May 24, 2011 (7:00 PM) Board Of Alderman meeting agenda (Please click here for the audio site per the City Web Site.)
Ladies and gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the City Web Site that has the Tuesday night Board Of Alderman meeting agenda.
There are several interesting items on the agenda so if you have the tine please try to attend and watch our leadership in action.
UPDATE! Well the four usual suspects have chosen to vote down a very fine up-standing Crestwood Citizen for no other reason than their own "group" would be threatened (or so they thought apparently.)
I am disgusted by the fact that these four Alderman have worked to stifle free speech in Crestwood! And as such I am calling for their collective resignations effective immediately,
Will this happen? No it won't, but I ask you is this what you wanted or expected when you went to the ballot box and voted for them? In not appointing a United States Coast Guard veteran, and decorated Police officer to fill the seat left vacant by Mayor Jeff Schlink a great dis-service has been done to ALL of Crestwood, and for what purpose?
I ask each of them as they celebrate Memorial Day next Monday to pause and thank Petty Officer Mosby (and all those before and after him) for his service to the Nation that allowed them to insure his voice would not be heard!
(click on the header for he audio of the meeting and prepare to be enraged!)
Tom Ford
NO. 887
There are several interesting items on the agenda so if you have the tine please try to attend and watch our leadership in action.
UPDATE! Well the four usual suspects have chosen to vote down a very fine up-standing Crestwood Citizen for no other reason than their own "group" would be threatened (or so they thought apparently.)
I am disgusted by the fact that these four Alderman have worked to stifle free speech in Crestwood! And as such I am calling for their collective resignations effective immediately,
Will this happen? No it won't, but I ask you is this what you wanted or expected when you went to the ballot box and voted for them? In not appointing a United States Coast Guard veteran, and decorated Police officer to fill the seat left vacant by Mayor Jeff Schlink a great dis-service has been done to ALL of Crestwood, and for what purpose?
I ask each of them as they celebrate Memorial Day next Monday to pause and thank Petty Officer Mosby (and all those before and after him) for his service to the Nation that allowed them to insure his voice would not be heard!
(click on the header for he audio of the meeting and prepare to be enraged!)
Tom Ford
NO. 887
purchasing still more police vehicles. That's what the city needs more of. Great.
8:35 PM Blogger: Indeed, wait I have an idea how about we take away the "take home" cars (except Police and Fire) and use them in an emergency?
Tom Ford
Now here's a tax increase! 500% !
Animal control needs more money, so they want to raise all fees, including Pet Tags from $2 to $10.
Luckilly this part was put off, and they just changed the wording to some of the codes, so they match the city ordinance.
10:36 PM Blogger: John,How dare you question the animal control goddesses?
For all we know the "Feral cat" population may well ave tripled!
Tom Ford
Much, much more to follow!
Tom Ford
well, if you all are so hot to make the animal control position pay for itself, then fees need to be raised, don't they?
5:51 PM Blogger: Well yes they do, but since they were the ones bragging about their fund raising abilities let THEM do it!
I believe that if they can't support their habit they need to get off it!
Tom Ford
"well, if you all are so hot to make the animal control position pay for itself, then fees need to be raised, don't they?"
No. They need to be eliminated. We are already paying for animal control by the county.
The subject of tags, and such was discussed at length, and was put off to a future BOA meeting.
ALD. Beezley said he had been a city employee in the past, and it would set "a dangerous precedent" since there might be a current employee he didn't like. She said this in kind of an angry tone, that seemed like the kiss of death, as the quickly thereafter vote was no.
Does this mean that no one who has been a city employee has EVER been a BOA member, or Mayor? Is this in the list of qualifications for alderman?
As soon as Mr. Mosby stepped up to the podium, I noticed some sort of feeeling of hostility from some of the BOA. After a few questions, he was voted down.
He was chosen by the Mayor, who was absent from this meeting. Since his pick was rejected, now the BOA will select a candidate to fill the position. I have no idea how this works, as they need to approove the person. (?)
It seems like several "like thinking" BOA members could attempt to "pack" the board by choosing a person with the same feelings.
8;15 PM Blogger; John, what you saw was a well orchestrated move by the four "tax and spend" so called "Alderman" to stack the Board in their favor!
What gets me is the gall of Beasley saying this when she and her fellow "Alderman" Ms. Duncan are known to be "regulars" at City hall visiting "friends!"Not to mention her phony campaign flier that touted her public safety affiliation (which she just showed to be a stone lie.)
