Obama administration approves 204 more "Obamacare" wavers ! (please click here for the story from "THE HILL" )

Please forgive me but this concerns ALL of us, Crestwood and beyond. When this was rammed down our throats it was PROMISED by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed that this was for ALL AMERICANS.
So far there have been at least 1372 wavers granted to company's (read contributors) that have requested them. Now as I see it this not only weakens the pot, but it puts us right back to where we were before this travesty was signed into law.
The only thing to do now to get the message across is to DE-FUND it thus forcing our so called Representatives to repeal and overhaul this foolishness before it's too late and we sink into the Communist health care system which clearly does not work.
If you agree please contact your Representative and tell them what you think, there is still time to fix this one way or the other.
Tom Ford
NO. 885
Travesty? No. I know several families personally who have members who would not be insured at all right now if it weren't for that healthcare change. You will never hear a cross word about it from me.
How can my employer get a waiver? This new program has increased my insurance costs 30%, has reduced my choice in care 20% and has increased how much I have to pay out of pocket 12%.
Mine hasn't changed much other than the co-pay going up slightly. Travesty No.
9;13 PM Blogger: You must be thinking of Medicare, Medicaid as the Obamacare program does not kick in for families until 2012.
8:06 AM Blogger: Did your company "contribute." and are they union ? That seems to be the criteria from all I have read so far.
10:49 AM logger: Right you are as once again the Obamacare program has yet to start, just wait.
I really encourage EVERYONE to read this bill (yes I know it's over 2000 pages long,) as there are some real shockers hidden in it.
Tom Ford
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