Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mike Anthony of the Call nails the June 14th. BOA meeting (click here for the story.)

This hard hitting editorial says it ALL about the politics of division as practiced by the Four Alderman (Duncan, Beezley, Pickel, and Foote) in Crestwood!

What some of us witnessed at that travesty of a meeting can only be summed up as despicable! I am ashamed to say that my Alderman (Chris Pickel) was not only involved, but seems to have been the catalyst for whatever reason. How else do you explain his offering an olive branch to Mayor Schlink and then hitting him over the head with it?

The time line between the Alderman (Pickel, and Foote) calling the Mayor with their rather simultaneous pick for Ward two is stunning to say the least.

Mr. Anthony at the end of his comment's reminded the readers of the Old Harry Truman saw, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen," as it pertains to some Alderman complaining about negative press. I would go one step further and remind each of them that this is what they signed on to do when they ran for Alderman! If they want constant plaudits, you signed up for the wrong job. You may well consider resigning "to spend some quality time with the family," or whatever else one says when they can't stand rejection.

I see that you have a resident in the same issue of the Call attempting to "fly top cover for you." It's nice to know that you have friends, but if they are going to do that please remind them to make sure they have a full complement of ammo before they take off.

Tom Ford

NO. 902


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Later, during a period for aldermanic reports, Duncan said, There are several things that I've learned in the last three weeks. I've learned why it is hard to get good people to participate in the political process. "I have learned that I'm a competitive person, but I don't like to play a game that I can't win. I will not govern through the press but rather I will govern here in the Board of Aldermen chambers. I've also learned that I'll fight my own battles, even though my husband would like to step in for me."

(From an article by Evan Young in the Call.)

Husband step in for me? What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Tom Ford

5:18 PM, June 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can we please let this issue go? It's getting us nowhere.

8:23 PM, June 22, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where would you like to go instead?

9:45 PM, June 22, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"but I don't like to play a game that I can't win."
"...I've also learned that I'll fight my own battles, even though my husband would like to step in for me."

"Husband step in for me? What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

It sounds like she and her husband are threatening anyone who does not let her win with physical violence.

12:58 AM, June 23, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:23 PM Blogger: In a word, no! If we let this go the chance for open an honest Government in Crestwood is finished.

That's why I can't let this go.

Tom Ford

5:59 AM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

When I read her statement about her husband, I thought the same thing.

6:52 AM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I will not govern through the press but rather I will govern here in the Board of Aldermen chambers."

Dear Ms. Duncan - you do neither very well.

10:28 AM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John and Tim, has anyone told her husband about her arranging the altercation for him?

2:53 PM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

She is not my alderman, so have zero contact with her except for the question I asked here.

3:00 PM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

Not mine either. But she did help choose my alderman for me without my help!
In fact, three out of the four votes were by other wards aldermen.

7:09 PM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

By golly you're correct! Amazing, the Mayor from Ward Two offers a candidate for his former seat in Ward Two. You would think he would have a pretty good idea on the way citizens from Ward Two think, since he did after all, carried the ward by a land slide.
But who ends up picking our representative at city hall until April 2012, Aldermen from other Wards!! If it were not for City Hall being in Ward Two, I wonder if any of them could find our Ward on a map?

8:42 PM, June 23, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Observation: What is going on here is simply a mirror image of national polictics: people on this blog are furious because "your" mayor, meaning the candidate you supported, didn't get his chosen appointment. It is the general feeling, from what I can gather, that you hold certain aldermen responsible for mucking up what you feel should have been smooth sailing for Mr. Schlink. This is happening on a national level as well. Obama is meeting with resistance to every single thing he tries to do. He picks a man who has won the Nobel prize for economics for the Federal reserve Board, and the "other side" refuses to accept him, saying he's unqualified. There is probably no one on earth more qualified, but they simply want the president to fail. Why anyone would want our president to be a failure is beyond me, but there it is. The same thing is going on right here. It's smarmy political factions breaking off and sniping at one another rather than moving past the negativity to come together to get something, anything, done. The bottom line is, Mr. Knarr is now the alderman. Approve, don't appove, it's reality. Drop all the crap and let's work with this man to get him up to speed and try, TRY to move forward without all the petty he said, she said nonsense. For example, has anyone asked our new mayor if he's contacted the mall people? Where do we stand with that? When he was campaigning he made it sound like that was his first order of business, so can we turn our collective attention to helping out rather than tearing down and accusing? This constant sniping accomplishes nothing except letting you vent your spleen, and we are supposed adults. Can we grow up and stop throwing rocks at those we don't like, please?