Here we had a man who is a United States Coast Guard Veteran, a former decorated Police Officer, and who holds a masters degree being thrown under the bus by a person (and cohorts) who are no more interested in public safety or for that matter Crestwood than my Aunts Airedale!
Agenda driven to say the least, completely a group of empty suits and dresses, that best describes the "four horsemen of the ridiculous."
I feel a sense of shame and sorrow for the public vitriol suffered by Mr. Mosby and his wife at the meeting, but worse than that I feel a great deal of embarrassment knowing that these four are in office in a community that I have lived in for over 42 years!
Tom Ford
Can recall petitions be started on Beasley, Foote, Pickel? As acting mayor, did Duncan vote?
I agree with these comments regarding the nomination of Mosby. The guy was publicly flogged! There were many innuendos thrown around but no real specifics. I was embarrassed for my city!
Alderman Beezley needs to be removed. She considers herself above the rules. I have sat in about four Board of Alderman meetings and at two of them, she voted for a rule but nodded and winked and made a comment that this will not apply to her group. We do not need a well-connected government class in Crestwood. Is she related to Pelosi?
From what I read on the Crestwood Patch, it appears that Duncan did vote against him. How can these 4 defend their votes against a United States Coast Guard Veteran, a former decorated Police Officer, with a masters degree?
Further, when they want to raise taxes again, how are they going to defend all of their spending? More police cars? Seriously?
Oh well, fun times will be had.
"As acting mayor, did Duncan vote?"
She did vote on all issues. She was presiding as president of the BOA, in the Mayors absense.
I am not sure what the procedure is when the Mayor is absent, and the president takes over. I have not seen that at a meeting I attended.
As the BOA meeting wrapped up, and the aldermen were leaving, the City Attorney said loudly don't forget, the board now has to choose a person to fill the empty seat for ward two. Some of the aldermen seemed surprised by that.
Now, to me it seems like we have a big problem.
Ward one only has one alderman.
The proposed replacement was
sumarily rejected by a majority of the board apparently for being a former city employee in good standing from the distant past.
The BOA is to choose an alderman for ward two, and vote to approve him with ward two one vote short. It looks like a foregone conclusion that who they pick will be elected by those same people.
Is there really a city ordinance that prohibits a long past city employee with a good record from holding the position of alderman?
This process was embarassing for the City of Crestwood. A few questions, a tirade, a quick vote and you're out the door!
And now those people get to choose their own person, vote him in, and now there will be a solid voting block on the board.
"Ward one only has one alderman."
This should say Ward Two.
I think you raise a good point about Duncan voting. You should call the city and have them ask Golterman that questions. Of course, I would do my own research as well, because, as history has shown, Golterman doesn't usually provide the correct answer.
As to the several questions brought up in the discussions, I found the following in the City Charter: "As Acting Mayor, the President of the Board of Aldermen shall continue to have
a vote in the Board, but shall not have the veto power."
As to the qualifications for Alderman, Cannot be a convicted felon, or be delinquent on taxes, "must be at least
twenty-one (21) years of age, a citizen of the United States, an inhabitant and a qualified
voter of the City for at least one (1) year, and a resident of the respective ward for at least
ninety (90) days."
Tom, We really need to do something about what happened to Doug Mosby last Tues nite. I just sat and listened to the video of that meeting and it is disturbing to me that all the good sound advise given is absolutely ignored by the 'liberal four' who no matter what information they are given are just hell bent to spend the money. As for Mr. Mosby when asked how he felt about what to do about the mall he made the mistake of saying I am very fiscally responsible well there went the red light to the four who wanted to get a CID to put another bank here and buy the two new Crown Vic's. Everybody who owns a computer should take the time and listen to the video of this meeting. Talk about a group of fools, common sense not only does not prevail some don't even know what good sense means.
Just a little warning...if you put Doug Mosby on the BOA it will be Don Greer's revenge on whoever crossed him. Thick as thieves those two were. Glad he got shot down.
I really wished that the mayor could have been present at that board meeting. I also wish that the board of aldermen could work as a team. But they never do and I think it is a real shame. That's another reason why we can't get things done because they work against each other.
I personally don't think that the issue of this ward 2 aldermanic seat should have been done - they should have waited until the mayor could be there.
I swear, I will probably end up six foot under before I see 8 grown people, who seem to want the same thing; i.e. the best for Crestwood, agree to work together. Why is it so difficult?
"I just sat and listened to the video of that meeting"
Where oh where can we find a video (or audio) of the BOA meeting? That would be interesting to watch!
5:35 PM Blogger: I wish he could have been there too, but he wasn't, and I understand he could not have been.
