Well here is a breath of fresh air! What say we look into the possibility of Mr. Cain being a candidate? (please click here for his site,)

I am serious about this man's chances as the Republican field is lame at best, and I really like this Gentleman's message.
If you read Mr. Cain's bio you will see that out of the chute he has more practical experience than Mr. Obama ever thought of having. I know that he is new on the scene and that his backing is limited so far, but his message, his fervent belief in America, and his background all serve him well.
Mr. Cain was a hit at the CPAC gathering in Washington, DC and he may well be a hit on the stump. In any case he bears watching as his message resonates with Joe six-pack and others who are tired of the socialistic regime were under now.
Tom Ford
NO. 888
What, nothing? No one has anything to say regarding Mr. Cain?
Tom Ford
No comment here because I know so little about him. I know just a few things that I am a bit skeptical of, but overall he is an unknown to me.
I do know this: New York congressional distric 26 just voted in a Democrat in the most staunchly Republican districts in the country. And I know this: Chrysler just paid its government loan back 6 years early. Obama was bashed endlessly for having faith in American auto makers. McCain even said if anyone thought the American auto industry would survive, he'd like to meet that person. Mr. McCain, meet the American Chrysler workers. The Republican party better get with the program and fast.
9:45 PM Blogger: I wouldn't worry to much about that race I am thinking it was in the bag for the Democrat from the beginning, now let's see what the future races hold.
Tom Ford
I think that's the actual point. For a democrat to do well, even a little well in such a hard core republican district should be a warning to the party. A big one. I have a feeling they are not listening. The Ryan plan sank the campaign of the republican candidate.
I have listened to Herman Cain speak and he is wonderful, plain spoken, knowledgable. In S Carolina he was chosen by a panel of randomly picked viewers and was chosen top by all but 2 of 29. But here's the rub-if those of us who would be considered either reps or conservatives would vote for Mr. Cain, what would the Dems do if they can't scream 'you are predijuce' It's their one and only stand by. What a delima!
I am definitely intrigued by Cain and cannot wait to see more of him. He supports the Ryan plan as do I. We have got to do something to get out from the weight of the SS and Medicare taxes and spending and the debt that our country is in.
The loss by Republicans in NY-26 is due to many things besides the Mediscare tactics. There was a third candidate, Davis, and I read that Corwin was not only attacked heavily by Hochul but also by Davis. The same article stated that the attacks between Davis and Corwin were a turnoff to many voters. Also, voting participation increased by 4-5% in 2 Democratic counties so the Dems did a good job of either getting out the vote or stuffing the ballot box.
stuffing the ballot box? Really?? Given how your boy Bush got into office, I'd watch how loudly I said things like that. Pot, meet kettle.
Tell us believer in liberal's fables,
if Bush won as you say he did, where is the investigation by the Democratics in Congress and the Senate?
Seems to me the fact they DIDN'T investigate speaks volumes about your claim of ballot box misbehavior.
There was nothing to investigate.
um, well, the whole Supreme Court thing...oh never mind.
Seems like I hit a sore spot. Maybe you Dems have something to confess.
The article I was pulling this information from was on the Huffington Post website.
Is Time magazine "racist?" Herman Cain omitted twice from odds on Republican nomination!
Really sad to see the liberals doing what they accuse conservatives of, no?
Tom Ford
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