Thursday, June 30, 2011

Harvard U. tells liberals and Democrats to stay away from 4th. of July celebrations as they are for Republican recruiting!

I have been an American for some 70 years now and I grew up watching (and participating in some) parades and going to fireworks demonstrations from WW2 to Korea, to Viet Nam, to Iraq, and now Afghanistan, and never would I have believed this would ever happen!

Harvard is saying that liberals and Democrats should not Attend their nations Birthday party? Have we come down that low in only three years of liberal socialist thinking in the White house that we ALL can't celebrate our nations birth? My God that was the one day when we all came together in complete unison and politics was "in suspension" for the day.

I am disgusted by this despicable report, and I wish a pox upon the house of those that wrote it as well as the house that issued it!


Tom Ford

NO. 908


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's because the only ones who can send their kids to Harvard are Republicans, who are always richer than Democrats. (just joking) but..

That's what I was told growing up when my father would argue politics with my uncle who was staunch Republican.

But I agree with Tom. What a slap in the face. I am not very happy with this posture by Harvard students. It seems that although going to a critically aclaimed university, and given the average age of a college student, they have missed or didn't read what their history books were telling them in grade school and high school. It's like spiting on our forefathers who fought for the day when everyone would have equal rights and gave their lives because of this belief. If they cannot see that by their actions they are dividing the unity that our forefathers fought for, in years to come we will again be fighting wars but this time it will be on American soil to keep our Country free. And our children, grandchildren, and so on might be the ones engaged in battle.

This is a slap in the face.

6:39 PM, June 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...somehow, God knows how, Harvard's stance on this report is Obama's fault?? You can't be serious.

8:30 PM, June 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:30 PM What? I read the first comment and never heard anything about faulting the President.

9:38 AM, July 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, not blaming the Prez, just bringing to light how much his party and liberals fear American patriotism, for their own selfish reasons, IE loss of political power.
Not to worry, I am sure the ACLU is working hard now to ban 4th of July parades and celebrations on govt property and by govt employees.
It will be based on a new clause they find in the Constitution, "separation of love of country and political views"

12:05 PM, July 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good God. Paranoid much?

1:09 PM, July 01, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Forget about Harvard and the liberal agenda! Please go on out and enjoy the Nations Birthday anyway.

Be ye Republican or be ye Democrat it matters not as we are ALL AMERICANS!

Tom Ford

11:13 AM, July 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shall do just that, as I believe that will be the last time you ever say "it matters not" about political party! Enjoy your holiday as well!

4:22 PM, July 04, 2011  
Anonymous Franky said...

Your header and analysis of the article is wrong and misleading. The article states that hopeful dem/liberal politicians have little to gain from putting themselves out there at fourth of July parades and community events. The article never says that the study suggests all liberals and dems need no attend said events. That being said there is no reason to somehow claim political right to our nations birthday, I strongly oppose the publication of this article and the validity of the study.


3:00 PM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Franky, Call Harvard and tell them you "strongly oppose" their publication!

Democrats (or progressive / liberals) at Harvard said there is little to be gained for them (sadly) not Tom Ford.

Misleading? No my friend it is what it is, re read it and you will see that it's recommendation to Democrats (new or entrenched)is that they not bother going as it "will do little or nothing for them."

By the way Franky, if you oppose this where were you on Independence day, at a patriotic event (as I suggested we all go to) I hope.

Please don't forget that it was I who said to go, "be ye Republican or be ye Democrat."

Tom Ford

5:20 PM, July 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I am very happy Tom that you said that. I don't care if it's the first time or the 100th time. You noted both parties in this salute to Independence Day.

To me it shows that you do care about the two party system and the American way. I for one am glad that you show people that side of yourself.

You can be hard to understand some time, my friend. By your comment it shows me that maybe we misunderstand your over zealousness,and political posture for arrogance. I am glad you stated that in your comment.

So therefore, I will take your words and embrass them for it is not too often that you show this side of your personality.

7:08 PM, July 06, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:08 PM Blogger: "Franky," I care very much about the two party system and America!

We have seen the disastrous results of a "single" party in power and their not pretty. Thank God we have the system that we do that allows us to remove (peacefully) those who abuse it.

Please remember the words of Winston Churchill, "There are four pillars to liberty, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Please use them in that order!"

Tom Ford

6:48 AM, July 07, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Frankie," this is from another site (second amendment) that had the Harvard report on it. I was wondering if you agree or disagree with the originator of the piece?

"Dems did it to themselves."

"In the 1960s (and the current Dem leadership are relics of that era) being ANTI-patriotic was just wonderful for the US Left. All the ills of the world were due to the evils of American patriotism, exceptionalism, big business, military institutions, and racism.

Being anti-patriotic was a cheap way to look heroic to your weed-smoking buddies without incurring any real danger. You could burn a flag, yell "Down with the USA!" and take a [deleted] on a copy of the Constitution and you'd be safe (as long as you weren't near any military base or collection of vets). You'd be safe because the LEO you were busy calling a "pig" would protect you -- because in America we don't mangle someone for expressing a view, no matter how [deleted.] Odd that none of the good lefties of the 1960s noticed this little irony.

Over the last 50 years the Democratic tendency to be anti-patriotic has intensified. People with patriotic feelings did not join the Democratic party. If any wandered into this organization by accident, they'd be pushed out again (usually with calls of "Fascist!") by the anti-patriotic leaders. If they tried to stay they would be denied the money and campaign workers they needed to get elected, while the flag-burning crowd would get all the above.

Keep this going for decades and is it any surprise that the Dems see patriotism as a word that should be deleted from the US vocabulary?

IMHO the USA is a human institution, and as such, isn't perfect. No human, not matter how brilliant, can create a perfect institution. (Followers of Karl Marx, take note.) However, since we in the USA acknowledge this we're usually pretty good about recognizing where we go wrong and trying to fix it. In most nations around the world the standard approach to social and political imperfection is denial, followed by the silencing of those who point out this imperfection.

So anti-patriotism is not only obnoxious, it's hypocritical and stupid and doesn't recognize reality."

Tom Ford

8:14 AM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything less patriotic than publicaly stating you hope the president will fail. That is the same thing as hoping for the complete failure of your own country. Yet many in the Republican party have done just that. Or is that a Liberal lie somehow too and the things I heard with my own ears didn't happen?

10:05 PM, July 13, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:05 PM Blogger; I think you are mixing the wish for the president to fail with the wish for his policies to fail.

There is a very big difference there that should not go UN-noticed here.

It's a moot point anyway as both he and his policies are failing as I write this, just look at the debt, the spending, and the loss of jobs for conformation.

Tom Ford

3:58 PM, July 14, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

By the way, Dame Margret Thatcher once opined, "The trouble with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money."

Gospel if ever there was any, and we see it right here with the Pulaski Bank give away that some of our Alderman seem to be in favor of.

Tom Ford

4:02 PM, July 14, 2011  

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