In this case it would have made no difference to those four as they had their minds made up BEFORE the meeting!
Every one of them is a "tax and spend" legend in their own minds. They are the ruling class, we peasants have no idea what is needed only them with their "infinite wisdom!"
To para phrase Dame Margret Thatcher, "The problem with these people is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples (our) money.
Do it their way you have consensus, any other way is too silly to contemplate, comprendie?
Tom Ford
5:52 PM Blogger: Tina Flowers can email one to you if you want it. Be prepared to need a supply of Roliads when you listen to the "four horsemen of the ridiculous" though.
Tom Ford
Unfortunately, the new Mayor's demanding full-time job will keep him from many board meetings...not what we need at this time.
"Just a little warning...if you put Doug Mosby on the BOA it will be Don Greer's revenge on whoever crossed him"
Just in the last few days, I have heard a number of EXTREMELY VICIOUS, AND HATEFUL comments about a number of people from Crestwood governments past. (Some of them have even passed.)
Some of this apparently was what came out at the BOA meeting.
I was living in Crestwood during this period, but I don't remember this level of hatred. Perhaps I was not in the group that knew what was going on.
It might be informative if someone who knows could give us a brief history lesson on all this "stuff".
Just as I predicted soon after the new mayor was elected, that he was going to be in for a rough ride. Those thinking that ex-Mayor Roy getting voted out was going to usher in the start of a new positive trend will be disappointed IMO.
As I also said back then, chaos is much, much more fun to watch. Tuesday night was but just the first example. I suggest that you bring popcorn to the next BOA meeting and enjoy the show. I look forward to the outrage that will appear in this blog. Pure entertainment!!!
Click on Crestwood's website and go to Meetings on left side, when this comes up there is a long list and the last item is audio of the most recent boa meeting. You really hear things differently being in the quiet of your home with no distractions and what will really grab you is the tone of their voices. Very telling!
Alderman Jerry Miguel gave a very detailed explanation of how we can save money on new vehicles (when we actually need them). He has facts to back up everything he says but because he speaks too slowly to satisfy one of our other alderperson she was very rude to him (my opinion). Why we ask our policemen which car is their choice? I prefer a Lincoln but drive a Ford. We need more people to prove their interest is Crestwood's welfare. Talk is cheap but their actions are (what are the words?)
Actually saying ward 1 has only one alderman is correct. If you don't believe it go to Crestwood's website and listen to last Tuesday's meeting. You'll have to agree after listening to the voices. It's tricky to hide your true feelings from your voice.
5:18 PM Blogger: I notice that there is a 25 to 1 ratio FOR Mr. Mosby on this thread, sort of like the mandate received by Mayor Schlink, no?
Let's face it this group of four sorry excuses for leaders wouldn't have voted for God himself if they thought he wouldn't go along with their agendas!
In a word, PATHETIC!
Tom Ford
I finally figured out how to download the BOA audio...thanks for the info.
In listening to it, I discovered something I missed in the meeting. During the discussion on animal control, and the raising of fees for the pet tags, Jim E. said that all monies go into the general fund. Apparently, animal control wants the increase on pet tags, but the money goes to the City.
This seems like a tax increase for ONLY PET OWNERS to go to the City.
6:02 PM Blogger: John, yes indeed sir, the "tax increase" will go to pay for the "animal adoption club" that has always said it is a "big" fund raiser!"
I still say if they want to continue to play with animals then they need to fund it and let our coffers alone!
Oh, and by the way, "Jim E." needs to find other employment! I am sick of the drain on the City finances for a man who said that he could find plenty of qualified people for the salary of $67,000.00 (minus a take home car!)
Tom Ford
the new animal control officer should get some credit for trying to make improvements. Why so negative all the time?
"the new animal control officer should get some credit for trying to make improvements."
What animal control officer?
What improvements?
I have not seen anything about either.
one would assume the animal control officer is the person asking to have the fee increased to make the program more profitable. Is that not a logical assumption?
RE: 6:22 post: Hear that Jim E? Tom Ford told you to hit the road. Better move on now..Mr. Ford has spoken.
The last I heard of the animal control officer was that she retired. I have not seen any announcement of a new one.
As I said a couple of posts back, all the fees for tags, and such go into the City coffers. Animal Control is supported by the City.
According to the previous animal control info, most of their work involved feral cats, dogs, and wild animals. These affect all Crestwood residents. Why should ONLY pet owners pay for this work by increased fees?
Someone said "improvements have been made." I asked: what improvements? Raising fees ONLY to pet owners is NOT an improvement!
