Meet your Alderman, Ward Four Alderman John Foote (per his Bio. on the City Web site.)

John Foote – Ward 4
"My wife Carol and I are long-term Crestwood residents; our children and grandchildren were raised here and attended Lindbergh Schools.
Although I’ve been a long-term Crestwood resident, it was not until a few years ago, around 2003, when my concerns about the financial direction in which the city was headed prompted me to start attending Board of Aldermen meetings and offering opinions. From that point on, I wrote newspaper articles, worked with other residents and elected officials to cut long-term debt and balance the city’s budgets.
Started at Brown Shoe Company in the Quality Control Laboratory, held departmental then plant superintendent position until becoming Brown Shoe’s General Manager over Materials Warehousing and Systems (ran materials manufacturing and warehousing units, responsible for division profit centers and operating budgets).
When shoe production shifted out of the US I worked with a consulting firm specializing in warehousing and supply systems, updating warehouses and distribution centers located in Seattle, Washington and in El Paso, Texas.
A small project for McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences led to my joining a research group in Washington University’s Physics Department Compton Labs. Highlights involved both shuttle launch of our experiments and work in recovery facilities at NASA’s Cape Kennedy. Retired after close to fifteen years but remain in contact with the labs and the people from all over the world who worked to advance our knowledge of space.
Bachelor of Science Degree Washington University
St. Louis Science Center (10 years)."
Tom Ford
NO. 901
Alderman Foote,
You are quoted in this weeks CALL newspaper(6/23/2011)that you did "in no shape or form say" to Mayor Schlink 'This is who I want.' It was a name offered with a helping hand, not a hand dictating."
Whose name do you offer Mayor Schlink? What other names for Alderman of Ward Two did you offer, if any? Of the names you offered who did you vote for and who did you vote against?
Also, you in the past have supported every tax increase put before the voters of Crestwood. Could you share with us what amount of tax increase you think the Citizens of Crestwood should be paying?
Final question, in your support of the CID at Sappington Square have you been made aware of the business that the CID given to Pulaski Bank would be bringing to Crestwood?
Or in the immortal words of the Watergate investigation,"What did you know, and when did you know it?"
Let's face it, the only way for these four "Representatives" of the people to save whatever they can of their public persona is to offer their resignation to mayor Schlink!
It's up to the Mayor whether he accepts it or not, but at least then, and only then can we move forward in Crestwood!
Tom Ford
John Foote. No in 2013.
tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
Thank you Alderman Foote, well said.
Tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
10:18 PM Blogger: Please do not forget the second part of the mantra, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!
Tom Ford
Until former Mayor Robinson change this, the City of Crestwood always had an outside negotiator who negotiated for the City the agreement of understanding with Fire Fighters Union . The negotiator was replaced by the city Administrator and City Attorney by former Mayor Robinson. Recently the former Mayor and some members of the BOA acted to change the Charters rules on City employees campaigning for a City election.
Would you support the City of Crestwood removing it's staff from labor negotiations and returning to the use of professional negotiator as was used in the past?
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