12:43 PM, June 24, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12;43 PM Blogger: "Observation," some of us in Ward Two are not at all happy with the the methods used by these four to railroad in THEIR CHOICE!

Your right Crestwood is but a microcosm of National politics, but good people did nothing on the National scene and look where it got us!

Our boys and girls on that Dias are playing fast and loose with the very bedrock of Crestwood, namely the Charter, and I will not let that go!

Remember De Tocqueville remark, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing?' I do and I will not let it happen here if there is ANYTHING I can do to prevent it.

Tom Ford

4:53 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L. I love what you said and I concur 150%. This is the first time I have read a comment that makes the most sense to me. You are brilliant and your words well stated.

And Tom you love the history of this country and you quote people all the time. So I will quote Abe Lincoln: "A house divided against itself will FALL". And if continued as is - We Will Fall, I guarantee you that.

I cannot say that I am happy with the way the vote for Mosby was conducted; but when does this all end?

"L" Please comment more often - I get frustrated when I seem to be the only one who is trying to look at everything without prejudice.

Some of the bantor on this blog keeps going on and on. People who want nothing more than to keep hammering the same thing all the time about Mosby, basing everything on the fact that these four need to be brought to trial for their vote. They cannot seem to get past it. Even when the city attorney says they did nothing wrong!!!

After racking my brain about why they are so adamant to separate these four people from others on the board goes back to the same dang thing as in the past. These four I found out had no problems with Roy and so, therefore, others on the board will never agree with what they do, or say, right or wrong. OMG - I am sure Tom and others have a big fat letter pasted on their backs that says "Roy Lover" and that, I feel, is why this board will stagnate and will never be united and will always be divided.

I feel sorry for Jeff because of it. What a nice young man he is. How he will break those barriers down is beyond me. And I know that Jeff is trying really hard and working hard at his new position.

How about that - it still goes back to their hatred for Roy pure and simple.

My view, my opinion.

5:34 PM, June 24, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:34 PM Blogger; "A house divided will fall." We are not a House divided but rather a house with a leader (Pickel) that has but one agenda, HIS WAY!

These four have and will continue to be a voting block with but one agenda in mind, give away the farm keys!

I am very happy to tell you we are no longer a "House divided," as the four have coalesced most of us into a voting block to be reckoned with.

You live by the vote, you die by the vote (ROBINSON LOST BY A LANDSLIDE IN ALL FOUR WARDS, REMEMBER?"

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, by all means, then, keep sniping and throwing rocks at others, and refusing to try to participate in any growth at all. That's been EVER so helpful thus far. I feel, when I read this blog, like any minute I will hear the playground whistle calling you into class from recess where you were calling names at other kids. It is baseless, useless, and will get you nowhere. I don't think this house will fall neceessarily, but it will continue to spin its wheels, grinding us further into the rut we are already in. As is the favorite phrase on here: How's all this workin' for ya so far? Mr. Ford, you are part of the problem, and not presenting ANY form of a solution. Yelling and stamping your foot about "them" and what "they" did is not, by the way, a solution. It saddens me that this is the sort of mind set that too many have here in Crestwood. Their side, our side, it's all insane. We ALL have to live here, we all want things to go well, we all want prosperity.


7:18 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:18 "L" - boy it is sure nice to hear someone else say it so well.

7:28 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:06 Tom how could we forget it when you keep reminding us about the vote. Like I said, Roy is still stuck in your throat and you just cannot let your hatred for him go.