I would still like to know what improvements...On the animal adoption site, it looks like the same animals have been there for quite awhile.
I read that a new roof was put on a while back, but also read that the facility still is in violation of many building codes.
I would like to take a look to 'see for myself', but all the posts I have seen on here by animal control supporters have been so vicious, and hatefull, and confrontational, that I would not want to go without a Police escort, and they have lots better things to do.
simply ask the animal control officer. She would be happy to show you around I'm sure. I have not asked her myself, but she deals with the public every single day. (And maybe make a note of the supporter's views. The shelter is under attack every moment Mr. Ford is awake. It can get very tiring defending yourself all the time.)
here is the information I saw that ran in the Journal:
Hey John Foote - you don't need a police escort to see the animal control facility. Vicious, you say? Well I agree with the comment after yours. Have you read how defiant Mr. Ford is on this issue and others? Have you heard him rant and rave?
He reigns supreme on this blog and everyone on the board of aldermen and the mayor need to heed what he says. He wants animal control gone and so it "goes". He wants Jim E. gone and by goodness that's his final word. He started with Roy, and now he is on to his next victims so be strong because he is far from diplomatic and kind. Mr. Ford wil always be out there with a hatchet, ready to chop the next head that gets in his way. It's his way or the highway!
Mr. Ford you can go ahead and delete this comment because it doesn't agree with your's but this is my view. You don't give opinions, you slaughter and demean. To me that is wrong.
Mr. Ford is now on to Jim E. He knows nothing about him except what the city clerk tells him; and she is on a witch hunt of her own, so they have something in common.
Department heads are suppose to be neutral. Department heads are suppose to be detering gossip. So there is a real problem going on here.
Maybe John F. better check city hall before he goes to animal control.
9:16 AM Blogger: Neither the shelter or the volunteers are under attack by me, only the method of funding it is.
As I write this we HAVE NO ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER ON DUTY (40 hour work week, remember?) We will call St. Louis County for that service until Tuesday.
We pay for St. Louis County to do that job, and we will continue to do so. Were not in the best financial shape remember, so why do we taxpayers have to continue to pay for a DUPLICATE SERVICE?
Please leave all the emotion out of your response and tell us why it's mandatory that we be one of only two Cities in St. Louis County to have their own?
This is simply a question of whether we should afford this expense (remember that the City Administrator and the Public Works director recommended the termination of that position) at this time, nothing more, nothing less.
Tom Ford
I can't wait until the mayor finds a good city administrator. If that person does their job well, he can research the animal control issue as well as others,and come up with exactly what it costs and why it is it beneficial to keep it or get rid of it. Until that time comes around, you can speculate all you want.
I am glad the Kisok is gone, or so I think it is, because that was an extra expense we did not need.
to the 10:56 poster, I don't think that's Mr. Foote posting. Just my opinion, but I think that might be a different John.
I have been told the animal control officer is on call 24/7. The police call her when they need her. St. Louis County is not called except for rabies suspiscions, which is state mandated. St. Louis County services are rarely used.
1:28 pm My apologies to John Foote if my previous comment directed to him was from a different "John" and thanks for the information 1:28 pm.
We dog lovers, who Mr. Ford name bashes on this blog, thinks that we should let the County take over. I am glad you 1:28 said that they are rarely called. That's because they rarely show up.
If I have to wait for County to come to assist me to find my dog, I may as well give up as they are busy and undependable.
Plus Mr. Ford can take his "bark and bite" on this subject and tell his problems with this issue to someone else.
Mr. Ford wonders why people get upset with him (calling pet lovers "animal control" godesses et al), and expects us to roll over and play dead. I wonder why he keeps trying to antagonize people with this name calling. How classy of him!
If he is against animal control, he should state it, and if he has a problem with "dog lovers" he can state that and then "shut up". Instead he just keeps fueling the fire with bad adjectives against the people who are for it.
What really bothers me is that he never attends any board of aldermen meetings, has never been to an animal control meeting or any meeting, has never researched his views by asking the right people, and relies on the words he hears from the city clerk and others from his tribe. Then he has the audacity to feel that he is well informed and that this is sufficient to make conclusions about everything.
my understanding is that it is a fully functional animal shelter and I was told by the Humane Society that it is well respected all over the state as an example of how an animal control facility should be run how how ordinances should be written. The lady there told me they send people to Crestwood all the time because of how well the shelter is run and how incredibly the animals are cared for. I wonder how he'd be received if he walked into the Humane Society or the ASPCA and called them an "animal adoption club" and made nasty, degrading remarks to them. Probably not well, is my guess. The fact is that it's a really fantastic addition ot the city for a tiny price. He should be thinking up ways to play it up, not constantly advocating to close it. But he has no regard for other people's priorities, only his.
the best way to solve this constant problem is this: i saw on here that animal control is $3 or $4 per person, per year. Mr. Ford, i will start paying $8 per year to the city, and you can get htem to drop animal control's cost by $4 each year. Then everyone will be happy. You won't be paying a dime to it, and I will happily and gratefully support the animal shelter. there. Solved.
