AN EDITORIAL BY MR. Mike Anthony that says it all ! (click here to view it please.)

"Vengeance is mine sayeth th Call !" Just like Mr. Obamas "finest hour" (so far) was the removal from the Gene pool of Mr. Bin laden, Mike Anthony makes what probably will be his final observance of EX Mayor Robinson's last meeting and The proclamation he received from the City.
There can be no doubt that Mr. Anthony and ALL the Citizens of Crestwood have a number of "issues" with EX Mayor Robinson for a variety of reasons, but as for me I am just going to say, Welcome Aboard Mayor Schlink, may success follow your flag !
I want to also tell you that Mayor Schlink has had the two ego driven "parking for...... only" signs removed from OUR parking lot, looks good doesn't it. Now if only we can persuade Mr. Eckrich to take home the "Bridge to Nowhere, oh well two out of three ain't bad as the song goes.
If you saw the new Crestwood Connections news letter you had the opportunity to see what a professional news letter should look like, business like, neat and to the point. Well done "Connections" staff !
Tom Ford
NO. 882
read that article. Classless and unnecessary. Everyone knows he hates Roy. He can stop kicking him now. Enough is enough.
6:28 PM Blogger: I did read the article, and face it, it is what it is, the TRUTH !
Note I have not piled on, have I.
Tom Ford
Whether it's true or not is a moot point. He's out of office, Mr. Schlink is in, but Mr. Anthony couldn't resist getting a few more digs in. Classless, tasteless, and quite honestly, a nasty thing to do. I don't care whether it's true or not, it was uncalled for, and Mr. Anthony, as far as I'm concerned, jusr showed his colors.
Amen! Amen! I agree with all three remarks. Mr. Anthony showed his (you know what) again and still. I line my birdcage with his newpaper - that's the only purpose it is for me. Of course, Mr. Ford, would agree with him, that's a given. Birds of a feather is what I say. I knew Anthony would have to rub salt.
Correction: I agree with 6:28 PM and 7:05 PM. 6:48 PM well is what it is!
I just drove by City hall, and saw that the signs were gone! A good sign. (Pun intended.)
"a nasty thing to do"
Obviously you have not been to the BOA meetings.
What a sorry lot. The mayor reaped what he sowed. So long and farewell Roy Robinson. Godd luck with your next venture.; Thanks for all that you did.
Another person with a grudge.
Noting that Mr. Anthony behaved in a mean spirited, nasty manner makes us a "sorry lot"?? The note about his behavior had nothing to do with whether Mr. Robinson "deserved" it or reaped what he sowed. The comment was about Mr. Anthony's poor decision to behave in an that regrettable fashion.
8:52 PM Blogger: "poor decision?" Well I don't know whether it was a poor decision or not.
In fact remembering ALL the things that were done and said cumulating with directing a citizen to sit down and shut up or be removed by the police no less, I too believe he "bought his ticket" to that editorial.
I direct you to the "Popeye" cartoon when Popeye would say, "That's all I can stand, cause I can't stands no more !"
I think Mr. Anthony arrived at the same conclusion.
Tom Ford
Well, I do understand your point, but that is not how I was brought up. I simply do not believe that one person's bad behavior justifies someone else's.
9:33 PM Blogger: I understand, and I agree (in most cases) but in the case of the editorial I think it was the proclamation that was the final straw.
There we saw things that could not possibly be true attributed to someone, and as far as Mr. Anthony was concerned could not be allowed to stand without rebuttal.
Again that is my take, as I do not know the mind set, nor the reasoning behind the decision to write it.
Mr. Anthony and The Call report the local news, he seems to have all the facts in order on this one, and it is an editorial (his views,) so I see nothing wrong on publishing it.
Must anyone like it? No that's up to each individual to read it or not (as it is here.) If anyone disagrees they can write a letter to the editor in rebuttal. They Will publish it (as I do here,) and you will have had your say.
That is what makes our Republic the greatest nation on earth, the right to agree or disagree, and to do it without fear of retribution from the Government (although some would love to change that.)
Tom Ford
Well, well! So Tom, you agree that "we live in a wonderful nation where we have the right to agree or disagree"?Last paragraph of your comments.
You Tom don't practice what you preach. I disagree with you and Mike Anthony!!! You need to spit those words out of your mouth as you don't believe what you say.
And you are the worst example of someone who is fair because in Roy's case, you are so biased against him, it's sickening!
I do believe if you could, you would "hang him at dawn". Read many of your old comments on this blog!!!Your judgement in my opinion is simply clouded by your prejudice against the man and you can't make an honest decision about Roy or anything else for that matter.
Read many of your comments, Tom. There it is in black and white. You hate the man and will welcome anyone in your parlor that agrees with you, like Mr. Anthony. So I am saying I do not agree with either of you and choose to disagree. You stated that was OK for anyone to do (read your previous comments). You are not honest in your judgement and that's what I see every time I read a comment from you about Roy.
And even now - though the "war is over", you and Anthony choose to slice him up like you do when you "gut a deer"!!!
I agree with the person who says Mr. Anthony is classless and tasteless and that's why you two get along so well. My opinion which I am allowed.
Of course you think it's wonderful that Mike Anthony is still throwing darts at Roy. Why? Because you have hated Roy forever, and have been waiting for the day you could assert your right to tell the world. Why would you agree with anything nice said about a man you hate?????.
You stated once in a comment "anyone would be better than Roy". That's one I remember and there are many more.
Regarding his proclamation or whatever they read - you could not and would never admit that Roy did good things at any time - You just can't - when you hate him so much. You are so bold faced in your ultimate hatred that it's alarming.
That is why you should never put yourself on a pedestal of being honest in judgement. It is impossible for you to do that.
