As a service , I am presenting the Alderman from your Ward as stated by them in their Bio. on the City web site.

Each of you are invited to comment as you wish. I will enforce the rule of signing you name if the comment is extremely derogatory as you owe that much to the person your commenting on.
Mimi Duncan – Ward 1
"I am honored to have been given the opportunity to serve the citizens of Crestwood as Ward One alderman. My husband Tom and I have been residents of Crestwood for over 25 years and I decided to become more actively involved to preserve our neighborhoods and to be sure that the challenges of the city are met with integrity and hard work. As the old sixties mantra goes, I decided to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
I grew up in South St. Louis and graduated from St. Gabriel Grade School and Cor Jesu Academy. I have a BA from Webster University in Management and an MS in Information Systems from the University of Missouri- St. Louis.
I am a Senior Lecturer, Course Coordinator and Faculty Liaison in the Information Systems Area of the College of Business Administration at the University of Missouri -St. Louis. I teach, develop curriculum and serve on many academic committees. I am currently working with Continuing Education at UMSL to develop dual-credit courses in IT for area high schools. As a former vice president of several area banks, I have expertise in credit and commercial lending.
As a volunteer, I have served as a school board president and secretary and worked with other committees and boards. I have worked with the Girl Scouts and the schools where my children attended both in an advisory capacity and as a volunteer.
I will be responsive and will answer any inquiries in a timely manner. While elected only to a short term of office for now, I "will work diligently to earn the trust and support of my fellow Crestwood citizens.
Tom Ford
NO. 898
Alderman Duncan,
"As a former vice president of several area banks", were any of those banks Pulaski Band?
Are any former co-workers from any of the several banks where you have worked now employed by Pulaski Bank?
Question for Ms. Duncan, and only Ms. Duncan Please.
The question has been asked if you have ever served with, or now know anyone at Pulaski Bank?
I think it's a more than fair question and it should be answered, don't you?
may we please have your insight on this?
(as in the case of Ms. Beezley, I will send this to Ms. Duncan's City email address for an answer in case she is not a reader.)
Tom Ford
I have heard that some residents of ward one are talking about recalling alderman Duncan, does anyone know anything about it?
Oh, if that were to happen, it would make my day, even if it meant her husband might have to step in like she said in the CALL today he wanted to.
Anyone know how or if the recall petition has been started on Ms. Duncan?
If you recall her, you would have to recall all four of them? What would you state as the reason she should be recalled: Because she voted against Mosby? Because she is in favor of the CID?
Don't you feel it is a little premature to get this kind of thing going.
Everybody on this blog is getting up in arms and dangerous. Do you really feel that these people, some just starting out on the board of aldermen, should be hung at dawn because of one issue?
I just don't think it is right; I think you and others are high on adrenaline and hype right now; not the best time to make snap decisions.
Anonymous, 3:22 PM, June 23, 2011
Well, can you explain why you think I am wrong?
Since you asked, the reason I want her out is she voted (as she always has) with Foote and Pickel and appointed a person I do not want as my Alderman, Knarr.
As far as "I think you and others are high on adrenaline and hype right now; not the best time to make snap decisions" goes, how much time did Duncan think about her vote for Knarr?
I don't know, why don't you ask her? I sense you are assuming she didn't give it much thought. I have no explanation as to why any of the four voted down Mosby.
Every time I disagree with a decision and things don't go my way, I am always told to "suck it up". When I t;ry to stand for principle, I am told "you can't always get what you want". So I don't know or understand how people make their judgements or decisions.
The only way I know of really getting the right answers is to go to the person and ask and see what they say.
Dear Anonymous said...
SO stop with the liberal "cant we just get along" b.s. already!!
Her only reason stated or other wise is because she didn't want Mayor Schlink to get his appointment placed in as Ward Two Alderman.
Pure spite due to Robinson losing, who she blindly supported.
4:37 I just got done saying under another comment that I felt she and the other three would be stamped with "roy lover" on their backs by others and I was right. You just did!
I cannot believe that you feel this is the reason they voted Mosby down. So, go ahead and call my comment B.S. You can call it what want. If that is what you think, the BS is on your back.
You cannot stand her and the others and hold it against them because they got along with Roy. I cannot believe that s--- is still going on. Talk about prejudiced. How childish! It's no better than saying that the liberals or no good but the conservatives are so much better or vice versa. Which means you are the one playing politics.
You judge people and put them into categories. It's people like you who have the problem.
Who gives a rat's behind about Roy; he is gone and I don't believe that manure that the four aldermen are angry because Roy didn't get elected. Who the heck are all of you - grown ups or children playing in a sandbox fighting over a fire truck.
Grow Up and think like an adult.
So I am all grown up now L, so share with us what reason Duncan gave for voting against the new Mayors selection.
You are far from grown up and you can take your friends and go live in another city and you would be doing the same thing - playing politics.
If I were Ms. Duncan or any of the four, why would I give any explanation or have to justify myself when you have already made your conclusions and would not believe her anyway.
How can a person or people come back with any answer, when you all have rocks in your hands as soon as they enter the building.
Aah poor baby.
Until former Mayor Robinson change this, the City of Crestwood always had an outside negotiator who negotiated for the City the agreement of understanding with Fire Fighters Union . The negotiator was replaced by the city Administrator and City Attorney by former Mayor Robinson. Recently the former Mayor and some members of the BOA acted to change the Charters rules on City employees campaigning for a City election.
Would you support the City of Crestwood removing it's staff from labor negotiations and returning to the use of professional negotiator as was used in the past?
Alderman Duncan's response to Tim Trueblood's (an my question.)
"My banking experience was mostly with the old General Bancshares Corporation,
both at Jefferson Gravois Bank and Central Bank in Clayton. I also worked as
a VP at Capital Bank, which was a startup located in Clayton. That bank was
gobbled up by several different institutions after I left. I have never
worked for Pulaski Bank."
That covers it for me, and I thank Alderman Duncan for her response and candor.
Tom Ford
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