4:22 PM Blogger: Good idea except your about $49,992.00 dollars short of what this costs the City!
Again, in spite of all gnashing of teeth, and wrenting of garments as put forth by the animal control group, we can't afford it, simple!
By the way, we can't afford three new Police cars either at this time, so I suggest we table both animal control and the vehicle purchases until better times arrive.
Face it, were in a diminishing sales tax City, were simply not bringing in what we used to, nor will we in the near term. Even if we raised taxes (as Mr. Foote would like to do) by 100% of current rates we still would only add to the coffers $500,000.00! Now do you see why we must reduce duplicate costs?
Tom Ford
I don't think that's Mr. Foote posting. Just my opinion, but I think that might be a different John.
Good call!
Even though I get more flak, it beats anonymous.
"But he has no regard for other people's priorities"
Nor do you.
The "Crestwood Animal Control group" is a tiny percentage of the population of Crestwood. In theory, the service seems like a good idea. But the group is so cliquish, defensive, and often nasty to those not "in the group", that you drive away potential supporters.
Our family has always got our pets from shelters, but we like dogs, and Crestwood rarely has a selection of dogs. Plus, after reading the posts on here, I am very reluctant to even consider visiting the shelter.
Why have we not heard anything about animal control, or the new (?) animal control officer from the city?
that's a good question about why the city has said nothing. I have no idea. The Journal did a story, and so did Patch, I'm told, but I did not see it.
I have never seen supporters of the shelter get ugly and defensive first. On here, they are defending the operation from those who would close an animal shelter. As for "in the group"? With all those volunteers, and the article stating they want more, I seriously doubt they're that clique-ish. Perhaps you perceive things through the eyes of those who dislike it too much. And, as an aside, while I was at the community center the other day one of the employees said the shelter is full of dogs. "Overflowing" was the word used. It amazes me how much wrong information appears on this blog. Also, have you ever once asked to see the animals and the facility? I bet you haven't even one time, so I'll wager you have no idea what kind of reception you would or wouldn't get.
Crestwood Independent wrote: By the way, we can't afford three new Police cars either at this time, so I suggest we table both animal control and the vehicle purchases until better times arrive.
Ah .. comments like these are why I am confident that both this blog and the BOA meetings are going to provide entertainment for the foreseeable future. On the one hand we have group of BOA that want to spend and raise taxes. On the other end we have the folks represented by Crestwood Independent. Of course both sides on wrong. Folks like the Independent are correct in their assessment of unaffordability of new police cars (it was fun for me to note the starting of post Roy and soon to be post animal control would be disagreements on other city expendatures like police cars.
I think that the police are great, the fire department are great and the Whiteclift Rec. Center is an asset. I expect soon the calls of closing the workout room and banning yoga class or something as a saving opportunity until times get better.
The flaw in the Crestwood Independent side of thinking is waiting for better times to arrive. There are not going to be better times arriving and I hate to burst your bubble on that point. You could have heard the same mantra from people living in the city of St. Louis back in the 1950s. Well how did that work out.
The REAL answer is that current economic situation is going to be the best that you can get. Hope is not a plan as they say in the business world.
This fact alone means that I will be able to sit back and enjoy the show at the BOA and this blog. Good Popcorn eating entertainment. Pure reality show pleasure.
I think the main concern is that, if Mr. Ford were to have his way, every service he deems unnecessary would be removed, and still, would that make things any better? No. Slashing animal control for example, will not bring back the precious mall. It'll cut 50,000 per year. For a budget of million, that's nothing. The economy might be improving, but it's going to take a while. In the meantime, stripping the city of everything except police and fire is NOT the way to deal with it. This is where you would hope that a community would come together and really get behind the services stil offered to keep them in times of trouble, not try to destroy every thing that isn't to the liking of a few.
I totally agree but it seems that there are very few of us on this blog that do.
There are lots of volunteers who make up animal control that do not get paid. And I, too, do not feel people should be put into categories - like - tax and spend, etc. When you put up walls like that you separate people and you will never create a team atmosphere.