You must be haunted by this every day. And even now you are really not satisfied although he lost the election by big numbers? Therefore, you are now acting like a judge and jury and going after the four that you feel were OK with Roy while serving on the board of aldermen? Seems like you feel they deserve death for it. You are always name dropping one or all of the four or some of the four - and really are acting like everyone has to see it your way; I don't know where you got the idea that Pickel (who is now in your crosshairs) wants things his way. And you want to get a petition going on Duncan to get her out. Why such violent behavior and wanting these things with so much angst.

Gosh: And your conclusion about Pickel wanting things his way, but you never saw that in people like Greer who wanted only superior beings that he picked to be part of his clan? How did you miss that one.

You are tearing people apart pretty good with very fiscious remarks, Tom.

7:45 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are mistaking a difference of opinion as "a house divided against itself." The BOA is not a house divided against itself. Every single one of the aldermen on the dais likely wants the same basic things for Crestwood, but each has his own opinion as to how to achieve those things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having representatives whose opinions differ, and who sometimes find it difficult to compromise; that's what happens in a democracy.
There is also nothing wrong with residents who feel passionately about how their representatives are performing, and who are willing to express their approval or disapproval.

Contrary to opinions held by some on this blog, the BOA is moving the business of the city forward; there are far more issues on which they agree than differ. Check the records. It is only those few hot-button issues which draw attention, and inspire residents to voice their opinions and take their representatives to task. Again, nothing wrong with this as it is a necessary part of the democratic process.

Martha Duchild

8:02 PM, June 24, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The BOA is not a house divided against itself. Every single one of the aldermen on the dais likely wants the same basic things for Crestwood, but each has his own opinion as to how to achieve those things."

Glad to hear it. I doubt Mr. Ford agrees, bu I hope you're right. Where I saw differing opinions, many here saw conspiracies and skulking back room deals. I certainly hope cooler, reasonable heads prevail, or it won't be a lack of funding that ruins this city.

9:19 PM, June 24, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:45 PM Blogger: You should get a job rewriting history books my friend.

Look back and you will find that I was all over Greer on this Blog.

I call them as I see them, pure and simple. Greer was wrong, Pickel and company ARE wrong, and like it or not, I say so.

If this is getting to be a bit much for you why not try to start your own Blog where you too can tell us how wonderful things are in your world.

Tom Ford

8:11 AM, June 25, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:34 PM Blogger; I was rereading some of President Abe Lincoln's quotes on "Dales Blog" today, and this one struck me as being an answer to your "house divided" quote.

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.”

by Abraham Lincoln, 4 April 1861

Now I am not advocating overthrowing or dismembering Crestwood's Government, but it is nice to know it's still a right of the people, no?

Tom Ford

11:56 AM, June 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:45 PM, June 24, 2011

Wait a minute, wait a minute. You are jumping on Tom Ford for his criticisms of Roy Robinson while you bash Greer - who need I remind you has passed several years ago?

1:02 PM, June 26, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:09 PM, June 27, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 7:09 What is going on here? You think that "Sandy" is the only one who ever knew first hand what Greer was all about? You are wrong, my friend. And just because Mr. Greer is no longer with us, his stench still remains on the premises, and you money mongers that are so concerned about the city being broke, should go back and research how much money he cost the city since you are all about dollars and cents.

If you have ever spoken to some of our cops, you would know first hand what Greer was all about and "Sandy" or "whoever" is not by herself.

What are you afraid of the boogie man? Greer only has to answer to one person now - and that is totally out of your hands and mine.

He has finally met up with somebody "greater" and "more powerful" than himself. That should be a treat to see. I am sure he is singing "Oh Lord It's Hard To Be Humble, When your Perfect in every way!!!!

So....put a sock in it.

4:31 PM, June 28, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:09 PM Blogger: Remember the rules here? If your going o make accusations against someone, SIGN YOUR NAME so they can fight back!

I assume your not a small child who can't stick up for him/her self, so sign it or forget it!

Tom Ford

5:01 PM, June 28, 2011  

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