You go on and on and even say a prayer to God on your blog, and then turn around a say some of the most tasteless and rude things about Roy and others.
Whether you believe it or not, Roy is no different from anyone - some things he did right and other things he did wrong; but Oh NO!!! Not according to you! Even as this election is over, you will NEVER, EVER let him go. Just like a pit bull, you got your teeth in this man and that's what makes you unfit to judge anyone.
Like you Mike Anthony is biased against Roy and always has been. Come on Tom, tell the truth for once. But truth is something you can't get from a book - it comes from within - and I don't think you can find it. You either have it or don't.
Boy, it sure is nice to live in a country where everyone can give their thoughts and opinions in a public forum, without fear of censure or a visit from the "secret police"!
This thread has posts that are polar opposites of each other!
People seem to beat up on Tom, but you don't see any posts deleted because they are different than his. Anybody can voice their opinions as long as they are civil.
Hooray for the USA!
to the 7:47 post: I absolutely get your point, and I see what you're saying. I guess I was just hoping to see someone, anyone, rise above the initial desire to be nasty. He may well feel that way, but just throwing rocks because you can isn't a valid reason for being hateful. I don't think I will be seeing that kind of civility for a long, long time.
3:51 PM Blogger: I have to repeat myself again don't I. This is a BLOG, it's what I think, when I think it. It's mine, I own the domain name, I pay for the band width, and thus I get to say what I want to say !
You are a guest here at my discretion, and you will notice that even though you rave on about God knows what just because your benefactor is in the cross hairs I let you remain.
Why do I do that, in your case why would anyone do that? Well because people like John, and I, and a whole bunch of others spent a lot of time in very hot places like off the coast of Viet Nam, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan to insure you have the right to your opinion (just like I do.)
I hesitate to ask you if YOU have done anything to served your Country as by your venomous tone it appears you have not.
That's OK though, we don't mind one bit, were glad to have you continue to post away on what ever is important to you.
By the way, when I first started this Blog someone (maybe you) got on here and called me a fat, old, washed up, has been. Now let's face facts, fat, old, washed up, yes, yes, and maybe, but "has been," NO!
You can take this to the bank friend, when anyone of our City people screws up, I will find out about it, and I will out them. Like the Ghost of Cesar, I too once was Cesar, so "happy reading !"
Tom Ford
No Tom, I never called you any of those names. But you do get me upset with your words.
God knows that I and others have heard you say that this is your blog and you can say what you so desire. But then you also say that it is OK to disagree with you if I so choose. But when I do, you berate me for doing it.
I very much appreciate you and others going in the trenches for us in war. I was in the trenches on the DMZ in the Korean Crisis, and I know all about suffering for a greater good. When I was scheduled to come home, they extended me 18 months. I saw my friend get blown up in front of me, when he stepped on a gernade. The day before he died, he was going to go AWOL and I talked him out of it. Yes Tom I have been there and done that. I live with the fact that my good friend died because of me.
What I do not understand is why on the one hand you invite me to be on your blog and say what I feel, but then slap me down when I tell you.
Tom you and Anthony might feel it is OK to keep rubbing salt in the fact that Roy lost the election and people (shame on them) had "the audacity to give him a proclamation".
Haven't you completed your mission now? Roy is gone! Roy cannot hurt you any more. I call what Anthony did and you condoning it "overkill" and I think this is wrong. But you wallow in the fact that you "slayed the dragon" and you and Anthony both are still sticking knives in this issue when it is over and done with.
I am sorry if I get really upset and angry with you Tom - and I am not proud of the fact that people like you ruffle my feathers; but come on, isn't enough, enough??? And I guess I should just leave it alone. I should just quit trying to make you understand what I am really trying to say because you don't really want to listen to it.
But I can be stubborn too. Once again, I will always be proud of what you and others have done to keep this Country great; But let dead dogs lay - for lack of a better way to put it so you will understand.
Mike Anthony should be ashamed of himself. A real professional journalist with any moxie doesn't do what he does and print this nonsense. And then people like you, just adds fuel to his fire. He runs a newspaper business. But when you put up walls in the news business and show people you only like certain people and don't like others, and you slam those you dislike - means you will not reach the highest sales potential you could be reaching. Although I don't deny the fact that he does quite well, a narrow-minded newspaper editor isn't a morally true professional journalist. However, he too can say what he wants - it's his newspaper but because of this, don't expect everybody to like reading it.
That's all I have to say. And again, please forgive me but I just get angry with you some times. Tom, please it's time to put this to bed! No?
7:51 PM Blogger: Well as a matter of fact, yes it is.
Peace be with you !
Tom Ford
Put what to bed, I must got back into town and this is the 1st time in 3 day's I've read the Independent?
ROy is no longer mayor. Roy did his time. Lets move on to more important issues.
!.) What are the city assets?
2.) How do we use the assets to generate revenue?
3.) Where can we gain increased efficiency?
These are just a few of the issues we should be discussing.
Excellent questions.
there were a few speakers from the audience last night that made very good points. but i fear they may have fallen on deaf ears. four of the board seems to be liberal spenders who don't seem to understand the concept of don't fix it if it ain't broke. one even suggested we buy a 32 thou dump truck right now (although the adm said we really dont' need it yet) because if we wait it will cost 50 thou. what planet is he from?
Roy worked for the City full-time and did so without renumeration. We are never going to agree with everything somebody does but he did a lot of good for our City and we should appreciate that.
Although my views probably align fairly close with the new mayor, I just have this to say, "The parking sign may be noticeably absent but so is the mayor. This past Tuesday's Board meeting made that apparent!" Mosby might have been approved if someone was there to promote him and explain why he selected him.
...a sign of things to come?
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