And there are people like Mr. Ford and his crew that would have us strip everything from the city until only a shell remains. And we still will not have enough money.
The issue of police cars isn't black and white either. They may have low mileage on them, but during a regular police officer's day, those cars are still running all day long - idling while officers are on traffic duty, while they check out complaints at businesses and residences, and many other things; even if they come back to headquarters to check on something - they never turn their cars off. That is something to consider. To have a car running all day long while in Park is very hard on vehicles. Just a thought.
my only objection to new police cars is that there is supposedly several sitting on the lot unused now. I will be asking why are they unused? If they are still servicable cars and not needed, then why do we not sell them? Just some basic questions to ask before I make a definite opinion.
11:08 I agree and if and when you get any answers, I would love it if you would share them with us on this blog.
I read these comments and I too blogger from 10:33 PM, May 29, 2011 agree, this is pure entertainment. But I think we need to do the following:
First, we really don't have enough police cars. Really. I mean we need 500-600 more. In fact, the city should rent space from Crestwood Court Mall Artspace Deadzone to park these vehicles. And you know, if a car idles or is in park during a complaint, it is spent. Don't bother trading it in - just junk it and take the loss.
Second, we need drivers for those vehicles. Now hear me out. Crestwood police have enough to do day in and day out. It's a war zone out there. Crestwood is a dangerous city. At the very least, a police officer should be chauffeured.
Taxes - increase yes. 75% of a person's property. Sky high I know but the city is the priority here. Not our kids, our families - it's the city. Besides, we need more police cars and dump trucks. I can't tell you the last time I've seen Crestwood's dump truck used, but we should get a new one or new ones. Maybe 10-15 at least.
We no longer can rely on the shopper's-it's our turn. That's right. That's Foote's mantra, as he has said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. So we don't worry about economic development. And so what if the economic development meets every full moon on an odd year. We don't need economic development. It's our turn.
So, we must pay and the board must spend whenever and however it can.
Animal control - you bet. In fact, we should have at least 10 animal control officers. Crestwood is overrun with stray animals. Cats, dogs, lions, tigers and monkeys. Watch out!
I wonder, though, if the last time an elk was running down Pardee, which was about a month ago, who got called? I actually don't know, but I know a little while after that I saw the animal control truck, so I seriously doubt it was St Louis County. There was a deer too, later near Eddie and Park, and again, no st louis county trucks either. I can't imagine why....Oh wait! Because st louis county doesn't DO wildlife calls of any kind unless rabies is in the running. That's why, silly me.
So what did animal control do with the elk, and deer?
am not sure, actually, couldn't stay to see. I am just talking about who responded and who didn't. As a friend of mine said, when you suddenly have bats flying over your bed at 2:00am, you want someone on call, ready to respond. Ours does, theirs doesn't. Plain and simple.
On the City web site under "Adopt-a-Pet", there are:
One dog that has been adopted.
Three cats there since January.
One cat there since May.
One litter of kittens since May.
No mention of "overflow". Where are the dogs?
"have you ever once asked to see the animals and the facility?"
No, have you?
I have asked several people where it is, and they just say "at the park".
After striking out here, I adopted a dog from another shelter.
If you will re-read my previous posts above, I explain why I do not want to visit the Crestwood shelter. End of discussion.
8:26 PM, May 30, 2011 Hey I'm with you blogger. We need that animal control ... and we need more officers ... and it needs its own department, director, and mid-level manager. Besides, when you have lions, monkeys, tigers, bears and elk running around, not to mention the feral cats, you need all the help you can get.
8:26 PM, May 30, 2011
And you probably didn't see the Crestwood Animal control SUV either or if you did, she was there as an assist because it sounds like these were animals from Grant's Farm and Grant's Farm was taking care of them.
"As a friend of mine said, when you suddenly have bats flying over your bed at 2:00am, you want someone on call, ready to respond." OK did that actually happen? I found a mange cat at the edge of our property. She looked hurt. I called our animal control - this was on a Friday at 5:15PM. No answer. The tape said to call the police. Called the police. Dispatcher said "you need to call St. Louis County" - click. So I called St. Louis County police who referred me to their animal control.
"I have been told the animal control officer is on call 24/7. The police call her when they need her. St. Louis County is not called except for rabies suspiscions, which is state mandated. St. Louis County services are rarely used."
This is what is SAID.
But this is the way it is:
"I called our animal control - this was on a Friday at 5:15PM. No answer. The tape said to call the police. Called the police. Dispatcher said "you need to call St. Louis County" - click. So I called St. Louis County police who referred me to their animal control."
'Nuff said!
