Meet your Alderman, Ward Four Alderman Deborah Beezley (Per her Bio. on the City Web Site.)

Same rules apply as seen below.
Deborah Beezley – Ward 4
April 1998 – present
•Director, Health Information Management, St. Anthony’s Medical Center. Also serves as HIPAA Privacy Officer and Emergency Management Officer
•President/Co-owner Qual-T-Med, Inc. – Consulting Firm specializing in Healthcare Quality and Regulatory Preparedness.
•Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) (now known as The Joint Commission) – Accrediting entity for Healthcare facilities (formerly based in Chicago, Illinois; now based in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois). Served as Program Manager, Department of Education and Publication. Moved to the Hospital Accreditation Program and served as Assistant Program Manager, staff representative for the Accreditation Committee – Board of Commissioners and Contributing Editor, Quality Review Bulletin, a Joint Commission publication.
•Began career as a Health Information Management staff member in two hospitals, Lincoln, Nebraska.
•Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri; Degree – Bachelor of Arts, Concentration: Health Communications
•American Medical Record Association course for Medical Record Personnel, 1973 – 1974
•Accreditation by the American Health Information Management Association – 1974
•University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, College of Arts and Sciences
•NIMS Training – Courses 100, 200, 700, 800, Missouri Hospital Association, September 2006 and June 2007 (Yale New Haven Health)
•CERT Training, Crestwood, Missouri, January 2007
•Integrated Emergency Management Training, FEMA, January 2005
•Michigan State University, Train the Trainer program, July 1978
STARRS (St. Louis Area Regional Response System)
•Member, Advisory Council (Bi-State Region)
•Member, Hospital Preparedness Committee
•Co-Chair, Hospital Amateur Radio Network Committee (HARN)
•Chair, Implementation Task Force for the Regional Healthcare Coordination Plan (Bi-State Region)
•St. Louis Medical Operation Center Duty Officer
Heartland Center, St. Louis University
•Advisor to Staff for Emergency Management Planning
Department of Health and Senior Services, State of Missouri
•Pandemic Flu Task Force Member
Missouri Health Information Management Association
•Active Member
American Health Information Management Association
•Accredited Active Member, 1974 – present
Eastern Missouri Health Information Management Association
•President, 2005
Doorways, St. Louis
•Member, Board of Directors, February 1995 – April 2000
St. Louis University School of Allied Health Professionals, St. Louis, Missouri – Health Informatics and Information Management
•Adjunct Professor, Healthcare Quality, 1989 – 1990
•Clinical Site Instructor, 1989 – present
Crestwood, Missouri
•Alderman, Ward 4
•Aldermanic Representative, Police Board and Animal Control
•Past Chairman, Welcome Wagon
Volunteer Aid to Colonel Tim Daniel, Special Advisor, Governor, State of Missouri, Homeland Security for the St. Louis Region, October 2001 – approximately 2005
St. Agatha Food Pantry Volunteer, active 1992 – 2000
Mastodon Park Art/Science Fair
•Committee Member
•Board of Directors – Treasurer, 1990 – November 1994
•Chairman, Placing Committee, 1990 – November 1994
Numerous Publications, Training Manuals, and Lectures throughout the country on Healthcare Quality, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security"
Tom Ford
NO. 899
Alderman Beezley,
Have you ever been employed by a "for profit organization"?
Well noticed that Aldermen Duchild and Wallach have no official bios posted. Maybe this will encourage them to go ahead and post one...
9:57 AM Blogger; That I can't answer but what's on the City site will be posted for all Alderman, (ladies first of course.)
Tom Ford
Mr. Trueblood,
I couldn't have said it any better.
I am wondering why you would find fault with where she has worked? What difference does it make? Perhaps you are just looking for something to dislike?
Where did I say that I found fault with the Alderman's work record?
"What difference does it make" where he worked is, I am sure, the same question Mr. Mosby is asking himself! But where he worked in the past was a problem for Alderman Beezley. Do you feel she is now above being asked a question regarding her past employment?
I'll ask it again,
Alderman Beezley,
Have you ever been employed by a "for profit organization"?
okaaay, I'll ask a different question. Why is it important that she work for a for-profit organization?
Because for profit companies actually make money. If it doesn't make money, then it goes out of business. If it spends too much money, it doesn't just keep adding to debt levels.
And no. I dislike Mrs. Beeley because she lied straight to my face when first running for alderwoman. I place my name with my comments why don't you?
