to be far too thin skinned to be at that level if you ask me.

Tom Ford

6:18 PM Blogger: Give it up looser, you have no portfolio here as long as your to much of a coward to use your name.

The shoe does seem to fit in your case as no one else would ever become so enraged if they weren't a flaming liberal !

My life is going just fine thank you. I have a neat hobby here that takes my mind off the travails of the day, and I get to tweak you all at the same time, neat, no ?

Now go along and take your Nitro pills, than you can call your friends and tell them, "I told him!" The problem is, you haven't, and you never will !

Tom Ford

7:05 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I can't speak to the fact that you aren't willing to see the difference between drawing Bush with large ears and drawing Obama as a monkey eating a banana. That would be willful ignorance on your part, refusing to see the ugly difference. I am aware that all presidents have cartoons drawn of them...never before has one attacked the race of the president. Why? Because until now they've all been white males, many of them wealthy. How would you show a racial slur against that? Show Daddy buying him a degree as an overpriviledged white boy? There is a differnece between the 2 catagories, and it is very disheartening. I am not think skinned, I am someone who loathes racial or ethnic slurs, no matter who is the target.

7:13 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My apologies, I meant to say "thin skinned". Clumsy fingers.

7:14 PM, May 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a neat hobby Mr. Ford and that's about all you have. You are pitiful!

8:11 PM, May 05, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:11 PM Blogger: and YOU are a coward!!!!

Tom Ford

6:32 AM, May 06, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:13 PM Blogger; Unless you are a full blown Obama supporter the "thin skinned" remark was not directed at you.

I really doubt that his daddy bought anyones way into any school. I do know both senior and junior were pilots, and both volunteered for the duty.

I have been a pilot since 1962, and I can tell you that flying an F-106 fighter ("W" did just that,) was extremely demanding. I have no time in one, but I do have a friend who had over 1400 hours pilot in command time (single seat fighter, no one to take over) in one and he said so. Operating in three dimensions at once is challenging, and if your not up to it, well you very well may be dead.

I understand, an respect you feelings on racial slurs, but how do you equate that with the following statement from your post ?

"How would you show a racial slur against that? Show Daddy buying him a degree as an overpriviledged white boy?"

In certain circles that would be a racial slur, no ? I think you get my drift, and that is not everything said, or cartooned, or written is a racial slur, otherwise we would cease to exist !

Tom Ford

5:58 PM, May 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, I direct this one to you....

The funniest thing I think I have seen in my own family is this....

My neice and nephew are stanch Repulbicans. They live in a fancy house in a fancy neighborhood and they both make great money. And when you are around them, you had best not talk about politics or speak nicely about the Democratic party.

Then my niece lost her big money job. When her unemployment benefits ran out and Obama extended the benefits, she was first in line to take the money.
Funny how things change when you are on the "other side of the fence' isn't it! So she says she is Republican, and despises Obama, but when he extends benefits to the people who are unemployed to give them a place to go to lighten their load, OMG everything changes. I call that being a hypocrite.

Mr. Ford one of the things I hear from you is regarding government spending and shame on Obama for this and that. What would you do if you lost your job and had to go on unemployment??????? Would you take the unemployment benefits extended by Obama or not. Inquiring minds want to know.

7:18 PM, May 22, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"What would you do if you lost your job and had to go on unemployment??????? Would you take the unemployment benefits extended by Obama or not. Inquiring minds want to know."

Good question, but at age 70 I would just retire and leave the money (and the whining) for the liberals who won't work!

Don't you just get all warm and fuzzy thinking about it?

Tom Ford

5:21 PM, May 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I did not explain myself correctly, Mr. Ford. My neice is only 37 years old. As a college grad., she had a very good job and because of a reduction in the work force, she lost her job. Since she and her husband are hard core republicans, do you think she should have taken extended unemployment benefits while looking for another job, which has taken her 8 months or do you think she should stand on principle and not take the benefits extended by OBama? And if you were that age, would you have taken the unemployment benefits? Should a person of working age compromise their principles if they feel under the OBama Administration these extended benefits are wrong but find themselves in financial constraints.

9:02 PM, May 23, 2011  

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