(BTW neither of these was posted by me.)
to the 9:48 poster:
maybe the website has not been updated. I have no clue.
Yes, I have, about 3 years ago.Maybe 4. The facility is in the park. They are not lying to you.
10:55 poster: She said it happened and I have no reason to assume she's lying. She does not live in Crestwood. St. Louis County told her since they were flying bats they were obviously healthy and she'd need to call an exterminator. 4 days and $350 later, the bats were removed. They were all killed in her bedroom. Not a pleasant experience.
I wish I knew more about how many animals we have at large in our city. I have had one (1) pit bull in my front yard last summer and I called the police and they said, oh we know that dog, we'll come get him?? Why is it that no other City has an animal control? And so they bring animals here so it's on our dime? Is it kinda like us paying tax money in the 'pooling of our taxes'? We do it so they don't have to? Wow! Are we getting to be a 'nanny' city?
Enough about the animals. Do we know how the BOA is going about determining a short list for the Ward 2 replacement? Who has the to-do on that and are there any takers?
9:04 PM Blogger: I think we do and as for me, it's the wrong person for the job at this time.
You see the person that I have heard is the "selection" of the "4" is going to vote in lock step with their "tax and spend" agenda!
If that's what you want then you will be thrilled, I am not!
Tom Ford
Tom: so who is organizing the selection process and making the calls, etc.? If it's a lock on a name it would seem that 1 of the 4 is running with this. Given that there is no precedent for this, I am curious about the process.
there is a lot of stuff on this subject.
"Just a little warning...if you put Doug Mosby on the BOA it will be Don Greer's revenge on whoever crossed him. Thick as thieves those two were. Glad he got shot down."
Actually Greer hated Mosby. He demoted him from being the Assistant Police Chief after he hired him for the job. Doug would have been a good choice on the Board.
Greer had to demote Mosby because Greer didn't take into consideration that Mosby didn't have a degree, which was a prerequisite for the position. Mosby's appointment as Asst. Pol. Chief was challenged because of the degree issue; therefore, Greer had to change Mosby's position.
Actually, I don't feel it was fair to put the appointment on the agenda without the mayor being there. I am not saying it was against the rules, but because the mayor was the one who nominated Mosby, the board should have extended the mayor the courtesy of being present for the meeting. They could have tabled it until the mayor was back in town. To me, that was wrong, even if I do not feel Mosby was the best candidate for Ward 2.
Looking forward to the next boa meeting. Now that folks have had time to read the Mayor's article in the Call and Mike Anthony's take on things, many folks are writing up their questions to be asked of the alderman and their feet will be held to the fire. Now they will know that everyone can go the audio portion of the meeting and listen to 'exactly' what was said. Life is Good!
Mr. Mosby, while I am sure a fine person, should not sit on the board if the city does business with his company. It is a conflict of interest.
Conflict of interest? Mosby doesn't have it - the person they feel the 4 aldermen will nominate (without mentioning the name) apparently has a conflict of interest. Everything is now getting out of hand and bloggers are getting confused there is so much talk about the Mosby issue. Most of us did not attend the meeting, and we are all having a problem wrapping our brains around why Mosby didn't get approval from 4 aldermen - I think. But unless being an x-employee is a conflict of interest, I'm confused!!!!!
the article in the Call stated that he works for a company that Crestwood is a customer of. That is a conflic of interest. I did not attend the meeting, but I can read.
SOMEBODY IS MUDDING THE WATERS HERE PROBABLY ON PURPOSE AS IF THINGS ARE NOT CONFUSING ENOUGH. I don't understand why there is so much confusion about the aldermanic seat in Ward 2.
I don't know where anyone got the idea that MOSBY WORKS FOR A COMPANY THAT DOES BUSINESS WITH CRESTWOOD. THAT ISN'T TRUE because first of all, THE MAYOR would have never nominated him if that was true. GEEZ!
Secondly, since Mosby was not confirmed, it has to be for other reasons. The reasons should have been clearly stated.
When the next person is nominated, I would hope that it is handled properly. BECAUSE - If anyone has previously done business IN THE PAST with the city and is nominated FOR ALDERMAN, it should not automatically be a rejection. BECAUSE - There have been many aldermen in PAST HISTORY who - AT BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETINGS - have had to recused themselves from voting on certain items that came before the board BECAUSE OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST - AND THEY HAVE DONE SO; but they were still allowed to be an aldermen. VERY FEW THINGS WOULD COME UP THAT NEEDED ALDERMEN TO STEP OUT OF A VOTE BUT THEY WERE STILL GOOD ALDERMEN. WHY SHOULD THEY BE REJECTED. They still have made good representatives to their constituents.
