Health care costs to raise 8.5% in 2012 thanks to Obamacare (click here for the story from The Hill.)

One question that comes to mind is How is that hope and change working out for you ?
Were at the 14 TRILLION DOLLAR debt ceiling now, Obamacare does not even kick in until 2012, and already we are seeing reports of rising costs for our health care, marvelous !
Please tell me just how far this has to go (including gas and food pricing) before you say enough is enough and contact your Representative for relief ?
Tom Ford
NO. 886
Oh buy the way it seems that 34, count em, 34 high end restaurants and watering holes in Nancy Pelosis district have just been granted "wavers" from the wonderful "Obamacare!"
If it's so great for ALL Americans why is it that she can let these clowns opt out?
Oh, wait, because it's all a tax and grab lie, isn't it!
Tom Ford
well, yell all you like, but I have been watching the field, and so far, there isn't a single person the GOP has offered up that can beat Obama. The party better get serious and better get busy if they want to win.
12:04 May 20th - I agree with you. The GOP better show me something better and I will certainly be paying attention.
Well, they had better come up with more than Sarah Palin's "fire in my belly" to compete. She ain't cutting it.
12:04 PM Blogger: Yell ? Who's yelling ?
It might interest you yo know that I too agree that the Republican field to date is lame.
Mitt, Sarah, Michelle, Ron, ET AL leave most of us still hungry for a real Ronald Wilson Reagan type leader, but who is that ?
All I know is that another term of Barrack Husein Obama will ruin this great republic (not to mention Israel.)
Like it or not, the Nation needs a change and in 2012 ! Heck at this point I would even take Minerva Schwartz (whoever she is!)
Tom Ford
(And no I wont run, thank you.)
I disagree with your statement about Israel, but you're right about the Republican Party..they are currently a mess.
5:30 PM Blogger: You disagree on Israel? Well trust me they will not go gently into the night my friend.
All Obama did with that ridiculous speech yesterday was to "Awaken a sleeping giant and fill it with a terrible resolve."
Israel is a nuclear power, they have the bombs, and they will use them before it's over if they have to, I ask you is Mr. Obama ill advised on the mid-east or is he also as committed to the destruction of Israel as the "hammas" is?
Tom Ford
Israel new they lost an ally when Obama was elected.
Israel has been doing damage control to hold onto what they have achieved.
What a load. That same set of 1967 boundaries has been what the US has pushed for at least 10-12 years. It's what Clinton and Bush BOTH offered up during their terms. I didn't hear anyone telling Bush he was an enemy to Israel. Bush spoke to their leader about at the time. This is just yet another excuse to talk about what a horrible president Obama is, when he's saying the same thing the last 2 presidents said. Good grief.
10:51 Well said and I agree. Mr. Ford will defend his Republicans no matter what and all the years he has had his blog, I never heard one bad word about any of our Republican presidents. Their motives, and their agendas were perfect; their solutions never questioned, and that's the way it is with Mr. Ford's world and his party politics.
I even recall Bush saying publicly that if someone were to criticize his administration after 9/11, they were un-American and un patriotic. Again, another load.
12:11 Thank you for being practically the only one on this blog who recognizes the two party system. Freedom of choice. Mr. Ford doesn't want anyone to be anything other than a Republican. On the other hand, he and others call Obama a socialist but fail to realize the reason we don't have socialism is because we have a two-party system. If we all didn't have a choice, it would be socialism. Further Mr. Ford calls Obama a socialist failing to realize if we were all Republicans as he so staunchly is - he would indeed be what he calls Obama. And we all would have No Choice. So according to his own words, he approves of socialism but only if the President is Republican. Then everything would be hunky dorey.
12:39 PM Blogger: Oh why should I bother !
Tom Ford
well, you could try to dispute the article's validity.
9:16 PM Blogger: are you talking about the Minneapolis Star Tribune (well known liberal paper) and the article on Israel? If so, I will refute it gladly.
Tom Ford
lets see now, Obama seeks to sooth Israel? Now why would that need to happen folks?
Even he now knows that they are the ONLY ally in the Mid-East we have and as such create a 'buffer zone" between the Arabs and us.
Face it, the Arabs want both Israel and America dead and buried, the tell us that every day, so why is Mr. Obama trying to unravel our friendship with the Israelis?
Tom Ford
While your in a "refuting" mood try this one on for size.
Tom Ford
The fact presented was that previous administrations also offered this very border idea for Israel and Palestine. The difference in the reception to the idea from them is that their government is now more right leaning, and they are acting uch like you on this blog. Anything from a Democrat is immediately criticized. What paper the article is in doesn't matter.
6;36 PM Blogger: No they are acting in self defense my friend. They watched Mr. Obama give the Russians the British nuclear secrets in exchange for a worthless treaty, and now this.
If I were Israel I would be very afraid of this President as he has a tendency to go to the highest bidder!
Tom Ford
5:49 PM Blogger: Just look it up friend ( British papers, Drudge report,) he did it, and even if you choose to believe your lad is clean, it's TRUE!
So "balderdash" yourself!
Tom Ford
watch something that isn't Fox Noise. Go to msnbc and look up the show The last Word and find the "Rewrite" video about this whole Israel thing. It is broken down and analyzed, nearly line by line. But since it's not Fox, I bet you won't watch.
8:44 PM Blogger: our right, I won't watch it or any other 'alphabet station' on the TV.
None, I repeat. none of them ever get it the way it is, they all slant to ?
I get the news from the many Papers and sites on the web. If you try that I am sure you will find the real story!
Tom Ford
about what I expected, but at least I tried.
4:06 PM Blogger: Please don't kid yourself, your very trying!
Tom Ford
try this then. Surely you give Time magazine sme credit.,8599,2074015,00.html
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