Maybe we don't have your guts Cris! Maybe you love to argue and some of us don't. Maybe you have a chip on your shoulder and some of more meek and mild mannered people can't take your mouth.
Tom, sometimes why you don't just give up! The old adage is you can't fly with eagles with you deal with turkeys, so some of the remarks made on this blog are so, can we use the word dumb on this blog? We need to put each of our aldermen/women in a space where they cannot make signs or pass notes. Force each one to think for themselves.
"Force each one to think for themselves" I respectfully disagree with you on that part of your post.
They should not be thinking for themselves but REPRESENTING THE CITIZENS OF THEIR WARD FIRST!
If they were, they would have all voted for Mosby based on Mayor Schlink's landslide victory in their Ward. As Mosby was the Mayors choice, Mosby was the citizens of their Ward's choice. Especially Alderman Pickels vote against the Mayor's selection from his old Ward and Pickels Ward.(Ward Two)
Should make the election of April 2012 very interesting in Ward Two.
But I do agree with what you're saying in principle.
given how blindly some seem to want to follow whatever Mr. Schlink wants to do, I sure he is as trustworthy as they think he is. Otherwisem we have a problem.
And, Mr. Miller, I did sign my name, as I will now.
A question for Ms. Beezley, and only Ms. Beezley please.
I see by your Bio that you are a Director at St. Anthony's Medical Center. A very good position and I congratulate you for achieving it.
My Question is that since you are a Director there, and since you serve on the Board Of Alderman, and since you refused Mr. Mosby for "conflict of interest," shouldn't you resign from one or the other post?
You see Ms. Beezley we employ the Abbott Ambulance Company to transport the sick and injured since our own Ambulance was sold. And as you know unless the patient States otherwise they are transported to ST. ANTHONY'S MEDICAL CENTER, where you are a Board member by your own words in your Bio!
That madam constitutes a conflict of interest (you may be called to vote on a contract or recommend a service) on your part, and since you have assured us that you can't condone that sort of thing, please tell us from what and when you plan to resign!
I await your response please. (I will be forwarding this to Ms. Beezely's email address at City Hall, and her response will be posted here.)
Tom Ford
Tom, you show you're own ignorance with your last post. Crestwood has NEVER had its own ambulance. FURTHERMORE, Abbott does NOT necessarily transport to St. Anthony's unless otherwise told. Love ya bud but DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Egg does not look good on your face.
Now wait a minute...Tom may have a point! Remember, we contract with the Affton Fire District for the area that was annexed in 1997.
Doesn't Affton transport to St. Anthony's?
"Abbott does NOT necessarily transport to St. Anthony's"
What does that mean?
Myself, other family members, friends, and neighbors have always been transported there.
that is probably because St. Anthony's is the nearest hospital. It doesn't mean there is some sort of "contract". If you lived west, you would more than likely be transported to Mo Bap or where is closest.
"Maybe we don't have your guts Cris! Maybe you love to argue and some of us don't. Maybe you have a chip on your shoulder and some of more meek and mild mannered people can't take your mouth."
Why the personal attack on me? Is this constructive to the debate? Keep reading down your posts and see who likes to argue. If you don't like my viewpoints, that's cool. Personal attacks are what cowards do.
No Chris, Anonymous personal attacks are what cowards do.
Well can you beat that. Chris Miller and Tim Trueblood seem to be the same person! They sound alike and are as pure as the driven snow and they sign there name. Is one real and the other fake or are they really two different people. What do you want, a 21 gun salute because you sign your names?
When the owner of this blog tells me I have to sign my name and there are no more anonymous comments allowed, that will mean almost everyone who comments will no longer blog; and then guess what, Chris and Tim can have the whole thing to themselves. How wonderful!
Chris Miller - I read your comments before I made my statement. Had you read your comments before I made mine, you you come off as a little arrogant. So what I said was relevant and my reaction just as you are entitled to your reaction to me.
Trueblood - is nothing more than what he has always been; someone who when alderman, went along with scary and ridiculous people who lead him by the nose. He had no backbone and turns on people like a sidewinder.
My view, my opinion and feel free to spit out whatever you so desire cause I don't care.
Anonymous, you just proved the point I made to Chris Miller, who by the way I never recall meeting.
The point is, "Anonymous personal attacks are what cowards do".
7:55 PM Blogger; So we never had our own ambulance, a sunshine?
