Agenda for the 6:00 PM Ward Two meeting, 6/14/11.
After conferring with Ms. Jackie Stock we have decided to place the following items on the agenda for the meeting.
1. Alderman Representative for Ward Two:
We will be discussing an idea for the selection of OUR Alderman
We will introduce current candidates for the position.
We will allow very brief questions of the candidates (one question please.)
2. Sappington square CID for Pulaski Bank:
Do we see a need to shore up the banks failed loan?
Is it in Crestwood's best interest to have a 9.42% tax rate at those stores?
We only have 50 Minutes to get this done, so as you can see we must keep to schedule. It is our intention to call he topics and moderate questions and answers so we may finish in time.
No food or drink will be allowed in the chambers (Crestwood rules) and civility and decorum are the order of the day.
Please do not move or disrupt your chairs as the BOA meeting will start at 7:00 PM Sharp.
Please join us for the BOA meeting so OUR comments may be heard by the entire Board.
Tom Ford
NO. 895
1. Alderman Representative for Ward Two:
We will be discussing an idea for the selection of OUR Alderman
We will introduce current candidates for the position.
We will allow very brief questions of the candidates (one question please.)
2. Sappington square CID for Pulaski Bank:
Do we see a need to shore up the banks failed loan?
Is it in Crestwood's best interest to have a 9.42% tax rate at those stores?
We only have 50 Minutes to get this done, so as you can see we must keep to schedule. It is our intention to call he topics and moderate questions and answers so we may finish in time.
No food or drink will be allowed in the chambers (Crestwood rules) and civility and decorum are the order of the day.
Please do not move or disrupt your chairs as the BOA meeting will start at 7:00 PM Sharp.
Please join us for the BOA meeting so OUR comments may be heard by the entire Board.
Tom Ford
NO. 895
so, ward 2 gets to decide about the tax rate and the Pulaski Bank issue? I thought the meetign was only about ward 2 issues.
5:23 PM Blogger: Cute, but we also have a dog in that fight!
Ward Two will not "decide" anything, but we may well have a consensus of OUR opinions for the Board!
Tom Ford
5:23 PM, June 13, 2011
Reason the "Four Failures" do not want Mayor Schlink's to choose the Alderman for Ward Two is because he would most likely appoint someone who shared his views about the CID, tax rates and Pulaski Bank, he is against it.
The Four Failures want it. They want higher sales taxes in Crestwood.
I agree with the idea of a ward 2 meeting to try to correct the injustice that was done at the last BOA meeting. The "gang of four" does definitely not need to become the "gang of five".
The problem of the current alderman being a member, and the potential for another member being selected by the group is extremely important to ward two, and even all of Crestwood.
Regarding the bank issue, WE only representt one fourth of Crestwood, but this affects ALL of Crestwood. If there is strong feeling about the bank issue, it could be discussed at an all Crestwood ward meeting.
Since we will have a very limited time available, I think we should try to insure that we will have TWO aldermen representing ward two, who we can communicate with, and who will make our wishes count equally, and fairly with the other wards on all issues including the bank deal.
We (you and me) have a choice. One is to make a new agreement to continue with the Pulaski bank deal so they continue to get a 1% on many sales in Crestwood - OR - we can refuse to do this and get our high taxes reduced by 1% to those of us who would prefer to shop Crestwood. I realize how many people WILL NOT SHOP HERE BECAUSE OF THE 9.4 tax rate. It's crazy, we do not need to bail out the Sappington Square fiasco. They did not keep up their end of the balance so why should continue to keep giving them money for another 15 years. Let's voice our opinions, we need people to shop here and they are not going to rush in to become part of our newest bank (#13 I believe) have we lost our common sense. I sure hope not.
I agree with 7:05. We were asked to attend a meeting regarding Ward Two rep. Now all of a sudden you push the envelope with regarding to this bank issue.
The bank issue is for ALL Crestwood and it doesn't belong on the agenda for the Ward Two meeting.
To 10:18 6-14 what do you mean push the envelope about the bank issue. The bank issue is alive and well and discussed on a few of the previous boa meetings. We all need the facts and you have to attend, just picking up bits and pieces is just too confusing. Let's discuss all things that pertain to we citizens and our city. All input is important.
3:20 PM - OK - I am going to a meeting concerning Ward 2 at 6 PM. I am then going to a BOA Meeting where the issue of the CID will be discussed. These are two different issues. When I was asked to go to a meeting before the BOA meeting, I was told that it was to discuss the ald. rep. to Ward Two. That's what I was told and that is what I want to hear about. If you feel like you want to stay after that, nobody is stopping you. That's what I mean.
It's your choice - go for it! No need to get in a huff about it.
Well, let me get this straight.
Mosby said he was AGAINST the CID; and that is why the 4 FAILURES voted AGAINST him. BUT the others on the board voted FOR him because they as Mosby were AGAINST the CID.
So what DID the 4 FAILURES DO that is any worse than the the motives of the aldermen FOR MOSBY? Seems they were also playing a game.
The other aldermen (not the 4 failures) would vote Mosby in because he would be voting as they did!!!!
The motives of those for Mosby are just as contrived on the reverse side of this issue as those voting against him.
My problem is what are the board of aldermen and mayor going to get down to the business at hand, when you can't even agree on an aldermanic representative?
well, to get down to business, first Mr. Schlink will need to be brought up to speed, since he seems to spend very little time being a mayor.
4:03 PM Blogger: Cute but wrong as usual! Mayor Schlink is available by phone when and if you or anyone else needs him.
The Charter (remember that little thingy?) calls for a "Part Time mayor. Your probably to used to hearing the caterwauling of the old regime and mistook his Gentlemanly approach for not being there, no?
Tom Ford
7:27 PM Blogger: Close, very close indeed. The problem was and is that the "Four failures" knew EXACTLY how Mr. Knarr would vote, but weren't sure of Mr. Mosby.
When your stacking the deck you need to be sure that no possible failure can occur.
Tom Ford
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