Jerry Miquel should know that - he has been around for a long time. If you work for a company that may IN THE FUTURE do business with the city, the person SHOULD STILL BE ABLE TO BE AN ALDERMAN, BUT would NOT be able to vote on a particular issue.
For instance, if Mr. Ford were to run for alderman, AND HIS COMPANY WORKED FOR CRESTWOOD AT ONE TIME, just because he WORKS THERE should NOT prevent him from being NOMINATED alderman. WHETHER IT WAS TWO YEARS AGO OR WHENEVER IT WAS, it is not fair to vote NO because of it.
My opinion.
Come on! Stop splitting hairs on this. You are creating chaos where it has never been a problem before. How are we going to ever get back to normal if we cannot even decide on an aldermanic seat.
THE ARTICLE IN THE CALL SAID HE WORKS FOR A COMPANY THAT THE CITY IS A CUSTOMER OF. Why on earth are you yelling? I am not muddying the waters, I am stating exactly what was said in the Call. Page 9A-
Duncan: "So, we(Crestwood) would potentially be a customer for the product that Hubb Systems LLC sells?"
"Yes, you are and have been." Mosby said.
Duncan said, "So that might be a conflict of interest on some contracts...?"
"Yes, that would be the only issue." Mosby said.
Get you facts straight before you accuse anyone of muddying anything. I quoted the story straight off the Call's page. And I stand by my statement: Mr Mosby should not be an alderman AND work for a company the city does business with. It is a conflict of interest, period.
Cool your jets. First of all, I wouldn't read the Call for any reason unless I needed paper to line my birdcage. Mr. Anthony is biased on everything and likes to sling "mud" in case you are not aware of it. I refuse to read The Call because Anthony only tells you what his slant is on things and when he wants to "hide" the truth, to protect his friends and customers, he does it. Take it from someone who has been on the other side.
I aologize for getting upset OK? I am also not in favor of Mosby for different reasons than yours, but that was the first time I had heard he worked for a company that does business with the city. It really shook me up. Why? Because I don't understand how the mayor can justify that.
If Mosby worked for a company who had dealt with the city in the past at one time or another, that would be different. But if the company Mosby works for is still doing business with the city, I am not sure that should be allowed.
Sorry again - that's what happens when people don't tell you all the facts. Now that I know, I don't see how this should even be discussed anymore.
Sorry again!
no big deal. And I share your opinion of Mike Anthony.
I hope if you think I'm wrong, please jump on me with both feet. I believe that two alderman wanted their own choice for the board. They voted Mosby down knowling full well that then they get to nominate their man. So whoever he is. you can bet he's going to be their 'YES' man. Just ask yourselves, why else would they do that? To be in control! Then they will have 5 votes,right? Remember the Fagan 5. What fun that was! The citizens of Crestwood have no vote on this and obviously neither does the mayor. Is it a new trend that our government have set themselves up as kings? Is our boa raising them up above the people's wishes? Sure sounds like it. If we don't go to the meeting and speak our minds, then we need to watch TV and stay off the blog, the blog is great for sharing information and venting but it takes warm bodies at the meetings so they know we mean it.
I try to never make assumptions about anyone's intentions. I have no idea why they didn't want him, so I will assume until I see/hear otherwise that their reasons were nothing more than they indicated. I agree with the conflict of interest thing, so I will just wait and watch what happens.
9:30 PM June 4th. I agree with you 100%. I agree with the conflict of interest too. And I also will not make assumptions.
In my humble opinion and it is a humble one - for everything being equal and correct, I would like our city attorney to give a clarification on what the correct procedure is on the appointment of an aldermanic representative to serve out the term of the aldermanic representative for Ward 2 who ran for mayor and won the election.
On this blog there have been so many different things stated, the prerequisites, the qualifications, and the whole schmear!
The city attorney to me needs to sharpen his pencil and give us the "exact" answer to this delimma because once again, everybody is loaded for "bear" and since I live in Ward 2, I want everything to be perfectly clear before we end up looking like a fool in the newspaper and to other cities.
There is a huge amount of misinformation on this blog.
Yes misinformation and a lot of confusion too. And the more the comments, the more misinformation and confusion.
The City Charter is available on the city web site and has a contents list at the beginning.
You can look up, and read any of the rules governing Crestwood.
It is not very exciting reading, but it spells out all the rules for what we are talking about.
I think it is easier to understand than an explanation by the City Attorney, who speaks as a lawyer.
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