Well in fact we SOLD a bright yellow truck with the lettering Crestwood Fire Dept. and "AMBULANCE written on the sides and back!
Why it even had a horn, and a light bar on it! And they parked it in the firehouse until the manning tables could no longer be met, and that's when we CONTRACTED with ABBOTT AMBULANCE BINKY!
Do you want to tell the people that bought it it was a dump truck?
How's that "egg" on your puss cooked anyway?
Tom Ford
Well bully for you Tim. Maybe you should look at yourself before you call people cowards. It takes one to know one. At least I am not a traitor.
Don't worry Tom, I am done with this so-called alderman. He won't rattle my chain; he has done that before, but not again.
PS - I too was in the military. Am I OK then!
1:06 PM Blogger: We do in fact contract with Abbot to make all our ambulance runs. Unless the patient says otherwise they will go to St. Anthony's medical center.
By the way, I asked Ms. Beezley to comment on this here and in an email to her, and as you can see, nothing has been forthcoming, so I suggest we wait for her remarks.
Tom Ford
Ladies and gentlemen, we seem to be getting a bit off topic here. Forget the he/she is a coward and stick to the questions asked of Ms. Beezley, and only the questions asked of Ms. Beezley!
Tom Ford
I agree with you Tom. Simply put, the majority of people on the blog are anonymous; therefore, those calling us cowards are insulting the majority of people on the blog.
Thanks so much for your statement.
No Anonymous, you have it backwards,
"Simply put, the majority of people on the blog are anonymous; therefore, those calling us cowards are insulting the majority of people on the blog."
Simply put, while the majority of those who post on this blog are anonymous, those that insult people, hiding as anonymous, are the cowards, the rest are simply anonymous.
Make sense?
I will restate it again. CRESTWOOD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS NEVEVER HAD AN AMBULANCE! They had a Rescue Truck (three different ones through the years) that was staffed by two firefighter/paramedics. These three vehicles were not ambulances. Crestwood has always contracted out ambulance service to Abbott Ambulance or County Ambulance before that. St.Clare Hospital is the medical control hospital for Crestwood and before that it was St. Joe's for many years. Now, many patients do go to St.Anthony's per their choice, but never are they automatically taken there unless they say otherwise. It depends on location, type of illness or injury, or other unforeseen circumstances. With you being so wrong on this situation it worries me about what other bad info you have been giving out on here. Normally I take what you say as being the Gospel but maybe I need to rethink things.
7:56 PM Blogger; I spoke to Chief Kessler this morning who gave me the following time line.
Up until 2003 the City ran EVERY 'sick call" with what you call a Rescue truck, (and I call an ambulance,) as our para-medics staffed it.
In 2003 we Had to cease the runs and go to the pumpers as the State mandated manning table could not be met for both.
In 2005 the truck was sold to High Ridge Fire, where it is now being used for water rescue.
Since EVERY medical call was handles by that truck it appears that what we have here is a difference of nomenclature, pure and simple.
Now that said what does this have to do with Ms. Beezely's possible conflict of interest, or are we just trying to muddy the water?
Tom Ford
I wonder what Ms. Beezley thinks about former teachers/principals/administrators (not to mention parents of enrolled students) being members of the Lindbergh Board of Education.
These people certainly have past professional relationships with current employees, and most definitely have oversight regarding salary and benefits, among other things. Yet somehow, despite what Ms. Beezley would deem "conflicts" the Lindbergh BOE has won awards and accolades for its leadership of the district. Why did she believe Mr. Mosby was incapable of the objectivity demonstrated by the members of the Lindbergh BOE?
Martha Duchild
Perhaps it is time for Beezley leave the office of aldermen.
She forgot to uphold the charter and represent the people in ward 4.
Since she will not resign the solution for poor representation is to vote no in the 2012 election.
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I told you to drop the "coward" posts and stay on track! I guess you didn't take me seriously!
Do you now?
Tom Ford
Until former Mayor Robinson change this, the City of Crestwood always had an outside negotiator who negotiated for the City the agreement of understanding with Fire Fighters Union . The negotiator was replaced by the city Administrator and City Attorney by former Mayor Robinson. Recently the former Mayor and some members of the BOA acted to change the Charters rules on City employees campaigning for a City election.
Would you support the City of Crestwood removing it's staff from labor negotiations and returning to the use of professional negotiator as was used in the past?
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