New Crestwood summer business in front of the Sappington Tea barn now open.

I received this email from a young entrepreneur who has opened a snow cone and special tea-ices stand in front of the Sappington Tea barn, and would like you to visit and try a snow cone.
"I am emailing regarding getting the word out about Spoke Cones Snow Cones and Special-'Tea' Ices through the Crestwood blog. Spoke Cones is located in front of the Sappington Tea Barn right off Grants Trail. It is open Thursday thru Saturday from 11-2, but is soon expanding hours. Spoke Cones opened on June 16 and is widely frequented by bikers, walkers, and runners but is open to anyone. Spoke Cones offers a variety of snow cone flavors and flavored teas all for a price of $1. Email me with any questions. Attached is my flier."
(I could not open the flier to attach it.)
Thank you,
Mary Nauert
Please visit her and support her Crestwood business!
Tom Ford
NO. 897
Good to hear that!! It is so exciting to hear of a new business coming into Crestwood.
Me and my husband have lived here for 15 years. I must tell you that we love Crestwood. Call me a sentimentalist, but I have a lot of memories here. My grandma and aunt lived here when I was a child. Remember when the mall was thriving and everyone wanted to shop here. I have too many memories to mention here.
So, on a positive note...I think we should talk up our City and submit something to KMOV channel 4 about our lovely City. They have already talked about Ballwin Days, O'Fallon (being the safest City to live in). We have so much to offer here, and we take it all for granted. We have low crime (great police department), great fire department (last time we called them they were here in a heart beat), low taxes, great neighborhoods, school district, etc. Instead of talking negatively about our City officials, aldermen, etc., I think we should concentrate on what we have to offer here to bring in new businesses, new homeowners, etc. We should be proud of our City. If we are not proud, how could we expect anyone else to want to live here or come to visit?
My husband and I went to fairly new restaurant in Sappington Square, San Jose Mexican Restaurant. You couldn't ask for a better dining experience. The food was great, the service was superb, outside dining (we love that), reasonable prices.
It truly hurts my heart to see Crestwood represented in a negative light. So, let's be proud of our City and "talk it up"...Take care and God bless...
5:46 PM Blogger: Good for you! Why not invite the media to "take a look at Crestwood" for a change?
I am believe that "the patch" would be very happy to do a layout on Crestwood if we have a spokesman. (Are you interested?)
Tom Ford
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